文件: discovery.c 项目: ccpgames/wine
static void CreateDiscoveryPublisher_XMLContext_tests(void)
    IWSDiscoveryPublisher *publisher = NULL;
    IWSDXMLContext *xmlContext, *returnedContext;
    HRESULT rc;
    int ref;

    /* Test creating an XML context and supplying it to WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher */
    rc = WSDXMLCreateContext(&xmlContext);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDXMLCreateContext failed: %08x\n", rc);

    rc = WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(xmlContext, &publisher);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(xmlContext, &publisher) failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(publisher != NULL, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(xmlContext, &publisher) failed: publisher == NULL\n");

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_GetXMLContext(publisher, NULL);
    ok(rc == E_INVALIDARG, "GetXMLContext returned unexpected value with NULL argument: %08x\n", rc);

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_GetXMLContext(publisher, &returnedContext);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "GetXMLContext failed: %08x\n", rc);

    ok(xmlContext == returnedContext, "GetXMLContext returned unexpected value: returnedContext == %p\n", returnedContext);

    ref = IWSDXMLContext_Release(returnedContext);
    ok(ref == 2, "IWSDXMLContext_Release() has %d references, should have 2\n", ref);

    ref = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release(publisher);
    ok(ref == 0, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref);

    ref = IWSDXMLContext_Release(returnedContext);
    ok(ref == 0, "IWSDXMLContext_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref);

    /* Test using a default XML context */
    publisher = NULL;
    returnedContext = NULL;

    rc = WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: %08x\n", rc);
    ok(publisher != NULL, "WSDCreateDiscoveryPublisher(NULL, &publisher) failed: publisher == NULL\n");

    rc = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_GetXMLContext(publisher, &returnedContext);
    ok(rc == S_OK, "GetXMLContext failed: %08x\n", rc);

    ref = IWSDXMLContext_Release(returnedContext);
    ok(ref == 1, "IWSDXMLContext_Release() has %d references, should have 1\n", ref);

    ref = IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release(publisher);
    ok(ref == 0, "IWSDiscoveryPublisher_Release() has %d references, should have 0\n", ref);
// <HostBuilderImplementation>
HRESULT CreateStockQuoteHost(
                LPCWSTR pszDeviceAddress,
                const WSD_THIS_DEVICE_METADATA* pThisDeviceMetadata,
                IStockQuote* pIStockQuote,
                IWSDDeviceHost** ppHostOut,
                IWSDXMLContext** ppContextOut)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IWSDXMLContext* pContext = NULL;
    IWSDDeviceHost* pHost = NULL;

    // Validate parameters
    if( NULL == pszDeviceAddress )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( NULL == pThisDeviceMetadata )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // pIStockQuote is optional
    if( NULL == ppHostOut )
        return E_POINTER;

    // ppContextOut is optional

    *ppHostOut = NULL;
    if( NULL != ppContextOut )
        *ppContextOut = NULL;

    // Create XML context for namespace and type registration
    hr = WSDXMLCreateContext(&pContext);

    // Register types used by the service
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = StockQuoteRegisterTypes(pContext);

    // Register namespaces used by the service
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = StockQuoteRegisterNamespaces(pContext);

    // Create device host
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = WSDCreateDeviceHost(pszDeviceAddress, pContext, &pHost);

    // Register port types
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = pHost->RegisterPortType(&PortType_StockQuotePortType);

    // Set metadata
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = pHost->SetMetadata(&thisModelMetadata, pThisDeviceMetadata, &hostMetadata, NULL);

    // Register services and set discoverability
    if( S_OK == hr && pIStockQuote != NULL )
        hr = pHost->RegisterService(L"http://example.com/stockquote/definitions/StockQuotePortType0", pIStockQuote);

    // Cleanup
    if( S_OK == hr && ppContextOut )
        *ppContextOut = pContext;
        if( NULL != pContext )

    if( S_OK == hr )
        *ppHostOut = pHost;
        if( NULL != pHost )

    return hr;
// <ProxyBuilderImplementations>
HRESULT CreateCStockQuoteProxy(
    LPCWSTR pszDeviceAddress,
    LPCWSTR pszLocalAddress,
    CStockQuoteProxy** ppProxyOut,
    IWSDXMLContext** ppContextOut)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IWSDXMLContext* pContext = NULL;
    IWSDDeviceProxy* pDeviceProxy = NULL;
    IWSDServiceProxy* pServiceProxy = NULL;
    CStockQuoteProxy* pProxy = NULL;

    // Validate parameters
    if( NULL == pszDeviceAddress )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( NULL == pszLocalAddress )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    if( NULL == ppProxyOut )
        return E_POINTER;

    // ppContextOut is optional

    *ppProxyOut = NULL;
    if( NULL != ppContextOut )
        *ppContextOut = NULL;

    // Create XML context for namespace and type registration
    hr = WSDXMLCreateContext(&pContext);

    // Register types used by the service
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = StockQuoteRegisterTypes(pContext);

    // Register namespaces used by the service
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = StockQuoteRegisterNamespaces(pContext);

    // Create a proxy for the device host
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = WSDCreateDeviceProxy(pszDeviceAddress, pszLocalAddress, pContext, &pDeviceProxy);

    // Create a proxy for the service
    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = pDeviceProxy->GetServiceProxyByType(&Names_Definitions[0], &pServiceProxy);

    // Create a proxy for the port type
    if( S_OK == hr )
        pProxy = new CStockQuoteProxy();
        if( NULL == pProxy )
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    if( S_OK == hr )
        hr = pProxy->Init(pServiceProxy);

    // Cleanup
    if( NULL != pServiceProxy )

    if( NULL != pDeviceProxy )

    if( S_OK == hr && ppContextOut )
        *ppContextOut = pContext;
        if( NULL != pContext )

    if( S_OK == hr )
        *ppProxyOut = pProxy;
        if( NULL != pProxy )

    return hr;