** Process a command to go to a marked selection.  Expects the user to
** continue the command by typing a label character.  Handles both correct
** user behavior (type a character a-z) or bad behavior (do nothing or type
** something else).
void BeginGotoMarkCommand(WindowInfo *window, int extend)
    XtInsertEventHandler(window->lastFocus, KeyPressMask, False,
    	    extend ? gotoMarkExtendKeyCB : gotoMarkKeyCB, window, XtListHead);
    window->markTimeoutID = XtAppAddTimeOut(
    	    XtWidgetToApplicationContext(window->shell), 4000,
    	    markTimeoutProc, window->lastFocus);
static void displayDTIcon(DTIconRec *dticon)
 XGCValues xgcv;
 GC shapeGC;
 Window shellwin;
 XmString labelstr;
 Dimension labelwidth, labelheight, togglewidth, toggleheight;
 Dimension tgl_offs_x, lbl_offs_x, lbl_offs_y;
 Atom targets[2];
 Boolean is_file = False;
 int i;

 targets[0] = dragAtoms.file;
 targets[1] = dragAtoms.filelist;
 drop_args[0].value = (XtArgVal) targets;

 dticon->app.form = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("form", xmFormWidgetClass, dticon->cont, XmNtranslations, XtParseTranslationTable(form_translations), XmNbackground, resources.dticon_color, XmNforeground, resources.label_color, XmNborderWidth, 0, XmNshadowThickness, 0, XmNhighlightThickness, 0, XmNx, 0, XmNy, 0, NULL);

 if (dticon->app.fname[0])
     char path[MAXPATHLEN];
     struct stat stats;
     int errfl = 0;

     if (dticon->app.directory[0])
	 strcpy(path, dticon->app.directory);
	 errfl = chdir(path);
     else  errfl = chdir(user.home);
     if (!errfl && !(stat(dticon->app.fname, &stats)) && S_ISREG(stats.st_mode))
	 is_file = True;
 if (is_file)
     for (i=0; i < XtNumber(file_popup_menu); i++)
	 file_popup_menu[i].callback_data = dticon;
     dticon->popup = BuildMenu(dticon->app.form, XmMENU_POPUP, "Button Actions", 0, False, file_popup_menu);
     if (resources.auto_save)
	 XtVaSetValues(file_popup_menu[5].object, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);
     for (i=0; i < XtNumber(file_popup_menu); i++)
	 popup_menu[i].callback_data = dticon;
     dticon->popup = BuildMenu(dticon->app.form, XmMENU_POPUP, "Button Actions", 0, False, popup_menu);
     if (resources.auto_save)
	 XtVaSetValues(popup_menu[3].object, XmNsensitive, False, NULL);

 labelstr = XmStringCreateLocalized(dticon->app.name);
 labelwidth = XmStringWidth((XmFontList) resources.icon_font, labelstr) + 2;
 togglewidth = dticon->app.icon_pm.width;
 toggleheight = dticon->app.icon_pm.height;
 if (labelwidth > togglewidth)
     tgl_offs_x = (labelwidth - togglewidth) / 2;
     lbl_offs_x = 0;
     tgl_offs_x = 0;
     lbl_offs_x = (togglewidth - labelwidth) / 2;
 lbl_offs_y = dticon->app.icon_pm.height + 2;

 dticon->app.toggle = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("picture", xmLabelWidgetClass, dticon->app.form, XmNlabelType, XmPIXMAP, XmNlabelPixmap, dticon->app.icon_pm.bm, XmNtranslations, trans, XmNborderWidth, 0, XmNhighlightThickness, 0, XmNbackground, resources.dticon_color, XmNforeground, resources.label_color, XmNx, tgl_offs_x, XmNy, 0, NULL);
/*  RBW - 2001/08/15  */

 dticon->app.label = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("label", xmLabelWidgetClass, dticon->app.form, XmNlabelString, labelstr, XmNfontList, resources.icon_font, XmNtranslations, trans, XmNbackground, resources.dticon_color, XmNforeground, resources.label_color, XmNborderWidth, 0, XmNhighlightThickness, 0, XmNx, lbl_offs_x, XmNy, lbl_offs_y, NULL);
/*  RBW - 2001/08/15  */


 shellwin = XtWindow(dticon->shell);

 XtVaGetValues(dticon->app.label, XmNwidth, &labelwidth, XmNwidth, &labelheight, NULL);
 labelheight += 2;
 dticon->label_mask = XCreatePixmap(dpy, shellwin, labelwidth, labelheight, 1);
 shapeGC = XCreateGC(dpy, dticon->label_mask, 0, &xgcv);
 XSetForeground(dpy, shapeGC, 1);
 XFillRectangle(dpy, dticon->label_mask, shapeGC, 0, 0, labelwidth, labelheight);
 XFreeGC(dpy, shapeGC);
 if (dticon->app.icon_pm.mask == None)
     dticon->app.icon_pm.mask = XCreatePixmap(dpy, shellwin, dticon->app.icon_pm.width, dticon->app.icon_pm.height, 1);
     shapeGC = XCreateGC(dpy, dticon->app.icon_pm.mask, 0, &xgcv);
     XSetForeground(dpy, shapeGC, 1);
     XFillRectangle(dpy, dticon->app.icon_pm.mask, shapeGC, 0, 0, togglewidth, toggleheight);
     XFreeGC(dpy, shapeGC);
 XShapeCombineMask(dpy, shellwin, ShapeBounding, tgl_offs_x + 2, 2, dticon->app.icon_pm.mask, ShapeSet);
 XShapeCombineMask(dpy, shellwin, ShapeBounding, lbl_offs_x + 2, lbl_offs_y + 2, dticon->label_mask, ShapeUnion);
 XShapeCombineMask(dpy, XtWindow(dticon->app.form), ShapeClip, tgl_offs_x + 2, 2, dticon->app.icon_pm.mask, ShapeSet);
 XShapeCombineMask(dpy, XtWindow(dticon->app.form), ShapeClip, lbl_offs_x + 2, lbl_offs_y + 2, dticon->label_mask, ShapeUnion);
 XShapeCombineMask(dpy, XtWindow(dticon->app.toggle), ShapeClip, 2, 2, dticon->app.icon_pm.mask, ShapeSet);

 XtVaGetValues(dticon->shell, XmNwidth, &dticon->width, XmNheight, &dticon->height, NULL);

 dticon->drop_pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, shellwin, dticon->width, dticon->height, DefaultDepth(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy)));
 shapeGC = XCreateGC(dpy, dticon->drop_pixmap, 0, &xgcv);
 XSetForeground(dpy, shapeGC, resources.drop_color);
 XFillRectangle(dpy, dticon->drop_pixmap, shapeGC, 0, 0, dticon->width, dticon->height);
 XFreeGC(dpy, shapeGC);
 drop_args[4].value = (XtArgVal) dticon->drop_pixmap;

 if (dticon->app.drop_action[0])
     XmDropSiteRegister(dticon->app.form, drop_args, XtNumber(drop_args));

文件: appSpellTool.c 项目: dimkr/ted
void * appMakeSpellTool(	APP_WIDGET		spellOption,
				EditApplication *	ea,
				const char *		widgetName,
				APP_BITMAP_IMAGE	iconPixmap,
				APP_BITMAP_MASK		iconMask,
				AppToolDestroy		destroy,
				SpellToolFindNext	findNext,
				SpellToolCorrect	correct,
				void *			target )
    AppSpellTool *	ast;
    APP_WIDGET		dictionaryFrame;
    const int		userResizable= 1;

    static AppSpellToolResources	astr;
    static int				gotResources;

    if  ( ! gotResources )
	appGuiGetResourceValues( &gotResources, ea, (void *)&astr,
					sizeof(AppConfigurableResource) );

    ast= (AppSpellTool *)malloc( sizeof(AppSpellTool) );
    if  ( ! ast )
	{ XDEB(ast); return (void *)0;	}

    ast->astApplication= ea;

    ast->astResources= &astr;

    ast->astDestroy= destroy;
    ast->astFindNext= findNext;
    ast->astCorrect= correct;
    ast->astTarget= target;
    ast->astPrivateDictionaries= astr.astrPrivateDictionaries;
    ast->astSystemDictionaries= astr.astrSystemDictionaries;

    ast->astDictionaryContexts= (AppSpellCheckContext *)0;
    ast->astDictionaryCount= 0;
    ast->astCurrentDictionary= -1;

    appInitOptionmenu( &(ast->astDictionaryOptionmenu) );

    appSpellGetDictionaries( ast, &astr );

    appMakeVerticalTool( &(ast->astTopWidget), &(ast->astMainWidget), ea,
	    iconPixmap, iconMask,
	    widgetName, userResizable, spellOption,
	    appCloseSpellTool, (void *)ast );

    dictionaryFrame= appSpellMakeDictionaryFrame( ast->astMainWidget,
								&astr, ast );
    ast->astGuessList= appSpellGuessList( ast->astMainWidget, &astr, ast );

#   ifdef USE_MOTIF
    XtAddCallback( ast->astGuessList, XmNdefaultActionCallback,
					appSpellToolCorrect, (void *)ast );
#   endif

    appMakeTextInColumn( &(ast->astWordText), ast->astMainWidget, 0, 1 );

    appGuiSetTypingCallbackForText( ast->astWordText,
				    appSpellCorrectionTyped, (void *)ast );

    appSpellMakeButtonRows( ast->astMainWidget, &astr, ast );

#   ifdef USE_MOTIF
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astGuessList, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astWordText, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astLearnButton, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astForgetButton, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astCorrectButton, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astGuessButton, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
    XtInsertEventHandler( ast->astIgnoreButton, KeyReleaseMask, False,
				appSpellToolCancel, (void *)ast, XtListHead );
#   endif

    appSpellFillDictionaryMenu( ast, &astr );

    appShowShellWidget( ast->astTopWidget );

    appOptionmenuRefreshWidth( &(ast->astDictionaryOptionmenu) );

    appSpellToolSomethingFound( ast, 0 );
    appSpellToolGotAlternative( ast, 0 );

    return (void *)ast;
#ifdef MOTIF
		  Widget parent
#ifndef MOTIF
    Position vport_h;
    Position clip_x;
    Position clip_w;
    static Position my_h = 0;

     * FIXME: is there a better way to set the y position depending on
     * the height of the widget?
     * It doesn't work to change the value of XtNy *after* creating
     * the widget!

    if (!initialized) {
#ifndef MOTIF
	 * determine height of statusline (depending on the font used).
	 * This is not changeable at runtime, so it's determined once and
	 * for all at program start.
	statusline = XtVaCreateWidget("statusline", labelWidgetClass, globals.widgets.vport_widget,
				      XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) "test",
	XtVaGetValues(statusline, XtNheight, &my_h, NULL);
	m_statusline_h = my_h;
	initialized = True;
	/* initialize g_string_savebuf */
	sprintf(g_string_savebuf, "This is xdvik %s", XDVI_TERSE_VERSION_INFO);
#ifndef MOTIF
    /* determine position and width of statusline */
    XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.clip_widget, XtNx, &clip_x, XtNwidth, &clip_w, NULL);
    XtVaGetValues(globals.widgets.vport_widget, XtNheight, &vport_h, NULL);
    if (vport_h - my_h <= 0) {
	XDVI_FATAL((stderr, "Window height too small for statusline (minimum value: %d).", my_h));
	return NULL;
    statusline = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("statusline",
					 labelWidgetClass, globals.widgets.vport_widget,
					 XtNlabel, (XtArgVal) g_string_savebuf,
					 XtNwidth, clip_w,
					 XtNx, clip_x - 1,	/* so that left border becomes invisible */
					 XtNy, vport_h - my_h,
					 XtNjustify, XtJustifyLeft,
					 /* same as for the buttons line */
					 XtNborder, (XtArgVal) resource.fore_Pixel,
    statusline = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("statusline",
					 xmTextFieldWidgetClass, parent,
					 XmNalignment, XmALIGNMENT_END,
					 XmNdepth, (XtArgVal) G_depth,
					 XmNbottomAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
					 XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
					 XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
					 XmNleftOffset, 1,
					 XmNrightOffset, 1,
					 XmNbottomOffset, 1,
					 XmNtopOffset, 0,
					 XmNcursorPositionVisible, False,
					 XmNautoShowCursorPosition, False,
					 XmNmarginWidth, 4,
					 XmNmarginHeight, 1,
					 XmNeditable, False,
					 XmNtraversalOn, False,
					 XmNvalue, g_string_savebuf,

    /* Block processing of most interactive events on this widget, except
     * for button events that should navigate the page history.
			 KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask |
			 PointerMotionMask| PointerMotionHintMask |
			 ButtonMotionMask |
#if !MOTIF
			 ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask |
			 /* ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | */
			 /* 			 PointerMotionMask| PointerMotionHintMask | */
			 /* 			 ButtonMotionMask | */
			 True, block_event_callback,
			 (XtPointer)0, 0);
			 /* suboptimal, but needs to be release not press
			  * since we want to query the current cursor position,
			  * and that may not be set yet in the press event(?).
			 True, handle_statusline_event,
			 (XtPointer)g_string_savebuf, XtListTail);

#endif /* MOTIF */


    return statusline;