 * Function: CreateOutputArea
 *    Creates a Text Graphic area with the appropriate scroll bars.
 *    specifying the size with width and height
    Widget	 parent,
    char	*name,
    short	 vert_flag,
    short	 horz_flag,
    Boolean	 traversal_flag,
    _DtCvValue   honor_size,
    _DtCvRenderType render_type,
    Dimension	 width,
    Dimension	 height,
    unsigned short media_resolution,
    void	(*hyperTextCB)(),
    void	(*resizeCB)(),
    int		(*exec_ok_routine)(),
    XtPointer	 client_data,
    XmFontList	 default_list )
    DtHelpDispAreaStruct *pDAS;

    pDAS = HelpCreateDA(parent, name,
			vert_flag, horz_flag,
			traversal_flag, honor_size, render_type,
			1, 1, media_resolution,
			hyperTextCB, resizeCB, exec_ok_routine,
			client_data, default_list);
    /* if area created successfully, then resize it to the given size */
    if (pDAS)
	_DtHelpSetScrollBars(pDAS, width, height);

    return pDAS;
 * Function: ResizeDisplayArea
 *    ResizeDisplayArea resizes the Display Area and re-formats the
 *	text based on a row and column values given.
_DtHelpResizeDisplayArea (
	Widget			 parent,
	XtPointer	client_data,
	int			 rows,
	int			 columns )
    int            count = 0;
    register int   n;
    unsigned long  char_width;
    Arg          args[5];
    Dimension    newWidth;
    Dimension    newHeight;
    Dimension    vertWidth  = 0;
    Dimension    horzHeight = 0;
    Dimension    tstWidth;
    Dimension    tstHeight;
    Dimension    oldWidth;
    Dimension    oldHeight;
    XEvent	 event;
    XmDrawnButtonCallbackStruct callBack;
    DtHelpDispAreaStruct        *pDAS = (DtHelpDispAreaStruct *) client_data;

     * check the values.
    if (rows <= 0)
        rows = 1;
    if (columns <= 0)
        columns = 1;

   /* Set the size of the text view area to the requested number of columns */
   /* and lines. */
    char_width = pDAS->charWidth * columns;

    newWidth = char_width / 10 + (char_width % 10 ? 1 : 0) +
			2 * (pDAS->decorThickness + pDAS->marginWidth);
    newHeight = pDAS->lineHeight * rows + 2 * pDAS->decorThickness;

     * get the width and height of the scroll bars.

    if (pDAS->vertScrollWid)
        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNwidth , &vertWidth);
        XtGetValues (pDAS->vertScrollWid, args, 1);

    if (pDAS->horzScrollWid)
        XtSetArg (args[0], XmNheight , &horzHeight);
        XtGetValues (pDAS->horzScrollWid, args, 1);

     * loop a couple of times at most to get the sizing correct.
     * This is caused by the fact we can't do a set values on
     * the drawn button itself, someone above it is rejecting
     * the resize request. So, resize the great-grandparent
     * (a couple of times if necessary).
    do {
         * take into consideration the scrollbars.
        tstWidth  = newWidth;
        tstHeight = newHeight;
        if (pDAS->vertScrollWid &&
            _DtHelpIS_AS_NEEDED(pDAS->neededFlags, _DtHelpVERTICAL_SCROLLBAR)
                                            && pDAS->vertIsMapped)
            if (tstWidth > vertWidth)
                tstWidth -= vertWidth;
                tstWidth = 0;
        if (pDAS->horzScrollWid &&
            _DtHelpIS_AS_NEEDED(pDAS->neededFlags, _DtHelpHORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR)
                                            && pDAS->horzIsMapped)
            if (tstHeight > horzHeight)
                tstHeight -= horzHeight;
                tstHeight = 0;
        if (tstWidth == pDAS->dispWidth && tstHeight == pDAS->dispHeight)
         * kludge around the fact that some parent is not letting
         * me resize the drawn button. Get the parent's size and
         * resize that!
        n = 0;
        XtSetArg(args[n], XmNwidth,  &oldWidth);                ++n;
        XtSetArg(args[n], XmNheight, &oldHeight);                ++n;
        XtGetValues(parent, args, n);
         * calculate its new size
        oldWidth  = oldWidth - pDAS->dispWidth + tstWidth;
        oldHeight = oldHeight - pDAS->dispHeight + tstHeight;
         * set my parent's size to affect me.
        n = 0;
        XtSetArg(args[n], XmNwidth,  oldWidth);                ++n;
        XtSetArg(args[n], XmNheight, oldHeight);                ++n;
        XtSetValues(parent, args, n);

    } while (count++ < 2);
     * check to see if the Set Values on my parent took care of everything.
    if (pDAS->vertScrollWid &&
					&& pDAS->vertIsMapped)
	if (newWidth > vertWidth)
	    newWidth -= vertWidth;
	    newWidth = 0;

    if (pDAS->horzScrollWid &&
					&& pDAS->horzIsMapped)
	if (newHeight > horzHeight)
	    newHeight -= horzHeight;
	    newHeight = 0;

    if (newWidth == pDAS->dispWidth && newHeight == pDAS->dispHeight)

     * clean up
    _DtHelpClearSelection (pDAS);

     * reset the scroll bars and possibly reformat the text.
    _DtHelpSetScrollBars (client_data, newWidth, newHeight);
    if (XtIsRealized (pDAS->dispWid))

}  /* End _DtHelpResizeDisplayArea */