文件: dc.cpp 项目: hgwells/tive
void wxDC::DoSetClippingRegion(wxCoord cx, wxCoord cy, wxCoord cw, wxCoord ch)
    wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid dc") );

    wxSize size(GetSize());

    wxASSERT_MSG( !m_clipping,
                  _T("narrowing clipping region not implemented yet") );

    // NB: We intersect the clipping rectangle with surface's area here because
    //     DirectFB will return an error if you try to set clipping rectangle
    //     that is partially outside of the surface.
    DFBRegion r;
    r.x1 = wxMax(0, XLOG2DEV(cx));
    r.y1 = wxMax(0, YLOG2DEV(cy));
    r.x2 = wxMin(r.x1 + XLOG2DEVREL(cw), size.x) - 1;
    r.y2 = wxMin(r.y1 + YLOG2DEVREL(ch), size.y) - 1;

    if ( !m_surface->SetClip(&r) )

    m_clipX1 = cx;
    m_clipY1 = cy;
    m_clipX2 = cx + cw - 1;
    m_clipY2 = cy + ch -1;
    m_clipping = true;
文件: dc.cpp 项目: hgwells/tive
void wxDC::DoDrawText(const wxString& text, wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
    wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid dc") );

    wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEV(x);
    wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEV(y);

    // update the bounding box
    wxCoord w, h;
    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    GetTextExtent(text, &w, &h);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + w, y + h);

    // if background mode is solid, DrawText must paint text's background:
    if ( m_backgroundMode == wxSOLID )
        wxCHECK_RET( m_textBackgroundColour.Ok(),
                     wxT("invalid background color") );

        m_surface->FillRectangle(xx, yy, XLOG2DEVREL(w), YLOG2DEVREL(h));

    // finally draw the text itself:
    wxCHECK_RET( m_textForegroundColour.Ok(),
                 wxT("invalid foreground color") );
    m_surface->DrawString(wxSTR_TO_DFB(text), -1, xx, yy, DSTF_LEFT | DSTF_TOP);

    // restore pen's colour, because other drawing functions expect the colour
    // to be set to the pen:
文件: dc.cpp 项目: hgwells/tive
void wxDC::DoDrawLine(wxCoord x1, wxCoord y1, wxCoord x2, wxCoord y2)
    wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid dc") );

    if ( m_pen.GetStyle() == wxTRANSPARENT )

    wxCoord xx1 = XLOG2DEV(x1);
    wxCoord yy1 = YLOG2DEV(y1);
    wxCoord xx2 = XLOG2DEV(x2);
    wxCoord yy2 = YLOG2DEV(y2);

    // FIXME: DrawLine() shouldn't draw the last pixel, but DFB's DrawLine()
    //        does draw it. We should undo any change to the last pixel by
    //        using GetPixel() and PutPixel(), but until they are implemented,
    //        handle at least the special case of vertical and horizontal
    //        lines correctly:
    if ( xx1 == xx2 )
        if ( yy1 < yy2 )
        else if ( yy1 > yy2 )
    if ( yy1 == yy2 )
        if ( xx1 < xx2 )
        else if ( xx1 > xx2 )

    m_surface->DrawLine(xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2);

    CalcBoundingBox(x1, y1);
    CalcBoundingBox(x2, y2);
bool wxDFBDCImpl::DoBlitFromSurface(const wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr& src,
                                    wxCoord srcx, wxCoord srcy,
                                    wxCoord w, wxCoord h,
                                    wxCoord dstx, wxCoord dsty)
    // don't do anything if the source rectangle is outside of source surface,
    // DirectFB would assert in that case:
    wxSize srcsize;
    src->GetSize(&srcsize.x, &srcsize.y);
    if ( !wxRect(srcx, srcy, w, h).Intersects(wxRect(srcsize)) )
        wxLogDebug("Blitting from area outside of the source surface, caller code needs fixing.");
        return false;

    CalcBoundingBox(dstx, dsty);
    CalcBoundingBox(dstx + w, dsty + h);

    DFBRectangle srcRect = { srcx, srcy, w, h };
    DFBRectangle dstRect = { XLOG2DEV(dstx), YLOG2DEV(dsty),
                             XLOG2DEVREL(w), YLOG2DEVREL(h) };

    wxIDirectFBSurfacePtr dst(m_surface);

    // FIXME: this will have to be different in useMask case, see above
    DFBSurfaceBlittingFlags blitFlag = (src->GetPixelFormat() == DSPF_ARGB)
                                       ? DSBLIT_BLEND_ALPHACHANNEL
                                       : DSBLIT_NOFX;
    if ( !dst->SetBlittingFlags(blitFlag) )
        return false;

    if ( srcRect.w != dstRect.w || srcRect.h != dstRect.h )
        // the bitmap is drawn stretched:
        dst->StretchBlit(src, &srcRect, &dstRect);
        // no stretching, size is preserved:
        dst->Blit(src, &srcRect, dstRect.x, dstRect.y);

    return true;
文件: dc.cpp 项目: hgwells/tive
void wxDC::DoDrawRectangle(wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
    wxCHECK_RET( Ok(), wxT("invalid dc") );

    wxCoord xx = XLOG2DEV(x);
    wxCoord yy = YLOG2DEV(y);
    wxCoord ww = m_signX * XLOG2DEVREL(width);
    wxCoord hh = m_signY * YLOG2DEVREL(height);

    if ( ww == 0 || hh == 0 ) return;

    if ( ww < 0 )
        ww = -ww;
        xx = xx - ww;
    if ( hh < 0 )
        hh = -hh;
        yy = yy - hh;

    if ( m_brush.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT )
        m_surface->FillRectangle(xx, yy, ww, hh);
        // restore pen's colour, because other drawing functions expect the
        // colour to be set to the pen:

    if ( m_pen.GetStyle() != wxTRANSPARENT )
        m_surface->DrawRectangle(xx, yy, ww, hh);

    CalcBoundingBox(x, y);
    CalcBoundingBox(x + width, y + height);
wxCoord wxSVGFileDC::LogicalToDeviceY(wxCoord y) const
    return YLOG2DEV(y);