* Node Transport Processing
* This function is part of the callback system for the Ethernet transport.
* Based on the Command Group field in the header, it will call the appropriate
* processing function.
* @param    Message to Node   - WARPNet Host Message to the node
*           Message from Node - WARPNet Host Message from the node
*           Packet Source          - Ethernet Packet Source
*           Ethernet Device Number - Indicates which Ethernet device packet came from
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void node_rxFromTransport(wn_host_message* toNode, wn_host_message* fromNode, void* pktSrc, unsigned int eth_dev_num){
	unsigned char cmd_grp;

	unsigned int respSent;

#ifdef _DEBUG_
	xil_printf("In node_rxFromTransport() \n");

	//Helper struct pointers to interpret the received packet contents
	wn_cmdHdr* cmdHdr;
	void * cmdArgs;

	//Helper struct pointers to form a response packet
	wn_respHdr* respHdr;
	void * respArgs;

	cmdHdr  = (wn_cmdHdr*)(toNode->payload);
	cmdArgs = (toNode->payload) + sizeof(wn_cmdHdr);

	//Endian swap the command header (this is the first place we know what/where it is)
	cmdHdr->cmd     = Xil_Ntohl(cmdHdr->cmd);
	cmdHdr->length  = Xil_Ntohs(cmdHdr->length);
	cmdHdr->numArgs = Xil_Ntohs(cmdHdr->numArgs);

	//Outgoing response header must be endian swapped as it's filled in
	respHdr  = (wn_respHdr*)(fromNode->payload);
	respArgs = (fromNode->payload) + sizeof(wn_cmdHdr);

	cmd_grp = WN_CMD_TO_GRP(cmdHdr->cmd);
		case NODE_GRP:
			respSent = node_processCmd(cmdHdr,cmdArgs,respHdr,respArgs, pktSrc, eth_dev_num);
		case TRANS_GRP:
			respSent = transport_processCmd(cmdHdr,cmdArgs,respHdr,respArgs, pktSrc, eth_dev_num);
			xil_printf("Unknown command group\n");

	if(respSent == NO_RESP_SENT)	fromNode->length += (respHdr->length + sizeof(wn_cmdHdr));

	//Endian swap the response header before returning
	// Do it here so the transport sender doesn't have to understand any payload contents
	respHdr->cmd     = Xil_Ntohl(respHdr->cmd);
	respHdr->length  = Xil_Ntohs(respHdr->length);
	respHdr->numArgs = Xil_Ntohs(respHdr->numArgs);

* Node Send Early Response
* Allows a node to send a response back to the host before the command has
* finished being processed.  This is to minimize the latency between commands
* since the node is able to finish processing the command during the time
* it takes to communicate to the host and receive another command.
* @param    Response Header        - WARPNet Response Header
*           Packet Source          - Ethernet Packet Source
*           Ethernet Device Number - Indicates which Ethernet device packet came from
* @return	None.
* @note		None.
void node_sendEarlyResp(wn_respHdr* respHdr, void* pktSrc, unsigned int eth_dev_num){
	/* This function is used to send multiple command responses back to the host
	 * under the broader umbrella of a single command exchange. The best example
	 * of this functionality is a 'readIQ' command where a single packet from
	 * the host results in many response packets returning from the board.
	 * A key assumption in the use of this function is that the underlying command
	 * from the host does not raise the transport-level ACK flag in the transport
	 * header. Furthermore, this function exploits the fact that wn_node can determine
	 * the beginning of the overall send buffer from the location of the response to
	 * be sent.

	 wn_host_message nodeResp;

#ifdef _DEBUG_
	 xil_printf("In node_sendEarlyResp() \n");

	 nodeResp.payload = (void*) respHdr;
	 nodeResp.buffer  = (void*) respHdr - ( PAYLOAD_OFFSET + sizeof(wn_transport_header) );
	 nodeResp.length  = PAYLOAD_PAD_NBYTES + respHdr->length + sizeof(wn_cmdHdr); //Extra 2 bytes is for alignment

	//Endian swap the response header before before transport sends it
	// Do it here so the transport sender doesn't have to understand any payload contents
	respHdr->cmd     = Xil_Ntohl(respHdr->cmd);
	respHdr->length  = Xil_Ntohs(respHdr->length);
	respHdr->numArgs = Xil_Ntohs(respHdr->numArgs);

#ifdef _DEBUG_
	xil_printf("payloadAddr = 0x%x, bufferAddr = 0x%x, len = %d\n",nodeResp.payload,nodeResp.buffer,nodeResp.length);

	 transport_send(&nodeResp, pktSrc, eth_dev_num);

void wlan_poll_eth() {
	XAxiDma_BdRing *rxRing_ptr;
	XAxiDma_Bd *cur_bd_ptr;
	XAxiDma_Bd *first_bd_ptr;
	u8* mpdu_start_ptr;
	u8* eth_start_ptr;
	u8* eth_mid_ptr;
	packet_bd* tx_queue;
	u32 eth_rx_len, eth_rx_buf;
	u32 mpdu_tx_len;
	packet_bd_list tx_queue_list;
	u32 i;
	u8 continue_loop;

	int bd_count;
	int status;
	int packet_is_queued;

	ethernet_header* eth_hdr;
	ipv4_header* ip_hdr;
	arp_packet* arp;
	udp_header* udp;
	dhcp_packet* dhcp;

	llc_header* llc_hdr;
	u8 eth_dest[6];
	u8 eth_src[6];

	static u32 max_bd_count = 0;

	rxRing_ptr = XAxiDma_GetRxRing(&ETH_A_DMA_Instance);

	//Check if any Rx BDs have been executed
	//TODO: process XAXIDMA_ALL_BDS instead of 1 at a time
	//bd_count = XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw(rxRing_ptr, 1, &cur_bd_ptr);
	bd_count = XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw(rxRing_ptr, XAXIDMA_ALL_BDS, &first_bd_ptr);
	cur_bd_ptr = first_bd_ptr;

	if(bd_count > max_bd_count){
		max_bd_count = bd_count;
		//xil_printf("max_bd_count = %d\n",max_bd_count);

	if(bd_count == 0) {
		//No Rx BDs have been processed - no new Eth receptions waiting


		//A packet has been received and transferred by DMA
		tx_queue = (packet_bd*)XAxiDma_BdGetId(cur_bd_ptr);

		//xil_printf("DMA has filled in packet_bd at 0x%08x\n", tx_queue);

		eth_rx_len = XAxiDma_BdGetActualLength(cur_bd_ptr, rxRing_ptr->MaxTransferLen);
		eth_rx_buf = XAxiDma_BdGetBufAddr(cur_bd_ptr);

		//After encapsulation, byte[0] of the MPDU will be at byte[0] of the queue entry frame buffer
		mpdu_start_ptr = (void*)((tx_packet_buffer*)(tx_queue->buf_ptr))->frame;

		eth_start_ptr = (u8*)eth_rx_buf;

		//Calculate actual wireless Tx len (eth payload - eth header + wireless header)
		mpdu_tx_len = eth_rx_len - sizeof(ethernet_header) + sizeof(llc_header) + sizeof(mac_header_80211);

		//Helper pointers to interpret/fill fields in the new MPDU
		eth_hdr = (ethernet_header*)eth_start_ptr;
		llc_hdr = (llc_header*)(mpdu_start_ptr + sizeof(mac_header_80211));

		//Copy the src/dest addresses from the received Eth packet to temp space
		memcpy(eth_src, eth_hdr->address_source, 6);
		memcpy(eth_dest, eth_hdr->address_destination, 6);

		//Prepare the MPDU LLC header
		llc_hdr->dsap = LLC_SNAP;
		llc_hdr->ssap = LLC_SNAP;
		llc_hdr->control_field = LLC_CNTRL_UNNUMBERED;
		bzero((void *)(llc_hdr->org_code), 3); //Org Code 0x000000: Encapsulated Ethernet

		packet_is_queued = 0;
		packet_bd_list tx_queue_list;
		packet_bd_insertEnd(&tx_queue_list, tx_queue);

			case ENCAP_MODE_AP:

				switch(eth_hdr->type) {
					case ETH_TYPE_ARP:
						llc_hdr->type = LLC_TYPE_ARP;
						packet_is_queued = eth_rx_callback(&tx_queue_list, eth_dest, eth_src, mpdu_tx_len);
					case ETH_TYPE_IP:
						llc_hdr->type = LLC_TYPE_IP;
						packet_is_queued = eth_rx_callback(&tx_queue_list, eth_dest, eth_src, mpdu_tx_len);

					/* WMP_START */
					/* WMP_END */
						//Unknown/unsupported EtherType; don't process the Eth frame



				//Save this ethernet src address for d
				memcpy(eth_sta_mac_addr, eth_src, 6);
				memcpy(eth_src, hw_info.hw_addr_wlan, 6);

				switch(eth_hdr->type) {
					case ETH_TYPE_ARP:
						arp = (arp_packet*)((void*)eth_hdr + sizeof(ethernet_header));

						//Here we hijack ARP messages and overwrite their source MAC address field with
						//the station's wireless MAC address.
						memcpy(arp->eth_src, hw_info.hw_addr_wlan, 6);

						llc_hdr->type = LLC_TYPE_ARP;
						packet_is_queued = eth_rx_callback(&tx_queue_list, eth_dest, eth_src, mpdu_tx_len);

					case ETH_TYPE_IP:
						llc_hdr->type = LLC_TYPE_IP;
						ip_hdr = (ipv4_header*)((void*)eth_hdr + sizeof(ethernet_header));

						if(ip_hdr->prot == IPV4_PROT_UDP){
							udp = (udp_header*)((void*)ip_hdr + 4*((u8)(ip_hdr->ver_ihl) & 0xF));
							udp->checksum = 0; //Disable the checksum since we are about to mess with the bytes in the packet

							if(Xil_Ntohs(udp->src_port) == UDP_SRC_PORT_BOOTPC || Xil_Ntohs(udp->src_port) == UDP_SRC_PORT_BOOTPS){
								//This is a DHCP Discover packet, which contains the source hardware address
								//deep inside the packet (in addition to its usual location in the Eth header).
								//For STA encapsulation, we need to overwrite this address with the MAC addr
								//of the wireless station.

								dhcp = (dhcp_packet*)((void*)udp + sizeof(udp_header));

								if(Xil_Ntohl(dhcp->magic_cookie) == DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE){
									eth_mid_ptr = (u8*)((void*)dhcp + sizeof(dhcp_packet));

									dhcp->flags = Xil_Htons(DHCP_BOOTP_FLAGS_BROADCAST);

									//Tagged DHCP Options
									continue_loop = 1;


											case DHCP_OPTION_TAG_TYPE:
													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_DISCOVER:
													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_REQUEST:





											case DHCP_OPTION_END:
												continue_loop = 0;
										eth_mid_ptr += (2+eth_mid_ptr[1]);
						packet_is_queued = eth_rx_callback(&tx_queue_list, eth_dest, eth_src, mpdu_tx_len);


					/* WMP_START */
					/* WMP_END */
						//Unknown/unsupported EtherType; don't process the Eth frame



		if(packet_is_queued == 0){
			//xil_printf("   ...checking in\n");

		//TODO: Option A: We free this single BD and run the routine to checkout as many queues as we can and hook them up to BDs
		//Results: pretty good TCP performance
		//Free this bd
		status = XAxiDma_BdRingFree(rxRing_ptr, 1, cur_bd_ptr);
		if(status != XST_SUCCESS) {xil_printf("Error in XAxiDma_BdRingFree of Rx BD! Err = %d\n", status); return;}

		//Update cur_bd_ptr to the next BD in the chain for the next iteration
		cur_bd_ptr = XAxiDma_BdRingNext(rxRing_ptr, cur_bd_ptr);

	//TODO: Option B: We free all BDs at once and run the routine to checkout as many queues as we can and hook them up to BDs
	//Results: pretty lackluster TCP performance. needs further investigation
	//Free this bd
	//status = XAxiDma_BdRingFree(rxRing_ptr, bd_count, first_bd_ptr);
	//if(status != XST_SUCCESS) {xil_printf("Error in XAxiDma_BdRingFree of Rx BD! Err = %d\n", status); return;}

//De-encapsulate packet and send over Ethernet
int wlan_mpdu_eth_send(void* mpdu, u16 length){
	int status;

	u8* eth_mid_ptr;

	mac_header_80211* rx80211_hdr;
	llc_header* llc_hdr;
	ethernet_header* eth_hdr;

	u8 continue_loop;
	ipv4_header* ip_hdr;
	arp_packet* arp;
	udp_header* udp;
	dhcp_packet* dhcp;

	u8 addr_cache[6];

			rx80211_hdr = (mac_header_80211*)((void *)mpdu);
			llc_hdr = (llc_header*)((void *)mpdu + sizeof(mac_header_80211));
			eth_hdr = (ethernet_header*)((void *)mpdu + sizeof(mac_header_80211) + sizeof(llc_header) - sizeof(ethernet_header));

			length = length - sizeof(mac_header_80211) - sizeof(llc_header) + sizeof(ethernet_header);

			memmove(eth_hdr->address_destination, rx80211_hdr->address_3, 6);
			memmove(eth_hdr->address_source, rx80211_hdr->address_2, 6);

				case LLC_TYPE_ARP:
					//xil_printf("Sending ARP\n");
					eth_hdr->type = ETH_TYPE_ARP;

				case LLC_TYPE_IP:
					//xil_printf("Sending IP\n");
					eth_hdr->type = ETH_TYPE_IP;
					//Invalid or unsupported Eth type; punt
					return -1;

			rx80211_hdr = (mac_header_80211*)((void *)mpdu);
			llc_hdr = (llc_header*)((void *)mpdu + sizeof(mac_header_80211));
			eth_hdr = (ethernet_header*)((void *)mpdu + sizeof(mac_header_80211) + sizeof(llc_header) - sizeof(ethernet_header));

			length = length - sizeof(mac_header_80211) - sizeof(llc_header) + sizeof(ethernet_header);

			if(wlan_addr_eq(rx80211_hdr->address_3, hw_info.hw_addr_wlan)){
				//This case handles the behavior of an AP reflecting a station-sent broadcast packet back out over the air.
				//Without this filtering, a station would see its own packet. This leads to very bad DHCP and ARP behavior.
				return -1;



				memcpy(eth_hdr->address_destination, eth_sta_mac_addr, 6);
			} else {
				memmove(eth_hdr->address_destination, rx80211_hdr->address_1, 6);
			//memmove(eth_hdr->address_source, rx80211_hdr->address_3, 6);
			memcpy(eth_hdr->address_source, addr_cache,6);

				case LLC_TYPE_ARP:
					arp = (arp_packet*)((void*)eth_hdr + sizeof(ethernet_header));

					//	Here we hijack ARP messages and overwrite their source MAC address field with
					//	the Ethernet-connected client's MAC address

						memcpy(arp->eth_dst, eth_sta_mac_addr, 6);

					eth_hdr->type = ETH_TYPE_ARP;

				case ETH_TYPE_IP:
					eth_hdr->type = ETH_TYPE_IP;
					ip_hdr = (ipv4_header*)((void*)eth_hdr + sizeof(ethernet_header));

					if(ip_hdr->prot == IPV4_PROT_UDP){
						udp = (udp_header*)((void*)ip_hdr + 4*((u8)(ip_hdr->ver_ihl) & 0xF));
						udp->checksum = 0; //Disable the checksum since we are about to mess with the bytes in the packet

						if(Xil_Ntohs(udp->src_port) == UDP_SRC_PORT_BOOTPC || Xil_Ntohs(udp->src_port) == UDP_SRC_PORT_BOOTPS){
							//This is a DHCP Discover packet, which contains the source hardware address
							//deep inside the packet (in addition to its usual location in the Eth header).
							//For STA encapsulation, we need to overwrite this address with the MAC addr
							//of the wireless station.

							dhcp = (dhcp_packet*)((void*)udp + sizeof(udp_header));

							if(Xil_Ntohl(dhcp->magic_cookie) == DHCP_MAGIC_COOKIE){

									eth_mid_ptr = (u8*)((void*)dhcp + sizeof(dhcp_packet));

									//Tagged DHCP Options
									continue_loop = 1;


											case DHCP_OPTION_TAG_TYPE:
													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_DISCOVER:
													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_REQUEST:

													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_ACK:

													case DHCP_OPTION_TYPE_OFFER:




											//	memcpy(&(eth_mid_ptr[3]),eth_sta_mac_addr,6);


											case DHCP_OPTION_END:
												continue_loop = 0;
										eth_mid_ptr += (2+eth_mid_ptr[1]);
							//	}


					//Invalid or unsupported Eth type; punt
					return -1;

	status = wlan_eth_dma_send((u8*)eth_hdr, length);
	if(status != 0) {xil_printf("Erroor in wlan_mac_send_eth! Err = %d\n", status); return -1;}

	return 0;
* Node Commands
* This function is part of the callback system for the Ethernet transport
* and will be executed when a valid node commands is recevied.
* @param    Command Header         - WARPNet Command Header
*           Command Arguments      - WARPNet Command Arguments
*           Response Header        - WARPNet Response Header
*           Response Arguments     - WARPNet Response Arguments
*           Packet Source          - Ethernet Packet Source
*           Ethernet Device Number - Indicates which Ethernet device packet came from
* @return	None.
* @note		See on-line documentation for more information about the ethernet
*           packet structure for WARPNet:  www.warpproject.org
int node_processCmd(const wn_cmdHdr* cmdHdr,const void* cmdArgs, wn_respHdr* respHdr,void* respArgs, void* pktSrc, unsigned int eth_dev_num){
	// -cmdHdr is safe to access directly (pre-swapped if needed)
	// -cmdArgs is *not* pre-swapped, since the framework doesn't know what it is
	// -respHdr will be swapped by the framework; user code should fill it normally
	// -respArgs will *not* be swapped by the framework, since only user code knows what it is
	//    Any data added to respArgs by the code below must be endian-safe (swapped on AXI hardware)

	int           status     = 0;
	const u32   * cmdArgs32  = cmdArgs;
	u32         * respArgs32 = respArgs;

	unsigned int  respIndex  = 0;
	unsigned int  respSent   = NO_RESP_SENT;
    unsigned int  max_words  = 320;                // Max number of u32 words that can be sent in the packet (~1400 bytes)
                                                   //   If we need more, then we will need to rework this to send multiple response packets

    unsigned int  temp, i;

    // Variables for functions
    u32           id;
    u32           flags;
	u32           start_address;
	u32           curr_address;
	u32           next_address;
	u32           size;
	u32           evt_log_size;
	u32           transfer_size;
	u32           bytes_per_pkt;
	u32           num_bytes;
	u32           num_pkts;

	u32           interval;

	unsigned int  cmdID;
	cmdID = WN_CMD_TO_CMDID(cmdHdr->cmd);
	respHdr->cmd     = cmdHdr->cmd;
	respHdr->length  = 0;
	respHdr->numArgs = 0;

#ifdef _DEBUG_
	xil_printf("In node_processCmd():  ID = %d \n", cmdID);


        case WARPNET_TYPE:
        	// Return the WARPNet Type
            respArgs32[respIndex++] = Xil_Htonl( node_info.type );    
			respHdr->length += (respIndex * sizeof(respArgs32));
			respHdr->numArgs = respIndex;
		case NODE_INFO:
			// Return the info about the WLAN_EXP_NODE
            // Send node parameters
            temp = node_get_parameters( &respArgs32[respIndex], max_words, TRANSMIT_OVER_NETWORK);
            respIndex += temp;
            max_words -= temp;
            if ( max_words <= 0 ) { xil_printf("No more space left in NODE_INFO packet \n"); };
            // Send transport parameters
            temp = transport_get_parameters( eth_dev_num, &respArgs32[respIndex], max_words, TRANSMIT_OVER_NETWORK);
            respIndex += temp;
            max_words -= temp;
            if ( max_words <= 0 ) { xil_printf("No more space left in NODE_INFO packet \n"); };

#ifdef _DEBUG_
            xil_printf("NODE INFO: \n");
            for ( i = 0; i < respIndex; i++ ) {
            	xil_printf("   [%2d] = 0x%8x \n", i, respArgs32[i]);
            xil_printf("END NODE INFO \n");

            // --------------------------------
            // Future parameters go here
            // --------------------------------
            // Finalize response
			respHdr->length += (respIndex * sizeof(respArgs32));
			respHdr->numArgs = respIndex;

			// Return Null Response
			//   The WLAN_EXP_NODE currently does not have access to LEDs

            xil_printf("  Node: %d    IP Address: %d.%d.%d.%d \n", node_info.node, node_info.ip_addr[0], node_info.ip_addr[1],node_info.ip_addr[2],node_info.ip_addr[3]);

            // --------------------------------
            // TODO:  Add in visual identifiers for the node
            // --------------------------------

            // NODE_CONFIG_SETUP Packet Format:
            //   - Note:  All u32 parameters in cmdArgs32 are byte swapped so use Xil_Ntohl()
            //   - cmdArgs32[0] - Serial Number
            //   - cmdArgs32[1] - Node ID
            //   - cmdArgs32[2] - IP Address
            //   - cmdArgs32[3] - Unicast Port
            //   - cmdArgs32[4] - Broadcast Port
            if ( node_info.node == 0xFFFF ) {
                // Only update the parameters if the serial numbers match
                if ( node_info.serial_number ==  Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[0]) ) {

                    xil_printf("  Reconfiguring ETH %c \n", wn_conv_eth_dev_num(eth_dev_num) );

                	node_info.node = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[1]) & 0xFFFF;

                    xil_printf("  New Node ID       : %d \n", node_info.node);
                    // Grab New IP Address
                    node_info.ip_addr[0]     = (Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[2]) >> 24) & 0xFF;
                    node_info.ip_addr[1]     = (Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[2]) >> 16) & 0xFF;
                    node_info.ip_addr[2]     = (Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[2]) >>  8) & 0xFF;
                    node_info.ip_addr[3]     = (Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[2])      ) & 0xFF;
                    // Grab new ports
                    node_info.unicast_port   = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[3]);
                    node_info.broadcast_port = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[4]);

                    xil_printf("  New IP Address    : %d.%d.%d.%d \n", node_info.ip_addr[0], node_info.ip_addr[1],node_info.ip_addr[2],node_info.ip_addr[3]);
                    xil_printf("  New Unicast Port  : %d \n", node_info.unicast_port);
                    xil_printf("  New Broadcast Port: %d \n", node_info.broadcast_port);

                    transport_set_hw_info( eth_dev_num, node_info.ip_addr, node_info.hw_addr);

                    status = transport_config_sockets(eth_dev_num, node_info.unicast_port, node_info.broadcast_port);

                    if(status != 0) {
        				xil_printf("Error binding transport...\n");
                } else {
                    xil_printf("NODE_IP_SETUP Packet with Serial Number %d ignored.  My serial number is %d \n", Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[0]), node_info.serial_number);
 * Process Transport Commands
 * This function is part of the Ethernet processing system and will process the
 * various transport related commands.
 * @param   socket_index     - Index of the socket on which to send message
 * @param   from             - Pointer to socket address structure (struct sockaddr *) where command is from
 * @param   command          - Pointer to Command
 * @param   response         - Pointer to Response
 * @param   max_resp_len     - Maximum number of u32 words allowed in response
 * @return  int              - Status of the command:
 *                                 NO_RESP_SENT - No response has been sent
 *                                 RESP_SENT    - A response has been sent
 * @note    See on-line documentation for more information about the Ethernet
 *          packet structure:  www.warpproject.org
int process_transport_cmd(int socket_index, void * from, cmd_resp * command, cmd_resp * response, u32 max_resp_len) {

    //     - command
    //         - header - Already endian swapped by the framework (safe to access directly)
    //         - args   - Must be endian swapped as necessary by code (framework does not know the contents of the command)
    //     - response
    //         - header - Will be endian swapped by the framework (safe to write directly)
    //         - args   - Must be endian swapped as necessary by code (framework does not know the contents of the response)

    // Standard variables
    u32                 resp_sent      = NO_RESP_SENT;

    cmd_resp_hdr      * cmd_hdr        = command->header;
    u32               * cmd_args_32    = command->args;
    u32                 cmd_id         = CMD_TO_CMDID(cmd_hdr->cmd);

    cmd_resp_hdr      * resp_hdr       = response->header;
    u32               * resp_args_32   = response->args;
    u32                 resp_index     = 0;

    u32                 eth_dev_num    = socket_get_eth_dev_num(socket_index);

    // Set up the response header
    resp_hdr->cmd       = cmd_hdr->cmd;
    resp_hdr->length    = 0;
    resp_hdr->num_args  = 0;

    // Check Ethernet device number
    if (eth_dev_num == WARP_IP_UDP_INVALID_ETH_DEVICE) {
        wlan_exp_printf(WLAN_EXP_PRINT_ERROR, print_type_transport, "Invalid socket index: %d\n", socket_index);
        return resp_sent;

    // Process the command

        case CMDID_TRANSPORT_PING: {
            // Nothing actually needs to be done when receiving the ping command. The framework is going
            // to respond regardless, which is all the host wants.

            // Due to packet fragmentation, it is not safe to just return the packet length.  We have seen
            // an issue where the host will send a 1514 byte fragment which results in a payload size of
            // 1472 and causes the transport to not behave correctly.  Therefore, we need to find the
            // last valid command argument and check that against the packet length.
            u32              temp;
            u32              payload_index;
            u32              payload_size;
            u32              payload_num_words;
            u32              header_size;

            header_size        = (sizeof(transport_header) + sizeof(cmd_resp_hdr));                               // Transport / Command headers
            payload_index      = (((warp_ip_udp_buffer *)(command->buffer))->length - sizeof(cmd_resp_hdr)) / 4;  // Final index into command args (/4 truncates)

            // Check the value in the command args to make sure it matches the size_index
            payload_num_words  = Xil_Htonl(cmd_args_32[payload_index - 1]) + 1;     // NOTE:  Add 1 since the payload is zero indexed
            payload_size       = (payload_num_words * 4) + header_size;
            temp               = ((payload_index * 4) + header_size);

            // Update the max_pkt_words field
            if (payload_num_words > eth_devices[eth_dev_num].max_pkt_words) {
                eth_devices[eth_dev_num].max_pkt_words = payload_num_words;

            if (payload_size != temp) {
                wlan_exp_printf(WLAN_EXP_PRINT_WARNING, print_type_transport, "Payload size mismatch.  Value in command args does not match index:  %d != %d\n", payload_size, temp);

            resp_args_32[resp_index++] = Xil_Ntohl(payload_size);

            resp_hdr->length  += (resp_index * sizeof(resp_args_32));
            resp_hdr->num_args = 1;

            eth_devices[eth_dev_num].info.group_id = (eth_devices[eth_dev_num].info.group_id | Xil_Htonl(cmd_args_32[0]));

            eth_devices[eth_dev_num].info.group_id = (eth_devices[eth_dev_num].info.group_id & ~Xil_Htonl(cmd_args_32[0]));

        default: {
            wlan_exp_printf(WLAN_EXP_PRINT_ERROR, print_type_transport, "Unknown user command ID: %d\n", cmd_id);

    return resp_sent;
int user_processCmd(const wl_cmdHdr* cmdHdr,const void* cmdArgs, wl_respHdr* respHdr, void* respArgs, void* pktSrc) {
    // -cmdHdr is safe to access directly (pre-swapped if needed)
    // -cmdArgs is *not* pre-swapped, since the framework doesn't know what it is
    // -respHdr will be swapped by the framework; user code should fill it normally
    // -respArgs will *not* be swapped by the framework, since only user code knows what it is
    //    Any data added to respArgs by the code below must be endian-safe (swapped on AXI hardware)

    u32 cmdID;

    //Cast argument buffers into arrays for easy accessing
    const u32 *cmdArgs32 = cmdArgs;
    u32 *respArgs32 = respArgs;

    /* Example variables for processing user commands
    	const u32 *cmdArgs32 = cmdArgs;
    	u32 *respArgs32 = respArgs;

    	int respIndex = 0;

    	u32 arg0, arg1, result;
    unsigned int respSent = NO_RESP_SENT;

    cmdID = WL_CMD_TO_CMDID(cmdHdr->cmd);

    respHdr->cmd = cmdHdr->cmd;
    respHdr->length = 0;
    respHdr->numArgs = 0;

#ifdef WARP_HW_VER_v3
    u32 stringBuffer32[10];
    u8 *stringBuffer8 = (u8*)stringBuffer32;
    int k;
    u32 readLength;
    u32 eepromAddrOffset;

    switch(cmdID) {

        /* Example user command
        	case SOME_CMD_ID:
        		arg0 = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs[0]);
        		arg1 = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs[1]);
        		result = do_something_with_args(arg0, arg1);

        		respArgs32[respIndex++] = Xil_Htonl(result);
        		respHdr->length += (respIndex * sizeof(respArgs32));
        		respHdr->numArgs = respIndex;
#ifdef WARP_HW_VER_v3
        eepromAddrOffset = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[0]);

        for( k=0; k<((cmdHdr->length)/sizeof(u32)); k++ ) {
            stringBuffer32[k] = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[k+1]);

        for( k=0; k<(cmdHdr->length); k++ ) {

        xil_printf("Wrote '%s' to EEPROM\n",stringBuffer8);
        eepromAddrOffset = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[0]);
        readLength = Xil_Ntohl(cmdArgs32[1]);

        for( k=0; k<readLength; k++ ) {
            stringBuffer8[k] = iic_eeprom_readByte(EEPROM_BASEADDR,k+eepromAddrOffset);

        xil_printf("Read '%s' from EEPROM\n",stringBuffer8);

        for( k=0; k<((readLength)/sizeof(u32)); k++ ) {
            respArgs32[k] = Xil_Htonl(stringBuffer32[k]);
        respHdr->length += ((k) * sizeof(respArgs32));
        respHdr->numArgs = (k);


        xil_printf("Unknown user command ID: %d\n", cmdID);
    return respSent;