// Fusion uses a context class to drive resolution of assemblies.
// Each application has properties that can be pushed into the
// fusion context (see fusionp.h). The public api is part of
// application domains.
HRESULT FusionBind::SetupFusionContext(LPCWSTR szAppBase,
                                       LPCWSTR szPrivateBin,
                                       IApplicationContext** ppFusionContext)
    TIMELINE_START_SAFE(FUSIONBIND, ("SetupFusionContext %S", szAppBase));

    HRESULT hr;

    LPCWSTR pBase;
    // if the appbase is null then use the current directory
    if (szAppBase == NULL) {
        pBase = (LPCWSTR) _alloca(_MAX_PATH * sizeof(WCHAR));
        WszGetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, (LPWSTR) pBase);
        pBase = szAppBase;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr = CreateFusionContext(pBase, ppFusionContext))) {
                            (void*) pBase,
                            (DWORD)(wcslen(pBase) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR),
        if (szPrivateBin)
                                (void*) szPrivateBin,
                                (DWORD)(wcslen(szPrivateBin) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR),
            AddEnvironmentProperty(APPENV_RELATIVEPATH, ACTAG_APP_PRIVATE_BINPATH, *ppFusionContext);

    TIMELINE_END(FUSIONBIND, ("SetupFusionContext %S", szAppBase));

    return hr;
// Get the current directory. 
// On success, returns true and sets 'Value' to unicode version of cur dir.
// Throws on all failures. This should mainly be oom.
void ClrGetCurrentDirectory(SString & value)

    // Get size needed
    DWORD len = WszGetCurrentDirectory(value);

    // An actual API failure in GetCurrentDirectory failure should be very rare, so we'll throw on those.
    if (len == 0)

// Nothrowing wrapper.
bool ClrGetCurrentDirectoryNoThrow(SString & value)
// This is a routine to try to find a class implementation given its fully
// qualified name by using the CORPATH environment variable.  CORPATH is a list
// of directories (like PATH).  Before checking CORPATH, this checks the current
// directory, then the directory that the exe lives in.  The search is
// performed by parsing off one element at a time from the class name,
// appending it to the directory and looking for a subdirectory or image with
// that name.  If the subdirectory exists, it drills down into that subdirectory
// and tries the next element of the class name.  When it finally bottoms out
// but can't find the image it takes the rest of the fully qualified class name
// and appends them with intervening '.'s trying to find a matching DLL.
// Example:
// CORPATH=c:\bin;c:\prog
// classname = namespace.class
// checks the following things in order:
// c:\bin\namespace, (if <-exists) c:\bin\namespace\class.dll,
//        c:\bin\namespace.dll, c:\bin\namespace.class.dll
// c:\prog\namespace, (if <-exists) c:\prog\namespace\class.dll,
//        c:\prog\namespace.dll, c:\prog\namespace.class.dll
HRESULT CORPATHService::GetClassFromCORPath(
    __in __in_z LPWSTR        wzClassname,            // [IN] fully qualified class name
    mdTypeRef   tr,                     // [IN] TypeRef to be resolved.
    IMetaModelCommon *pCommon,          // [IN] Scope in which the TypeRef is defined.
    REFIID        riid,                   // [IN] Interface type to be returned.
    IUnknown    **ppIScope,             // [OUT] Scope in which the TypeRef resolves.
    mdTypeDef    *ptd)                    // [OUT] typedef corresponding the typeref
    WCHAR        rcCorPath[1024] = {W('\0')};  // The CORPATH environment variable.
    LPWSTR        szCorPath = rcCorPath;  // Used to parse CORPATH.
    int            iLen;                   // Length of the directory.
    WCHAR        rcCorDir[_MAX_PATH];    // Buffer for the directory.
    WCHAR        *temp;                  // Used as a parsing temp.
    WCHAR        *szSemiCol;

    // Get the CORPATH environment variable.
    if (WszGetEnvironmentVariable(W("CORPATH"), rcCorPath,
                                  sizeof(rcCorPath) / sizeof(WCHAR)))
        // Force nul termination.
        rcCorPath[lengthof(rcCorPath)-1] = 0;

        // Try each directory in the path.
        for(;*szCorPath != W('\0');)
            // Get the next directory off the path.
            if ((szSemiCol = wcschr(szCorPath, W(';'))))
                temp = szCorPath;
                *szSemiCol = W('\0');
                szCorPath = szSemiCol + 1;
                temp = szCorPath;
                szCorPath += wcslen(temp);
            if ((iLen = (int)wcslen(temp)) >= _MAX_PATH)
            wcscpy_s(rcCorDir, COUNTOF(rcCorDir), temp);

            // Check if we can find the class in the directory.
            if (CORPATHService::GetClassFromDir(wzClassname, rcCorDir, iLen, tr, pCommon, riid, ppIScope, ptd) == S_OK)
                return S_OK;

    //<TODO>These should go before the path search, but it will cause test
    // some headaches right now, so we'll give them a little time to transition.</TODO>

    // Try the current directory first.
    if ((iLen = WszGetCurrentDirectory(_MAX_PATH, rcCorDir)) > 0 &&
        CORPATHService::GetClassFromDir(wzClassname, rcCorDir, iLen, tr, pCommon, riid, ppIScope, ptd) == S_OK)
        return S_OK;

    // Try the app directory next.
    if ((iLen = WszGetModuleFileName(NULL, rcCorDir, _MAX_PATH)) > 0)
        // Back up to the last path separator.
        while (--iLen >= 0 && rcCorDir[iLen] != W('\\') && rcCorDir[iLen] != W('/'))
        if (iLen > 0 && 
                    ptd) == S_OK)
            return (S_OK);

    // Couldn't find the class.
    return S_FALSE;
} // CORPATHService::GetClassFromCORPath
// This is a routine to try to find a class implementation given its fully
// qualified name by using the CORPATH environment variable.  CORPATH is a list
// of directories (like PATH).  Before checking CORPATH, this checks the current
// directory, then the directory that the exe lives in.  The search is
// performed by parsing off one element at a time from the class name,
// appending it to the directory and looking for a subdirectory or image with
// that name.  If the subdirectory exists, it drills down into that subdirectory
// and tries the next element of the class name.  When it finally bottoms out
// but can't find the image it takes the rest of the fully qualified class name
// and appends them with intervening '.'s trying to find a matching DLL.
// Example:
// CORPATH=c:\bin;c:\prog
// classname = namespace.class
// checks the following things in order:
// c:\bin\namespace, (if <-exists) c:\bin\namespace\class.dll,
//        c:\bin\namespace.dll, c:\bin\namespace.class.dll
// c:\prog\namespace, (if <-exists) c:\prog\namespace\class.dll,
//        c:\prog\namespace.dll, c:\prog\namespace.class.dll
HRESULT CORPATHService::GetClassFromCORPath(
    __in __in_z LPWSTR        wzClassname,            // [IN] fully qualified class name
    mdTypeRef   tr,                     // [IN] TypeRef to be resolved.
    IMetaModelCommon *pCommon,          // [IN] Scope in which the TypeRef is defined.
    REFIID        riid,                   // [IN] Interface type to be returned.
    IUnknown    **ppIScope,             // [OUT] Scope in which the TypeRef resolves.
    mdTypeDef    *ptd)                    // [OUT] typedef corresponding the typeref
    PathString    rcCorPath;  // The CORPATH environment variable.
    LPWSTR        szCorPath;  // Used to parse CORPATH.
    int            iLen;                   // Length of the directory.
    PathString     rcCorDir;    // Buffer for the directory.
    WCHAR        *temp;                  // Used as a parsing temp.
    WCHAR        *szSemiCol;

    // Get the CORPATH environment variable.
    if (WszGetEnvironmentVariable(W("CORPATH"), rcCorPath))
        NewArrayHolder<WCHAR> szCorPathHolder = rcCorPath.GetCopyOfUnicodeString();
        szCorPath = szCorPathHolder.GetValue();
        // Try each directory in the path.
        for(;*szCorPath != W('\0');)
            // Get the next directory off the path.
            if ((szSemiCol = wcschr(szCorPath, W(';'))))
                temp = szCorPath;
                *szSemiCol = W('\0');
                szCorPath = szSemiCol + 1;
                temp = szCorPath;
                szCorPath += wcslen(temp);


            // Check if we can find the class in the directory.
            if (CORPATHService::GetClassFromDir(wzClassname, rcCorDir, tr, pCommon, riid, ppIScope, ptd) == S_OK)
                return S_OK;

    //<TODO>These should go before the path search, but it will cause test
    // some headaches right now, so we'll give them a little time to transition.</TODO>

    // Try the current directory first.
    if ((iLen = WszGetCurrentDirectory( rcCorDir)) > 0 &&
        CORPATHService::GetClassFromDir(wzClassname, rcCorDir, tr, pCommon, riid, ppIScope, ptd) == S_OK)
        return S_OK;
    // Try the app directory next.
    if ((iLen = WszGetModuleFileName(NULL, rcCorDir)) > 0)
        if(SUCCEEDED(CopySystemDirectory(rcCorDir, rcCorDir)) && 
                    ptd) == S_OK)
            return (S_OK);

    // Couldn't find the class.
    return S_FALSE;
} // CORPATHService::GetClassFromCORPath