 *      in OnHotKey() function.   default key value is the default hotkey for this command.
 *      Can be overrided by the user hotkey list file add the HkMyNewEntry pointer in the
 *      s_board_edit_Hotkey_List list ( or/and the s_module_edit_Hotkey_List list)  Add the
 *      new code in the switch in OnHotKey() function.   when the variable PopupOn is true,
 *      an item is currently edited.  This can be usefull if the new function cannot be
 *      executed while an item is currently being edited
 *  ( For example, one cannot start a new wire when a component is moving.)
 *  Note: If an hotkey is a special key, be sure the corresponding wxWidget keycode (WXK_XXXX)
 *  is handled in the hotkey_name_descr s_Hotkey_Name_List list (see hotkeys_basic.cpp)
 *  and see this list for some ascii keys (space ...)

// local variables
// Hotkey list:
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomAuto( _HKI( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomCenter( _HKI( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4 );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomRedraw( _HKI( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3 );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomOut( _HKI( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2 );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomIn( _HKI( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1 );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkZoomSelection( _HKI( "Zoom to Selection" ), HK_ZOOM_SELECTION, '@', ID_ZOOM_SELECTION );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkHelp( _HKI( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkSwitchUnits( _HKI( "Switch Units" ), HK_SWITCH_UNITS, 'U' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkResetLocalCoord( _HKI( "Reset Local Coordinates" ), HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD, ' ' );

static EDA_HOTKEY   HkLinesDisplayMode( _HKI( "Gbr Lines Display Mode" ), HK_GBR_LINES_DISPLAY_MODE, 'L' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkFlashedDisplayMode( _HKI( "Gbr Flashed Display Mode" ), HK_GBR_FLASHED_DISPLAY_MODE, 'F' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkPolygonDisplayMode( _HKI( "Gbr Polygons Display Mode" ), HK_GBR_POLYGON_DISPLAY_MODE, 'P' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkNegativeObjDisplayMode( _HKI( "Gbr Negative Obj Display Mode" ), HK_GBR_NEGATIVE_DISPLAY_ONOFF, 'N' );
static EDA_HOTKEY   HkDCodesDisplayMode( _HKI( "DCodes Display Mode" ), HK_GBR_DCODE_DISPLAY_ONOFF, 'D' );
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <boost/test/test_case_template.hpp>

#include <hotkey_store.h>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dummy Hotkey definitions

static EDA_HOTKEY actionA1( _HKI("A1"), 1001, WXK_F1 );
static EDA_HOTKEY actionA2( _HKI("A2"), 1002, WXK_F2 );

static wxString   sectionATag( "[a]" );
static wxString   sectionATitle( "Section A" );

static EDA_HOTKEY actionB1( _HKI("B1"), 2001, WXK_F10 );
static EDA_HOTKEY actionB2( _HKI("B2"), 2002, WXK_F11 );

static wxString   sectionBTag( "[b]" );
static wxString   sectionBTitle( "Section B" );

// A keycode that is unused by any hotkey
static const int unused_keycode = WXK_F5;

// List of hotkey descriptors for library editor
#include <worksheet.h>
#include <dialog_page_settings.h>


// List of page formats.
// they are prefixed by "_HKI" (already in use for hotkeys) instead of "_",
// because we need both the translated and the not translated version.
// when displayed in dialog we should explicitly call wxGetTranslation()
// to show the translated version.
// See hotkeys_basic.h for more info
#define _HKI( x ) wxT( x )
static const wxString pageFmts[] =
    _HKI("A4 210x297mm"),
    _HKI("A3 297x420mm"),
    _HKI("A2 420x594mm"),
    _HKI("A1 594x841mm"),
    _HKI("A0 841x1189mm"),
    _HKI("A 8.5x11in"),
    _HKI("B 11x17in"),
    _HKI("C 17x22in"),
    _HKI("D 22x34in"),
    _HKI("E 34x44in"),
    _HKI("USLetter 8.5x11in"),      // USLetter without space is correct
    _HKI("USLegal 8.5x14in"),       // USLegal without space is correct
    _HKI("USLedger 11x17in"),       // USLedger without space is correct
    _HKI("User (Custom)"),          // size defined by user. The string must contain "Custom"
                                    // to be recognized in code

/////////////  Hotkeys management   ///////////////////////////////////////

// Remark: the hotkey message info is used as keyword in hotkey config files and
// as comments in help windows, therefore translated only when displayed
// they are marked _HKI to be extracted by translation tools
// See hotkeys_basic.h for more info

// hotkeys command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewProjectFromTemplate( _HKI( "New Project From Template" ),
                                        HK_NEW_PRJ_TEMPLATE, 'T' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRefresh( _HKI( "Refresh Project Tree" ), HK_REFRESH, GR_KB_CTRL + 'R' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunEeschema( _HKI( "Run Eeschema" ), HK_RUN_EESCHEMA, 'E' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunLibedit( _HKI( "Run LibEdit" ), HK_RUN_LIBEDIT, 'L' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbnew( _HKI( "Run Pcbnew" ), HK_RUN_PCBNEW, 'P' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunModedit( _HKI( "Run FpEditor" ), HK_RUN_FPEDITOR, 'F' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunGerbview( _HKI( "Run Gerbview" ), HK_RUN_GERBVIEW, 'G' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunBm2Cmp( _HKI( "Run Bitmap2Component" ),
                               HK_RUN_BM2COMPONENT, 'B' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbCalc( _HKI( "Run PcbCalculator" ),
                                HK_RUN_PCBCALCULATOR, 'A' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPleditor( _HKI( "Run PlEditor" ), HK_RUN_PLEDITOR, 'Y' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );

// Common: hotkeys_basic.h
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewProject( _HKI( "New Project" ), HK_NEW, GR_KB_CTRL + 'N' );
#include <colors.h>
#include <i18n_utility.h>

 * The predefined colors used in KiCad.
 * Please: if you change a value, remember these values are carefully chosen
 * to have good results in Pcbnew, that uses the ORed value of basic colors
 * when displaying superimposed objects
 * This list must have exactly NBCOLORS items

const StructColors g_ColorRefs[NBCOLORS] =
    { 0,    0,   0,   BLACK,         _HKI( "Black" ),     DARKDARKGRAY      },
    { 72,   72,  72,  DARKDARKGRAY,  _HKI( "Gray 1" ),    DARKGRAY          },
    { 132,  132, 132, DARKGRAY,      _HKI( "Gray 2" ),    LIGHTGRAY         },
    { 194,  194, 194, LIGHTGRAY,     _HKI( "Gray 3" ),    WHITE             },
    { 255,  255, 255, WHITE,         _HKI( "White" ),     WHITE             },
    { 194,  255, 255, LIGHTYELLOW,   _HKI( "L.Yellow" ),  WHITE             },
    { 72,   0,   0,   DARKBLUE,      _HKI( "Blue 1" ),    BLUE              },
    { 0,    72,  0,   DARKGREEN,     _HKI( "Green 1" ),   GREEN             },
    { 72,   72,  0,   DARKCYAN,      _HKI( "Cyan 1" ),    CYAN              },
    { 0,    0,   72,  DARKRED,       _HKI( "Red 1" ),     RED               },
    { 72,   0,   72,  DARKMAGENTA,   _HKI( "Magenta 1" ), MAGENTA           },
    { 0,    72,  72,  DARKBROWN,     _HKI( "Brown 1" ),   BROWN             },
    { 132,  0,   0,   BLUE,          _HKI( "Blue 2" ),    LIGHTBLUE         },
    { 0,    132, 0,   GREEN,         _HKI( "Green 2" ),   LIGHTGREEN        },
    { 132,  132, 0,   CYAN,          _HKI( "Cyan 2" ),    LIGHTCYAN         },
    { 0,    0,   132, RED,           _HKI( "Red 2" ),     LIGHTRED          },
        definedColors.SetCustomColour( i++, wxColour(   0,   0,  0 ) );

    bool change = Set3DColorFromUser( m_settings.m_SolderPasteColor,
                                      _( "Solder Paste Color" ),
                                      &definedColors );

    if( change )

    return change;

// Define 3D Viewer Hotkeys
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_PivotCenter( _HKI( "Center pivot rotation (Middle mouse click)" ), 0, WXK_SPACE );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_MoveLeft( _HKI( "Move board Left" ), ID_POPUP_MOVE3D_LEFT, WXK_LEFT );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_MoveRight( _HKI( "Move board Right" ), ID_POPUP_MOVE3D_RIGHT, WXK_RIGHT );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_MoveUp( _HKI( "Move board Up" ), ID_POPUP_MOVE3D_UP, WXK_UP );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_MoveDown( _HKI( "Move board Down" ), ID_POPUP_MOVE3D_DOWN, WXK_DOWN );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_HomeView( _HKI( "Home view" ), 0, WXK_HOME );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ResetView( _HKI( "Reset view" ), 0, 'R' );

static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewFront( _HKI( "View Front" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_YPOS, 'Y' );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewBack( _HKI( "View Back" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_YNEG, GR_KB_SHIFT + 'Y' );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewLeft( _HKI( "View Left" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_XNEG, GR_KB_SHIFT + 'X' );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewRight( _HKI( "View Right" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_XPOS, 'X' );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewTop( _HKI( "View Top" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_ZPOS, 'Z' );
static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_ViewBot( _HKI( "View Bot" ), ID_POPUP_VIEW_ZNEG, GR_KB_SHIFT + 'Z' );

static EDA_HOTKEY Hk3D_Rotate45axisZ( _HKI( "Rotate 45 degrees over Z axis" ), 0, WXK_TAB );
 * ( For example, one cannot start a new wire when a component is moving.)
 * Note: If an hotkey is a special key be sure the corresponding wxWidget
 *       keycode (WXK_XXXX) is handled in the hotkey_name_descr
 *       s_Hotkey_Name_List list (see hotkeys_basic.cpp) and see this list
 *       for some ascii keys (space ...)
 *  Key modifier are: GR_KB_CTRL GR_KB_ALT

// Common commands

// Fit on Screen
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( _HKI( "Fit on Screen" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME, ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomAuto( _HKI( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, GR_KB_CTRL + '0',
                              ID_ZOOM_PAGE );

static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomCenter( _HKI( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4,
                                ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER );

// Refresh Screen
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( _HKI( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkZoomRedraw( _HKI( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, GR_KB_CTRL + 'R',
                                ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
 *  add the HkMyNewEntry pointer in the s_board_edit_Hotkey_List list ( or/and the
 *  s_module_edit_Hotkey_List list)
 *  Add the new code in the switch in OnHotKey() function.
 *      Note: when the variable itemCurrentlyEdited is true, an item is currently edited.
 *      This can be useful if the new function cannot be executed while an item is currently
 *      being edited ( For example, one cannot start a new wire when a component is moving.)
 *  Note: If a hotkey is a special key, be sure the corresponding wxWidget keycode (WXK_XXXX)
 *  is handled in the hotkey_name_descr s_Hotkey_Name_List list (see hotkeys_basic.cpp)
 *  and see this list for some ascii keys (space ...)

// Hotkey list:

// mouse click command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Click" ),
                                    HK_LEFT_CLICK, WXK_RETURN, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftDClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Double Click" ),
                                     HK_LEFT_DCLICK, WXK_END, 0 );

static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2CopperLayer( _HKI( "Switch to Copper (B.Cu) layer" ),
                                        HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_COPPER, WXK_PAGEDOWN );

static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2ComponentLayer( _HKI( "Switch to Component (F.Cu) layer" ),
                                           HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_COMPONENT, WXK_PAGEUP );

static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2InnerLayer1( _HKI( "Switch to Inner layer 1" ),
                                        HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER1, WXK_F5 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2InnerLayer2( _HKI( "Switch to Inner layer 2" ),
                                        HK_SWITCH_LAYER_TO_INNER2, WXK_F6 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSwitch2InnerLayer3( _HKI( "Switch to Inner layer 3" ),
文件: menubar.cpp 项目: chgans/kicad

/////////////  Hotkeys management   ///////////////////////////////////////

// Remark: the hotkey message info is used as keyword in hotkey config files and
// as comments in help windows, therefore translated only when displayed
// they are marked _HKI to be extracted by translation tools
// See hotkeys_basic.h for more info

// hotkeys command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkHelp( _HKI( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkLoadPrj( _HKI( "Load project" ), HK_LOAD_PROJECT, 'O' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkSavePrj( _HKI( "Save project" ), HK_SAVE_PROJECT, 'S' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewProject( _HKI( "New Project" ), HK_NEW_PRJ, 'N' + GR_KB_CTRL );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkNewPrjFromTemplate( _HKI( "New Prj From Template" ),
                                        HK_NEW_PRJ_TEMPLATE, 'T' + GR_KB_CTRL );

static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunEeschema( _HKI( "Run Eeschema" ), HK_RUN_EESCHEMA, 'E' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunLibedit( _HKI( "Run LibEdit" ), HK_RUN_LIBEDIT, 'L' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbnew( _HKI( "Run Pcbnew" ), HK_RUN_PCBNEW, 'P' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunModedit( _HKI( "Run FpEditor" ), HK_RUN_FPEDITOR, 'F' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunGerbview( _HKI( "Run Gerbview" ), HK_RUN_GERBVIEW, 'G' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunBm2Cmp( _HKI( "Run Bitmap2Component" ),
                               HK_RUN_BM2COMPONENT, 'B' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkRunPcbCalc( _HKI( "Run PcbCalculator" ),
                                HK_RUN_PCBCALCULATOR, 'A' + GR_KB_CTRL, 0 );
文件: hotkeys.cpp 项目: myutwo/kicad
 * hotkey list file
 * 'MY_NEW_ID_FUNCTION' is the id event function used in the switch in OnHotKey() function.
 * 'Default key value' is the default hotkey for this command.
 * Can be overrided by the user hotkey list
 * Add the 'HkMyNewEntry' pointer in the  s_PlEditor_Hotkey_List list
 * Add the new code in the switch in OnHotKey() function.
 *  Note: If an hotkey is a special key, be sure the corresponding wxWidget keycode (WXK_XXXX)
 *  is handled in the hotkey_name_descr s_Hotkey_Name_List list (see hotkeys_basic.cpp)
 *  and see this list for some ascii keys (space ...)

// Hotkey list:

// mouse click command:
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Click" ), HK_LEFT_CLICK, WXK_RETURN, 0 );
static EDA_HOTKEY HkMouseLeftDClick( _HKI( "Mouse Left Double Click" ), HK_LEFT_DCLICK, WXK_END, 0 );

static EDA_HOTKEY    HkResetLocalCoord( _HKI( "Reset Local Coordinates" ),
                                        HK_RESET_LOCAL_COORD, ' ' );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkZoomAuto( _HKI( "Zoom Auto" ), HK_ZOOM_AUTO, WXK_HOME, ID_ZOOM_PAGE );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkZoomCenter( _HKI( "Zoom Center" ), HK_ZOOM_CENTER, WXK_F4,
                                   ID_POPUP_ZOOM_CENTER );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkZoomRedraw( _HKI( "Zoom Redraw" ), HK_ZOOM_REDRAW, WXK_F3, ID_ZOOM_REDRAW );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkZoomOut( _HKI( "Zoom Out" ), HK_ZOOM_OUT, WXK_F2, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_OUT );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkZoomIn( _HKI( "Zoom In" ), HK_ZOOM_IN, WXK_F1, ID_POPUP_ZOOM_IN );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkHelp( _HKI( "Help (this window)" ), HK_HELP, '?' );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkMoveItem( _HKI( "Move Item" ), HK_MOVE_ITEM, 'M', ID_POPUP_ITEM_MOVE );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkPlaceItem( _HKI( "Place Item" ), HK_PLACE_ITEM, 'P', ID_POPUP_ITEM_PLACE );
static EDA_HOTKEY    HkMoveStartPoint( _HKI( "Move Start Point" ), HK_MOVE_START_POINT, 'S',
                                       ID_POPUP_ITEM_MOVE_START_POINT );