bool InputIsoFile::Open( const wxString& srcfile, bool testOnly )
	m_filename = srcfile;
	// Allow write sharing of the iso based on the ini settings.
	// Mostly useful for romhacking, where the disc is frequently
	// changed and the emulator would block modifications
	m_reader = new FlatFileReader(EmuConfig.CdvdShareWrite);

	bool isBlockdump, isCompressed = false;
	if(isBlockdump = BlockdumpFileReader::DetectBlockdump(m_reader))
		delete m_reader;

		BlockdumpFileReader *bdr = new BlockdumpFileReader();;


		m_blockofs = bdr->GetBlockOffset();
		m_blocksize = bdr->GetBlockSize();

		m_reader = bdr;

		ReadUnit = 1;		
	} else if (isCompressed = CompressedFileReader::DetectCompressed(m_reader)) {
		delete m_reader;
		m_reader = CompressedFileReader::GetNewReader(m_filename);

	bool detected = Detect();
		return detected;
	if (!detected)
		throw Exception::BadStream()
			.SetUserMsg(_("Unrecognized ISO image file format"))
			.SetDiagMsg(L"ISO mounting failed: PCSX2 is unable to identify the ISO image type.");

	if(!isBlockdump && !isCompressed)
		ReadUnit = MaxReadUnit;

		// Returns the original reader if single-part or a Multipart reader otherwise
		AsyncFileReader* m_reader_old = m_reader;
		m_reader =	MultipartFileReader::DetectMultipart(m_reader);
		if (m_reader != m_reader_old) // Not the same object the old one need to be deleted
			delete m_reader_old;

	m_blocks = m_reader->GetBlockCount();

	Console.WriteLn(Color_StrongBlue, L"isoFile open ok: %s", WX_STR(m_filename));

	ConsoleIndentScope indent;

	Console.WriteLn("Image type  = %s", nameFromType(m_type)); 
	//Console.WriteLn("Fileparts   = %u", m_numparts); // Pointless print, it's 1 unless it says otherwise above
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blocks      = %u", m_blocks);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("offset      = %d", m_offset);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blocksize   = %u", m_blocksize);
	DevCon.WriteLn ("blockoffset = %d", m_blockofs);

	return true;
// Portable installations are assumed to be run in either administrator rights mode, or run
// from "insecure media" such as a removable flash drive.  In these cases, the default path for
// PCSX2 user documents becomes ".", which is the current working directory.
// Portable installation mode is typically enabled via the presence of an INI file in the
// same directory that PCSX2 is installed to.
wxConfigBase* Pcsx2App::TestForPortableInstall()
	InstallationMode = InstallMode_Registered;

	const wxFileName portableIniFile( GetPortableIniPath() );
	const wxDirName portableDocsFolder( portableIniFile.GetPath() );

	if (Startup.PortableMode || portableIniFile.FileExists())
		wxString FilenameStr = portableIniFile.GetFullPath();
		if (Startup.PortableMode)
			Console.WriteLn( L"(UserMode) Portable mode requested via commandline switch!" );
			Console.WriteLn( L"(UserMode) Found portable install ini @ %s", WX_STR(FilenameStr) );

		// Just because the portable ini file exists doesn't mean we can actually run in portable
		// mode.  In order to determine our read/write permissions to the PCSX2, we must try to
		// modify the configured documents folder, and catch any ensuing error.

		std::unique_ptr<wxFileConfig> conf_portable( OpenFileConfig( portableIniFile.GetFullPath() ) );

		while( true )
			wxString accessFailedStr, createFailedStr;
			if (TestUserPermissionsRights( portableDocsFolder, createFailedStr, accessFailedStr )) break;
			wxDialogWithHelpers dialog( NULL, AddAppName(_("Portable mode error - %s")) );

			wxTextCtrl* scrollText = new wxTextCtrl(
				&dialog, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,

			if (!createFailedStr.IsEmpty())
				scrollText->AppendText( createFailedStr + L"\n" );

			if (!accessFailedStr.IsEmpty())
				scrollText->AppendText( accessFailedStr + L"\n" );

			dialog += dialog.Heading( _("PCSX2 has been installed as a portable application but cannot run due to the following errors:" ) );
			dialog += scrollText | pxExpand.Border(wxALL, 16);
			dialog += 6;
			dialog += dialog.Text( GetMsg_PortableModeRights() );
			// [TODO] : Add url for platform-relevant user permissions tutorials?  (low priority)

			wxWindowID result = pxIssueConfirmation( dialog,
				MsgButtons().Retry().Cancel().Custom(_("Switch to User Documents Mode"), "switchmode")
			switch (result)
				case wxID_CANCEL:
					throw Exception::StartupAborted( L"User canceled portable mode due to insufficient user access/permissions." );

				case wxID_RETRY:
					// do nothing (continues while loop)
				case pxID_CUSTOM:
					wxDialogWithHelpers dialog2( NULL, AddAppName(_("%s is switching to local install mode.")) );
					dialog2 += dialog2.Heading( _("Try to remove the file called \"portable.ini\" from your installation directory manually." ) );
					dialog2 += 6;
					pxIssueConfirmation( dialog2, MsgButtons().OK() );
					return NULL;

		// Success -- all user-based folders have write access.  PCSX2 should be able to run error-free!
		// Force-set the custom documents mode, and set the 

		InstallationMode = InstallMode_Portable;
		DocsFolderMode = DocsFolder_Custom;
		CustomDocumentsFolder = portableDocsFolder;
		return conf_portable.release();
	return NULL;
文件: System.cpp 项目: nE0sIghT/pcsx2
// This function should be called once during program execution.
void SysLogMachineCaps()
	if ( !PCSX2_isReleaseVersion )
		Console.WriteLn(Color_StrongGreen, "PCSX2 %u.%u.%u-%lld %s"
			"- compiled on " __DATE__
			, PCSX2_VersionHi, PCSX2_VersionMid, PCSX2_VersionLo,
			SVN_REV, SVN_MODS ? "(modded)" : ""
	else { // shorter release version string
		Console.WriteLn(Color_StrongGreen, "PCSX2 %u.%u.%u-%lld"
			"- compiled on " __DATE__
			, PCSX2_VersionHi, PCSX2_VersionMid, PCSX2_VersionLo,
			SVN_REV );

	Console.WriteLn( "Savestate version: 0x%x", g_SaveVersion);

	Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlack, "Host Machine Init:" );

		L"Operating System =  %s\n"
		L"Physical RAM     =  %u MB",

		(u32)(GetPhysicalMemory() / _1mb)

	u32 speed = x86caps.CalculateMHz();

		L"CPU name         =  %s\n"
		L"Vendor/Model     =  %s (stepping %02X)\n"
		L"CPU speed        =  %u.%03u ghz (%u logical thread%ls)\n"
		L"x86PType         =  %s\n"
		L"x86Flags         =  %08x %08x\n"
		L"x86EFlags        =  %08x",
			WX_STR(fromUTF8( x86caps.FamilyName ).Trim().Trim(false)),
			WX_STR(fromUTF8( x86caps.VendorName )), x86caps.StepID,
			speed / 1000, speed % 1000,
			x86caps.LogicalCores, (x86caps.LogicalCores==1) ? L"" : L"s",
			x86caps.Flags, x86caps.Flags2,


	wxArrayString features[2];	// 2 lines, for readability!

	if( x86caps.hasStreamingSIMD2Extensions )		features[0].Add( L"SSE2" );
	if( x86caps.hasStreamingSIMD3Extensions )		features[0].Add( L"SSE3" );
	if( x86caps.hasSupplementalStreamingSIMD3Extensions ) features[0].Add( L"SSSE3" );
	if( x86caps.hasStreamingSIMD4Extensions )		features[0].Add( L"SSE4.1" );
	if( x86caps.hasStreamingSIMD4Extensions2 )		features[0].Add( L"SSE4.2" );
	if( x86caps.hasAVX )							features[0].Add( L"AVX" );
	if( x86caps.hasAVX2 )							features[0].Add( L"AVX2" );
	if( x86caps.hasFMA)								features[0].Add( L"FMA" );

	if( x86caps.hasStreamingSIMD4ExtensionsA )		features[1].Add( L"SSE4a " );

	const wxString result[2] =
		JoinString( features[0], L".. " ),
		JoinString( features[1], L".. " )

	Console.WriteLn( Color_StrongBlack,	L"x86 Features Detected:" );
	Console.Indent().WriteLn( result[0] + (result[1].IsEmpty() ? L"" : (L"\n" + result[1])) );
		if (THREAD_VU1)
			cpuUsage.Write(L" | VU: %3d%%", m_CpuUsage.GetVUPct());

		pxNonReleaseCode(cpuUsage.Write(L" | UI: %3d%%", m_CpuUsage.GetEEcorePct());)

	const u64& smode2 = *(u64*)PS2GS_BASE(GS_SMODE2);

	SetTitle( pxsFmt( L"Slot %d | Speed%ls: %3d%% (%.02f)%ls | %ls-%ls | %s",
		limiterStr, lround(per), fps,
		(smode2 & 2) ? L"frame" : L"field",
		(smode2 & 1) ? L"i" : L"p",

void GSFrame::OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& evt )
	if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;

	if( wxWindow* gsPanel = GetViewport() ) gsPanel->SetFocus();

void GSFrame::OnMove( wxMoveEvent& evt )
	if( IsBeingDeleted() ) return;
文件: i18n.cpp 项目: Aced14/pcsx2
// This method sets the requested language, based on wxLanguage id and an optional 'confirmation'
// canonical code.  If the canonical code is provided, it is used to confirm that the ID matches
// the intended language/dialect.  If the ID and canonical do not match, this method will use
// wx's FindLAnguageInfo to provide a "best guess" canonical match (usually relying on the user's
// operating system default).
// Rationale: wxWidgets language IDs are just simple enums, and not especially unique.  Future
// versions of PCSX2 may have language ID changes if built against new/different versions of wx.
// To prevent PCSX2 from selecting a completely wrong language when upgraded, we double-check
// the wxLanguage code against the canonical name.  We can't simply use canonical names either
// because those are not unique (dialects of chinese, for example), and wx returns the generic
// form over a specific dialect, when given a choice.  Thus a two-tier check is required.
//  wxLanguage for specific dialect, and canonical as a fallback/safeguard in case the wxLanguage
//  id appears to be out of date.
bool i18n_SetLanguage( wxLanguage wxLangId, const wxString& langCode )
	const wxLanguageInfo* info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(wxLangId);

	// Check if you can load a similar language in case the current one is not yet provided
	if (info) {
		wxLanguage LangId_fallback = i18n_FallbackToAnotherLang((wxLanguage)info->Language);
		if (LangId_fallback != (wxLanguage)info->Language)
			info = wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(LangId_fallback);

	// note: language canonical name mismatch probably means wxWidgets version changed since 
	// the user's ini file was provided.  Missing/invalid ID probably means the same thing.
	// If either is true, and the caller provided a canonical name, then let wx do a best
	// match based on the canonical name.

	if (!info || (!langCode.IsEmpty() && (langCode.CmpNoCase(info->CanonicalName) != 0)))
		if (!info)
			Console.Warning( "Invalid language identifier (wxID=%d)", wxLangId );

		if (!langCode.IsEmpty() && (langCode.CmpNoCase(L"default")!=0))
			info = wxLocale::FindLanguageInfo(langCode);
			if (!info)
				Console.Warning( "Unrecognized language canonical name '%ls'", WX_STR(langCode) );

	if (!info) return false;
	if (wxGetLocale() && (info->Language == wxGetLocale()->GetLanguage())) return true;
	std::unique_ptr<wxLocale> locale(new wxLocale(info->Language));

	if( !locale->IsOk() )
		Console.Warning( L"SetLanguage: '%s' [%s] is not supported by the operating system",
			WX_STR(i18n_GetBetterLanguageName(info)), WX_STR(locale->GetCanonicalName())
		return false;

	wxLangId = (wxLanguage)locale->GetLanguage();
	if (wxLangId == wxLANGUAGE_UNKNOWN)
		Console.WriteLn("System-default language is unknown?  Defaulting back to English/US.");

	// English/US is built in, so no need to load MO/PO files.
	if( pxIsEnglish(wxLangId) )
		return true;
	Console.WriteLn( L"Loading language translation databases for '%s' [%s]",
		WX_STR(i18n_GetBetterLanguageName(info)), WX_STR(locale->GetCanonicalName())

	static const wxChar* dictFiles[] =
	bool foundone = false;
	for (uint i=0; i<ArraySize(dictFiles); ++i)
		if (!dictFiles[i]) continue;

		if (!locale->AddCatalog(dictFiles[i]))
			Console.Indent().WriteLn(Color_StrongYellow, "%ls not found -- translation dictionary may be incomplete.", dictFiles[i]);
			foundone = true;

	if (!foundone)	
		Console.Warning("SetLanguage: Requested translation is not implemented yet.");
		return false;

	return true;