 * Function to determine the PulsarParamsVector input from a user-input defining CW sources.
 * This option supports a dual-type feature: if any string in the list is of the form '{...}', then
 * it determines the *contents* of a config-file, otherwise the name-pattern of config-files to be parsed by XLALFindFiles(),
 * NOTE: when specifying file-contents, options can be separated by ';' and/or newlines)
PulsarParamsVector *
XLALPulsarParamsFromUserInput ( const LALStringVector *UserInput		///< [in] user-input CSV list defining 'CW sources'
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( UserInput->length > 0, XLAL_EINVAL );

  PulsarParamsVector *allSources = NULL;

  for ( UINT4 l = 0; l < UserInput->length; l ++ )
      const char *thisInput = UserInput->data[l];

      if ( thisInput[0] != '{' )	// if it's an actual file-specification
          LALStringVector *file_list;
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( ( file_list = XLALFindFiles ( &thisInput[0] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          UINT4 numFiles = file_list->length;
          for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < numFiles; i ++ )
              PulsarParamsVector *sources_i;
              XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (sources_i = XLALPulsarParamsFromFile ( file_list->data[i] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

              XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (allSources = XLALPulsarParamsVectorAppend ( allSources, sources_i )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
              XLALDestroyPulsarParamsVector ( sources_i );
            } // for i < numFiles

          XLALDestroyStringVector ( file_list );

        } // if file-pattern given
          UINT4 len = strlen(thisInput);
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (thisInput[0] == '{') && (thisInput[len-1] == '}'), XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid file-content input:\n%s\n", thisInput );
          char *buf;
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (buf = XLALStringDuplicate ( &thisInput[1] )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          len = strlen(buf);
          buf[len-1] = 0;	// remove trailing '}'

          LALParsedDataFile *cfgdata = NULL;
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALParseDataFileContent ( &cfgdata, buf ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALFree ( buf );

          PulsarParamsVector *addSource;
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (addSource = XLALCreatePulsarParamsVector ( 1 )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALReadPulsarParams ( &addSource->data[0], cfgdata, NULL ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (addSource->data[0].name = XLALStringDuplicate ( "direct-string-input" )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALDestroyParsedDataFile ( cfgdata );

          XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (allSources = XLALPulsarParamsVectorAppend ( allSources, addSource )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
          XLALDestroyPulsarParamsVector ( addSource );

        } // if direct config-string given

    } // for l < len(UserInput)

  return allSources;

} // XLALPulsarParamsFromUserInput()
 * Parse a given 'CWsources' config file for PulsarParams, return vector
 * of all pulsar definitions found [using sections]
PulsarParamsVector *
XLALPulsarParamsFromFile ( const char *fname 		///< [in] 'CWsources' config file name

  LALParsedDataFile *cfgdata = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALParseDataFile ( &cfgdata, fname ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  LALStringVector *sections;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (sections = XLALListConfigFileSections ( cfgdata )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  UINT4 numPulsars = sections->length;	// currently only single-section defs supported! FIXME

  PulsarParamsVector *sources;
  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (sources = XLALCreatePulsarParamsVector ( numPulsars )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < numPulsars; i ++ )
      const char *sec_i = sections->data[i];

      if ( strcmp ( sec_i, "default" ) == 0 ) {	// special handling of 'default' section
        sec_i = NULL;
      XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALReadPulsarParams ( &sources->data[i], cfgdata, sec_i ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

      // ----- source naming convention: 'filename:section'
      char *name;
      size_t len = strlen(fname) + strlen(sections->data[i]) + 2;
      XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (name = XLALCalloc(1, len)) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
      sprintf ( name, "%s:%s", fname, sections->data[i] );
      sources->data[i].name = name;

    } // for i < numPulsars

  XLALDestroyStringVector ( sections );
  XLALDestroyParsedDataFile ( cfgdata );

  return sources;

} // XLALPulsarParamsFromFile()
// ---------- main ----------
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  XLAL_CHECK ( argc == 1, XLAL_EINVAL, "No input arguments allowed.\n" );

  // ----- load ephemeris
  EphemerisData *ephem;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (ephem = XLALInitBarycenter ( TEST_DATA_DIR "earth00-19-DE405.dat.gz", TEST_DATA_DIR "sun00-19-DE405.dat.gz" )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- setup injection and data parameters
  LALStringVector *detNames = NULL;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (detNames = XLALCreateStringVector ( "H1", "L1", NULL )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
  UINT4 numDetectors = detNames->length;

  // generate and assume some gaussian noise floors
  MultiNoiseFloor XLAL_INIT_DECL(injectSqrtSX);
  MultiNoiseFloor XLAL_INIT_DECL(assumeSqrtSX);
  injectSqrtSX.length = numDetectors;
  assumeSqrtSX.length = numDetectors;
  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      injectSqrtSX.sqrtSn[X] = 0; // don't inject random noise to keep errors deterministic and informative (resampling differs much more on noise)
      assumeSqrtSX.sqrtSn[X] = 1.0 + 2.0*X;

  LIGOTimeGPS startTime = {711595934, 0};
  REAL8 Tspan = 20 * 3600;
  LIGOTimeGPS endTime = startTime;
  XLALGPSAdd( &endTime, Tspan );
  REAL8 Tsft = 1800;

  LIGOTimeGPS refTime = { startTime.gpsSeconds - 2.3 * Tspan, 0 };

  MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTimestamps;
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiTimestamps = XLALCalloc ( 1, sizeof(*multiTimestamps))) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  XLAL_CHECK ( ( multiTimestamps->data = XLALCalloc ( numDetectors, sizeof(multiTimestamps->data[0]) )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM );
  multiTimestamps->length = numDetectors;
  LIGOTimeGPS startTimeX = startTime;
  for ( UINT4 X=0; X < numDetectors; X ++ )
      XLAL_CHECK ( (multiTimestamps->data[X] = XLALMakeTimestamps ( startTimeX, Tspan, Tsft, 0 ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
      XLALGPSAdd ( &startTimeX, 0.5 * Tspan );	// shift start-times by 1/2 Tspan for each detector
      Tspan *= 2.0;
    } // for X < numDetectors

  // shift a few timestamps around to create gaps
  UINT4 numSFTsPerDet = multiTimestamps->data[0]->length;
  multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[numSFTsPerDet-1].gpsSeconds += 10000;
  multiTimestamps->data[0]->data[numSFTsPerDet-2].gpsSeconds += 5000;
  multiTimestamps->data[1]->data[0].gpsSeconds -= 10000;
  multiTimestamps->data[1]->data[1].gpsSeconds -=  5000;

  SFTCatalog *catalog;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (catalog = XLALMultiAddToFakeSFTCatalog ( NULL, detNames, multiTimestamps )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- CW sources to injet ----------
  REAL8 Freq = 100.0;

  PulsarParamsVector *injectSources;
  XLAL_CHECK ( (injectSources = XLALCreatePulsarParamsVector(1)) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  injectSources->data[0].Amp.h0   = 1;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.cosi = 0.5;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.psi  = 0.1;
  injectSources->data[0].Amp.phi0 = 1.2;

  REAL8 asini = 0; // 1.4;	// sco-X1 like
  REAL8 Period = 0; // 19 * 3600;// sco-X1 like
  REAL8 ecc = 0; // 0.1;	// much larger than ScoX1
  PulsarDopplerParams XLAL_INIT_DECL(Doppler);
  Doppler.Alpha = 0.5;
  Doppler.Delta = -0.5;
  Doppler.fkdot[0] = Freq;
  Doppler.fkdot[1] = -1e-9;
  Doppler.refTime = refTime;

  Doppler.asini = asini;
  Doppler.ecc = ecc;
  Doppler.tp = startTime;
  Doppler.period = Period;
  Doppler.argp = 0.5;

  injectSources->data[0].Doppler = Doppler;

  REAL8 dFreq = 0.1 / Tspan;		// 10x finer than native FFT resolution
  REAL8 mis = 0.5;
  REAL8 df1dot = sqrt( 720.0 * mis ) / (LAL_PI * Tspan * Tspan);	// metric (f-projected) stepsize for given mismatch mis
  REAL8 dSky = 1e4 / (Freq * Tspan);	// rough estimate of a 'metric' sky step, eg. Eq.(118) in \cite Prix07

  REAL8 dPeriod = 3600;
  UINT4 numFreqBins = 1000;

  UINT4 numf1dotPoints  = 2;
  UINT4 numSkyPoints    = 2;
  UINT4 numPeriodPoints = 2;

  PulsarSpinRange XLAL_INIT_DECL(spinRange);
  spinRange.refTime = refTime;
  memcpy ( &spinRange.fkdot, &injectSources->data[0].Doppler.fkdot, sizeof(spinRange.fkdot) );
  spinRange.fkdotBand[0] = (numFreqBins - 1)*dFreq - 10*LAL_REAL8_EPS;
  spinRange.fkdotBand[1] = (numf1dotPoints - 1)*df1dot - 10*LAL_REAL8_EPS;

  Doppler.fkdot[0] -= 0.4 * spinRange.fkdotBand[0];

  REAL8 minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq;
  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALCWSignalCoveringBand ( &minCoverFreq, &maxCoverFreq, &startTime, &endTime, &spinRange, asini, Period, ecc ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

  // ----- setup optional Fstat arguments
  FstatOptionalArgs optionalArgs = FstatOptionalArgsDefaults;
  optionalArgs.injectSources = injectSources;
  optionalArgs.injectSqrtSX = &injectSqrtSX;
  optionalArgs.assumeSqrtSX = &assumeSqrtSX;

  // ----- prepare input data with injection for all available methods
  FstatInput *input[FMETHOD_END];
  FstatResults *results[FMETHOD_END];
  for ( UINT4 iMethod = FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
      results[iMethod] = NULL;
      if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
      optionalArgs.FstatMethod = iMethod;
      XLAL_CHECK ( (input[iMethod] = XLALCreateFstatInput ( catalog, minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq, dFreq, ephem, &optionalArgs )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );

  FstatQuantities whatToCompute = (FSTATQ_2F | FSTATQ_FAFB);
  // ----- loop over all templates {sky, f1dot, period}
  for ( UINT4 iSky = 0; iSky < numSkyPoints; iSky ++ )
      for ( UINT4 if1dot = 0; if1dot < numf1dotPoints; if1dot ++ )
          for ( UINT4 iPeriod = 0; iPeriod < numPeriodPoints; iPeriod ++ )
              // ----- loop over all available methods and compare Fstat results
              FstatMethodType firstMethod = FMETHOD_START;
              for ( UINT4 iMethod = FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
                  if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
                  if ( firstMethod == FMETHOD_START ) {	// keep track of first available method found
                    firstMethod = iMethod;

                  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALComputeFstat ( &results[iMethod], input[iMethod], &Doppler, numFreqBins, whatToCompute ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );

                  if ( lalDebugLevel & LALINFOBIT )
                      FILE *fp;
                      char fname[1024]; XLAL_INIT_MEM ( fname );
                      snprintf ( fname, sizeof(fname)-1, "twoF%s-iSky%02d-if1dot%02d-iPeriod%02d.dat", XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod), iSky, if1dot, iPeriod );
                      XLAL_CHECK ( (fp = fopen ( fname, "wb" )) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
                      for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < results[iMethod]->numFreqBins; k ++ )
                          REAL8 Freq0 = results[iMethod]->doppler.fkdot[0];
                          REAL8 Freq_k = Freq0 + k * results[iMethod]->dFreq;
                          if ( whatToCompute & FSTATQ_FAFB ) {
                            fprintf ( fp, "%20.16g %10.4g   %10.4g %10.4g   %10.4g %10.4g\n",
                                      Freq_k, results[iMethod]->twoF[k],
                                      crealf(results[iMethod]->Fa[k]), cimagf(results[iMethod]->Fa[k]),
                                      crealf(results[iMethod]->Fb[k]), cimagf(results[iMethod]->Fb[k])
                          } else {
                            fprintf ( fp, "%20.16g %10.4g\n",
                                      Freq_k, results[iMethod]->twoF[k] );
                        } // for k < numFreqBins
                    } // if info

                  // compare to first result
                  if ( iMethod != firstMethod )
                      XLALPrintInfo ("Comparing results between method '%s' and '%s'\n", XLALGetFstatMethodName(firstMethod), XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod) );
                      if ( compareFstatResults ( results[firstMethod], results[iMethod] ) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
                          XLALPrintError ("Comparison between method '%s' and '%s' failed\n", XLALGetFstatMethodName(firstMethod), XLALGetFstatMethodName(iMethod) );
                          XLAL_ERROR ( XLAL_EFUNC );

                }  // for i < FMETHOD_END

              Doppler.period += dPeriod;

            } // for iPeriod < numPeriodPoints

          Doppler.fkdot[1] += df1dot;

        } // for if1dot < numf1dotPoints

      Doppler.Alpha += dSky;

    } // for iSky < numSkyPoints

  // free remaining memory
  for ( UINT4 iMethod=FMETHOD_START; iMethod < FMETHOD_END; iMethod ++ )
      if ( !XLALFstatMethodIsAvailable(iMethod) ) {
      XLALDestroyFstatInput ( input[iMethod] );
      XLALDestroyFstatResults ( results[iMethod] );
    } // for i < FMETHOD_END

  XLALDestroyPulsarParamsVector ( injectSources );
  XLALDestroySFTCatalog ( catalog );
  XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps ( multiTimestamps );
  XLALDestroyStringVector ( detNames );
  XLALDestroyEphemerisData ( ephem );


  return XLAL_SUCCESS;

} // main()