Objects_Control *_Objects_Allocate(
  Objects_Information *information
  Objects_Control *the_object;

   *  If the application is using the optional manager stubs and
   *  still attempts to create the object, the information block
   *  should be all zeroed out because it is in the BSS.  So let's
   *  check that code for this manager is even present.
  if ( information->size == 0 )
    return NULL;

   *  OK.  The manager should be initialized and configured to have objects.
   *  With any luck, it is safe to attempt to allocate an object.
  the_object = (Objects_Control *) _Chain_Get( &information->Inactive );

  if ( information->auto_extend ) {
     *  If the list is empty then we are out of objects and need to
     *  extend information base.

    if ( !the_object ) {
      _Objects_Extend_information( information );
      the_object =  (Objects_Control *) _Chain_Get( &information->Inactive );

    if ( the_object ) {
      uint32_t   block;

      block = (uint32_t) _Objects_Get_index( the_object->id ) -
              _Objects_Get_index( information->minimum_id );
      block /= information->allocation_size;

      information->inactive_per_block[ block ]--;

  if ( !the_object ) {

  return the_object;
void _Objects_Initialize_information(
  Objects_Information *information,
  Objects_APIs         the_api,
  uint32_t             the_class,
  uint32_t             maximum,
  uint16_t             size,
  bool                 is_string,
  uint32_t             maximum_name_length
  bool                 supports_global,
  Objects_Thread_queue_Extract_callout extract
  static Objects_Control *null_local_table = NULL;
  uint32_t                minimum_index;
  uint32_t                name_length;
  uint32_t                maximum_per_allocation;
    uint32_t              index;

  information->the_api            = the_api;
  information->the_class          = the_class;
  information->size               = size;
  information->local_table        = 0;
  information->inactive_per_block = 0;
  information->object_blocks      = 0;
  information->inactive           = 0;
    information->is_string        = is_string;

   *  Set the maximum value to 0. It will be updated when objects are
   *  added to the inactive set from _Objects_Extend_information()
  information->maximum = 0;

   *  Register this Object Class in the Object Information Table.
  _Objects_Information_table[ the_api ][ the_class ] = information;

   *  Are we operating in limited or unlimited (e.g. auto-extend) mode.
  information->auto_extend =
        (maximum & OBJECTS_UNLIMITED_OBJECTS) ? true : false;
  maximum_per_allocation = maximum & ~OBJECTS_UNLIMITED_OBJECTS;

   *  Unlimited and maximum of zero is illogical.
  if ( information->auto_extend && maximum_per_allocation == 0) {

   *  The allocation unit is the maximum value
  information->allocation_size = maximum_per_allocation;

   *  Provide a null local table entry for the case of any empty table.
  information->local_table = &null_local_table;

   *  Calculate minimum and maximum Id's
  minimum_index = (maximum_per_allocation == 0) ? 0 : 1;
  information->minimum_id =
    _Objects_Build_id( the_api, the_class, _Objects_Local_node, minimum_index );

   *  Calculate the maximum name length
  name_length = maximum_name_length;

  if ( name_length & (OBJECTS_NAME_ALIGNMENT-1) )
    name_length = (name_length + OBJECTS_NAME_ALIGNMENT) &

  information->name_length = name_length;

  _Chain_Initialize_empty( &information->Inactive );

   *  Initialize objects .. if there are any
  if ( maximum_per_allocation ) {
     *  Always have the maximum size available so the current performance
     *  figures are create are met.  If the user moves past the maximum
     *  number then a performance hit is taken.
    _Objects_Extend_information( information );

   *  Take care of multiprocessing
    information->extract = extract;

    if ( (supports_global == true) && _System_state_Is_multiprocessing ) {

      information->global_table =
	(Chain_Control *) _Workspace_Allocate_or_fatal_error(
	  (_Objects_Maximum_nodes + 1) * sizeof(Chain_Control)

      for ( index=1; index <= _Objects_Maximum_nodes ; index++ )
	_Chain_Initialize_empty( &information->global_table[ index ] );
       information->global_table = NULL;
void _Objects_Do_initialize_information(
  Objects_Information *information,
  Objects_APIs         the_api,
  uint16_t             the_class,
  uint32_t             maximum,
  uint16_t             size,
  bool                 is_string,
  uint32_t             maximum_name_length
  Objects_Thread_queue_Extract_callout extract
  static Objects_Control *null_local_table = NULL;
  uint32_t                minimum_index;
  Objects_Maximum         maximum_per_allocation;

  information->the_api            = the_api;
  information->the_class          = the_class;
  information->size               = size;
  information->local_table        = 0;
  information->inactive_per_block = 0;
  information->object_blocks      = 0;
  information->inactive           = 0;
    information->is_string        = is_string;

   *  Set the maximum value to 0. It will be updated when objects are
   *  added to the inactive set from _Objects_Extend_information()
  information->maximum = 0;

   *  Register this Object Class in the Object Information Table.
  _Objects_Information_table[ the_api ][ the_class ] = information;

   *  Are we operating in limited or unlimited (e.g. auto-extend) mode.
  information->auto_extend = _Objects_Is_unlimited( maximum );
  maximum_per_allocation = _Objects_Maximum_per_allocation( maximum );

   *  Unlimited and maximum of zero is illogical.
  if ( information->auto_extend && maximum_per_allocation == 0) {

   *  The allocation unit is the maximum value
  information->allocation_size = maximum_per_allocation;

   *  Provide a null local table entry for the case of any empty table.
  information->local_table = &null_local_table;

   *  Calculate minimum and maximum Id's
  minimum_index = (maximum_per_allocation == 0) ? 0 : 1;
  information->minimum_id =
    _Objects_Build_id( the_api, the_class, _Objects_Local_node, minimum_index );

   *  Calculate the maximum name length
   *  NOTE: Either 4 bytes for Classic API names or an arbitrary
   *        number for POSIX names which are strings that may be
   *        an odd number of bytes.

  information->name_length = maximum_name_length;

  _Chain_Initialize_empty( &information->Inactive );

   *  Initialize objects .. if there are any
  if ( maximum_per_allocation ) {
     *  Always have the maximum size available so the current performance
     *  figures are create are met.  If the user moves past the maximum
     *  number then a performance hit is taken.
    _Objects_Extend_information( information );

   *  Take care of multiprocessing
    information->extract = extract;
    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &information->Global_by_id );
    _RBTree_Initialize_empty( &information->Global_by_name );