void TestException() {
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Using exception library v" << CException::GetVersion() << " as of " << CException::GetBuildDate() << "." << std::endl;

	// Use RTII to get default exception type
	std::cout << CException::CLASS_TYPE << std::endl;

	try {
		std::cout << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Trying impossible..." << std::endl;
		throw _CException( "Wow! something went wrong.", 1212 );
		// Code below will never be run
		std::cout << "Failed, of course" << std::endl;
	catch (CException &e) {			// & is IMPORTANT
		std::cerr << "** --- EXCEPTION THROWN ---" << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "** Type: " << e.GetType() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "** Message: " << e.GetErrorMessage() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "** Error code: " << e.GetErrorCode() << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "** Fault location: " << e.GetFaultLocation() << std::endl;
// For better speed directly handle memory instead of std::string
void HashCrackerUtils::IncreasePassword(char *p_password, const unsigned int p_bufferCapacity, const std::string &p_alphabet) {
	bool finished = false;
	char nc = '?';
	unsigned int i;

	i = static_cast<int>(strlen( p_password ));
	if( i < p_bufferCapacity ) {
		while ( !finished ) {
			nc = (i == 0 ? '\0' : NextAlphabetChar( p_alphabet, p_password[i - 1] ));
			if( nc != '\0' ) {
				// Not yet reached the end of alphabet, nc is the next character
				p_password[i - 1] = nc;
				finished = true;
			else {
				// Reached the end of the alphabet
				if( i == 0 ) {
					// Shift 1 character to the right
					memmove_s(p_password + 1, p_bufferCapacity - 1, p_password, p_bufferCapacity - 1);
					p_password[0] = p_alphabet[0];
					finished = true;
				else {
					p_password[i - 1] = p_alphabet[0];
	else {
		throw _CException( "Buffer too small to store next password. 2 characters are required after the last password character.", 0 );
std::string TcpClient::GetResponse()
	if (this->_responses.size() == 0)
		throw _CException("No Hash type specified in the command line !!! Exit !!!", 0);
	std::string response = this->_responses.at(0);
	return response;
void Utils::ParseCommandLine(const int p_argc, 
									const char *p_argv[], 
										std::string &p_hash, 
										std::string &p_algo, 
										std::string &p_alphabet, 
										unsigned int &p_chunkSize, 
										std::string &p_masterIpAddress)
	int i = 1;			// Because argv[0] contains the full path to program name --> real parameters start at position 1

	// Default values
	p_hash = "";
	p_algo = "";
	//p_alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
	p_alphabet = "";
	p_chunkSize = 0;
	p_masterIpAddress = "";

	// TODO return if too few argz and print usage

	// Extract parameters using C style
	while( i < p_argc ) {
		if ( i + 1 < p_argc ) {										// Because all parameters are in the form (-${key}, ${value}), ensure the ${value} can be extracted
			if ( _strcmpi("-hash", p_argv[i] ) == 0 ) {
				p_hash = p_argv[i + 1];
				i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration
			else if ( _strcmpi("-algo", p_argv[i] ) == 0 ) {
				p_algo = p_argv[i + 1];
				i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration
			else if ( _strcmpi("-alphabet", p_argv[i] ) == 0 ) {
				p_alphabet = p_argv[i + 1];
				i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration
			else if ( _strcmpi("-chunksize", p_argv[i] ) == 0 ) {
				p_chunkSize = std::atoi(p_argv[i + 1]);
				if( p_chunkSize < 0 || p_chunkSize > 10)
					p_chunkSize = 0;
				i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration
			else if ( _strcmpi("-ip", p_argv[i] ) == 0 ) {
				p_masterIpAddress = p_argv[i + 1];
				i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration
			//else if (_strcmpi("-ordolocal", p_argv[i]) == 0) {
			//	ordolocal = p_argv[i + 1];
			//	i++;            									// skip associated value for next iteration
			//else if (_strcmpi("-ordoglobal", p_argv[i]) == 0) {
			//	ordoGlobal = "YES";
			//	p_masterIpAddress = "";
			//	i++;												// skip associated value for next iteration

	// Ordo local selected but no address written in the command line
	//if ( p_masterIpAddress.empty() && ordolocal == "YES")
	if ( p_masterIpAddress.empty() && p_argc == 3)
		throw _CException ( "No IP Address with OrdoLocal Enabled !! Exit !!!", 0 );

	if (p_hash.empty() && p_argc > 3)
		throw _CException("No Hash type specified in the command line !!! Exit !!!", 0);

	if(p_chunkSize == 0 && p_argc > 3)
		throw _CException("ChunkSize == 0 !!! Exit !!!", 0);