// dump any models not being used by this level if we're running low on memory... // static int GetModelDataAllocSize(void) { return Z_MemSize( TAG_MODEL_MD3) + Z_MemSize( TAG_MODEL_MD4) + Z_MemSize( TAG_MODEL_GLM) + Z_MemSize( TAG_MODEL_GLA); }
// there's no such thing as this now, since the zone is unlimited, but I have to provide something // so it doesn't run out of control alloc-wise (since the bot code calls this in a while() loop to free // up bot mem until zone has > 1MB available again. So, simulate a reasonable limit... // static int bot_Z_AvailableMemory(void) { const int iMaxBOTLIBMem = 8 * 1024 * 1024; // adjust accordingly. return iMaxBOTLIBMem - Z_MemSize( TAG_BOTLIB ); }
/* ==================== Hunk_MemoryRemaining ==================== */ int Hunk_MemoryRemaining( void ) { return (64*1024*1024) - (Z_MemSize(TAG_HUNK_MARK1)+Z_MemSize(TAG_HUNK_MARK2)); //Yeah. Whatever. We've got no size now. }