int main (int argc, char **argv) { int n1,n2,nz,iz,verbose,looping,nTic1,nTic2,width,height,interp; float d1,f1,d2,f2,*z, clip,bclip,wclip,white,wfrac, perc,bperc,wperc,*temp, bhue,whue,sat,bright, x1beg,x2beg,x1end,x2end, x1min,x1max,x2min,x2max, fframe,dframe; char *label1="",*label2="",*format="",*windowtitle="", *labelFont="",*titleFont="", *axesColor="",*gridColor="",*titleColor="", *style="normal",*grid1="none",*grid2="none", *cmap; ClientData cd; XrmValue from,to; Widget toplevel,axes; XtAppContext ac; Display *dpy; Window win; Arg args[98]; int nargs; int scr; unsigned int depth; /* initialize getpar */ initargs(argc,argv); requestdoc(1); /* get parameters describing colormaps */ cmap = "gray"; getparstring("cmap",&cmap); if (STREQ("saturation",cmap)) cmap = "sat"; bhue = 0; getparfloat("bhue",&bhue); bhue /= 360.0; whue = 240; getparfloat("whue",&whue); whue /= 360.0; sat = 1.0; getparfloat("sat",&sat); if (sat<0.0 || sat>1.0) err("sat must be in range [0,1]!\n"); bright = 1.0; getparfloat("bright",&bright); if (bright<0.0 || bright>1.0) err("bright must be in range [0,1]!\n"); /* get parameters describing 1st dimension sampling */ if (!getparint("n1",&n1)) err("Must specify number of samples in 1st dimension!\n"); if (!getparfloat("d1",&d1)) d1 = 1.0; if (!getparfloat("f1",&f1)) f1 = 0.0; x1min = (d1>0.0)?f1:f1+(n1-1)*d1; x1max = (d1<0.0)?f1:f1+(n1-1)*d1; if (!getparfloat("x1beg",&x1beg)) x1beg = x1min; if (!getparfloat("x1end",&x1end)) x1end = x1max; /* get parameters describing 2nd dimension sampling */ if (!getparint("n2",&n2)) err("Must specify number of samples in 2nd dimension!\n"); if (!getparfloat("d2",&d2)) d2 = 1.0; if (!getparfloat("f2",&f2)) f2 = 0.0; x2min = (d2>0.0)?f2:f2+(n2-1)*d2; x2max = (d2<0.0)?f2:f2+(n2-1)*d2; if (!getparfloat("x2beg",&x2beg)) x2beg = x2min; if (!getparfloat("x2end",&x2end)) x2end = x2max; /* read first frame of float data */ nz = n1*n2; z = ealloc1float(nz); if (fread(z,sizeof(float),nz,stdin)!=nz) err("error reading input file"); /* if necessary, determine clips from percentiles */ if (getparfloat("clip",&clip)) { bclip = clip; wclip = -clip; } if ((!getparfloat("bclip",&bclip) || !getparfloat("wclip",&wclip)) && !getparfloat("clip",&clip)) { perc = 100.0; getparfloat("perc",&perc); temp = ealloc1float(nz); for (iz=0; iz<nz; iz++) temp[iz] = z[iz]; if (!getparfloat("bclip",&bclip)) { bperc = perc; getparfloat("bperc",&bperc); iz = (nz*bperc/100.0); if (iz<0) iz = 0; if (iz>nz-1) iz = nz-1; qkfind(iz,nz,temp); bclip = temp[iz]; } if (!getparfloat("wclip",&wclip)) { wperc = 100.0-perc; getparfloat("wperc",&wperc); iz = (nz*wperc/100.0); if (iz<0) iz = 0; if (iz>nz-1) iz = nz-1; qkfind(iz,nz,temp); wclip = temp[iz]; } free1float(temp); } if (!getparfloat("white",&white)) white = (bclip+wclip)/2.0; if (!getparint("verbose",&verbose)) verbose = 1; if (!getparint("sleep",&cd.sleep)) cd.sleep=0 ; if (!getparint("loop",&looping)) looping = 0; if (verbose) { if(STREQ(cmap,"sat") || STREQ(cmap,"customsat")) { warn("bclip=%g wclip=%g white=%g",bclip,wclip,white); } else { warn("bclip=%g wclip=%g",bclip,wclip); } } wfrac = (bclip!=wclip) ? (bclip-white)/(bclip-wclip) : 1.0; /* initialize toolkit and set toplevel parameters */ toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&ac,"XMovie_XAPP_DEF",NULL,0,&argc,argv,NULL,NULL,0); dpy = XtDisplay(toplevel); nargs = 0; if (getparstring("windowtitle",&windowtitle)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNtitle,windowtitle); nargs++;} if (getparstring("windowtitle",&windowtitle)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNiconName,windowtitle); nargs++;} if (getparint("width",&width)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNwidth,width); nargs++;} if (getparint("height",&height)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNheight,height); nargs++;} XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNinput,TRUE);nargs++; XtSetValues(toplevel,args,nargs); /* if necessary, make private colormap */ win = XRootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(toplevel)); nargs = 0; scr=DefaultScreen(dpy); depth=(unsigned int)DefaultDepth(dpy,scr); if (depth<=8) { if (STREQ(cmap,"gray")) { Colormap cm=XtcwpCreateGrayColormap(dpy,win); XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNcolormap,cm); nargs++; } else if (STREQ(cmap,"hue")) { Colormap cm=XtcwpCreateHueColormap(dpy,win, bhue,whue,sat,bright); XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNcolormap,cm); nargs++; } else if (STREQ(cmap,"sat")) { Colormap cm=XtcwpCreateSatColormap(dpy,win, bhue,whue,wfrac,bright); XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNcolormap,cm); nargs++; } XtSetValues(toplevel,args,nargs); } /* create axes and set axes parameters */ axes = XtCreateManagedWidget("axes",xtcwpAxesWidgetClass, toplevel,NULL,0); nargs = 0; if (getparstring("grid1",&grid1)) { from.addr = (char *)grid1; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtcwpRAxesGrid,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNgrid1,*((int*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("grid2",&grid2)) { from.addr = (char *)grid2; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtcwpRAxesGrid,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNgrid2,*((int*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparint("nTic1",&nTic1)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNnTic1,nTic1); nargs++;} if (getparint("nTic2",&nTic2)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNnTic2,nTic2); nargs++;} if (getparstring("label1",&label1)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNlabel1,label1); nargs++;} if (getparstring("label2",&label2)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNlabel2,label2); nargs++;} if (getparstring("title",&format)) {XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNtitle,format); nargs++;} if (getparstring("style",&style)) { from.size = (unsigned int) strlen(style); from.addr = (char *)style; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtcwpRAxesStyle,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNstyle,*((int*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("axesColor",&axesColor)) { from.addr = (char *)axesColor; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtRPixel,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNaxesColor, *((unsigned long*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("gridColor",&gridColor)) { from.addr = (char *)gridColor; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtRPixel,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNgridColor, *((unsigned long*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("titleColor",&titleColor)) { from.addr = (char *)titleColor; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtRPixel,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNtitleColor, *((unsigned long*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("labelFont",&labelFont)) { from.addr = (char *)labelFont; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtRFont,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNlabelFont, *((Font*)to.addr)); nargs++; } if (getparstring("titleFont",&titleFont)) { from.addr = (char *)titleFont; XtConvertAndStore(axes,XtRString,&from,XtRFont,&to); if (to.addr) XtSetArg(args[nargs],XtNtitleFont, *((Font*)to.addr)); nargs++; } XtSetValues(axes,args,nargs); x1beg = x1min; getparfloat("x1beg",&x1beg); x1end = x1max; getparfloat("x1end",&x1end); x2beg = x2min; getparfloat("x2beg",&x2beg); x2end = x2max; getparfloat("x2end",&x2end); adjustAxesValues(n1,d1,f1,n2,d2,f2,&x1beg,&x1end,&x2beg,&x2end); XtcwpSetAxesValues(axes,x1beg,x1end,x2beg,x2end); /* frame sampling */ if (!getparfloat("fframe",&fframe)) fframe = 1.0; if (!getparfloat("dframe",&dframe)) dframe = 1.0; /* interpolation */ if (!getparint("interp",&interp)) interp = 1; /* initial display mode: cont or step */ if (!getparint("idm", &displayMode)) displayMode = DM_CONT; checkpars(); /* initialize client data */ cd.n1 = n1; cd.d1 = d1; cd.f1 = f1; cd.n2 = n2; cd.d2 = d2; cd.f2 = f2; cd.floats = z; cd.fmin = bclip; cd.fmax = wclip; cd.bmin = (unsigned char) (XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy)); cd.bmax = (unsigned char) (XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy)); if(cd.bmax==0)cd.bmax=255; warn("bmin=%d bmax=%d",cd.bmin,cd.bmax); cd.x1bega = x1beg; cd.x1enda = x1end; cd.x2bega = x2beg; cd.x2enda = x2end; cd.abytes = NULL; cd.bbytes = NULL; cd.image = NULL; = 0; cd.noframes = 1; cd.axes = axes; cd.looping = looping; cd.frame = NULL; cd.format = format; cd.iframe = 0; cd.fframe = fframe; cd.dframe = dframe; cd.interp = interp; cd.forward = 1; = ac; /* adjust axes title if formatted */ if (strchr(cd.format,'%') && !strstr(cd.format,"%%")) { sprintf(cd.title,cd.format,cd.fframe+cd.iframe*cd.dframe); XtVaSetValues(cd.axes,XtNtitle,cd.title,NULL); } /* add work procedure */ cd.wpid = XtAppAddWorkProc(ac,(XtWorkProc) readFrame,&cd); /* add callbacks to axes widget */ XtAddCallback(axes,XtNresizeCallback,(XtCallbackProc) resizeCB,&cd); XtAddCallback(axes,XtNexposeCallback,(XtCallbackProc) exposeCB,&cd); XtAddCallback(axes,XtNinputCallback,(XtCallbackProc) inputCB,&cd); /* add Button2 translation for reversing the movie */ XtOverrideTranslations(axes, XtParseTranslationTable("<Btn2Up>: input()")); /* add Button3 translation for pausing the movie */ XtOverrideTranslations(axes, XtParseTranslationTable("<Btn3Up>: input()")); /* set up keypress */ XtAddEventHandler(axes, KeyPress, FALSE, (XtEventHandler) key_pressed, &cd); /* realize everything */ XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); /* go */ XtAppMainLoop(ac); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void drawimage (Display *dpy, Drawable dbl, Region region, FGC fgc, Model *m, float fmin, float fmax, int style) { int scr=-1; int x,y,width,height; int i,j,k,line,iline,jline,widthpad; unsigned long pmin,pmax,p; float fx,fy,s,base,scale; Tri *t=NULL; TriAttributes *ta; XRectangle rect; XImage *image=NULL; int bitmap_pad=0; int nbpr=0; #if 0 /* OLD VERSION . See JG fix below */ unsigned char *data=NULL; scr=DefaultScreen(dpy); /* Kludge to fix problem with XCreateImage introduced in */ /* Xorg 7.0 update for security */ if (BitmapPad(dpy)>16) { bitmap_pad = 16; } else if (BitmapPad(dpy) < 16) { bitmap_pad = 8; } /* determine smallest box enclosing region */ XClipBox(region,&rect); x = rect.x; y = rect.y; width = rect.width; height = rect.height; if (width==0 || height==0) return; /* allocate memory for image data */ widthpad = (1+(width-1)/bitmap_pad)*bitmap_pad; nbpr = widthpad-1; data = alloc1(widthpad*height,sizeof(unsigned char)); if (data==NULL) err("width,widthpad,height = %d %d %d", width,widthpad,height); warn("nbpr = %d widthpad = %d height = %d bitmap_pad = %d ", nbpr,widthpad,height,bitmap_pad); /* determine min and max pixels from standard colormap */ pmin = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); pmax = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); /* determine base and scale factor */ scale = (fmax!=fmin) ? ((float) (pmax-pmin))/(fmax-fmin) : 0.0; base = ((float) pmin)-fmin*scale; /* loop over scan lines */ for (line=0; line<height; line++) { iline = line*width; jline = line*widthpad; /* loop over pixels in scan line */ for (i=iline,j=jline,k=0; k<width; ++i,++j,++k) { /* determine float x and y coordinates */ if (style==XtcwpNORMAL) { fx = MapX(fgc,x+k); fy = MapY(fgc,y+line); } else { fx = MapY(fgc,y+line); fy = MapX(fgc,x+k); } /* determine sloth */ t = insideTriInModel(m,t,fx,fy); ta = (TriAttributes*)t->fa; s = ta->s00+fy*ta->dsdx+fx*ta->dsdz; /* convert to pixel and put in image */ p = (unsigned long) (base+s*scale); if (p<pmin) p = pmin; if (p>pmax) p = pmax; data[j] = (unsigned char) p; } for (j=jline+width,k=width; k<widthpad; ++j,++k) data[j] = data[jline+width-1]; } /* create, put, and destroy image */ image = XCreateImage( (Display *) dpy, (Visual *) DefaultVisual(dpy,scr), (unsigned int) DefaultDepth(dpy,scr), (int)ZPixmap, (int) 0, (char*)data, (unsigned int) widthpad, (unsigned int) height, (int) bitmap_pad, (int) nbpr); #else char *data=NULL; char noCmap; scr=DefaultScreen(dpy); /* JG: get bitmap_pad from X */ bitmap_pad = BitmapPad(dpy); /* determine smallest box enclosing region */ XClipBox(region,&rect); x = rect.x; y = rect.y; width = rect.width; height = rect.height; if (width==0 || height==0) return; /* allocate memory for image data */ widthpad = (1+(width-1)/bitmap_pad)*bitmap_pad; nbpr = widthpad-1; /* create image & determine alloc size from X */ image = XCreateImage( (Display *) dpy, (Visual *) DefaultVisual(dpy,scr), (unsigned int) DefaultDepth(dpy,scr), (int)ZPixmap, (int) 0, NULL , (unsigned int) widthpad, (unsigned int) height, (int) bitmap_pad, 0); /* JG XCreateImage(....,0) gets X to compute the size it needs. Then we alloc. */ image->data = (char *)calloc(image->bytes_per_line, image->height); if (image->data==NULL) err("width,widthpad,height = %d %d %d", width,widthpad,height); /* warn("nbpr = %d widthpad = %d height = %d bitmap_pad = %d ", nbpr,widthpad,height,bitmap_pad); */ /* determine min and max pixels from standard colormap */ pmin = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); pmax = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); /* JGHACK ... When colormap fails, we get pmax=pmin=0 */ noCmap = (pmax==0 && pmin==0) ? 1:0; if (noCmap) { pmax = 255; warn("No colormap found...."); } /* ...JGHACK */ /* determine base and scale factor */ scale = (fmax!=fmin) ? ((float) (pmax-pmin))/(fmax-fmin) : 0.0; base = ((float) pmin)-fmin*scale; data = (char *)image->data ; /* loop over scan lines */ for (line=0; line<height; line++) { iline = line*width; jline = line*widthpad; /* loop over pixels in scan line */ for (i=iline,j=jline,k=0; k<width; ++i,++j,++k) { /* determine float x and y coordinates */ if (style==XtcwpNORMAL) { fx = MapX(fgc,x+k); fy = MapY(fgc,y+line); } else { fx = MapY(fgc,y+line); fy = MapX(fgc,x+k); } /* determine sloth */ t = insideTriInModel(m,t,fx,fy); ta = (TriAttributes*)t->fa; s = ta->s00+fy*ta->dsdx+fx*ta->dsdz; /* convert to pixel and put in image */ p = (unsigned long) (base+s*scale); if (p<pmin) p = pmin; if (p>pmax) p = pmax; if (noCmap) { /* JG. Can't get colormap. Might as well write RGB pixels as grayscale */ XPutPixel(image,k,line, p | (p<<8)| (p<<16)); } else { /* original */ /* data[j] = (unsigned char) p; */ XPutPixel(image,k,line,p); } } /* original. Not sure this is needed JG */ /* for (j=jline+width,k=width; k<widthpad; ++j,++k) data[j] = data[jline+width-1]; */ } #endif XPutImage(dpy,dbl,fgc->gc,image,0,0,x,y,image->width,image->height); /* free(data); */ XDestroyImage(image); }
main() { Display *dpy; Window root,win; Colormap cmap; XStandardColormap scmap; XColor color,junk; XImage *image; XEvent event; GC gc; int scr,i; unsigned long black,white,pmin,pmax; char *data; /* connect to X server */ dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL); if ((dpy=XOpenDisplay(NULL))==NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open display!\n"); exit(-1); } scr = DefaultScreen(dpy); root = RootWindow(dpy,scr); black = BlackPixel(dpy,scr); white = WhitePixel(dpy,scr); /* create and map window */ win = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy,root,X,Y,WIDTH,HEIGHT,4,black,white); cmap = XtcwpCreateGrayColormap(dpy,win); XSetWindowColormap(dpy,win,cmap); XMapWindow(dpy,win); /* determine range of contiguous pixels from standard colormap */ if (!XtcwpCreateRGBDefaultMap(dpy,&scmap)) { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot create standard colormap!\n"); exit(-1); } pmin = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); pmax = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); /* create image */ data = (char*)malloc(WIDTH*HEIGHT); for (i=0; i<WIDTH*HEIGHT; ++i) data[i] = pmin+(pmax-pmin)*(i%WIDTH)/WIDTH; image = XCreateImage(dpy,DefaultVisual(dpy,scr), DefaultDepth(dpy,scr),ZPixmap, 0,data,WIDTH,HEIGHT,BitmapPad(dpy),WIDTH); gc = XCreateGC(dpy,win,0,NULL); XAllocNamedColor(dpy,cmap,"red",&color,&junk); XSetForeground(dpy,gc,color.pixel); /* set event mask */ XSelectInput(dpy,win,ExposureMask); /* loop forever */ XPutImage(dpy,win,gc,image,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); while(True) { XNextEvent(dpy,&event); while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy,Expose,&event)); XPutImage(dpy,win,gc,image,0,0,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); XDrawLine(dpy,win,gc,0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); } /* close display */ XCloseDisplay(dpy); }
Colormap XtcwpCreateSatColormap (Display *dpy, Window win, float fhue, float lhue, float wfrac, float bright) /***************************************************************************** create a colormap with varying saturations in contiguous cells ****************************************************************************** Input: dpy display win window fhue first hue in colormap (saturation=1) lhue last hue in colormap (saturation=1) wfrac fractional position of white within the colormap (saturation=0) bright brightness ****************************************************************************** Notes: The returned colormap is only created; the window's colormap attribute is not changed, and the colormap is not installed by this function. The returned colormap is a copy of the window's current colormap, but with varying hues (blue to red) allocated in the range of contiguous cells determined by XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP. If it does not already exist, XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP will be created. ****************************************************************************** Author: Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 11/22/93 *****************************************************************************/ { Screen *scr=XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); Colormap cmap,wcmap; XColor color; XWindowAttributes wa; unsigned long i,j,ncells,npixels,nfpixels,nlpixels; unsigned long bpixel,epixel,pixel[4096]; long ltemp; float red=0,green=0,blue=0; /* determine beginning and ending pixels in contiguous range */ bpixel = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); epixel = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); if (epixel<=bpixel) return None; /* determine window's current colormap */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,&wa); wcmap = wa.colormap; /* create new colormap and allocate all cells read/write */ cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy,win,DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr),AllocNone); ncells = CellsOfScreen(scr); XAllocColorCells(dpy,cmap,True,NULL,0,pixel,(unsigned int) ncells); /* copy color cells from window's colormap to new colormap */ for (i=0; i<ncells; ++i) { if (i<bpixel || i>epixel) { color.pixel = i; XQueryColor(dpy,wcmap,&color); XFreeColors(dpy,cmap,&i,1,0); XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } } /* devide colormap into 3 regions: fhues, white, and lhues */ npixels = epixel-bpixel+1; ltemp = (long) (wfrac*((float) npixels)); nfpixels = (ltemp<0) ? 0: ltemp; if (nfpixels>npixels-1) nfpixels = npixels-1; nlpixels = npixels-nfpixels-1; /* pixels from fhue to just under white */ for (i=0; i<nfpixels; ++i) { color.pixel = bpixel+i; hsvrgb(fhue,((float)(nfpixels-i))/((float) nfpixels),bright, &red,&green,&blue); = 65535*red; = 65535*green; = 65535*blue; color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } /* white pixel */ color.pixel = bpixel+i; hsvrgb(fhue,0.0,bright,&red,&green,&blue); = 65535*red; = 65535*green; = 65535*blue; color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); ++i; /* pixels from just under white to lhue */ for (j=0; j<nlpixels; ++i,++j) { color.pixel = bpixel+i; hsvrgb(lhue,((float)(j+1))/((float) nlpixels),bright,&red,&green,&blue); = 65535*red; = 65535*green; = 65535*blue; color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } /* return colormap */ return cmap; }
Colormap XtcwpCreateHueColormap (Display *dpy, Window win, float fhue, float lhue, float sat, float bright) /***************************************************************************** create a colormap with varying hues (user-specified) in contiguous cells ****************************************************************************** Input: dpy display win window fhue first hue in colormap lhue last hue in colormap sat saturation bright brightness ****************************************************************************** Notes: The returned colormap is only created; the window's colormap attribute is not changed, and the colormap is not installed by this function. The returned colormap is a copy of the window's current colormap, but with varying hues (blue to red) allocated in the range of contiguous cells determined by XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP. If it does not already exist, XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP will be created. ****************************************************************************** Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 09/29/90 Modified: Craig Artley, Colorado School of Mines, 11/22/93 Saturation, brightness, and range of hues now user-specified. *****************************************************************************/ { Screen *scr=XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); Colormap cmap,wcmap; XColor color; XWindowAttributes wa; unsigned long i,ncells,npixels; unsigned long bpixel,epixel,pixel[4096]; float red=0,green=0,blue=0; /* determine beginning and ending pixels in contiguous range */ bpixel = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); epixel = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); if (epixel<=bpixel) return None; /* determine window's current colormap */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,&wa); wcmap = wa.colormap; /* create new colormap and allocate all cells read/write */ cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy,win,DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr),AllocNone); ncells = CellsOfScreen(scr); XAllocColorCells(dpy,cmap,True,NULL,0,pixel,(unsigned int) ncells); /* copy color cells from window's colormap to new colormap */ for (i=0; i<ncells; ++i) { if (i<bpixel || i>epixel) { color.pixel = i; XQueryColor(dpy,wcmap,&color); XFreeColors(dpy,cmap,&i,1,0); XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } } /* build hues in contiguous cells in new colormap */ npixels = epixel-bpixel+1; for (i=0; i<npixels; ++i) { color.pixel = bpixel+i; hsvrgb(fhue+(lhue-fhue)*((float)i)/((float)(npixels-1)),sat,bright, &red,&green,&blue); = 65535*red; = 65535*green; = 65535*blue; color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } /* return colormap */ return cmap; }
Colormap XtcwpCreateGrayColormap (Display *dpy, Window win) /***************************************************************************** create a colormap with a gray scale in contiguous cells ****************************************************************************** Input: dpy display win window ****************************************************************************** Notes: The returned colormap is only created; the window's colormap attribute is not changed, and the colormap is not installed by this function. The returned colormap is a copy of the window's current colormap, but with a gray scale (black to white) allocated in the range of contiguous cells determined by XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP. If it does not already exist, XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP will be created. ****************************************************************************** Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 09/29/90 *****************************************************************************/ { Screen *scr=XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); Colormap cmap,wcmap; XColor color; XWindowAttributes wa; unsigned long i,ncells,npixels; unsigned long bpixel,epixel,pixel[4096]; /* determine beginning and ending pixels in contiguous range */ bpixel = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); epixel = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); if (epixel<=bpixel) return None; /* determine window's current colormap */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,&wa); wcmap = wa.colormap; /* create new colormap and allocate all cells read/write */ cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy,win,DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr),AllocNone); ncells = CellsOfScreen(scr); XAllocColorCells(dpy,cmap,True,NULL,0,pixel,(unsigned int)ncells); /* copy color cells from window's colormap to new colormap */ for (i=0; i<ncells; ++i) { if (i<bpixel || i>epixel) { color.pixel = i; XQueryColor(dpy,wcmap,&color); XFreeColors(dpy,cmap,&i,1,0); XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } } /* build gray scale in contiguous cells in new colormap */ npixels = epixel-bpixel+1; for (i=0; i<npixels; ++i) { color.pixel = bpixel+i; = (unsigned short) (65535*i/(npixels-1)); =; =; color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue; XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } /* return colormap */ return cmap; }
Colormap XtcwpCreateRGBColormap (Display *dpy, Window win) /***************************************************************************** create a colormap with an RGB color scale in contiguous cells ****************************************************************************** Input: dpy display win window ****************************************************************************** Notes: The returned colormap is only created; the window's colormap attribute is not changed, and the colormap is not installed by this function. The returned colormap is a copy of the window's current colormap, but with an RGB color scale allocated in the range of contiguous cells determined by XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP. If it does not already exist, XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP will be created. ****************************************************************************** Author: Dave Hale, Colorado School of Mines, 09/29/90 *****************************************************************************/ { Screen *scr=XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy); Window root=XRootWindowOfScreen(scr); Colormap cmap,wcmap; XStandardColormap scmap; XColor color; XWindowAttributes wa; unsigned long i,ncells,npixels; unsigned long bpixel,epixel,pixel[4096]; /* determine beginning and ending pixels in contiguous range */ bpixel = XtcwpGetFirstPixel(dpy); epixel = XtcwpGetLastPixel(dpy); if (epixel<=bpixel) return None; /* get standard colormap XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP */ if (!XGetStandardColormap(dpy,root,&scmap,XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP)) if (!XtcwpCreateRGBDefaultMap(dpy,&scmap)) return None; /* determine window's current colormap */ XGetWindowAttributes(dpy,win,&wa); wcmap = wa.colormap; /* create new colormap and allocate all cells read/write */ cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy,win,DefaultVisualOfScreen(scr),AllocNone); ncells = CellsOfScreen(scr); XAllocColorCells(dpy,cmap,True,NULL,0,pixel,(unsigned int)ncells); /* copy color cells from window's colormap to new colormap */ for (i=0; i<ncells; ++i) { if (i<bpixel || i>epixel) { color.pixel = i; XQueryColor(dpy,wcmap,&color); XFreeColors(dpy,cmap,&i,1,0); XAllocColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } } /* copy RGB color scale from XA_RGB_DEFAULT_MAP to new colormap */ npixels = epixel-bpixel+1; for (i=0; i<npixels; ++i) { color.pixel = bpixel+i; XQueryColor(dpy,scmap.colormap,&color); XStoreColor(dpy,cmap,&color); } /* return colormap */ return cmap; }