CF_EXPORT Boolean CFPlugInUnregisterFactory(CFUUIDRef factoryID) {
    _CFPFactory *factory = _CFPFactoryFind(factoryID, true);
    if (!factory) {
        /* MF:!!! Error.  No factory registered for this ID. */
    } else {
    return true;
__private_extern__ void _CFBundleDeallocatePlugIn(CFBundleRef bundle) {
    if (__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle)->_isPlugIn) {
        SInt32 c;

        /* Go through factories disabling them.  Disabling these factories should cause them to dealloc since we wouldn't be deallocating if any of the factories had outstanding instances.  So go backwards. */
        c = CFArrayGetCount(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle)->_factories);
        while (c-- > 0) _CFPFactoryDisable((_CFPFactory *)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(__CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle)->_factories, c));

        __CFBundleGetPlugInData(bundle)->_isPlugIn = false;