#include "xio-socket.h"
#include "xio-ip.h"

#include "xio-tun.h"

static int xioopen_tun(int argc, const char *argv[], struct opt *opts, int xioflags, xiofile_t *fd, unsigned groups, int dummy1, int dummy2, int dummy3);

/****** TUN addresses ******/
const struct optdesc opt_tun_device    = { "tun-device",     NULL,      OPT_TUN_DEVICE,      GROUP_TUN,       PH_OPEN, TYPE_FILENAME, OFUNC_SPEC };
const struct optdesc opt_tun_name      = { "tun-name",       NULL,      OPT_TUN_NAME,        GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_STRING,   OFUNC_SPEC };
const struct optdesc opt_tun_type      = { "tun-type",       NULL,      OPT_TUN_TYPE,        GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_STRING,   OFUNC_SPEC };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_no_pi     = { "iff-no-pi",       "no-pi",       OPT_IFF_NO_PI,         GROUP_TUN,       PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,   OFUNC_SPEC };
/*0 const struct optdesc opt_interface_addr    = { "interface-addr",    "address", OPT_INTERFACE_ADDR,    GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD, TYPE_STRING,   OFUNC_SPEC };*/
/*0 const struct optdesc opt_interface_netmask = { "interface-netmask", "netmask", OPT_INTERFACE_NETMASK, GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD, TYPE_STRING,   OFUNC_SPEC };*/
const struct optdesc opt_iff_up          = { "iff-up",          "up",          OPT_IFF_UP,          GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_UP };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_broadcast   = { "iff-broadcast",   NULL,          OPT_IFF_BROADCAST,   GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_BROADCAST };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_debug       = { "iff-debug"    ,   NULL,          OPT_IFF_DEBUG,       GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_DEBUG };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_loopback    = { "iff-loopback" ,   "loopback",    OPT_IFF_LOOPBACK,    GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_LOOPBACK };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_pointopoint = { "iff-pointopoint", "pointopoint",OPT_IFF_POINTOPOINT, GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_POINTOPOINT };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_notrailers  = { "iff-notrailers",  "notrailers",  OPT_IFF_NOTRAILERS,  GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_NOTRAILERS };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_running     = { "iff-running",     "running",     OPT_IFF_RUNNING,     GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_RUNNING };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_noarp       = { "iff-noarp",       "noarp",       OPT_IFF_NOARP,       GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_NOARP };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_promisc     = { "iff-promisc",     "promisc",     OPT_IFF_PROMISC,     GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_PROMISC };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_allmulti    = { "iff-allmulti",    "allmulti",    OPT_IFF_ALLMULTI,    GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_ALLMULTI };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_master      = { "iff-master",      "master",      OPT_IFF_MASTER,      GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_MASTER };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_slave       = { "iff-slave",       "slave",       OPT_IFF_SLAVE,       GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_SLAVE };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_multicast   = { "iff-multicast",   NULL,          OPT_IFF_MULTICAST,   GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_MULTICAST };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_portsel     = { "iff-portsel",     "portsel",     OPT_IFF_PORTSEL,     GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_PORTSEL };
const struct optdesc opt_iff_automedia   = { "iff-automedia",   "automedia",   OPT_IFF_AUTOMEDIA,   GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.tun.iff_opts), IFF_AUTOMEDIA };
/*const struct optdesc opt_iff_dynamic   = { "iff-dynamic",     "dynamic",     OPT_IFF_DYNAMIC,     GROUP_INTERFACE, PH_FD,   TYPE_BOOL,     OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.tun.iff_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(short), IFF_DYNAMIC };*/
文件: xio-ip.c 项目: erluko/socat
const struct optdesc opt_ip_multicast_if  ={"ip-multicast-if",  "multicast-if", OPT_IP_MULTICAST_IF,  GROUP_SOCK_IP,PH_PASTSOCKET,TYPE_IP4NAME,OFUNC_SOCKOPT,SOL_IP,IP_MULTICAST_IF};
const struct optdesc opt_ip_pktoptions = { "ip-pktoptions", "pktopts", OPT_IP_PKTOPTIONS, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_PASTSOCKET, TYPE_INT, OFUNC_SOCKOPT, SOL_IP, IP_PKTOPTIONS };
const struct optdesc opt_ip_add_membership = { "ip-add-membership", "membership",OPT_IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_PASTSOCKET, TYPE_IP_MREQN, OFUNC_SOCKOPT, SOL_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP };
const struct optdesc opt_ip_recvdstaddr = { "ip-recvdstaddr", "recvdstaddr",OPT_IP_RECVDSTADDR, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_PASTSOCKET, TYPE_INT, OFUNC_SOCKOPT, SOL_IP, IP_RECVDSTADDR };
#ifdef IP_RECVIF
const struct optdesc opt_ip_recvif = { "ip-recvif", "recvdstaddrif",OPT_IP_RECVIF, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_PASTSOCKET, TYPE_INT, OFUNC_SOCKOPT, SOL_IP, IP_RECVIF };

const struct optdesc opt_res_debug    = { "res-debug",    NULL,       OPT_RES_DEBUG,    GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_DEBUG };
const struct optdesc opt_res_aaonly   = { "res-aaonly",   "aaonly",   OPT_RES_AAONLY,   GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_AAONLY };
const struct optdesc opt_res_usevc    = { "res-usevc",    "usevc",    OPT_RES_USEVC,    GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_USEVC };
const struct optdesc opt_res_primary  = { "res-primary",  "primary",  OPT_RES_PRIMARY,  GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_PRIMARY };
const struct optdesc opt_res_igntc    = { "res-igntc",    "igntc",    OPT_RES_IGNTC,    GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_IGNTC };
const struct optdesc opt_res_recurse  = { "res-recurse",  "recurse",  OPT_RES_RECURSE,  GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_RECURSE };
const struct optdesc opt_res_defnames = { "res-defnames", "defnames", OPT_RES_DEFNAMES, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_DEFNAMES };
const struct optdesc opt_res_stayopen = { "res-stayopen", "stayopen", OPT_RES_STAYOPEN, GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_STAYOPEN };
const struct optdesc opt_res_dnsrch   = { "res-dnsrch",   "dnsrch",   OPT_RES_DNSRCH,   GROUP_SOCK_IP, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET_MASKS, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.ip.res_opts), RES_DNSRCH };
#endif /* HAVE_RESOLV_H */

#endif /* WITH_IP4 || WITH_IP6 */

int Res_init(void) {
const struct optdesc opt_lseek32_cur  = { "lseek32-cur",  "seek-cur", OPT_SEEK32_CUR,  GROUP_REG|GROUP_BLK, PH_LATE,  TYPE_OFF32, OFUNC_SEEK32, SEEK_CUR };
const struct optdesc opt_lseek32_end  = { "lseek32-end",  "seek-end", OPT_SEEK32_END,  GROUP_REG|GROUP_BLK, PH_LATE,  TYPE_OFF32, OFUNC_SEEK32, SEEK_END };
const struct optdesc opt_lseek32_set  = { "lseek32-set",  "seek",     OPT_SEEK32_SET,  GROUP_REG|GROUP_BLK, PH_LATE,  TYPE_OFF32, OFUNC_SEEK32, SEEK_SET };
#endif /* !HAVE_LSEEK64 */
/* for all addresses (?) */
const struct optdesc opt_f_setlk_rd   = { "f-setlk-rd",   "setlk-rd", OPT_F_SETLK_RD,   GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_SPEC, F_SETLK, F_RDLCK };
const struct optdesc opt_f_setlkw_rd  = { "f-setlkw-rd",  "setlkw-rd",OPT_F_SETLKW_RD,  GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_SPEC, F_SETLKW, F_RDLCK };
const struct optdesc opt_f_setlk_wr   = { "f-setlk-wr",   "setlk",    OPT_F_SETLK_WR,   GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_SPEC, F_SETLK, F_WRLCK };
const struct optdesc opt_f_setlkw_wr  = { "f-setlkw-wr",  "setlkw",   OPT_F_SETLKW_WR,  GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_SPEC, F_SETLKW, F_WRLCK };
const struct optdesc opt_flock_sh     = { "flock-sh",    NULL,    OPT_FLOCK_SH,    GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_FLOCK, LOCK_SH };
const struct optdesc opt_flock_sh_nb  = { "flock-sh-nb", NULL,    OPT_FLOCK_SH_NB, GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_FLOCK, LOCK_SH|LOCK_NB };
const struct optdesc opt_flock_ex     = { "flock-ex",    "flock", OPT_FLOCK_EX,    GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_FLOCK, LOCK_EX };
const struct optdesc opt_flock_ex_nb  = { "flock-ex-nb", "flock-nb", OPT_FLOCK_EX_NB, GROUP_FD, PH_FD,TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_FLOCK, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB };
#endif /* HAVE_FLOCK */
const struct optdesc opt_cool_write = { "cool-write", "coolwrite", OPT_COOL_WRITE, GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(cool_write) };

/* control closing of connections */
const struct optdesc opt_end_close = { "end-close", "close", OPT_END_CLOSE, GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_CONST, OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(howtoend), END_CLOSE };
const struct optdesc opt_shut_none = { "shut-none", NULL,    OPT_SHUT_NONE,  GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL,  OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(howtoshut), XIOSHUT_NONE };
const struct optdesc opt_shut_down = { "shut-down", NULL,    OPT_SHUT_DOWN,  GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL,  OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(howtoshut), XIOSHUT_DOWN };
const struct optdesc opt_shut_close= { "shut-close", NULL,   OPT_SHUT_CLOSE, GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL,  OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(howtoshut), XIOSHUT_CLOSE };
const struct optdesc opt_shut_null = { "shut-null", NULL,        OPT_SHUT_NULL, GROUP_FD, PH_INIT, TYPE_CONST, OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(howtoshut), XIOSHUT_NULL };

/****** generic ioctl() options ******/
const struct optdesc opt_ioctl_void   = { "ioctl-void",  "ioctl",    OPT_IOCTL_VOID,  GROUP_FD, PH_FD, TYPE_INT,       OFUNC_IOCTL_GENERIC, 0, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_ioctl_int    = { "ioctl-int",   NULL,       OPT_IOCTL_INT,   GROUP_FD, PH_FD, TYPE_INT_INT,   OFUNC_IOCTL_GENERIC, 0, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_ioctl_intp   = { "ioctl-intp",  NULL,       OPT_IOCTL_INTP,  GROUP_FD, PH_FD, TYPE_INT_INTP,  OFUNC_IOCTL_GENERIC, 0, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_ioctl_bin    = { "ioctl-bin",   NULL,       OPT_IOCTL_BIN,   GROUP_FD, PH_FD, TYPE_INT_BIN,   OFUNC_IOCTL_GENERIC, 0, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_ioctl_string = { "ioctl-string",NULL,       OPT_IOCTL_STRING,GROUP_FD, PH_FD, TYPE_INT_STRING,OFUNC_IOCTL_GENERIC, 0, 0, 0 };
/* source: xiolayer.c */
/* Copyright Gerhard Rieger 2001-2008 */
/* Published under the GNU General Public License V.2, see file COPYING */

/* this file contains the source for common options */

#include "xiosysincludes.h"
#include "xioopen.h"

#include "xiolayer.h"

/****** for ALL addresses - by application ******/
const struct optdesc opt_ignoreeof = { "ignoreeof", NULL, OPT_IGNOREEOF, GROUP_APPL, PH_LATE, TYPE_BOOL,  OFUNC_EXT, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->ignoreeof),   sizeof(((struct single *)0)->ignoreeof) };
const struct optdesc opt_cr        = { "cr",        NULL, OPT_CR,        GROUP_APPL, PH_LATE, TYPE_CONST, OFUNC_EXT, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->lineterm),   sizeof(((struct single *)0)->lineterm), LINETERM_CR };
const struct optdesc opt_crnl      = { "crnl",      NULL, OPT_CRNL,      GROUP_APPL, PH_LATE, TYPE_CONST, OFUNC_EXT, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->lineterm),   sizeof(((struct single *)0)->lineterm), LINETERM_CRNL };
const struct optdesc opt_readbytes = { "readbytes", "bytes", OPT_READBYTES, GROUP_APPL, PH_LATE, TYPE_SIZE_T, OFUNC_EXT, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->readbytes),   sizeof(((struct single *)0)->readbytes) };
const struct optdesc opt_lockfile  = { "lockfile",  NULL, OPT_LOCKFILE,  GROUP_APPL, PH_INIT, TYPE_FILENAME, OFUNC_EXT, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_waitlock  = { "waitlock",  NULL, OPT_WAITLOCK,  GROUP_APPL, PH_INIT,  TYPE_FILENAME, OFUNC_EXT, 0, 0 };
const struct optdesc opt_escape    = { "escape",    NULL,    OPT_ESCAPE,    GROUP_APPL, PH_INIT, TYPE_INT,   OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(escape), sizeof(((xiosingle_t *)0)->escape) };
/****** APPL addresses ******/
const struct optdesc opt_forever   = { "forever",   NULL, OPT_FOREVER,   GROUP_RETRY, PH_INIT, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->forever),   sizeof(((struct single *)0)->forever) };
const struct optdesc opt_intervall = { "intervall", NULL, OPT_INTERVALL, GROUP_RETRY, PH_INIT, TYPE_TIMESPEC, OFUNC_OFFSET, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->intervall), sizeof(((struct single *)0)->intervall) };
const struct optdesc opt_retry     = { "retry",     NULL, OPT_RETRY,     GROUP_RETRY, PH_INIT, TYPE_UINT, OFUNC_OFFSET, (int)(&((struct single *)0)->retry),     sizeof(((struct single *)0)->retry) };

文件: xio-unix.c 项目: Averroes/socat
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_unix_sendto  = { "unix-sendto",   3, xioopen_unix_sendto,   GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          0, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_unix_recvfrom= { "unix-recvfrom", 3, xioopen_unix_recvfrom, GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY|GROUP_CHILD,              0, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_unix_recv    = { "unix-recv",     1, xioopen_unix_recv,     GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          0, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_unix_client  = { "unix-client",   3, xioopen_unix_client,   GROUP_FD|GROUP_NAMED|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          0, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_connect = { "abstract-connect",  3, xioopen_unix_connect,  GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_listen  = { "abstract-listen",   3, xioopen_unix_listen,   GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_LISTEN|GROUP_CHILD|GROUP_RETRY, 1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
#endif /* WITH_LISTEN */
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_sendto  = { "abstract-sendto",   3, xioopen_unix_sendto,   GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_recvfrom= { "abstract-recvfrom", 3, xioopen_unix_recvfrom, GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY|GROUP_CHILD,              1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_recv    = { "abstract-recv",     1, xioopen_unix_recv,     GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };
const struct addrdesc xioaddr_abstract_client  = { "abstract-client",   3, xioopen_unix_client,   GROUP_FD|GROUP_SOCKET|GROUP_SOCK_UNIX|GROUP_RETRY,                          1, 0, 0 HELP(":<filename>") };

const struct optdesc xioopt_unix_tightsocklen = { "unix-tightsocklen",    "tightsocklen",  OPT_UNIX_TIGHTSOCKLEN,  GROUP_SOCK_UNIX, PH_PREBIND, TYPE_BOOL, OFUNC_OFFSET, XIO_OFFSETOF(para.socket.un.tight), XIO_SIZEOF(para.socket.un.tight) };

/* fills the socket address struct and returns its effective length.
   abstract is usually 0;  != 0 generates an abstract socket address on Linux.
   tight!=0 calculates the resulting length from the path length, not from the
   structures length; this is more common (see option unix-tightsocklen)
   the struct need not be initialized when calling this function.
xiosetunix(int pf,
	   struct sockaddr_un *saun,
	   const char *path,
	   bool abstract,
	   bool tight) {
   size_t pathlen;