void ImageWrapper::NewImage( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo< v8::Value >& args)
    v8::Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
    v8::HandleScope handleScope( isolate);

        DALI_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION( isolate, "Image constructor called without 'new'");

    // find out the callee function name...e.g. BufferImage, ResourceImage
    v8::Local<v8::Function> callee = args.Callee();
    v8::Local<v8::Value> v8String = callee->GetName();
    std::string typeName = V8Utils::v8StringToStdString( v8String );

    ImageType imageType = GetImageType( typeName );

    if( imageType == UNKNOWN_IMAGE_TYPE )
        DALI_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION( isolate, "unknown image type");
    Image image = (ImageApiLookup[imageType].constructor)( args );

    if( ! image )
        // a v8 exception will have been thrown by the constructor

    v8::Local<v8::Object> localObject = WrapImage( isolate, image, imageType );

    args.GetReturnValue().Set( localObject );
v8::Handle<v8::Object> ImageWrapper::WrapImage(v8::Isolate* isolate, const Dali::Image& image )
    v8::EscapableHandleScope handleScope( isolate );

    v8::Local<v8::Object> object = WrapImage( isolate, image, GetImageType( image.GetTypeName() ) );

    return handleScope.Escape( object );
// the formatter's core, wraps the line and justifies it if needed
int TextFormatter::WrapLine(CFDC& dc, Paragraph& pp,
    FilePos& pos, LineArray& la,
    int top, int maxh)
    if (maxh <= 0)
        return 0;
    // process images separately
    if (pp.flags&Paragraph::image)
        return WrapImage(dc, pp, pos, la, top, maxh);
    if (pp.len == 0 || (pp.len == 1 && pp.str[0] == L' '))
        dc.SelectFont(0, 0);
        int fh, fa;
        dc.GetFontSize(fh, fa);
        if (fh > maxh)
            return -1;
        Line l;
        l.pos = pos;
        l.flags = Line::first | Line::last | Line::defstyle;
        l.height = fh;
        l.base = fa;
        pos.off = pp.len;
        return l.height;
    if (m_hyphenate)
    const wchar_t *str = pp.str;
    int len = pp.len;
    Buffer<int> dx(len + 1);
    int toth = 0;
    while (toth < maxh && pos.off < len)
        // 1. get text size
        int nch = len;
        int curwidth = m_width;
        int ispace = 0;
        if (pos.off == 0 && (pp.flags&(Paragraph::center | Paragraph::right)) == 0)
            AdjustIndent(curwidth, ispace, pp.lindent, pp.rindent, pp.findent, dc.GetLPX());
            AdjustIndent(curwidth, ispace, pp.lindent, pp.rindent, 0, dc.GetLPX());
        dx[0] = 0;
        int lh = 1, lbase = 1;
        GetTextExtent(dc, pp, pos.off, curwidth, nch, dx + 1, lh, lbase);
        if (toth + lh > maxh)
            return -1;
        if (nch == 0)
            nch = 1;
        // 2. do word wrap
        bool addhyp = false;
        if (nch + pos.off < pp.str.size())
            int i;
            for (i = nch; i > 0 && str[pos.off + i] != L' '; --i)
                // wrap at existing dashes
                if (i < nch && (str[pos.off + i] == L'-' || str[pos.off + i] == 0x2013 ||
                    str[pos.off + i] == 0x2014) && i < len - 1 && (str[pos.off + i + 1] == L' ' ||
                    iswalpha(str[pos.off + i + 1])))
                // or at possible hyphenation points
                if (m_hyphenate && pp.cflags[pos.off + i].hyphen &&
                    dx[i] + dc.GetHypWidth() <= curwidth)
                    addhyp = true;
            if (i > 0)
                nch = i;
                addhyp = false;
        // insert it into line list
        if (pos.off == 0 && nch == pp.str.size())
            // got full line
            Line l(str, len, false);
            l.pos = pos;
            l.flags = Line::first | Line::last;
            l.ispace = ispace;
            l.height = lh;
            l.base = lbase;
            if (dx[nch] < curwidth)
                if (pp.flags&Paragraph::center)
                    l.ispace += (curwidth - dx[nch]) / 2;
                else if (pp.flags&Paragraph::right)
                    l.ispace += curwidth - dx[nch];
            CopyAttr(l.attr, pp.cflags, len);
            for (int j = 0; j < len; ++j)
                l.dx[j] = dx[j + 1] - dx[j];
            pos.off = len;
            Line l(str + pos.off, nch, addhyp);
            if (addhyp)
                l.str[nch] = L'-';
            l.pos = pos;
            l.ispace = ispace;
            l.height = lh;
            l.base = lbase;
            l.flags = 0;
            if (pos.off == 0)
                l.flags |= Line::first;
            if (pos.off + nch == pp.str.size())
                l.flags |= Line::last;
            for (int j = 0; j < nch; ++j)
                l.dx[j] = dx[j + 1] - dx[j];
            int extra_width = 0;
            if (addhyp)
                l.dx[nch] = extra_width = dc.GetHypWidth();
            // 3. justify/center text if needed
            if (dx[nch] < curwidth)
                if (addhyp)
                    curwidth -= extra_width;
                if (pp.flags&Paragraph::center)
                    l.ispace += (curwidth - dx[nch]) / 2;
                else if (pp.flags&Paragraph::right)
                    l.ispace += curwidth - dx[nch];
                else if ((m_justified || pp.flags&Paragraph::justify) &&
                    // count spaces in string
                    int nspc = 0, i;
                    for (i = 0; i < nch; ++i)
                        if (L' ' == str[pos.off + i])
                    // and distribute extra width to them
                    if (nspc > 0)
                        int addw = (curwidth - dx[nch]) / nspc;
                        int extraddw = curwidth - dx[nch] - addw*nspc;
                        for (i = 0; i < nch; ++i)
                            if (str[pos.off + i] == L' ')
                                l.dx[i] += addw;
                                if (extraddw)
            CopyAttr(l.attr, pp.cflags + pos.off, nch);
            if (addhyp)
                l.attr[nch] = l.attr[nch - 1];
            pos.off += nch;
            while (pos.off < len && str[pos.off] == L' ')
        toth += lh;
    return toth;