BOOL freeBitmapResources(VOID) {
   HPS hps;
   if (NULLHANDLE != (hps = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP))) {
      if (o.tb.on) {
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.a.hbmp, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.i.hbmp, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.sysmenu, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.close, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.hide, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.min, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.rest, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.max, g.timerThrd.hab);
      } /* endif */
      if (o.tb.htbar) {
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.htbar, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.unhtbar, g.timerThrd.hab);
      } /* endif */
      if (o.tb.roll) {
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.roll, g.timerThrd.hab);
         _stlrFreeGlobalBitmap(hps, o.tb.bmp.unroll, g.timerThrd.hab);
      } /* endif */
      return TRUE;
   } /* endif */
   return FALSE;
void wxConvertVectorFontSize(
  FIXED                             fxPointSize
, PFATTRS                           pFattrs
    HPS                             hPS;
    HDC                             hDC;
    LONG                            lXFontResolution;
    LONG                            lYFontResolution;
    SIZEF                           vSizef;

    hPS = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP); // Screen presentation space

    //   Query device context for the screen and then query
    //   the resolution of the device for the device context.

    hDC = GpiQueryDevice(hPS);
    DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lXFontResolution);
    DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lYFontResolution);

    //   Calculate the size of the character box, based on the
    //   point size selected and the resolution of the device.
    //   The size parameters are of type FIXED, NOT int.
    //   NOTE: 1 point == 1/72 of an inch.

    // multiply first to avoid getting vSizef.cx,cy = 0 since fxPointSize
    // is normally < 72 and FontResolution is typically ca. 100
    vSizef.cx = (FIXED)( (fxPointSize * lXFontResolution) / 72 );
    vSizef.cy = (FIXED)( (fxPointSize * lYFontResolution) / 72 );

    if (pFattrs)
        pFattrs->lMaxBaselineExt = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cy ), 0 );
        pFattrs->lAveCharWidth   = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cx ), 0 );

} // end of wxConvertVectorPointSize
 *  Name       : MyWindowProc
 *  Description: The window procedure associated with the client area in
 *               the standard frame window. It processes all messages
 *               either sent or posted to the client area, depending on
 *               the message command and parameters.
 *  Concepts   :
 *  API's      :   WinLoadString
 *                 WinInvalidateRegion
 *                 WinPostMsg
 *                 WinDefWindowProc
 *                 WinBeginPaint
 *                 GpiSetColor
 *                 GpiSetBackColor
 *                 GpiSetBackMix
 *                 GpiCharStringAt
 *                 WinEndPaint
 *  Parameters :  hwnd = window handle
 *                msg = message code
 *                mp1 = first message parameter
 *                mp2 = second message parameter
 *  Return     :  depends on message sent
  switch( msg )
      case WM_TIMER: {
          WinInvalidateRegion( hwnd, 0L, FALSE );
    case WM_CREATE:
       * Window initialization is performed here in WM_CREATE processing
       * WinLoadString loads strings from the resource file.
      WinLoadString( hab, (HMODULE)0L, IDS_HELLO, STRINGLENGTH, szHello );
      WinLoadString( hab, (HMODULE)0L, IDS_1,     STRINGLENGTH, sz1     );
      WinLoadString( hab, (HMODULE)0L, IDS_2,     STRINGLENGTH, sz2     );
      WinLoadString( hab, (HMODULE)0L, IDS_3,     STRINGLENGTH, sz3     );
      strcpy( szString, szHello );      /* Copy text Hello into szString*/

    case WM_COMMAND:
       * When the user chooses option 1, 2, or 3 from the Options pull-
       * down, the text string is set to 1, 2, or 3, and
       * WinInvalidateRegion sends a WM_PAINT message.
       * When Exit is chosen, the application posts itself a WM_CLOSE
       * message.
      USHORT command;                   /* WM_COMMAND command value     */
      command = SHORT1FROMMP(mp1);      /* Extract the command value    */
      switch (command)
        case ID_EXITPROG:
          WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, (MPARAM)0, (MPARAM)0 );
          return WinDefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 );

       * Return TRUE to request PM to paint the window background
       * in SYSCLR_WINDOW.
      return (MRESULT)( TRUE );
    case WM_PAINT:
       * Window contents are drawn here in WM_PAINT processing.
      HPS    hps;                       /* Presentation Space handle    */
      RECTL  rc;                        /* Rectangle coordinates        */
      POINTL pt;                        /* String screen coordinates    */
      POINTL pPos;
      LONG lColor,r,g,b;
      FATTRS fat;
      HPS shps = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP);
fat.usRecordLength = sizeof(FATTRS); /* sets size of structure   */
fat.fsSelection = 0;         /* uses default selection           */
fat.lMatch = 0L;             /* does not force match             */
fat.idRegistry = 0;          /* uses default registry            */
fat.usCodePage = 0;        /* code-page 850                    */
fat.lMaxBaselineExt = 14L;   /* requested font height is 12 pels */
fat.lAveCharWidth = 14L;     /* requested font width is 12 pels  */
fat.fsType = 0;              /* uses default type                */
fat.fsFontUse = FATTR_FONTUSE_NOMIX;/* doesn't mix with graphics */
strcpy(fat.szFacename ,"Courier");
      WinQueryPointerPos(HWND_DESKTOP, &pPos);
      hps = WinBeginPaint( hwnd, 0L, &rc );
      GpiCreateLogColorTable(shps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL);
      GpiCreateLogColorTable(hps, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, NULL);
      pt.x = 10; pt.y = 27;             /* Set the text coordinates,    */
      lColor=GpiQueryPel(shps, &pPos);
      GpiSetBackColor( hps, 16777215);  /* its background and    */
      WinFillRect( hps, &rc, lColor);
      GpiSetBackMix( hps, BM_OVERPAINT );      /* how it mixes,         */
      b = lColor & 0x000000FF;
      lColor = lColor >> 8;
      g = lColor & 0x000000FF;
      lColor = lColor >> 8;
      r = lColor & 0x000000FF;
      sprintf(szString,"Color: #%.2X%.2X%.2X",r,g,b);
      GpiCreateLogFont(hps, NULL, 1L, &fat);
      GpiSetCharSet(hps, 1L);
      GpiSetCharMode(hps, CM_MODE1);
      GpiCharStringAt( hps,&pt ,(LONG)strlen( szString ), szString );
      WinEndPaint( hps );                      /* Drawing is complete   */
    case WM_CLOSE:
      WinPostMsg( hwnd, WM_QUIT, (MPARAM)0,(MPARAM)0 );/* Cause termination*/
       * Everything else comes here.  This call MUST exist
       * in your window procedure.

      return WinDefWindowProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 );
  return (MRESULT)FALSE;
} /* End of MyWindowProc */
// *******************************************************************************
// FUNCTION:     GetBitmapFromTrack
// FUNCTION USE: Creates a bitmap from a rectangle structure
// DESCRIPTION:  This function takes the rectangle structure that is created 
//               as a result of the tracking operation and creates a bitmap 
//               of that area.  
// PARAMETERS:   RECTL    tracking rectangle
// RETURNS:      HBITMAP  bitmap handle
// *******************************************************************************
HBITMAP GetBitmapFromTrack (RECTL rclTrack)
 HAB                hab;                           
 HBITMAP            hbmTrack;
 HDC                hdcMemory;
 HPS                hpsMemory;
 HPS                hpsScreen;
 LONG               lFormats[2];
 POINTL             aptl[3];
 SIZEL              sizl;

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 // Get an anchor block handle                                                                    
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock(HWND_DESKTOP);

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 // Get a memory device context                                                                  
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 hdcMemory = DevOpenDC (hab, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L, NULL, NULLHANDLE) ;

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 // Set presentation space size                                                                
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                    
 sizl.cx = sizl.cy = 0 ;

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                             
 // Create a micro presentation space and associate it                                                                           
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                             
 hpsMemory = GpiCreatePS (hab,
                          PU_PELS | GPIF_DEFAULT | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------           
 // Call GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats to get the number of bit planes                                   
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------           
 GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats (hpsMemory,

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------        
 // Initialize the bitmap info header structure                 
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------        
 memset(&bmp2, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2));

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                     
 // Populate the bitmap info header structure                                                    
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                     
 bmp2.cbFix     = sizeof bmp2;
 bmp2.cx        = (rclTrack.xRight - rclTrack.xLeft);
 bmp2.cy        = (rclTrack.yTop   - rclTrack.yBottom);
 bmp2.cPlanes   = lFormats[0];
 bmp2.cBitCount = lFormats[1];

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------         
 // Create a bitmap representing the tracking rectangle                                
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------         
 hbmTrack = GpiCreateBitmap (hpsMemory, &bmp2, 0L, NULL, NULL);

 if (hbmTrack == GPI_ERROR)
   return GPI_ERROR;

   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------        
   // Set the bitmap into our memory presentation space.                                                                      
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------        
   GpiSetBitmap (hpsMemory, hbmTrack);
   hpsScreen = WinGetScreenPS (HWND_DESKTOP);
   aptl[0].x = 0;
   aptl[0].y = 0;
   aptl[1].x = bmp2.cx;
   aptl[1].y = bmp2.cy;
   aptl[2].x = rclTrack.xLeft;
   aptl[2].y = rclTrack.yBottom;
   WinLockVisRegions (HWND_DESKTOP, TRUE);
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 
   // Bit blit the contents of the source presentation space into our target                     
   // presentation space.  This is how we copy the bitmap from the source to                     
   // the target.                                                                                
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                 
   GpiBitBlt (hpsMemory,      //  Target presentation space handle           
              hpsScreen,      //  Source presentation space handle           
              3L,             //  Number of Points                           
              aptl,           //  Array of Points                            
              ROP_SRCCOPY,    //  Mixing function (source copy)              
              BBO_IGNORE);    //  Options                                    
   WinLockVisRegions (HWND_DESKTOP, FALSE);
   WinReleasePS (hpsScreen);

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 // Free Graphics Engine Resources 
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 GpiDestroyPS (hpsMemory);
 DevCloseDC (hdcMemory);

 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 // Return bitmap handle           
 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------                  
 return hbmTrack;
 * Query the font used for various CSS properties (aID) from the system.
 * For OS/2, only very few fonts are defined in the system, so most of the IDs
 * resolve to the same system font.
 * The font queried will give back a string like
 *    9.WarpSans Bold
 *    12.Times New Roman Bold Italic
 *    10.Times New Roman.Strikeout.Underline
 *    20.Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Obli
 * (always restricted to 32 chars, at least before the second dot)
 * We use the value before the dot as the font size (in pt, and convert it to
 * px using the screen resolution) and then try to use the rest of the string
 * to determine the font style from it.
nsresult nsSystemFontsOS2::GetSystemFont(nsSystemFontID aID, nsString* aFontName,
                                         gfxFontStyle *aFontStyle) const
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf("nsSystemFontsOS2::GetSystemFont: ");
    char szFontNameSize[MAXNAMEL];

    switch (aID)
    case eSystemFont_Icon:
        QueryFontFromINI("IconText", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("IconText ");

    case eSystemFont_Menu:
        QueryFontFromINI("Menus", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("Menus ");

    case eSystemFont_Caption:
    case eSystemFont_MessageBox:
    case eSystemFont_SmallCaption:
    case eSystemFont_StatusBar:
    case eSystemFont_Tooltips:
    case eSystemFont_Widget:

    case eSystemFont_Window:      // css3
    case eSystemFont_Document:
    case eSystemFont_Workspace:
    case eSystemFont_Desktop:
    case eSystemFont_Info:
    case eSystemFont_Dialog:
    case eSystemFont_Button:
    case eSystemFont_PullDownMenu:
    case eSystemFont_List:
    case eSystemFont_Field:
        QueryFontFromINI("WindowText", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("WindowText ");

        NS_WARNING("None of the listed font types, using WarpSans");
        if (!IsDBCS()) {
            strcpy(szFontNameSize, "9.WarpSans");
        } else {
            strcpy(szFontNameSize, "9.WarpSans Combined");
    } // switch
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf(" (%s)\n", szFontNameSize);

    char *szFacename = strchr(szFontNameSize, '.');
    if (!szFacename || (*(szFacename++) == '\0'))
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // local DPI for size will be taken into account below
    aFontStyle->size = atof(szFontNameSize);

    // determine DPI resolution of screen device to compare compute
    // font size in pixels
    HPS ps = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP);
    HDC dc = GpiQueryDevice(ps);
    // effective vertical resolution in DPI
    LONG vertScreenRes = 120; // assume 120 dpi as default
    DevQueryCaps(dc, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1, &vertScreenRes);

    // now scale to make pixels from points (1 pt = 1/72in)
    aFontStyle->size *= vertScreenRes / 72.0;

    NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 fontFace(szFacename);
    int pos = 0;

    // this is a system font in any case
    aFontStyle->systemFont = true;

    // bold fonts should have " Bold" in their names, at least we hope that they
    // do, otherwise it's bad luck
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcBold, " Bold");
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcBold.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        aFontStyle->weight = FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD;
        // strip the attribute, now that we have set it in the gfxFontStyle
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcBold.Length());
    } else {
        aFontStyle->weight = FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;

    // FIXME: Set aFontStyle->stretch correctly!
    aFontStyle->stretch = NS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL;

    // similar hopes for italic and oblique fonts...
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcItalic, " Italic");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcOblique, " Oblique");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcObli, " Obli");
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcItalic.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcItalic.Length());
    } else if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcOblique.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        // oblique fonts are rare on OS/2 and not specially supported by
        // the GPI system, but at least we are trying...
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE;
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcOblique.Length());
    } else if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcObli.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        // especially oblique often gets cut by the 32 char limit to "Obli",
        // so search for that, too (anything shorter would be ambiguous)
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE;
        // In this case, assume that this is the last property in the line
        // and cut off everything else, too
        // This is needed in case it was really Obliq or Obliqu...
        fontFace.Cut(pos, fontFace.Length());
    } else {
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;

    // just throw away any modifiers that are separated by dots (which are either
    // .Strikeout, .Underline, or .Outline, none of which have a corresponding
    // gfxFont property)
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(".", false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        fontFace.Cut(pos, fontFace.Length());

#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf("  after=%s\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(fontFace).get());
    printf("  style: %s %s %s\n",
           (aFontStyle->weight == FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ? "BOLD" : "",
           (aFontStyle->style == FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) ? "ITALIC" : "",
           (aFontStyle->style == FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE) ? "OBLIQUE" : "");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(quote, "\""); // seems like we need quotes around the font name
    *aFontName = quote + fontFace + quote;

    return NS_OK;
VOID initResources(HINI hini, BOOL bLoadStrings) {
   HMODULE hmod;
   ULONG ul;
   PBYTE p;
   BOOL rc = FALSE;
   HPS hps;
//   /*-*/ dbgPrintf2("--- initResources(%d)\n", bLoadStrings);
   // get the path of the resource DLL
   if (0 == (ul = PrfQueryProfileString(HINI_USER, OS2INIAPPL, "path",
                                        NULL, buf, sizeof(buf))))
      goto exit0;
   strcpy(buf + ul - 1, SZ_RESMODNAME);
   // load the resource DLL
   if (DosLoadModule(NULL, 0, buf, &hmod))
      goto exit0;
//   /*-*/ dbgPrintf2("--- initResources() res module handle: %08x\n", hmod);

   // get the resource strings
   if (bLoadStrings) {
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNTBHIDE, g.text.tbhide);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNRLUNRL, g.text.winroll);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNALT, g.text.alt);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNCTL, g.text.ctrl);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNSHFT, g.text.shift);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNINS, g.text.ins);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNBKSPC, g.text.backspace);
      _stlrLoadStr(hmod, ISSMN_SYSMNDEL, g.text.del);
//      /*-*/ dbgPrintf6(">>> %s %s %s %s %s\n",
//                      g.text.tbhide, g.text.winroll,
//                      g.text.alt, g.text.ctrl, g.text.shift);
   } /* endif */
   if (NULLHANDLE == (hps = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP)))
      goto exit1;
   if (DosAllocMem((PPVOID)&p, 0x10000, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT))
      goto exit2;
   // get the image handles
   // the image index depends on the titlebar height
   ul = g.sys.cyTbar > 18;
   if (!o.gen.disabled) {
      // if titlebar options are active
      if (o.tb.on) {
         // active titlebar -----------------------------------------
         if (o.tb.a.bkgnd == TBARBKGNDBMP) {
            o.tb.a.hbmp = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPATBARDATA, p, hps,
                                       &o.tb.a.size, hmod, IDBMP_TBA);
         } else if (o.tb.a.bkgnd == TBARBKGNDSHADE) {
            o.tb.a.hbmp = stlrShadeHBmp(hps, (PSHDCREATE)p, &o.tb.a);
            GpiSetBitmapOwner(hps, o.tb.a.hbmp, 0);  // make global
         } /* endif */
         // inactive titlebar ---------------------------------------
         if (o.tb.i.bkgnd == TBARBKGNDBMP) {
            o.tb.i.hbmp = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPITBARDATA, p, hps,
                                       &o.tb.i.size, hmod, IDBMP_TBI);
         } else if (o.tb.i.bkgnd == TBARBKGNDSHADE) {
            o.tb.i.hbmp = stlrShadeHBmp(hps, (PSHDCREATE)p, &o.tb.i);
            GpiSetBitmapOwner(hps, o.tb.i.hbmp, 0);  // make global
         } /* endif */
         // system menu ---------------------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.sysmenu = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPSMENUDATA, p, hps,
                                         NULL, hmod, 0);
         // close window button -------------------------------------
      #ifdef STLR_WARP3
         o.tb.bmp.close = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPCLOSEDATA, p, hps,
                                       NULL, hmod, IDBMP_CLOSE18 + ul);
         o.tb.bmp.close = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPCLOSEDATA, p, hps,
                                       NULL, hmod, 0);
         // hide window button --------------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.hide = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPHIDEDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, 0);
         // minimize window button ----------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.min = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPMINDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, 0);
         // restore window button -----------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.rest = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPRESTDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, 0);
         // maximize window button ----------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.max = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPMAXDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, 0);
      } /* endif */
      if (o.tb.htbar) {
         // hide titlebar button ------------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.htbar = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPHTBARDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, IDBMP_HT18 + ul);
         // unhide titlebar button ----------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.unhtbar = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPUNHTBARDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, IDBMP_UHT18 + ul);
      } /* endif */
      if (o.tb.roll) {
         // roll window button --------------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.roll = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPROLLDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, IDBMP_RL18 + ul);
         // unroll window button ------------------------------------
         o.tb.bmp.unroll = stlrHBmp(hini, SZPRO_BMPUNROLLDATA, p, hps,
                                        NULL, hmod, IDBMP_URL18 + ul);
      } /* endif */
   } /* endif */
   rc = TRUE;
   if (!rc) stlrlog(IDERR_GETRESMOD);