extern "C" void DumpDependencyRec (SPicture* pCurPicture, const char* kpFileName, const int8_t kiDid, bool bAppend, SDqLayer* pDqLayer) {
  WelsFileHandle* pDumpRecFile = NULL;
  int32_t iWrittenSize											= 0;
  const char* openMode = bAppend ? "ab" : "wb";
  SWelsSPS* pSpsTmp = (kiDid> BASE_DEPENDENCY_ID)? &(pDqLayer->sLayerInfo.pSubsetSpsP->pSps) : pDqLayer->sLayerInfo.pSpsP;
  bool bFrameCroppingFlag = pSpsTmp->bFrameCroppingFlag;
  SCropOffset* pFrameCrop = &pSpsTmp->sFrameCrop;

  if (NULL == pCurPicture || NULL == kpFileName || kiDid >= MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER)

  if (strlen (kpFileName) > 0)	// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
    pDumpRecFile = WelsFopen (kpFileName, openMode);
  else {
    char sDependencyRecFileName[16] = {0};
    WelsSnprintf (sDependencyRecFileName, 16, "rec%d.yuv", kiDid);	// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
    pDumpRecFile	= WelsFopen (sDependencyRecFileName, openMode);
  if (NULL != pDumpRecFile && bAppend)
    WelsFseek (pDumpRecFile, 0, SEEK_END);

  if (NULL != pDumpRecFile) {
    int32_t i = 0;
    int32_t j = 0;
    const int32_t kiStrideY	= pCurPicture->iLineSize[0];
    const int32_t kiLumaWidth	= bFrameCroppingFlag?(pCurPicture->iWidthInPixel-(( pFrameCrop->iCropLeft + pFrameCrop->iCropRight ) << 1 )) : pCurPicture->iWidthInPixel;
    const int32_t kiLumaHeight	= bFrameCroppingFlag?(pCurPicture->iHeightInPixel-(( pFrameCrop->iCropTop + pFrameCrop->iCropBottom ) << 1 )) : pCurPicture->iHeightInPixel;
    const int32_t kiChromaWidth	= kiLumaWidth >> 1;
    const int32_t kiChromaHeight	= kiLumaHeight >> 1;
    uint8_t* pSrc = NULL;
    pSrc = bFrameCroppingFlag ? (pCurPicture->pData[0] + kiStrideY * ( pFrameCrop->iCropTop << 1 ) + ( pFrameCrop->iCropLeft << 1 )) : pCurPicture->pData[0];
    for (j = 0; j < kiLumaHeight; ++ j) {
      iWrittenSize = WelsFwrite (pSrc + j * kiStrideY, 1, kiLumaWidth, pDumpRecFile);
      assert (iWrittenSize == kiLumaWidth);
      if (iWrittenSize < kiLumaWidth) {
        assert (0);	// make no sense for us if writing failed
        WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    for (i = 1; i < I420_PLANES; ++ i) {
      const int32_t kiStrideUV = pCurPicture->iLineSize[i];
      pSrc = bFrameCroppingFlag ? (pCurPicture->pData[i] + kiStrideUV * pFrameCrop->iCropTop + pFrameCrop->iCropLeft) : pCurPicture->pData[i];
      for (j = 0; j < kiChromaHeight; ++ j) {
        iWrittenSize = WelsFwrite (pSrc + j * kiStrideUV, 1, kiChromaWidth, pDumpRecFile);
        assert (iWrittenSize == kiChromaWidth);
        if (iWrittenSize < kiChromaWidth) {
          assert (0);	// make no sense for us if writing failed
          WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    pDumpRecFile = NULL;
extern "C" void DumpDependencyRec (SPicture* pCurPicture, const char* kpFileName, const int8_t kiDid, bool bAppend) {
  WelsFileHandle* pDumpRecFile = NULL;
  int32_t iWrittenSize											= 0;
  const char* openMode = bAppend ? "ab" : "wb";

  if (NULL == pCurPicture || NULL == kpFileName || kiDid >= MAX_DEPENDENCY_LAYER)

  if (strlen (kpFileName) > 0)	// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
    pDumpRecFile = WelsFopen (kpFileName, openMode);
  else {
    char sDependencyRecFileName[16] = {0};
    WelsSnprintf (sDependencyRecFileName, 16, "rec%d.yuv", kiDid);	// confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
    pDumpRecFile	= WelsFopen (sDependencyRecFileName, openMode);
  if (NULL != pDumpRecFile && bAppend)
    WelsFseek (pDumpRecFile, 0, SEEK_END);

  if (NULL != pDumpRecFile) {
    int32_t i = 0;
    int32_t j = 0;
    const int32_t kiStrideY	= pCurPicture->iLineSize[0];
    const int32_t kiLumaWidth	= pCurPicture->iWidthInPixel;
    const int32_t kiLumaHeight	= pCurPicture->iHeightInPixel;
    const int32_t kiChromaWidth	= kiLumaWidth >> 1;
    const int32_t kiChromaHeight	= kiLumaHeight >> 1;

    for (j = 0; j < kiLumaHeight; ++ j) {
      iWrittenSize = WelsFwrite (&pCurPicture->pData[0][j * kiStrideY], 1, kiLumaWidth, pDumpRecFile);
      assert (iWrittenSize == kiLumaWidth);
      if (iWrittenSize < kiLumaWidth) {
        assert (0);	// make no sense for us if writing failed
        WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    for (i = 1; i < I420_PLANES; ++ i) {
      const int32_t kiStrideUV = pCurPicture->iLineSize[i];
      for (j = 0; j < kiChromaHeight; ++ j) {
        iWrittenSize = WelsFwrite (&pCurPicture->pData[i][j * kiStrideUV], 1, kiChromaWidth, pDumpRecFile);
        assert (iWrittenSize == kiChromaWidth);
        if (iWrittenSize < kiChromaWidth) {
          assert (0);	// make no sense for us if writing failed
          WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    WelsFclose (pDumpRecFile);
    pDumpRecFile = NULL;
void* WelsMalloc (const uint32_t kuiSize, const str_t* kpTag) {
  const int32_t kiSizeVoidPtr	= sizeof (void**);
  const int32_t kiSizeInt		= sizeof (int32_t);
  const int32_t kiAlignBytes	= ALIGNBYTES - 1;
  const int32_t kiAlignBytes	= 15;
  uint8_t* pBuf		= (uint8_t*) malloc (kuiSize + kiAlignBytes + kiSizeVoidPtr + kiSizeInt);
  uint8_t* pAlignBuf;

  if (pMemCheckMalloc == NULL) {
    pMemCheckMalloc = WelsFopen (".\\mem_check_malloc.txt", "at+");
    pMemCheckFree   = WelsFopen (".\\mem_check_free.txt", "at+");

  if (kpTag != NULL) {
    if (pMemCheckMalloc != NULL) {
      fprintf (pMemCheckMalloc, "0x%x, size: %d       , malloc %s\n", (void*)pBuf,
               (kuiSize + kiAlignBytes + kiSizeVoidPtr + kiSizeInt), kpTag);
    if (pMemCheckMalloc != NULL) {
      fflush (pMemCheckMalloc);

  if (NULL == pBuf)
    return NULL;

  // to fill zero values
  memset (pBuf, 0, kuiSize + kiAlignBytes + kiSizeVoidPtr + kiSizeInt);

  pAlignBuf = pBuf + kiAlignBytes + kiSizeVoidPtr + kiSizeInt;
  pAlignBuf -= (uintptr_t) pAlignBuf & kiAlignBytes;
  * ((void**) (pAlignBuf - kiSizeVoidPtr)) = pBuf;
  * ((int32_t*) (pAlignBuf - (kiSizeVoidPtr + kiSizeInt))) = kuiSize;

  return (pAlignBuf);
*	Description:
*			class CWelsDecoder constructor function, do initialization	and
*       alloc memory required
*	Input parameters: none
*	return: none
CWelsDecoder::CWelsDecoder (void)
  :	m_pDecContext (NULL),
    m_pTrace (NULL) {
  char chFileName[1024] = { 0 };  //for .264
  int iBufUsed = 0;
  int iBufLeft = 1023;
  int iCurUsed;

  char chFileNameSize[1024] = { 0 }; //for .len
  int iBufUsedSize = 0;
  int iBufLeftSize = 1023;
  int iCurUsedSize;

  m_pTrace = CreateWelsTrace (Wels_Trace_Type);

  IWelsTrace::WelsVTrace (m_pTrace, IWelsTrace::WELS_LOG_INFO, "CWelsDecoder::CWelsDecoder() entry");

  SWelsTime sCurTime;

  WelsGetTimeOfDay (&sCurTime);

  iCurUsed     = WelsSnprintf (chFileName,  iBufLeft,  "bs_0x%p_", (void*)this);
  iCurUsedSize = WelsSnprintf (chFileNameSize, iBufLeftSize, "size_0x%p_", (void*)this);

  if (iCurUsed > 0) {
    iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;
  if (iBufLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsStrftime (&chFileName[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &sCurTime);
    iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;

  if (iCurUsedSize > 0) {
    iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;
  if (iBufLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsStrftime (&chFileNameSize[iBufUsedSize], iBufLeftSize, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &sCurTime);
    iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  if (iBufLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&chFileName[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, ".%03.3u.264", WelsGetMillisecond (&sCurTime));
    if (iCurUsed > 0) {
      iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
      iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;

  if (iBufLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsSnprintf (&chFileNameSize[iBufUsedSize], iBufLeftSize, ".%03.3u.len",
                                 WelsGetMillisecond (&sCurTime));
    if (iCurUsedSize > 0) {
      iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
      iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  m_pFBS = WelsFopen (chFileName, "wb");
  m_pFBSSize = WelsFopen (chFileNameSize, "wb");

int32_t  CWelsCodecTrace::LoadWelsTraceModule()
        m_fpDebugTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_DEBUG>;
        m_fpInfoTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_INFO>;
        m_fpWarnTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_WARNING>;
        m_fpErrorTrace = welsStderrTrace<WELS_LOG_ERROR>;
#if defined WIN32	
	HMODULE hHandle = ::LoadLibrary("welstrace.dll");
//	HMODULE handle = ::LoadLibrary("contrace.dll");  // for c7 trace
	if ( NULL == hHandle )
		return -1;

	CHAR chPath[ _MAX_PATH]= {0};
	GetModuleFileName( (HMODULE)hHandle, chPath, _MAX_PATH);

	m_hTraceHandle = ::LoadLibrary(chPath);
	if( m_hTraceHandle) {
		m_fpDebugTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress( ( HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUGA");
		m_fpInfoTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress( ( HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFOA");
		m_fpWarnTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress( ( HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARNA");
		m_fpErrorTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)::GetProcAddress( ( HMODULE)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERRORA");

	// coverity scan uninitial
	if (hHandle != NULL)
		hHandle = NULL;
#elif defined MACOS
	m_hTraceHandle = LoadLibrary("welstrace.bundle");
	if(m_hTraceHandle) {
		m_fpDebugTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)GetProcessAddress( (CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUG2");
		m_fpInfoTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)GetProcessAddress( (CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFO2");
		m_fpWarnTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)GetProcessAddress( (CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARN2");
		m_fpErrorTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)GetProcessAddress( (CFBundleRef)m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERROR2");
#elif defined LINUX || defined SOLARIS || defined UNIX
//	CCmString	cmPath;
	str_t chPath[255]= {0};
	Dl_info		sDlInfo;
	static int	iMmTPAddress;
    dladdr( &iMmTPAddress, &sDlInfo);

	if (NULL == sDlInfo.dli_fname)
		return -1;
	WelsStrncpy(chPath, 255, (const str_t*)sDlInfo.dli_fname, WelsStrnlen((const str_t*)sDlInfo.dli_fname, 255));
	str_t* p = strrchr(chPath, '/');//confirmed_safe_unsafe_usage
	if ( NULL == p )
		return -1;
	const int iLenTraceName = WelsStrnlen((const str_t*)"/libwelstrace.so", 15);
	const int iCurPos = p - chPath;
	if ( iCurPos + iLenTraceName < 255 )
		WelsStrncpy(p, 254-iCurPos, (const str_t*)"/libwelstrace.so", iLenTraceName );
		return -1;

	m_hTraceHandle = dlopen( chPath, RTLD_LAZY);
	if (m_hTraceHandle == NULL)
		WelsFileHandle* fp = WelsFopen((const str_t*)"/tmp/trace.txt", (const str_t*)"a");
			fprintf(fp, "welsCodecTrace::welsCodecTrace ===> dlopen %s fail, %s\n", chPath, dlerror());
		return -1;
	if (m_hTraceHandle) {
		m_fpDebugTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)dlsym( m_hTraceHandle, "WELSDEBUG2");
		m_fpInfoTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)dlsym( m_hTraceHandle, "WELSINFO2");
		m_fpWarnTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)dlsym( m_hTraceHandle, "WELSWARN2");
		m_fpErrorTrace = ( CM_WELS_TRACE)dlsym( m_hTraceHandle, "WELSERROR2");
		if(m_fpDebugTrace == NULL)
			WelsFileHandle* fp = WelsFopen((const str_t*)"/tmp/trace.txt", (const str_t*)"a");
				printf("welsCodecTrace::welsCodecTrace ===> dlsym failed (WELSDEBUG2) , dlerror = %s\n", dlerror());
			return -1;
#endif  // NO_DYNAMIC_VP
	return 0;
CWelsTraceFile::CWelsTraceFile(const str_t * pFileName)
	m_pTraceFile = WelsFopen(pFileName, (const str_t *)"wt");
*   Description:
*       class CWelsDecoder constructor function, do initialization  and
*       alloc memory required
*   Input parameters: none
*   return: none
CWelsDecoder::CWelsDecoder (void)
  : m_pDecContext (NULL),
    m_pWelsTrace (NULL) {
  char chFileName[1024] = { 0 };  //for .264
  int iBufUsed = 0;
  int iBufLeft = 1023;
  int iCurUsed;

  char chFileNameSize[1024] = { 0 }; //for .len
  int iBufUsedSize = 0;
  int iBufLeftSize = 1023;
  int iCurUsedSize;

  m_pWelsTrace = new welsCodecTrace();
  if (m_pWelsTrace != NULL) {
    m_pWelsTrace->SetCodecInstance (this);
    m_pWelsTrace->SetTraceLevel (WELS_LOG_ERROR);

    WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO, "CWelsDecoder::CWelsDecoder() entry");

  SWelsTime sCurTime;

  WelsGetTimeOfDay (&sCurTime);

  iCurUsed     = WelsSnprintf (chFileName,  iBufLeft,  "bs_0x%p_", (void*)this);
  iCurUsedSize = WelsSnprintf (chFileNameSize, iBufLeftSize, "size_0x%p_", (void*)this);

  iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
  iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;
  if (iBufLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsStrftime (&chFileName[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &sCurTime);
    iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;

  iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
  iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;
  if (iBufLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsStrftime (&chFileNameSize[iBufUsedSize], iBufLeftSize, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &sCurTime);
    iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  if (iBufLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&chFileName[iBufUsed], iBufLeft, ".%03.3u.264", WelsGetMillisecond (&sCurTime));
    iBufUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufLeft -= iCurUsed;

  if (iBufLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsSnprintf (&chFileNameSize[iBufUsedSize], iBufLeftSize, ".%03.3u.len",
                                 WelsGetMillisecond (&sCurTime));
    iBufUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  m_pFBS = WelsFopen (chFileName, "wb");
  m_pFBSSize = WelsFopen (chFileNameSize, "wb");

 *	CWelsH264SVCEncoder class implementation
  :	m_pEncContext (NULL),
    m_pWelsTrace (NULL),
    m_iMaxPicWidth (0),
    m_iMaxPicHeight (0),
    m_iCspInternal (0),
    m_bInitialFlag (false) {
  int32_t m_uiCountFrameNum = 0;

  char strStreamFileName[1024] = { 0 };  //for .264
  int32_t iBufferUsed = 0;
  int32_t iBufferLeft = 1023;
  int32_t iCurUsed;

  char strLenFileName[1024] = { 0 }; //for .len
  int32_t iBufferUsedSize = 0;
  int32_t iBufferLeftSize = 1023;
  int32_t iCurUsedSize;

  SWelsTime tTime;

  WelsGetTimeOfDay (&tTime);

  iCurUsed      = WelsSnprintf (strStreamFileName, iBufferLeft, "enc_bs_0x%p_", (void*)this);
  iCurUsedSize  = WelsSnprintf (strLenFileName, iBufferLeftSize, "enc_size_0x%p_", (void*)this);

  iBufferUsed += iCurUsed;
  iBufferLeft -= iCurUsed;
  if (iBufferLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsStrftime (&strStreamFileName[iBufferUsed], iBufferLeft, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &tTime);
    iBufferUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufferLeft -= iCurUsed;

  iBufferUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
  iBufferLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;
  if (iBufferLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsStrftime (&strLenFileName[iBufferUsedSize], iBufferLeftSize, "%y%m%d%H%M%S", &tTime);
    iBufferUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufferLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  if (iBufferLeft > 0) {
    iCurUsed = WelsSnprintf (&strStreamFileName[iBufferUsed], iBufferLeft, ".%03.3u.264",
                             WelsGetMillisecond (&tTime));
    iBufferUsed += iCurUsed;
    iBufferLeft -= iCurUsed;

  if (iBufferLeftSize > 0) {
    iCurUsedSize = WelsSnprintf (&strLenFileName[iBufferUsedSize], iBufferLeftSize, ".%03.3u.len",
                                 WelsGetMillisecond (&tTime));
    iBufferUsedSize += iCurUsedSize;
    iBufferLeftSize -= iCurUsedSize;

  m_pFileBs     = WelsFopen (strStreamFileName, "wb");
  m_pFileBsSize = WelsFopen (strLenFileName, "wb");

  m_bSwitch	= false;
  m_iSwitchTimes	= 0;

CWelsTraceFile::CWelsTraceFile (const char* pFileName) {
  m_pTraceFile = WelsFopen (pFileName, (const char*)"wt");