static BtPersistence *
bt_wavelevel_persistence_load (const GType type,
    const BtPersistence * const persistence, xmlNodePtr node, GError ** err,
    va_list var_args)
  BtWavelevel *const self = BT_WAVELEVEL (persistence);
  xmlChar *root_note_str, *rate_str, *loop_start_str, *loop_end_str;
  glong loop_start, loop_end;
  gulong rate;
  GstBtNote root_note;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::wavelevel");
  g_assert (node);

  // only deserialize customizable properties
  root_note_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("root-note"));
  rate_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("rate"));
  loop_start_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-start"));
  loop_end_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-end"));

  root_note = root_note_str ? atol ((char *) root_note_str) : GSTBT_NOTE_NONE;
  rate = rate_str ? atol ((char *) rate_str) : 0;
  loop_start = loop_start_str ? atol ((char *) loop_start_str) : 0;
  loop_end = loop_end_str ? atol ((char *) loop_end_str) : self->priv->length;

  g_object_set (self, "root-note", root_note, "rate", rate,
      "loop-start", loop_start, "loop-end", loop_end, NULL);
  xmlFree (root_note_str);
  xmlFree (rate_str);
  xmlFree (loop_start_str);
  xmlFree (loop_end_str);

  return BT_PERSISTENCE (persistence);
static void
bt_persistence_save_hashtable_entries (gpointer const key, gpointer const value,
    gpointer const user_data)
  xmlNodePtr node;

  node = xmlNewChild (user_data, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("property"), NULL);
  xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("key"), XML_CHAR_PTR (key));
  xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("value"), XML_CHAR_PTR (value));
static BtPersistence *
bt_wave_persistence_load (const GType type,
    const BtPersistence * const persistence, xmlNodePtr node, GError ** err,
    va_list var_args)
  BtWave *self;
  BtPersistence *result;
  BtSongIONative *song_io;
  gchar *uri = NULL;

  g_assert (node);

  xmlChar *const index_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("index"));
  const gulong index = index_str ? atol ((char *) index_str) : 0;
  xmlChar *const name = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("name"));
  xmlChar *const uri_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("uri"));
  xmlChar *const volume_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("volume"));
  const gdouble volume =
      volume_str ? g_ascii_strtod ((char *) volume_str, NULL) : 0.0;
  xmlChar *const loop_mode_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-mode"));
  gint loop_mode = bt_str_parse_enum (BT_TYPE_WAVE_LOOP_MODE,
      (char *) loop_mode_str);
  if (loop_mode == -1)
    loop_mode = BT_WAVE_LOOP_MODE_OFF;

  if (!persistence) {
    BtSong *song = NULL;
    gchar *param_name;

    // we need to get parameters from var_args (need to handle all baseclass params
    param_name = va_arg (var_args, gchar *);
    while (param_name) {
      if (!strcmp (param_name, "song")) {
        song = va_arg (var_args, gpointer);
      } else {
        GST_WARNING ("unhandled argument: %s", param_name);
      param_name = va_arg (var_args, gchar *);

    /* TODO(ensonic): ugly hack, don't pass uri_str yet, this would trigger loading
     * which we do below (see also: bt_wave_constructed) */
    self =
        bt_wave_new (song, (gchar *) name, NULL, index, volume, loop_mode, 0);
    result = BT_PERSISTENCE (self);
    g_object_set (self, "uri", uri_str, NULL);
  } else {
static xmlNodePtr
bt_sink_machine_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
                                  xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
    //BtSinkMachine *self = BT_SINK_MACHINE(persistence);
    BtPersistenceInterface *const parent_iface =
        g_type_interface_peek_parent (BT_PERSISTENCE_GET_INTERFACE (persistence));
    xmlNodePtr node = NULL;

    GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::sink-machine");

    // save parent class stuff
    if ((node = parent_iface->save (persistence, parent_node))) {
        xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("type"), XML_CHAR_PTR ("sink"));
    return node;
static BtPersistence *
bt_processor_machine_persistence_load (const GType type,
    const BtPersistence * const persistence, xmlNodePtr node, GError ** err,
    va_list var_args)
  BtProcessorMachine *self;
  BtPersistence *result;
  BtPersistenceInterface *parent_iface;
  gulong voices;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::processor_machine");
  g_assert (node);

  xmlChar *const id = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("id"));
  xmlChar *const plugin_name = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("plugin-name"));
  xmlChar *const voices_str = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("voices"));
  voices = voices_str ? atol ((char *) voices_str) : 0;

  if (!persistence) {
    BtSong *song = NULL;
    gchar *param_name;
    va_list va;

    G_VA_COPY (va, var_args);
    // we need to get parameters from var_args (need to handle all baseclass params
    param_name = va_arg (va, gchar *);
    while (param_name) {
      if (!strcmp (param_name, "song")) {
        song = va_arg (va, gpointer);
      } else {
        GST_WARNING ("unhandled argument: %s", param_name);
      param_name = va_arg (va, gchar *);
    // TODO(ensonic): we also need the parameters the parent-class would parse
    // as a a quick hack copied the code from the parent class into the subclasses
    // see : http://www.buzztrax.org/index.php/Gobject_serialisation#Dealing_with_inheritance

    self =
        bt_processor_machine_new (song, (gchar *) id, (gchar *) plugin_name,
        voices, err);
    result = BT_PERSISTENCE (self);
    va_end (va);
  } else {
 * bt_persistence_load_hashtable:
 * @hashtable: (element-type utf8 utf8): a #GHashTable
 * @node: the list xml node
 * Iterates over the xml-node and deserializes elements into the hashtable.
 * Returns: %TRUE if all elements have been deserialized.
bt_persistence_load_hashtable (GHashTable * hashtable, xmlNodePtr node)
  xmlChar *key, *value;

  // iterate over children
  for (node = node->children; node; node = node->next) {
    if (!xmlNodeIsText (node)
        && !strncmp ((char *) node->name, "property\0", 9)) {
      key = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("key"));
      value = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("value"));
      //GST_DEBUG("    [%s] => [%s]",key,value);
      g_hash_table_insert (hashtable, key, value);
      // do not free, as the hastable now owns the memory
  return TRUE;
static xmlNodePtr
bt_processor_machine_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
    xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
  const BtProcessorMachine *const self = BT_PROCESSOR_MACHINE (persistence);
  const BtPersistenceInterface *const parent_iface =
      g_type_interface_peek_parent (BT_PERSISTENCE_GET_INTERFACE (persistence));
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
  gchar *const plugin_name;
  gulong voices;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::processor-machine");

  // save parent class stuff
  if ((node = parent_iface->save (persistence, parent_node))) {
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("type"), XML_CHAR_PTR ("processor"));

    g_object_get ((gpointer) self, "plugin-name", &plugin_name, "voices",
        &voices, NULL);
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("plugin-name"), XML_CHAR_PTR (plugin_name));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("voices"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (voices)));
    g_free (plugin_name);
  return node;
static gboolean
bt_song_io_native_xml_save (gconstpointer const _self,
    const BtSong * const song, GError ** err)
  const BtSongIONativeXML *const self = BT_SONG_IO_NATIVE_XML (_self);
  gboolean result = FALSE;
  gchar *const file_name;

  g_object_get ((gpointer) self, "file-name", &file_name, NULL);
  GST_INFO ("native io xml will now save song to \"%s\"",
      file_name ? file_name : "data");

  xmlDocPtr const song_doc = xmlNewDoc (XML_CHAR_PTR ("1.0"));
  if (song_doc) {
    xmlNodePtr const root_node =
        bt_persistence_save (BT_PERSISTENCE (song), NULL);
    if (root_node) {
      xmlDocSetRootElement (song_doc, root_node);
      if (file_name) {
        if (xmlSaveFile (file_name, song_doc) != -1) {
          result = TRUE;
          GST_INFO ("xml saved okay");
        } else {
          GST_WARNING ("failed to write song file \"%s\"", file_name);
          g_set_error_literal (err, G_IO_ERROR, g_io_error_from_errno (errno),
              g_strerror (errno));
      } else {
        xmlChar *mem;
        guint len;
        gpointer data;

        xmlDocDumpMemory (song_doc, &mem, (int *) &len);
        data = g_memdup (mem, len);
        xmlFree (mem);
        g_object_set ((gpointer) self, "data", data, "data-len", len, NULL);
    } else {
      g_set_error (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
          "Failed to serialize XML doc.");
  } else {
    g_set_error (err, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED,
        "Failed to create XML doc.");

  g_free (file_name);
  return result;
static xmlNodePtr
bt_wavetable_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
    xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
  const BtWavetable *const self = BT_WAVETABLE (persistence);
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::wavetable");

  if ((node =
          xmlNewChild (parent_node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("wavetable"), NULL))) {
    bt_persistence_save_list (self->priv->waves, node);
  return node;
static xmlNodePtr
bt_wavelevel_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
    xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
  const BtWavelevel *const self = BT_WAVELEVEL (persistence);
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::wavelevel");

  if ((node =
          xmlNewChild (parent_node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("wavelevel"), NULL))) {
    // only serialize customizable properties
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("root-note"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_uchar (self->priv->root_note)));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("rate"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (self->priv->rate)));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-start"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_long (self->priv->loop_start)));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-end"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_long (self->priv->loop_end)));
  return node;
static BtPersistence *
bt_sink_machine_persistence_load (const GType type,
                                  const BtPersistence * const persistence, xmlNodePtr node, GError ** err,
                                  va_list var_args)
    BtSinkMachine *self;
    BtPersistence *result;
    BtPersistenceInterface *parent_iface;

    GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::sink_machine");
    g_assert (node);

    xmlChar *const id = xmlGetProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("id"));

    if (!persistence) {
        BtSong *song = NULL;
        gchar *param_name;
        va_list va;

        G_VA_COPY (va, var_args);
        // we need to get parameters from var_args
        // TODO(ensonic): this is duplicated code among the subclasses
        param_name = va_arg (va, gchar *);
        while (param_name) {
            if (!strcmp (param_name, "song")) {
                song = va_arg (va, gpointer);
            } else {
                GST_WARNING ("unhandled argument: %s", param_name);
            param_name = va_arg (va, gchar *);

        self = bt_sink_machine_new (song, (gchar *) id, err);
        result = BT_PERSISTENCE (self);
        va_end (va);
    } else {
static void
test_bt_wire_persistence (BT_TEST_ARGS)
  GST_INFO ("-- arrange --");
  BtMachine *src =
      BT_MACHINE (bt_source_machine_new (song, "audiotestsrc", "audiotestsrc",
          0L, NULL));
  BtMachine *proc = BT_MACHINE (bt_processor_machine_new (song, "volume",
          "volume", 0L, NULL));
  BtWire *wire = bt_wire_new (song, src, proc, NULL);

  GST_INFO ("-- act --");
  xmlNodePtr parent = xmlNewNode (NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("buzztrax"));
  xmlNodePtr node = bt_persistence_save (BT_PERSISTENCE (wire), parent);

  GST_INFO ("-- assert --");
  fail_unless (node != NULL, NULL);
  ck_assert_str_eq ((gchar *) node->name, "wire");
  fail_unless (node->children != NULL, NULL);

  GST_INFO ("-- cleanup --");
static xmlNodePtr
bt_wave_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
    const xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
  const BtWave *const self = BT_WAVE (persistence);
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;
  xmlNodePtr child_node;


  if ((node = xmlNewChild (parent_node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("wave"), NULL))) {
    BtSongIONative *song_io;

    // we need to have a uri
    if (!self->priv->uri)
      self->priv->uri = g_strdup (self->priv->name);

    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("index"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (self->priv->index)));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("name"), XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->name));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("uri"), XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->uri));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("volume"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_double (self->priv->volume)));
    xmlNewProp (node, XML_CHAR_PTR ("loop-mode"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_enum (BT_TYPE_WAVE_LOOP_MODE,

    // check if we need to save external data
    g_object_get (self->priv->song, "song-io", &song_io, NULL);
    if (song_io) {
      if (BT_IS_SONG_IO_NATIVE_BZT (song_io)) {
        gchar *uri = NULL;

        if (self->priv->ext_fd == -1) {
          // need to write in memory data to a wav
          bt_wave_save_to_fd (self);
        uri = g_strdup_printf ("fd://%d", self->priv->ext_fd);
        bt_wave_save_from_fd (self, song_io, uri);
        g_free (uri);
      g_object_unref (song_io);
    // save wavelevels
    if ((child_node =
            xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("wavelevels"), NULL))) {
      bt_persistence_save_list (self->priv->wavelevels, child_node);
  return node;
static xmlNodePtr
bt_song_info_persistence_save (const BtPersistence * const persistence,
    xmlNodePtr const parent_node)
  const BtSongInfo *const self = BT_SONG_INFO (persistence);
  xmlNodePtr node = NULL;

  GST_DEBUG ("PERSISTENCE::song-info");

  if ((node = xmlNewChild (parent_node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("meta"), NULL))) {
    if (!strcmp (self->priv->name, DEFAULT_SONG_NAME)) {
      gchar *file_path = NULL, *file_name, *ext;

      bt_child_proxy_get (self->priv->song, "song-io::file-name", &file_path,
      if (file_path) {
        file_name = g_path_get_basename (file_path);
        if ((ext = strrchr (file_name, '.'))) {
          *ext = '\0';
        GST_INFO ("using '%s' instead of default title", file_name);
        g_object_set ((gpointer) self, "name", file_name, NULL);
        g_free (file_name);
        g_free (file_path);

    if (self->priv->info) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("info"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->info));
    if (self->priv->name) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("name"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->name));
    if (self->priv->genre) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("genre"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->genre));
    if (self->priv->author) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("author"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->author));
    if (self->priv->create_dts) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("create-dts"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->create_dts));
    if (self->priv->change_dts) {
      xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("change-dts"),
          XML_CHAR_PTR (self->priv->change_dts));
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("bpm"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (self->priv->beats_per_minute)));
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("tpb"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (self->priv->ticks_per_beat)));
    xmlNewChild (node, NULL, XML_CHAR_PTR ("bars"),
        XML_CHAR_PTR (bt_str_format_ulong (self->priv->bars)));
  return node;