文件: antenna.c 项目: Solaro/lalsuite
 * Compute the largest magnitude of antenna velocity
 * \param [in]  t0         Start time (GPS seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tcoh       Coherence length of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  SFToverlap Overlap of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tobs       Observation time (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  det        A LALDetector struct
 * \param [in]  edat       Pointer to EphemerisData
 * \return Maximum magnitude of antenna velocity
REAL4 CompDetectorVmax(REAL8 t0, REAL8 Tcoh, REAL8 SFToverlap, REAL8 Tobs, LALDetector det, EphemerisData *edat)


   INT4 ii;
   INT4 numffts = (INT4)floor(Tobs/(Tcoh-SFToverlap)-1);    //Number of FFTs
   LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

   REAL8 detvel[3];
   REAL4 Vmax = 0.0;
   for (ii=0; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + ii*(Tcoh-SFToverlap) + 0.5*Tcoh);
      gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+ii*(Tcoh-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tcoh - floor(t0+ii*(Tcoh-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tcoh))*1e9);

      if (ii==0) {
         LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
         XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
         Vmax = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);
      } else {
         LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
         XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
         REAL4 V = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);
         if (V > Vmax) Vmax = V;
      } /* if ii==0 else ... */
   } /* for ii < numffts */

   return Vmax;

} /* CompDetectorVmax() */
 * Compute the largest magnitude of antenna velocity
 * \param [in]  t0         Start time (GPS seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tsft       Coherence length of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  SFToverlap Overlap of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tobs       Observation time (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  det        A LALDetector struct
 * \param [in]  edat       Pointer to EphemerisData
 * \return Maximum magnitude of antenna velocity
REAL4 CompDetectorVmax(const REAL8 t0, const REAL8 Tsft, const REAL8 SFToverlap, const REAL8 Tobs, const LALDetector det, EphemerisData *edat)


   INT4 numffts = (INT4)floor(Tobs/(Tsft-SFToverlap)-1);    //Number of FFTs
   LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

   gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + 0.5*Tsft);
   gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+0.5*Tsft - floor(t0+0.5*Tsft))*1e9);

   REAL8 detvel[3];
   LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
   XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
   REAL4 Vmax = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);

   for (INT4 ii=1; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap) + 0.5*Tsft);
      gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft - floor(t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft))*1e9);

      LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
      XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
      REAL4 V = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);
      if (V > Vmax) Vmax = V;
   } /* for ii < numffts */

   return Vmax;

} /* CompDetectorVmax() */
 * Compute the maximum change in antenna velocity
 * \param [in]  t0         Start time (GPS seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tsft       Coherence length of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  SFToverlap Overlap of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tobs       Observation time (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  det        A LALDetector struct
 * \param [in]  edat       Pointer to EphemerisData
 * \return Maximum change in antenna velocity
REAL4 CompDetectorDeltaVmax(const REAL8 t0, const REAL8 Tsft, const REAL8 SFToverlap, const REAL8 Tobs, const LALDetector det, EphemerisData *edat)


   INT4 numffts = (INT4)floor(Tobs/(Tsft-SFToverlap)-1);    //Number of FFTs
   LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

   REAL8 detvel[3], detvel0[3], dv[3];
   REAL4 deltaVmax = 0.0;
   for (INT4 ii=0; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap) + 0.5*Tsft);
      gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft - floor(t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft))*1e9);

      if (ii==0) {
         LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel0, &gpstime, det, edat);
         XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
      } else {
         LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
         XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );

         dv[0] = detvel[0] - detvel0[0];
         dv[1] = detvel[1] - detvel0[1];
         dv[2] = detvel[2] - detvel0[2];
         REAL4 deltaV = (REAL4)sqrt(dv[0]*dv[0] + dv[1]*dv[1] + dv[2]*dv[2]);
         if (deltaV > deltaVmax) deltaVmax = deltaV;
      } /* if ii==0 else ... */
   } /* for ii < numffts */

   return deltaVmax;

} /* CompDetectorDeltaVmax() */
 * extend the previous definition to an SFT-vector
 * this is simply the sum of individual SFT-products
scalarProductSFTVector ( const SFTVector *sftvect1, const SFTVector *sftvect2 )
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( (sftvect1 != NULL) && (sftvect2 != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( sftvect1->length == sftvect2->length, XLAL_EINVAL );

  REAL8 prod = 0;
  for ( UINT4 i=0; i < sftvect1->length; i++ )
      REAL4 xy = scalarProductSFT ( &(sftvect1->data[i]), &(sftvect2->data[i]) );
      prod += (REAL8) xy;

  return (REAL4)prod;

} /* scalarProductSFTVector() */
 * Deprecated function to compute Line Veto statistics from multi- and single-detector \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stats,
 * using outdated \f$ \rho \f$ notation and prior normalization.
 * This is not the log-Bayes-factor!
 * \f$ \mathrm{LV} = \mathcal{F} - \log \left( \frac{\rho_{\mathrm{max,line}}^4}{70} + \sum_X l^X e^{\mathcal{F}^X} \right) \f$
 * \deprecated use XLALComputeBSGL() instead.
 * Implemented by log sum exp formula:
 * \f$ \mathrm{LV} = \mathcal{F} - \max(\mathrm{denom. terms}) - \log \left( \sum e^{\mathrm{denom. terms}-\max} \right) \f$.
 * From the analytical derivation, there should be an extra term \f$ + o_{SN} + 4 \log \left( \frac{\rho_{\mathrm{max,line}}}{\rho_{\mathrm{max,sig}}} \right) \f$,
 * but this is irrelevant for toplist sorting, only a normalization which can be replaced arbitrarily.
 * NOTE: priors logRhoTerm, loglX have to be logarithmized already.
XLALComputeLineVetoArray ( const REAL4 TwoF,		/**< multi-detector \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stat */
                           const UINT4 numDetectors,	/**< number of detectors */
                           const REAL4 *TwoFX,		/**< array of single-detector \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stats */
                           const REAL8 logRhoTerm,	/**< extra term coming from prior normalization: \f$ \log \left( \frac{\rho_{\mathrm{max,line}}^4}{70} \right) \f$ */
                           const REAL8 *loglX,		/**< array of logs of single-detector prior line odds ratios, default to \f$ \log(l^X)=\log(1)=0 \f$ for all \f$ X \f$ if NULL */
                           const BOOLEAN useAllTerms	/**< only use leading term (FALSE) or all terms (TRUE) in log sum exp formula? */

  /* check input parameters and report errors */
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( TwoF && TwoFX, XLAL_EFAULT, "Empty TwoF or TwoFX pointer as input parameter." );

  /* set up temporary variables and structs */
  REAL4 log0  = - LAL_REAL4_MAX;	/* approximates -inf */

  REAL4 maxInSum = log0;           /* keep track of largest summand in denominator, for logsumexp formula below */
  REAL4 FXprior[numDetectors];     /* FXprior equiv log(lX * e^(FX)) = FX + loglX */

  for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
    FXprior[X] = 0.5 * TwoFX[X];
    if (loglX) { /* if no priors given, just use lX=1 => loglX=0 for all X => do not add anything */
      FXprior[X] += loglX[X];
    /* keep track of maximum value in denominator sum  */
    if ( FXprior[X] > maxInSum ) {
      maxInSum = FXprior[X];
  } /* for X < numDetectors */

  /* special treatment for additional denominator term 'rho^4/70' */
  if ( logRhoTerm > maxInSum ) {
    maxInSum = logRhoTerm;

  REAL4 LV = 0.0;	/* output variable for Line Veto statistics */

  LV = 0.5 * TwoF - maxInSum;	/* dominant term to LV-statistic */

  if ( useAllTerms ) { /* optionally add logsumexp term (possibly negligible in many cases) */

    REAL4 extraSum=0;	/* will be:  e^[-(maxInSum - logRhoTerm)] + sum_X e^[ -(maxInSum - FXprior) ] >= 1 */

    /* need to treat (rho^4/70) term separately */
    extraSum += exp ( logRhoTerm - maxInSum );

    /* now add all FX-contributions */
    for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
      extraSum += exp ( FXprior[X] - maxInSum );

    LV -= log ( extraSum );

  } /* if useAllTerms */

  return LV;

} /* XLALComputeLineVetoArray() */
 * Deprecated function to compute Line Veto statistics from multi- and single-detector \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stats,
 * using outdated \f$ \rho \f$ notation and prior normalization.
 * This is not the log-Bayes-factor!
 * \f$ \mathrm{LV} = \mathcal{F} - \log \left( \frac{\rho_{\mathrm{max,line}}^4}{70} + \sum_X l^X e^{\mathcal{F}^X} \right) \f$
 * \deprecated use XLALComputeBSGL() instead.
 * Also this is just a wrapper for XLALComputeLineVetoArray, which is faster for many LV values at identical priors.
 * This function here just translates REAL4Vectors to fixed REAL4 arrays,
 * and linear priors rhomaxline and lX to logarithmic values.
REAL4 XLALComputeLineVeto ( const REAL4 TwoF,			/**< multi-detector  \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stat */
                            const REAL4Vector *TwoFXvec,	/**< vector of single-detector \f$ \mathcal{F} \f$-stats */
                            const REAL8 rhomaxline,		/**< amplitude prior normalization for lines */
                            const REAL8Vector *lXvec,		/**< vector of single-detector prior line odds ratio, default to \f$ l^X=1 \f$ for all \f$ X \f$ if NULL */
                            const BOOLEAN useAllTerms		/**< only use leading term (FALSE) or all terms (TRUE) in log sum exp formula? */

  /* check input parameters and report errors */
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( TwoF && TwoFXvec && TwoFXvec->data, XLAL_EFAULT, "Empty TwoF or TwoFX pointer as input parameter." );
  UINT4 numDetectors = TwoFXvec->length;
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( !lXvec || ( lXvec->length == numDetectors ), XLAL_EBADLEN, "Input lX (%d) and TwoFX (%d) vectors have different lengths.", lXvec->length, numDetectors );

  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( rhomaxline >= 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Negative prior range 'rhomaxline' = %g. Must be >= 0!", rhomaxline );
  REAL8 logRhoTerm = 0.0;
  if ( rhomaxline > 0.0 ) {
   logRhoTerm = 4.0 * log(rhomaxline) - log(70.0);
  else { /* if rhomaxline == 0.0, logRhoTerm should become irrelevant in summation */
    logRhoTerm = - LAL_REAL8_MAX;

  REAL8 *loglX = NULL;
  REAL8 loglXtemp[numDetectors];
  if ( lXvec ) {
    for (UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++) {
      if ( lXvec->data[X] > 0 ) {
        loglXtemp[X] = log(lXvec->data[X]);
      else if ( lXvec->data[X] == 0 ) { /* if zero prior ratio, approximate log(0)=-inf by -LAL_REAL4_MAX to avoid raising underflow exceptions */
        loglXtemp[X] = - LAL_REAL8_MAX;
      else { /* negative prior ratio is a mistake! */
       XLAL_ERROR_REAL4 ( XLAL_EDOM, "Negative input prior-ratio for detector X=%d: lX[X]=%g\n", X, lXvec->data[X] );
    }  /* for X < numDetectors */
    loglX = loglXtemp;
  } /* if lXvec */

  REAL4 LV = XLALComputeLineVetoArray ( TwoF, numDetectors, TwoFXvec->data, logRhoTerm, loglX, useAllTerms );

  return LV;

} /* XLALComputeLineVeto() */
 * implements a straightforward L2 scalar product of
 * two time-series x_i and y_i : x*y = sum_i x_i y_i
 * in Fourier-space, which is 2/N * Re( sum_i X_i Y*_i)
scalarProductSFT ( const SFTtype *sft1, const SFTtype *sft2 )
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( (sft1 != NULL) && (sft2 != NULL), XLAL_EINVAL );
  XLAL_CHECK_REAL4 ( sft1->data->length == sft2->data->length, XLAL_EINVAL );

  /* we do the calculation in REAL8 to avoid accumulating roundoff-errors */
  REAL8 prod = 0;
  for ( UINT4 i=0; i < sft1->data->length; i++ )
      REAL8 xre = (REAL8)crealf(sft1->data->data[i]);
      REAL8 xim = (REAL8)cimagf(sft1->data->data[i]);
      REAL8 yre = (REAL8)crealf(sft2->data->data[i]);
      REAL8 yim = (REAL8)cimagf(sft2->data->data[i]);

      prod +=  xre * yre + xim * yim;

    } /* for i < SFT-length */

  prod *= 2.0 / ((REAL8)sft1->data->length);

  return (REAL4) prod;

} /* scalarProductSFT() */
 * Compute the largest magnitude of antenna velocity
 * \param [in]  t0         Start time (GPS seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tsft       Coherence length of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  SFToverlap Overlap of the SFTs (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  Tobs       Observation time (in seconds)
 * \param [in]  det        A LALDetector struct
 * \param [in]  edat       Pointer to EphemerisData
 * \return Maximum magnitude of antenna velocity
REAL4 CompDetectorVmax(const REAL8 t0, const REAL8 Tsft, const REAL8 SFToverlap, const REAL8 Tobs, const LALDetector det, EphemerisData *edat)


   INT4 numffts = (INT4)floor(Tobs/(Tsft-SFToverlap)-1);    //Number of FFTs
   LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

   gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + 0.5*Tsft);
   gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+0.5*Tsft - floor(t0+0.5*Tsft))*1e9);

   REAL8 detvel[3];
   LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
   XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
   REAL4 Vmax = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);

   for (INT4 ii=1; ii<numffts; ii++) {
      gpstime.gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t0 + ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap) + 0.5*Tsft);
      gpstime.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft - floor(t0+ii*(Tsft-SFToverlap)+0.5*Tsft))*1e9);

      LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
      XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
      REAL4 V = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);
      if (V > Vmax) Vmax = V;
   } /* for ii < numffts */

   return Vmax;

} /* CompDetectorVmax() */
REAL4 CompDetectorVmax2(const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps, const LALDetector det, EphemerisData *edat)
   XLAL_CHECK( timestamps!=NULL && edat != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL );

   LALStatus XLAL_INIT_DECL(status);

   LIGOTimeGPS gpstime = timestamps->data[0];

   REAL8 detvel[3];
   LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
   XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
   REAL4 Vmax = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);

   for (UINT4 ii=1; ii<timestamps->length; ii++) {
      gpstime = timestamps->data[ii];

      LALDetectorVel(&status, detvel, &gpstime, det, edat);
      XLAL_CHECK_REAL4( status.statusCode == 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
      REAL4 V = (REAL4)sqrt(detvel[0]*detvel[0] + detvel[1]*detvel[1] + detvel[2]*detvel[2]);
      if (V > Vmax) Vmax = V;
   } /* for ii < numffts */

   return Vmax;