 * XGpioPS Interrupt Handler
 * Compared to the original Interrupt Handler, this one only handles an interrupt if it has been enabled.
 * (Source: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Zynq-All-Programmable-SoC/GPIOPS-interrupt-problem/td-p/441640)
 * In: Instance Pointer
void myXGpioPs_IntrHandler(XGpioPs *InstancePtr) {
    u8 Bank;
    u32 IntrStatus;
    u32 IntrEnabled;

    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

    for (Bank = 0U; Bank < InstancePtr->MaxBanks; Bank++) {
        IntrStatus = XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(InstancePtr, Bank);
        IntrEnabled = XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(InstancePtr, Bank);
        if ((IntrStatus & IntrEnabled) != (u32) 0) {
            XGpioPs_IntrClear((XGpioPs *) InstancePtr, Bank,
                              (IntrStatus & IntrEnabled));
            InstancePtr->Handler(InstancePtr->CallBackRef, Bank,
                                 (IntrStatus & IntrEnabled));
* This function is the interrupt handler for GPIO interrupts.It checks the
* interrupt status registers of all the banks to determine the actual bank in
* which an interrupt has been triggered. It then calls the upper layer callback
* handler set by the function XGpioPs_SetBankHandler(). The callback is called
* when an interrupt
* @param	InstancePtr is a pointer to the XGpioPs instance.
* @return	None.
* @note		This function does not save and restore the processor context
*		such that the user must provide this processing.
void XGpioPs_IntrHandler(XGpioPs *InstancePtr)
	u8 Bank;
	u32 IntrStatus;
	u32 IntrEnabled;

	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
	Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);

	for (Bank = 0; Bank < XGPIOPS_MAX_BANKS; Bank++) {
		IntrStatus = XGpioPs_IntrGetStatus(InstancePtr, Bank);
		if (IntrStatus != 0) {
			IntrEnabled = XGpioPs_IntrGetEnabled(InstancePtr,
			XGpioPs_IntrClear(InstancePtr, Bank,
					   IntrStatus & IntrEnabled);
			InstancePtr->Handler((void *)InstancePtr->
					     CallBackRef, Bank,
					     (IntrStatus & IntrEnabled));