static bool __cdecl compute_size(LARGE_INTEGER const& integer, long& size) throw()
    size = 0;
    _VALIDATE_RETURN_NOEXC(integer.HighPart == 0 && integer.LowPart <= LONG_MAX, EOVERFLOW, false);

    size = static_cast<long>(integer.LowPart);
    return true;
static bool __cdecl compute_size(LARGE_INTEGER const& integer, __int64& size) throw()
    size = 0;
    _VALIDATE_RETURN_NOEXC(integer.HighPart <= LONG_MAX, EOVERFLOW, false);

    size = static_cast<__int64>(
        static_cast<unsigned __int64>(integer.HighPart) * 0x100000000i64 +
        static_cast<unsigned __int64>(integer.LowPart));
    return true;
_TSCHAR * __cdecl _tctime64 (
        const __time64_t *timp
        struct tm tmtemp;
        errno_t e;

        _VALIDATE_RETURN( ( timp != NULL ), EINVAL, NULL )
        _VALIDATE_RETURN_NOEXC( ( *timp >= 0 ), EINVAL, NULL )

        e = _localtime64_s(&tmtemp, timp);
        if ( e == 0 )
            return _tasctime(&tmtemp);
void * __cdecl _recalloc_base(void * memblock, size_t count, size_t size)
    void * retp = NULL;
    size_t  size_orig = 0, old_size = 0;

    /* ensure that (size * count) does not overflow */
    if (count > 0)
    size_orig = size * count;
    if (memblock != NULL)
        old_size = _msize(memblock);
    retp = _realloc_base(memblock, size_orig);
    if (retp != NULL && old_size < size_orig)
        memset ((char*)retp + old_size, 0, size_orig - old_size);
    return retp;
extern "C" void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_recalloc_base(
    void*  block,
    size_t count,
    size_t size,
    size_t align,
    size_t offset
    size_t user_size  = 0;    /* wanted size, passed to aligned realoc */
    size_t start_fill = 0;    /* location where aligned recalloc starts to fill with 0 */
                              /* filling must start from the end of the previous user block */
    void * retptr     = nullptr; /* result of aligned recalloc*/

    /* ensure that (size * num) does not overflow */
    if (count > 0)
        _VALIDATE_RETURN_NOEXC((_HEAP_MAXREQ / count) >= size, ENOMEM, nullptr);

    user_size = size * count;

    if (block != nullptr)
        start_fill = _aligned_msize(block, align, offset);

    retptr = _aligned_offset_realloc_base(block, user_size, align, offset);

    if (retptr != nullptr)
        if (start_fill < user_size)
            memset ((char*)retptr + start_fill, 0, user_size - start_fill);
    return retptr;
// This function implements the logic of realloc().  It is called directly by
// the realloc() and _recalloc() functions in the Release CRT and is called by
// the debug heap in the Debug CRT.
extern "C" _CRTRESTRICT void* __cdecl _realloc_base(
    void*  const block,
    size_t const size
    // If the block is a nullptr, just call malloc:
    if (block == nullptr)
        return _malloc_base(size);

    // If the new size is 0, just call free and return nullptr:
    if (size == 0)
        return nullptr;

    // Ensure that the requested size is not too large:

    for (;;)
        void* const new_block = HeapReAlloc(__acrt_heap, 0, block, size);
        if (new_block)
            return new_block;

        // Otherwise, see if we need to call the new handler, and if so call it.
        // If the new handler fails, just return nullptr:
        if (_query_new_mode() == 0 || !_callnewh(size))
            errno = ENOMEM;
            return nullptr;

        // The new handler was successful; try to allocate again...
extern "C" void* __cdecl _aligned_offset_realloc_base(
    void*  block,
    size_t size,
    size_t align,
    size_t offset
    uintptr_t ptr, retptr, gap, stptr, diff;
    uintptr_t movsz, reqsz;
    int bFree = 0;

    /* special cases */
    if (block == nullptr)
        return _aligned_offset_malloc_base(size, align, offset);
    if (size == 0)
        return nullptr;

    /* validation section */
    _VALIDATE_RETURN(IS_2_POW_N(align), EINVAL, nullptr);
    _VALIDATE_RETURN(offset == 0 || offset < size, EINVAL, nullptr);

    stptr = (uintptr_t)block;

    /* ptr points to the pointer to starting of the memory block */
    stptr = (stptr & ~(PTR_SZ -1)) - PTR_SZ;

    /* ptr is the pointer to the start of memory block*/
    stptr = *((uintptr_t *)stptr);

    align = (align > PTR_SZ ? align : PTR_SZ) -1;
    /* gap = number of bytes needed to round up offset to align with PTR_SZ*/
    gap = (0 -offset)&(PTR_SZ -1);

    diff = (uintptr_t)block - stptr;
    /* Mov size is min of the size of data available and sizw requested.
    #pragma warning(push)
    #pragma warning(disable: 22018) // Silence prefast about overflow/underflow
    movsz = _msize((void *)stptr) - ((uintptr_t)block - stptr);
    #pragma warning(pop)

    movsz = movsz > size ? size : movsz;
    reqsz = PTR_SZ + gap + align + size;

    _VALIDATE_RETURN_NOEXC(size <= reqsz, ENOMEM, nullptr);

    /* First check if we can expand(reducing or expanding using expand) data
     * safely, ie no data is lost. eg, reducing alignment and keeping size
     * same might result in loss of data at the tail of data block while
     * expanding.
     * If no, use malloc to allocate the new data and move data.
     * If yes, expand and then check if we need to move the data.
    if ((stptr +align +PTR_SZ +gap)<(uintptr_t)block)
        if ((ptr = (uintptr_t)malloc(reqsz)) == (uintptr_t) nullptr)
            return nullptr;
        bFree = 1;
        /* we need to save errno, which can be modified by _expand */
        errno_t save_errno = errno;
        if ((ptr = (uintptr_t)_expand((void *)stptr, reqsz)) == (uintptr_t)nullptr)
            errno = save_errno;
            if ((ptr = (uintptr_t)malloc(reqsz)) == (uintptr_t) nullptr)
                return nullptr;
            bFree = 1;
            stptr = ptr;

    if ( ptr == ((uintptr_t)block - diff)
         && !( ((size_t)block + gap +offset) & ~(align) ))
        return block;

    retptr =((ptr +PTR_SZ +gap +align +offset)&~align)- offset;
    memmove((void *)retptr, (void *)(stptr + diff), movsz);
    if ( bFree)
        free ((void *)stptr);

    ((uintptr_t *)(retptr - gap))[-1] = ptr;
    return (void *)retptr;