文件: start.c 项目: AlexUlrich/digsby
 * returns an error code if initialization fails
int init_with_instance(HMODULE hmod, char *frozen)
	int rc;
	if (!_LocateScript(hmod))
		return 255;

	if (!_LoadPythonDLL(hmod))
		return 255;
	if (p_script_info->unbuffered) {
#if defined(MS_WINDOWS) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
		_setmode(fileno(stdin), O_BINARY);
		_setmode(fileno(stdout), O_BINARY);
		setvbuf(stdin,	(char *)NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
		setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
		setvbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL, _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
#else /* !HAVE_SETVBUF */
		setbuf(stdin,  (char *)NULL);
		setbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL);
		setbuf(stderr, (char *)NULL);
#endif /* !HAVE_SETVBUF */

	if (getenv("PY2EXE_VERBOSE"))
		Py_VerboseFlag = atoi(getenv("PY2EXE_VERBOSE"));
		Py_VerboseFlag = 0;

	Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag = 1;
	Py_NoSiteFlag = 1;
	Py_OptimizeFlag = p_script_info->optimize;



	if (!Py_IsInitialized()) {
		// First time round and the usual case - set sys.path
		// statically.
		rc = set_path_early();
		if (rc != 0)
			return rc;
	//	printf("Path before Py_Initialize(): %s\n", Py_GetPath());
	//	printf("Path after Py_Initialize(): %s\n", PyString_AsString(PyObject_Str(PySys_GetObject("path"))));
	} else {
		// Python already initialized.  This likely means there are
		// 2 py2exe based apps in the same process (eg, 2 COM objects
		// in a single host, 2 ISAPI filters in the same site, ...)
		// Until we get a better answer, add what we need to sys.path
		rc = set_path_late();
		if (rc != 0)
			return rc;
	/* Set sys.frozen so apps that care can tell.
	   If the caller did pass NULL, sys.frozen will be set zo True.
	   If a string is passed this is used as the frozen attribute.
	   run.c passes "console_exe", run_w.c passes "windows_exe",
	   run_dll.c passes "dll"
	   This falls apart when you consider that in some cases, a single
	   process may end up with two py2exe generated apps - but still, we
	   reset frozen to the correct 'current' value for the newly
	   initializing app.
	if (frozen == NULL)
		PySys_SetObject("frozen", PyBool_FromLong(1));
	else {
		PyObject *o = PyString_FromString(frozen);
		if (o) {
			PySys_SetObject("frozen", o);


	return 0;
文件: run_isapi.c 项目: bkocis/pie
BOOL check_init()
	BOOL ok = TRUE; // if already initialized all is good.
	if (!have_init) {
		// Check the flag again - another thread may have beat us to it!
		if (!have_init) {

			PyGILState_STATE restore_state = PyGILState_UNLOCKED;
			PyObject *frozen;
			char dll_path[1024];
			char *slash;

			ok = FALSE; // must be reset after good init.
			// We must ensure Python is loaded, and therefore the
			// function pointers are non-NULL, before we can check
			// if Python is initialized!  Further, as our
			// ISAPI dll depends on python, we must load Python
			// before loading our module.
			if (!_LoadPythonDLL(gInstance))
				goto done;

			// Find and load the pyisapi DLL.
			GetModuleFileName(gInstance, dll_path, sizeof(dll_path)/sizeof(dll_path[0]));
			slash = strrchr(dll_path, '\\');
			if (slash) {
				// insert an underscore.
				char *pos_move = dll_path + strlen(dll_path);
				while (pos_move > slash) {
					*(pos_move+1) = *pos_move;
					pos_move --;
				*(slash+1) = '_';
				hmodPyISAPI = LoadLibrary(dll_path);
				if (hmodPyISAPI) {
					pGetExtensionVersion = (__PROC__GetExtensionVersion)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "GetExtensionVersion");
					pHttpExtensionProc = (__PROC__HttpExtensionProc)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "HttpExtensionProc");
					pTerminateExtension = (__PROC__TerminateExtension)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "TerminateExtension");
					pGetFilterVersion  = (__PROC__GetFilterVersion)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "GetFilterVersion");
					pHttpFilterProc = (__PROC__HttpFilterProc)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "HttpFilterProc");
					pTerminateFilter = (__PROC__TerminateFilter)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "TerminateFilter");
					pPyISAPISetOptions = (__PROC__PyISAPISetOptions)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "PyISAPISetOptions");
					pWriteEventLogMessage = (__PROC__WriteEventLogMessage)GetProcAddress(hmodPyISAPI, "WriteEventLogMessage");
				} else {
					SystemError(GetLastError(), "Failed to load the extension DLL");
			} else {
				SystemError(GetLastError(), "Failed to locate my own DLL");

			if (Py_IsInitialized && Py_IsInitialized())
				restore_state = PyGILState_Ensure();
			// a little DLL magic.  Set sys.frozen='dll'
			if (init_with_instance(gInstance, "dll") != 0) {
				goto done;
			frozen = PyInt_FromLong((LONG)gInstance);
			if (frozen) {
				PySys_SetObject("frozendllhandle", frozen);
			// Now run the generic script - this always returns in a DLL.
			// Let the ISAPI extension know about the frozen environment.
			// (the ISAPI boot code currently has no way of talking directly
			// to the pyISAPI dll, so we fetch it directly from the py2exe
			// 'variable' which is already in module '__main__'.
			if (pPyISAPISetOptions) {
				PyObject *main = PyImport_ImportModule("__main__");
				if (main) {
					PyObject *name = PyObject_GetAttrString(main, "isapi_module_name");
					char *str;
					if (name && (str = PyString_AsString(name)))
						(*pPyISAPISetOptions)(str, TRUE);
						PyErr_Clear(); // In case PyString_AsString fails
			have_init = TRUE;
			ok = TRUE;
	return ok;