HRESULT CClientSession::DoPutFile( const string& strSrcFile, const string& strDstFile ) { if( !IsFileExist( strSrcFile.c_str() ) ){ return E_NOENT; } //step 1. request passive mode to get the data channel address u_int nPasPort = 0; HRESULT hRet = DoPassive( nPasPort ); if( FAILED(hRet) )return hRet; //step 2. send the put file command. CMessage1Param<char*>* pMsgPut = (CMessage1Param<char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strDstFile.length()+1 ); pMsgPut->Init( NCM_PUTFILE, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strDstFile.c_str() ); CMessageTrash trash1(pMsgPut); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsgPut ); CMessage1Param<int>* pMsgAck = (CMessage1Param<int>*)WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_PUTFILE ); CMessageTrash trash2(pMsgAck); if( !pMsgAck->IsSucceeded() )return pMsgAck->GetResult(); pMsgAck->ntoh( false ); int nFileMode = pMsgAck->GetParam(); //step 3. now the server agrees on the file transfer, connect the data channel and send file SOCKET sock_stream = OpenStream( nPasPort ); if( sock_stream==INVALID_SOCKET )return E_OPENSTREAM; //open the data stream channel. /* CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_OPENSTREAM, GetAddr(), GetServAddr() ); SendMessage( sock_stream, &msg ); CMessageBase* pMsg = RecvMessage<CMessageBase>( sock_stream ); if( pMsg==NULL ){ closesocket( sock_stream ); return E_OPENSTREAM; } CMessageTrash trash3(pMsg); if( pMsg->IsFailed() ){ closesocket( sock_stream ); return pMsg->GetResult(); }*/ //send the file stream int nLen = SendFileEx( sock_stream, strSrcFile.c_str(), nFileMode ); shutdown( sock_stream, SD_BOTH ); closesocket( sock_stream ); //step 4. exchange the error code. CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_STREAMLENGTH, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), nLen ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessageBase* pMsg = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_STREAMLENGTH ); CMessageTrash trash4(pMsg); return pMsg->GetResult(); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoListDir( const string& strPath, EnumNetfEntryProc pEnumProc ) { //step 1. request passive mode to get the data channel address u_int nPasPort = 0; HRESULT hRet = DoPassive( nPasPort ); if( FAILED(hRet) )return hRet; //step 2. send the put file command. CMessage1Param<char*>* pMsgList = (CMessage1Param<char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strPath.length()+1 ); pMsgList->Init( NCM_LISTDIR, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strPath.c_str() ); CMessageTrash trash1(pMsgList); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsgList ); CMessageBase* pMsgAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_LISTDIR ); CMessageTrash trash2(pMsgAck); if( !pMsgAck->IsSucceeded() )return pMsgAck->GetResult(); //step 3. now the server agrees on the file transfer, connect the data channel and send file SOCKET sock_stream = OpenStream( nPasPort ); if( sock_stream==INVALID_SOCKET )return E_OPENSTREAM; //open the data stream channel. /* CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_OPENSTREAM, GetAddr(), GetServAddr() ); SendMessage( sock_stream, &msg ); CMessageBase* pMsg = RecvMessage<CMessageBase>( sock_stream ); if( pMsg==NULL ){ closesocket( sock_stream ); return E_OPENSTREAM; } CMessageTrash trash3(pMsg); if( pMsg->IsFailed() ){ closesocket( sock_stream ); return pMsg->GetResult(); }*/ NETF_ENTRY entry; int nLen = 0; while( true ){ if( RecvBuffer( sock_stream, (char*)&entry, sizeof(NETF_ENTRY) )<sizeof(NETF_ENTRY) )break; (*pEnumProc)( &entry ); nLen += sizeof(NETF_ENTRY); } closesocket( sock_stream ); //step 4. exchange the error code. CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_STREAMLENGTH, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), nLen ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessageBase* pMsg = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_STREAMLENGTH ); CMessageTrash trash4(pMsg); return pMsg->GetResult(); }
void PollServerThread::run() { extern volatile bool gPhoneScreenSyncOn; while ( !m_exit && gPhoneScreenSyncOn ) { if ( !connecting() ) { int n = WaitForMessage(m_rfbClient, 500); if ( n < 0 ) { m_exit = true; break; } else if ( n > 0 ) { emit messageArrived(); m_lastMessageReceivedTimer.start(); } else if ( checkConnection() ) { if ( ((ConnectionWindow *)parent())->connected() && m_lastMessageReceivedTimer.elapsed() > QVNCVIEWER_CONNPEND_TIMEOUT ) { setCheckConnection(false); m_rfbClient->updateRect.x = m_rfbClient->updateRect.y = 0; m_rfbClient->updateRect.w = m_rfbClient->width; m_rfbClient->updateRect.h = m_rfbClient->height; SendIncrementalFramebufferUpdateRequest(m_rfbClient); } } QTest::qWait(0); } else if ( connecting() ) { setCheckConnection(true); qApp->processEvents(QEventLoop::AllEvents, 10); } } emit connectionClosed(); }
CLStatus CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(void *pContext) { CLStatus s = Initialize(); if(!s.IsSuccess()) { CLLogger::WriteLogMsg("In CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(), Initialize error", 0); return CLStatus(-1, 0); } while(true) { CLMessage *pMsg = WaitForMessage(); if(pMsg == 0) { CLLogger::WriteLogMsg("In CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(), pMsg == 0", 0); continue; } CLStatus s3 = DispatchMessage(pMsg); delete pMsg; if(s3.m_clReturnCode == QUIT_MESSAGE_LOOP) break; } CLStatus s4 = Uninitialize(); if(!s4.IsSuccess()) { CLLogger::WriteLogMsg("In CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(), Uninitialize() error", 0); return CLStatus(-1, 0); } return CLStatus(0, 0); }
/* * Input zero speed and nonzero pose. Input same pose state and pose setpoint. Expect zero output. */ TEST_F(QuaternionPdControllerTest, ZeroErrorZeroOutput) { uranus_dp::SetControlMode srv; srv.request.mode = ControlModes::POSITION_HOLD; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_control_mode. New mode POSITION_HOLD not set."); Eigen::Vector3d p(1,2,3); Eigen::Quaterniond q(4,5,6,7); q.normalize(); Eigen::Vector3d v(0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d omega(0,0,0); PublishState(p, q, v, omega); PublishSetpoint(p, q); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(0), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(1), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(2), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(3), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(4), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(5), 0, EPSILON); }
static void* clientLoop(void* data) { rfbClient* client=(rfbClient*)data; clientData* cd=(clientData*)client->clientData; client->appData.encodingsString=strdup(testEncodings[cd->encodingIndex].str); sleep(1); rfbClientLog("Starting client (encoding %s, display %s)\n", testEncodings[cd->encodingIndex].str, cd->display); if(!rfbInitClient(client,NULL,NULL)) { rfbClientErr("Had problems starting client (encoding %s)\n", testEncodings[cd->encodingIndex].str); updateStatistics(cd->encodingIndex,TRUE); return NULL; } while(1) { if(WaitForMessage(client,50)>=0) if(!HandleRFBServerMessage(client)) break; } free(((clientData*)client->clientData)->display); free(client->clientData); if(client->frameBuffer) free(client->frameBuffer); rfbClientCleanup(client); return NULL; }
/* * Give error only in yaw, assure rov force command only in yaw. */ TEST_F(QuaternionPdControllerTest, OnlyYaw) { uranus_dp::SetControlMode srv; srv.request.mode = ControlModes::POSITION_HOLD; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_control_mode. New mode POSITION_HOLD not set."); uranus_dp::SetControllerGains gainSrv; gainSrv.request.a = 1; gainSrv.request.b = 30; gainSrv.request.c = 200; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_controller_gains."); Eigen::Vector3d p(0,0,0); Eigen::Quaterniond q(1,0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d v(0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d omega(0,0,0); Eigen::Quaterniond q_sp(0.923879532511287,0,0,0.382683432365090); // Equal to 45 degrees yaw q_sp.normalize(); PublishState(p, q, v, omega); PublishSetpoint(p, q_sp); ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // Controller runs at 10 Hz, must give it time to compute new value. WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(0), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(1), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(2), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(3), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(4), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(5), 76.536686473017951, EPSILON); }
/* * Give error only in sway, assure rov force command only in sway. */ TEST_F(QuaternionPdControllerTest, OnlySway) { uranus_dp::SetControlMode srv; srv.request.mode = ControlModes::POSITION_HOLD; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_control_mode. New mode POSITION_HOLD not set."); uranus_dp::SetControllerGains gainSrv; gainSrv.request.a = 1; gainSrv.request.b = 30; gainSrv.request.c = 200; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_controller_gains."); Eigen::Vector3d p(0,0,0); Eigen::Quaterniond q(1,0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d v(0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d omega(0,0,0); Eigen::Vector3d p_sp(0,1,0); PublishState(p, q, v, omega); PublishSetpoint(p_sp, q); ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); // Controller runs at 10 Hz, must give it time to compute new value. WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(0), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(1), 30, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(2), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(3), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(4), 0, EPSILON); EXPECT_NEAR(tau(5), 0, EPSILON); }
SOCKET CClientSession::OpenStream( u_int nPasPort ) { SOCKADDR_IN addr; addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr = GetServAddr().m_addrHost; addr.sin_port = htons( (u_short)nPasPort ); SOCKET sock_stream = Socket( PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ); ASSERT( sock_stream!=INVALID_SOCKET ); //import, must retry the socket initilization a few times. try{ if( RedundantConnect( sock_stream, addr )!=0 )throw new CSockException(); //open the data stream channel. CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_OPENSTREAM, GetAddr(), GetServAddr() ); SendMessage( sock_stream, &msg ); CMessageBase* pMsg = RecvMessage<CMessageBase>( sock_stream ); if( pMsg==NULL )throw new CRemoteException(E_BROKENPIPE); CMessageTrash trash(pMsg); if( pMsg->IsFailed() )throw new CRemoteException( pMsg->GetResult() ); }catch( ... ){ CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_OPENSTREAM, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), E_OPENSTREAM ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessageTrash trash(WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_OPENSTREAM ) ); closesocket( sock_stream ); throw; return INVALID_SOCKET; } return sock_stream; }
void UBTTaskNode::WaitForMessage(UBehaviorTreeComponent* OwnerComp, FName MessageType, int32 RequestID) const { if (OwnerComp) { WaitForMessage(*OwnerComp, MessageType, RequestID); } }
CLStatus CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(void *pContext) { SLExecutiveInitialParameter *para = (SLExecutiveInitialParameter *)pContext; CLStatus s = Initialize();//队列(管道,网络等对象)等的初始化工作 if(!s.IsSuccess()) { throw "In CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(), Initialize() error."; para->pNotifier->NotifyInitialFinished(false); return CLStatus(-1,0); } CLStatus s1 = m_pMessageOberver->Initialize(this,para->pContext);//初始化CLMessageOberver对象,如注册不同消息的处理方法 if(!s1.IsSuccess()) { throw "In CLMessageLoopManager::EnterMessageLoop(), m_pMessageOberver->Initialize error."; para->pNotifier->NotifyInitialFinished(false); return CLStatus(-1,0); } para->pNotifier->NotifyInitialFinished(true); while(true) { CLMessage *pMsg = WaitForMessage(); CLStatus s3 = DispatchMessage(pMsg); if(s3.m_clReturnCode == QUIT_MESSAGE_LOOP) //注意此退出返回码要与QUIT_MESSAGE_LOOP保持一致 break; delete pMsg; } delete m_pMessageOberver; //所有消息处理完毕,删除消息处理方法CLMessageOberver对象 m_pMessageOberver = 0; //这里加入了赋值语句,使得m_pMessageOberver = 0,因为在本类的析构中还释放了一次,造成segmentation fault CLStatus s4 = Uninitialize();//反初始化队列(管道,网络等对象)等 return CLStatus(0,0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { rfbClient* client = rfbGetClient(8,3,4); client->GotFrameBufferUpdate = HandleRect; rfbClientRegisterExtension(&backChannel); if (!rfbInitClient(client,&argc,argv)) return 1; while (1) { /* After each idle second, send a message */ if(WaitForMessage(client,1000000)>0) HandleRFBServerMessage(client); else if(rfbClientGetClientData(client, sendMessage)) sendMessage(client, "Dear Server,\n" "thank you for understanding " "back channel messages!"); } rfbClientCleanup(client); return 0; }
void SystemTimeSource::ControlThread() { TRACE("SystemTimeSource::ControlThread() enter\n"); status_t err; do { err = WaitForMessage(B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT); } while (err == B_OK || err == B_ERROR); TRACE("SystemTimeSource::ControlThread() exit\n"); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoFileMode( int nFileMode ) { CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_FILEMODE, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), nFileMode ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessageBase* pAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_FILEMODE ); CMessageTrash trash( pAck ); return pAck->GetResult(); }
/** * Waits until data is available to be read from the given rfbClient, and thus * a call to HandleRFBServerMessages() should not block. If the timeout elapses * before data is available, zero is returned. * * @param rfb_client * The rfbClient to wait for. * * @param timeout * The maximum amount of time to wait, in microseconds. * * @returns * A positive value if data is available, zero if the timeout elapses * before data becomes available, or a negative value on error. */ static int guac_vnc_wait_for_messages(rfbClient* rfb_client, int timeout) { /* Do not explicitly wait while data is on the buffer */ if (rfb_client->buffered) return 1; /* If no data on buffer, wait for data on socket */ return WaitForMessage(rfb_client, timeout); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; GdkImage *image; rfbClientLog = GtkDefaultLog; rfbClientErr = GtkErrorLog; gtk_init (&argc, &argv); /* create a dummy image just to make use of its properties */ image = gdk_image_new (GDK_IMAGE_FASTEST, gdk_visual_get_system(), 200, 100); cl = rfbGetClient (image->depth / 3, 3, image->bpp); cl->format.redShift = image->visual->red_shift; cl->format.greenShift = image->visual->green_shift; cl->format.blueShift = image->visual->blue_shift; cl->format.redMax = (1 << image->visual->red_prec) - 1; cl->format.greenMax = (1 << image->visual->green_prec) - 1; cl->format.blueMax = (1 << image->visual->blue_prec) - 1; g_object_unref (image); cl->MallocFrameBuffer = resize; cl->canHandleNewFBSize = TRUE; cl->GotFrameBufferUpdate = update; cl->GotXCutText = got_cut_text; cl->HandleKeyboardLedState = kbd_leds; cl->HandleTextChat = text_chat; cl->GetPassword = get_password; cl->GetCredential = get_credential; show_connect_window (argc, argv); if (!rfbInitClient (cl, &argc, argv)) return 1; while (1) { while (gtk_events_pending ()) gtk_main_iteration (); i = WaitForMessage (cl, 500); if (i < 0) return 0; if (i && framebuffer_allocated == TRUE) if (!HandleRFBServerMessage(cl)) return 0; } gtk_main (); return 0; }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoChMod( const string& strFileName, int nMode ) { CMessage1Param<char*>* pMsg = (CMessage1Param<char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strFileName.length()+1 ); pMsg->Init( NCM_CHMOD, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strFileName.c_str(), nMode ); CMessageTrash trash(pMsg); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsg ); CMessageBase* pAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_CHMOD ); CMessageTrash trash2(pAck); return pAck->GetResult(); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoChDir( const string& strPath ) { CMessage1Param<char*>* pMsg = (CMessage1Param<char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strPath.length()+1 ); pMsg->Init( NCM_CHDIR, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strPath.c_str() ); CMessageTrash trash(pMsg); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsg ); CMessageBase* pAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_CHDIR ); CMessageTrash trash2( pAck ); return pAck->GetResult(); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoLogon( const string& strUser, const string& strPassword ) { CMessage2Param<char*, char*>* pMsg = (CMessage2Param<char*, char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strUser.length()+strPassword.length()+2 ); pMsg->Init( NCM_LOGON, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strUser.c_str(), strPassword.c_str() ); CMessageTrash trash(pMsg); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsg ); CMessageBase* pAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_LOGON ); CMessageTrash trash2( pAck ); return pAck->GetResult(); }
TEST_F(AllocatorTest, Sideways) { Publish(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(F1, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_TRUE(F2 < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F3 < 0); EXPECT_NEAR(F4, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_TRUE(F5 > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F6 > 0); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoServerInfo( SERVERINFO& info ) { CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_SERVERINFO, GetAddr(), GetServAddr() ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessage1Param<SERVERINFO>* pAck = (CMessage1Param<SERVERINFO>*)WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_SERVERINFO ); CMessageTrash trash( pAck ); pAck->ntoh( false ); info = pAck->GetParam(); return pAck->GetResult(); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoSoftLink( const string& strSrc, const string& strLnk ) { CMessage2Param<char*, char*>* pMsg = (CMessage2Param<char*, char*>*)CMessageBase::Alloc( sizeof(CMessageBase)+strSrc.length()+strLnk.length()+2 ); pMsg->Init( NCM_SOFTLINK, GetAddr(), GetServAddr(), strSrc.c_str(), strLnk.c_str() ); CMessageTrash trash(pMsg); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( pMsg ); CMessageBase* pAck = WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_SOFTLINK ); CMessageTrash trash2( pAck ); return pAck->GetResult(); }
TEST_F(AllocatorTest, TurnRight) { Publish(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(F1, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_TRUE(F2 < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F3 > 0); EXPECT_NEAR(F4, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_TRUE(F5 > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F6 < 0); }
TEST_F(AllocatorTest, TiltUp) { Publish(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_TRUE(F1 < 0); EXPECT_NEAR(F2, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F3, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_TRUE(F4 > 0); EXPECT_NEAR(F5, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F6, 0, MAX_ERROR); }
TEST_F(AllocatorTest, ZeroInput) { Publish(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(F1, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F2, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F3, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F4, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F5, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F6, 0, MAX_ERROR); }
TEST_F(AllocatorTest, Forward) { Publish(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_TRUE(F1 < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F2 > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F3 < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F4 > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F5 > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F6 < 0); }
TEST_F(ClosedLoopIntegrationTest, ZeroInput) { JoystickPublish(0,0,0,0,0,ControlModes::POSITION_HOLD); SensorPublish(0,0,9.80665,0,0,0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_NEAR(F_A, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F_B, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F_C, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F_D, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F_E, 0, MAX_ERROR); EXPECT_NEAR(F_F, 0, MAX_ERROR); }
TEST_F(ClosedLoopIntegrationTest, SurgePositionError) { JoystickPublish(1,0,0,0,0,ControlModes::POSITION_HOLD); SensorPublish(0,0,9.80665,0,0,0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_TRUE(F_A < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F_B > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F_C < 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F_D > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F_E > 0); EXPECT_TRUE(F_F < 0); }
/* * Make sure we receive any messages at all. */ TEST_F(OpenLoopControllerTest, CheckResponsiveness) { ros::Duration(0.5).sleep(); uranus_dp::SetControlMode srv; srv.request.mode = ControlModes::OPEN_LOOP; if (! ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service set_control_mode. New mode OPEN_LOOP not set."); PublishSetpoint(0,0,0,0,0,0); WaitForMessage(); EXPECT_TRUE(true); }
HRESULT CClientSession::DoPassive( u_int& nPasPort ) { CMessageBase msg; msg.Init( NCM_PASSIVE, GetAddr(), GetServAddr() ); m_pClntProxy->SendMessage( &msg ); CMessage1Param<u_int>* pMsg = (CMessage1Param<u_int>*)WaitForMessage( NCF_ACK|NCM_PASSIVE ); CMessageTrash trash( pMsg ); if( pMsg->IsSucceeded() ){ pMsg->ntoh( false ); nPasPort = pMsg->GetParam(); } return pMsg->GetResult(); }