/** * @brief Callback routine of the dialog * @param pMsg: pointer to a data structure of type WM_MESSAGE * @retval None */ static void _cbDialog(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { WM_HWIN hItem, hClient; int NCode; int Id, Index, newpos; GUI_RECT r; int ItemNbr; static char tmp[FILEMGR_FILE_NAME_SIZE]; switch (pMsg->MsgId) { case WM_INIT_DIALOG: pVideoList = (FILELIST_FileTypeDef *)k_malloc(sizeof(FILELIST_FileTypeDef)); pFileInfo = (CHOOSEFILE_INFO *)k_malloc(sizeof(CHOOSEFILE_INFO)); pVideoList->ptr = 0; PlayerSettings.d32 = k_BkupRestoreParameter(CALIBRATION_VIDEOPLAYER_SETTING_BKP); /* Initialization of 'Listview' */ hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST); LISTVIEW_AddColumn(hItem, 120, "Video", GUI_TA_VCENTER | GUI_TA_LEFT); LISTVIEW_SetGridVis(hItem, 0); LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollV(hItem, 1); LISTVIEW_SetBkColor(hItem, LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL, GUI_BLACK); LISTVIEW_SetTextColor(hItem, LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL, GUI_CYAN); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(173, 172, 35, 35, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_STOP_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_stop); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(41, 172, 35, 35, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_PREVIOUS_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_previous); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(81, 159, 50, 50, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_PLAY_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_play); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(134, 172, 35, 35, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_NEXT_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_next); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(212, 177, 70, 30, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_ADD_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_add); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(213, 143, 70, 30, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_OPEN_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_open); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(1, 173, 30, 30, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_REPEAT_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_repeat); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(287, 177, 30, 30, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_CLOSE_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_close); hItem = BUTTON_CreateEx(184, 137, 25, 25, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, ID_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON); WM_SetCallback(hItem, _cbButton_fullscreen); hClient = WM_GetClientWindow(pMsg->hWin); WM_GetClientRectEx(hClient, &r); hFrame = WM_CreateWindowAsChild(r.x0 + 5, r.y0 + 5, r.x1 - 119, r.y1 - 80, hClient, WM_CF_SHOW, _cbVideoWindow , 0); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_PLAY_BUTTON); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_PROGRESS_SLIDER); SLIDER_SetNumTicks(hItem, 25); WM_CreateWindowAsChild(319, 220, 1, 1, pMsg->hWin, WM_CF_SHOW | WM_CF_HASTRANS, _cbMediaConnection , 0); break; case WM_TIMER: Id = WM_GetTimerId(pMsg->Data.v); if (Id == ID_PLAYLIST_TIMER) { playlist_select = 0; } break; case WM_DELETE: k_BkupSaveParameter(CALIBRATION_VIDEOPLAYER_SETTING_BKP, PlayerSettings.d32); WM_DeleteTimer(hPlaylistTimer); break; case WM_NOTIFY_PARENT: Id = WM_GetId(pMsg->hWinSrc); NCode = pMsg->Data.v; if (NCode == WM_NOTIFICATION_CHILD_DELETED) { if(pMsg->hWinSrc == chooser_openfile) { if((strstr(pFileInfo->pRoot, ".emf")) || (strstr(pFileInfo->pRoot, ".EMF"))) { pVideoList->ptr = 0; strcpy((char *)pVideoList->file[pVideoList->ptr].name, pFileInfo->pRoot); FILEMGR_GetFileOnly (tmp, pFileInfo->pRoot); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST); /* Update Play list */ strcpy((char *)pVideoList->file[pVideoList->ptr].name, pFileInfo->pRoot); ItemNbr = LISTVIEW_GetNumRows(hItem); while(ItemNbr--) { LISTVIEW_DeleteRow(hItem, ItemNbr); } LISTVIEW_AddRow(hItem, NULL); LISTVIEW_SetItemText(hItem, 0, pVideoList->ptr, tmp); pVideoList->ptr++; file_pos = 0; LISTVIEW_SetSel(hItem, 0); _StartPlay((char *)pVideoList->file[file_pos].name); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_PLAY_BUTTON); WM_InvalidateWindow(hItem); WM_Update(hItem); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); } chooser_openfile = 0; } if(pMsg->hWinSrc == chooser_addfolder) { if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { GUI_MOVIE_Play(hMovie); } _AddEntireFolder(pFileInfo->pRoot); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); chooser_addfolder = 0; } if(pMsg->hWinSrc == chooser_add2playlist) { if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { GUI_MOVIE_Play(hMovie); } if((strstr(pFileInfo->pRoot, ".emf")) || (strstr(pFileInfo->pRoot, ".EMF"))) { if(pVideoList->ptr < FILEMGR_LIST_DEPDTH) { strcpy((char *)pVideoList->file[pVideoList->ptr].name, pFileInfo->pRoot); FILEMGR_GetFileOnly ((char *)tmp, (char *)pFileInfo->pRoot); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST); LISTVIEW_AddRow(hItem, NULL); LISTVIEW_SetItemText(hItem, 0, pVideoList->ptr, tmp); pVideoList->ptr++; } } WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); chooser_add2playlist = 0; } } switch(Id) { /* Notification sent by "Close Button" */ case ID_FULL_SCREEN_BUTTON: switch (NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if( VideoPlayer_State != VIDEO_IDLE) { _ShowFullScreen(); } break; } break; /* Notifications sent by 'Add' Button */ case ID_ADD_BUTTON: switch(NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if((chooser_openfile == 0) && (chooser_addfolder == 0) && (chooser_add2playlist == 0)) { pFileInfo->pfGetData = k_GetData; pFileInfo->pMask = acMask_video; chooser_add2playlist = CHOOSEFILE_Create(pMsg->hWin, 20, 20, 200, 150, apDrives, GUI_COUNTOF(apDrives), 0, "Add video file to playlist", 0, pFileInfo); if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { GUI_MOVIE_Pause(hMovie); } } break; } break; /* Notifications sent by 'Open' Button */ case ID_OPEN_BUTTON: switch(NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if((chooser_openfile == 0) && (chooser_addfolder == 0) && (chooser_add2playlist == 0)) { pFileInfo->pfGetData = k_GetData; pFileInfo->pMask = acMask_dir; chooser_addfolder = CHOOSEFILE_Create(pMsg->hWin, 20, 20, 200, 150, apDrives, GUI_COUNTOF(apDrives), 0, "Add a folder", 0, pFileInfo); if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { GUI_MOVIE_Pause(hMovie); } } break; } break; /* Notification sent by "Full Screen button" */ case ID_CLOSE_BUTTON: switch (NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: k_free(pVideoList); k_free(pFileInfo); _StopPlay(); GUI_EndDialog(pMsg->hWin, 0); break; } break; /* Notification sent by "Play Button" */ case ID_PLAY_BUTTON: switch(NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_IDLE) { if (pVideoList->ptr > 0) { _StartPlay((char *)pVideoList->file[file_pos].name); LISTVIEW_SetSel(WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST), file_pos); } else { pFileInfo->pfGetData = k_GetData; pFileInfo->pMask = acMask_video; chooser_openfile = CHOOSEFILE_Create(pMsg->hWin, 20, 20, 200, 150, apDrives, GUI_COUNTOF(apDrives), 0, "Open a video file", 0, pFileInfo); } } else if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { _PausePlay(); } else if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PAUSE) { _ResumePlay(); } break; } break; case ID_REPEAT_BUTTON: if(NCode == WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED) { hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_REPEAT_BUTTON); if(PlayerSettings.b.repeat == REPEAT_NONE) { PlayerSettings.b.repeat = REPEAT_ONCE; } else if(PlayerSettings.b.repeat == REPEAT_ONCE) { PlayerSettings.b.repeat = REPEAT_ALL; } else if(PlayerSettings.b.repeat == REPEAT_ALL) { PlayerSettings.b.repeat = REPEAT_NONE; } } break; case ID_STOP_BUTTON: _StopPlay(); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_PROGRESS_SLIDER); SLIDER_SetValue(hItem, 0); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); break; case ID_NEXT_BUTTON: switch(NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if(file_pos < (pVideoList->ptr - 1)) { /* Play Next */ file_pos++; LISTVIEW_IncSel(WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST)); } else if(PlayerSettings.b.repeat == REPEAT_ALL) { file_pos = 0; LISTVIEW_SetSel(WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST), file_pos); } if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { _StopPlay(); _StartPlay((char *)pVideoList->file[file_pos].name); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); } break; } break; case ID_PREVIOUS_BUTTON: switch(NCode) { case WM_NOTIFICATION_RELEASED: if( pVideoList->ptr > 0) { if(file_pos > 0) { file_pos--; LISTVIEW_DecSel(WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST)); } else if(PlayerSettings.b.repeat == REPEAT_ALL) { file_pos = (pVideoList->ptr - 1); LISTVIEW_SetSel(WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST), file_pos); } if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { _StopPlay(); _StartPlay((char *)pVideoList->file[file_pos].name); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); } } break; } break; /* Notifications sent by 'progress' Slider */ case ID_PROGRESS_SLIDER: if(NCode == WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED) { if(VideoPlayer_State != VIDEO_IDLE) { GUI_MOVIE_Pause(hMovie); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_PROGRESS_SLIDER); newpos = (SLIDER_GetValue(hItem) * Video_Info.NumFrames)/100; GUI_MOVIE_GotoFrame(hMovie, newpos); if(VideoPlayer_State == VIDEO_PLAY) { GUI_MOVIE_Play(hMovie); } } } break; /* Notifications sent by 'ListView' Slider */ case ID_VIDEO_LIST: if(NCode == WM_NOTIFICATION_CLICKED) { hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(pMsg->hWin, ID_VIDEO_LIST); Index = LISTVIEW_GetSel(hItem); if(Index < pVideoList->ptr) { file_pos = Index; if(playlist_select == 0) { hPlaylistTimer = WM_CreateTimer(pMsg->hWin, ID_PLAYLIST_TIMER, 500, 0); playlist_select = (Index + 1); } else if(playlist_select == (Index + 1)) { WM_DeleteTimer(hPlaylistTimer); hPlaylistTimer = 0; playlist_select = 0; if(Index < pVideoList->ptr) { if(VideoPlayer_State != VIDEO_IDLE) { _StopPlay(); } _StartPlay((char *)pVideoList->file[Index].name); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(VIDEOPLAYER_hWin, ID_PLAY_BUTTON); WM_InvalidateWindow(hItem); WM_Update(hItem); WM_InvalidateWindow(hFrame); } } } } break; } break; default: WM_DefaultProc(pMsg); break; } }
/** * @brief callback for audio process * @param pMsg: pointer to data structure of type WM_MESSAGE * @retval None */ static void _cbAudioProcess(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { uint32_t Id; WM_HWIN hItem; char tmp[] = "00:00"; long progress; uint32_t duration; switch (pMsg->MsgId) { case WM_CREATE: hProcessTimer = WM_CreateTimer(pMsg->hWin, ID_PROCESS_TIMER, 1000, 0); break; case WM_TIMER: Id = WM_GetTimerId(pMsg->Data.v); if(Id == ID_PROCESS_TIMER) { if(AUDIOPLAYER_GetState() == AUDIOPLAYER_PLAY) { progress = AUDIOPLAYER_GetProgress(); /*Set elapsed time */ duration = progress / WavInfo.ByteRate; sprintf((char *)tmp , "%02lu:%02lu", duration/60, duration%60 ); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(AUDIOPLAYER_hWin, ID_ELAPSED_TIME); TEXT_SetText(hItem, tmp); /* Set progress slider position */ hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(AUDIOPLAYER_hWin, ID_DURATION_SLIDER); progress = (long)(progress/(WavInfo.FileSize/100)); SLIDER_SetValue(hItem, progress); WM_Update(hItem); } AUDIOPLAYER_Process(); WM_RestartTimer(pMsg->Data.v, 1000); } else if (Id == ID_PLAYLIST_TIMER) { playlist_select = 0; } break; case WM_DELETE: WM_DeleteTimer(hProcessTimer); if(hPlaylistTimer) { WM_DeleteTimer(hPlaylistTimer); hPlaylistTimer = 0; } break; default: WM_DefaultProc(pMsg); } }
/** * @brief Callback function of the image frame * @param pMsg: pointer to data structure of type WM_MESSAGE * @retval None */ static void _cbImageWindow(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { WM_HWIN hItem; GUI_RECT r; int Id; const GUI_PID_STATE * pState; switch (pMsg->MsgId) { case WM_TOUCH: pState = (const GUI_PID_STATE *)pMsg->Data.p; if(pImageList->ptr > 0) { if (pState) { if (pState->Pressed == 1) { IMAGE_Enlarge ^= 1; if (IMAGE_Enlarge) { WM_AttachWindowAt(pMsg->hWin, WM_HBKWIN, 0, 0); WM_SetSize(pMsg->hWin, LCD_GetXSize(), LCD_GetYSize()); } else { WM_AttachWindowAt(pMsg->hWin, IMAGE_hWin, 6, 6); WM_SetSize(pMsg->hWin, 220, 134); } WM_InvalidateWindow(pMsg->hWin); } } } break; case WM_PAINT: WM_GetInsideRect(&r); GUI_ClearRectEx(&r); if (pImageList->ptr > 0) { if(_DrawImage(&Image_File, IMAGE_Enlarge, IMAGE_Type) > 0) { f_close(&Image_File); GUI_ClearRectEx(&r); GUI_DispStringAt("Error : Image cannot be displayed", 20, 80); if(hTimerTime != 0) { slideshow_state = OFF; hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(IMAGE_hWin, ID_SLIDE_BUTTON); WM_InvalidateWindow(hItem); WM_Update(hItem); WM_DeleteTimer(hTimerTime); hTimerTime = 0; } } } break; case WM_TIMER: Id = WM_GetTimerId(pMsg->Data.v); if(Id == ID_SLIDER_TIMER) { if(pImageList->ptr > 1) { if (file_pos < (pImageList->ptr - 1)) { file_pos++; } else if (file_pos == (pImageList->ptr - 1)) { file_pos=0; } if((strstr((char *)pImageList->file[file_pos].name, ".bmp")) || (strstr((char *)pImageList->file[file_pos].name, ".BMP"))) { IMAGE_Type = IMAGE_TYPE_BMP; } else if((strstr((char *)pImageList->file[file_pos].name, ".jpg")) || (strstr((char *)pImageList->file[file_pos].name, ".JPG"))) { IMAGE_Type = IMAGE_TYPE_JPG; } f_close(&Image_File); f_open(&Image_File, (char const *)pImageList->file[file_pos].name, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ); WM_InvalidateWindow(imFrame); hItem = WM_GetDialogItem(IMAGE_hWin, ID_IMAGE_LIST); LISTBOX_SetSel(hItem, file_pos); } WM_RestartTimer(pMsg->Data.v, (ImSettings.b.ss_timer * 1000)); } else if (Id == ID_PLAYLIST_TIMER) { playlist_select = 0; } break; case WM_DELETE: if(hTimerTime != 0) { WM_DeleteTimer(hTimerTime); hTimerTime = 0; } break; default: WM_DefaultProc(pMsg); } }
/** * @brief Callback routine of desktop window status. * @param pMsg: pointer to data structure of type WM_MESSAGE * @retval None */ static void _cbStatus(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg) { int xSize, ySize; static uint8_t TempStr[50]; static WM_HTIMER hTimerTime; static WM_HTIMER hSpriteTime; RTC_TimeTypeDef RTC_Time; RTC_DateTypeDef RTC_DateStructure; uint8_t sec, min, hour, day, month; uint16_t year; WM_HWIN hWin; hWin = pMsg->hWin; switch (pMsg->MsgId) { case WM_CREATE: hTimerTime = WM_CreateTimer(hWin, ID_TIMER_TIME, 1000, 0); if(settings.b.enable_sprite) { hSpriteTime = WM_CreateTimer(hWin, ID_SPRITE_TIME, 50, 0); } break; case WM_DELETE: WM_DeleteTimer(hTimerTime); if(settings.b.enable_sprite) { WM_DeleteTimer(hSpriteTime); } break; case WM_TIMER: if( WM_GetTimerId(pMsg->Data.v) == ID_TIMER_TIME) { WM_InvalidateWindow(hWin); WM_RestartTimer(pMsg->Data.v, 1000); } else if( WM_GetTimerId(pMsg->Data.v) == ID_SPRITE_TIME) { if(settings.b.enable_sprite) { if(SpriteDisabled == 0) { _MoveSprite(&_aSprite[0]); } } WM_RestartTimer(pMsg->Data.v, 100); } break; case WM_PAINT: xSize = WM_GetWindowSizeX(hWin); ySize = WM_GetWindowSizeY(hWin); /* Draw background */ GUI_SetColor(0x40303030); GUI_FillRect(0, 0, xSize , ySize - 3); GUI_SetColor(0x808080); GUI_DrawHLine(ySize - 2, 0, xSize ); GUI_SetColor(0x404040); GUI_DrawHLine(ySize - 1, 0, xSize ); /* Draw time & Date */ GUI_SetTextMode(GUI_TM_TRANS); GUI_SetColor(GUI_WHITE); GUI_SetFont(GUI_FONT_20B_ASCII); k_GetTime(&RTC_Time); sec = RTC_Time.Seconds; min = RTC_Time.Minutes; hour = RTC_Time.Hours; k_GetDate(&RTC_DateStructure); sprintf((char *)TempStr, "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour , min, sec); GUI_DispStringAt((char *)TempStr, xSize - 80, 8); year = RTC_DateStructure.Year + 2014; month = RTC_DateStructure.Month; day = RTC_DateStructure.Date; if((day > 0) && (day <= 31) && (month > 0)&& (month <= 12) && (year >= 1900)) { sprintf((char *)TempStr, "%02d, %s, %04d", day , strMonth[month-1], year); } else { sprintf((char *)TempStr, "01, January, 2014"); } GUI_DispStringHCenterAt((char *)TempStr, xSize / 2, 8); /* USB */ if(k_StorageGetStatus(USB_DISK_UNIT)) { GUI_DrawBitmap(&bmusbdisk, xSize - 110, 8); } /* MSD */ if(k_StorageGetStatus(MSD_DISK_UNIT)) { GUI_DrawBitmap(&bmmicrosd, xSize - 110 - 35 * k_StorageGetStatus(USB_DISK_UNIT) , 8); } sprintf((char *)TempStr, "CPU : %d %%", osGetCPUUsage()); if(osGetCPUUsage() > 95 ) { /* waiting for user input when using dialog box*/ sprintf((char *)TempStr, "CPU : 95 %%"); } GUI_DispStringAt( (char *)TempStr, 70, 8); break; default: WM_DefaultProc(pMsg); } }