void CFAllocatorSetDefault(CFAllocatorRef allocator) {
    CFAllocatorRef current = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
#if defined(DEBUG) 
    if (NULL != allocator) {
	__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, _kCFRuntimeIDCFAllocator);
    if (allocator && allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForCFAllocator()) {	// malloc_zone_t *
	return;		// require allocator to this function to be an allocator
    if (NULL != allocator && allocator != current) {
	if (current) CFRelease(current);
	// We retain an extra time so that anything set as the default
	// allocator never goes away.
        _CFSetTSD(__CFTSDKeyAllocator, (void *)allocator, NULL);
Boolean __CFStringDecodeByteStream3(const uint8_t *bytes, UInt32 len, CFStringEncoding encoding, Boolean alwaysUnicode, CFVarWidthCharBuffer *buffer, Boolean *useClientsMemoryPtr, UInt32 converterFlags) {
    UInt32 idx;
    const UniChar *uniChars = (const UniChar *)bytes;
    const uint8_t *chars = (const uint8_t *)bytes;
    const uint8_t *end = chars + len;
    uint16_t bom;
    Boolean allASCII = false;

    if (useClientsMemoryPtr) *useClientsMemoryPtr = false;

    buffer->isASCII = !alwaysUnicode;
    buffer->shouldFreeChars = false;
    buffer->numChars = 0;
    if (0 == len) return true;

    buffer->allocator = (buffer->allocator ? buffer->allocator : __CFGetDefaultAllocator());
    switch (encoding) {
    case kCFStringEncodingUnicode:
        bom = (*uniChars == 0xfffe || *uniChars == 0xfeff) ? (*uniChars++) : 0;
	/* If the byte order mark is missing, we assume big endian... */
	len = len / 2 - (0 == bom ? 0 : 1);

        if (buffer->isASCII) {	// Let's see if we can reduce the Unicode down to ASCII...
            if (SHOULD_SWAP(bom)) {
                for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) if ((uniChars[idx] & 0x80ff) != 0) {buffer->isASCII = false; break;}
            } else {
                for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) if (uniChars[idx] > 127) {buffer->isASCII = false; break;}

        if (buffer->isASCII) {
            buffer->numChars = len;
            buffer->shouldFreeChars = !buffer->chars.ascii && (len <= MAX_LOCAL_CHARS) ? false : true;
            buffer->chars.ascii = (buffer->chars.ascii ? buffer->chars.ascii : (len <= MAX_LOCAL_CHARS) ? (uint8_t *)buffer->localBuffer : CFAllocatorAllocate(buffer->allocator, len * sizeof(uint8_t), 0));
            if (SHOULD_SWAP(bom)) {	// !!! Can be somewhat trickier here and use a single loop with a properly inited ptr
                for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) buffer->chars.ascii[idx] = (uniChars[idx] >> 8);
            } else {
                for (idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) buffer->chars.ascii[idx] = uniChars[idx];
        } else {
CFIndex CFAllocatorGetPreferredSizeForSize(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFIndex size, CFOptionFlags hint) {
    CFAllocatorPreferredSizeCallBack prefFunc;
    CFIndex newsize = 0;
    allocator = (NULL == allocator) ? __CFGetDefaultAllocator() : allocator;
    if (allocator->_base._cfisa == __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {
	__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    __CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    if (allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
	return malloc_good_size(size);
    prefFunc = __CFAllocatorGetPreferredSizeFunction(&allocator->_context);
    if (0 < size && NULL != prefFunc) {
	newsize = (CFIndex)(INVOKE_CALLBACK3(prefFunc, size, hint, allocator->_context.info));
    if (newsize < size) newsize = size;
    return newsize;
void CFAllocatorDeallocate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, void *ptr) {
    CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack deallocateFunc;
    allocator = (NULL == allocator) ? __CFGetDefaultAllocator() : allocator;
    if (allocator->_base._cfisa == __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {
	__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    __CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    if (allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
#if defined(DEBUG)
	size_t size = malloc_size(ptr);
	if (size) memset(ptr, 0xCC, size);
	return malloc_zone_free((malloc_zone_t *)allocator, ptr);
    deallocateFunc = __CFAllocatorGetDeallocateFunction(&allocator->_context);
    if (NULL != ptr && NULL != deallocateFunc) {
	INVOKE_CALLBACK2(deallocateFunc, ptr, allocator->_context.info);
CFDataRef CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length, CFAllocatorRef bytesDeallocator) {
    CFAssert1((0 == length || bytes != NULL), __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): bytes pointer cannot be NULL if length is non-zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    if (NULL == bytesDeallocator) bytesDeallocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
    return __CFDataInit(allocator, kCFImmutable, length, bytes, length, bytesDeallocator);
// NULL bytesDeallocator to this function does not mean the default allocator, it means
// that there should be no deallocator, and the bytes should be copied.
static CFMutableDataRef __CFDataInit(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFOptionFlags flags, CFIndex capacity, const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex length, CFAllocatorRef bytesDeallocator) {
    CFMutableDataRef memory;
    CFAssert2(0 <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): capacity (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity);
    CFAssert3(kCFFixedMutable != __CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(flags) || length <= capacity, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): for kCFFixedMutable type, capacity (%d) must be greater than or equal to number of initial elements (%d)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, capacity, length);
    CFAssert2(0 <= length, __kCFLogAssertion, "%s(): length (%d) cannot be less than zero", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, length);

    Boolean collectableMemory = CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(allocator);
    Boolean noCopy = bytesDeallocator != NULL;
    Boolean isMutable = ((flags & __kCFMutable) != 0);
    Boolean isGrowable = ((flags & __kCFGrowable) != 0);
    Boolean allocateInline = !isGrowable && !noCopy && capacity < INLINE_BYTES_THRESHOLD;
    allocator = (allocator == NULL) ? __CFGetDefaultAllocator() : allocator;
    Boolean useAllocator = (allocator != kCFAllocatorSystemDefault && allocator != kCFAllocatorMalloc && allocator != kCFAllocatorMallocZone);
    CFIndex size = sizeof(struct __CFData) - sizeof(CFRuntimeBase);
    if (allocateInline) {
	size += sizeof(uint8_t) * __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(capacity) + sizeof(uint8_t) * 15;	// for 16-byte alignment fixup
    memory = (CFMutableDataRef)_CFRuntimeCreateInstance(allocator, __kCFDataTypeID, size, NULL);
    if (NULL == memory) {
	return NULL;
    __CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(memory, 0);
    __CFDataSetLength(memory, 0);
			(allocateInline ? __kCFBytesInline : 0) | 
			(useAllocator ? __kCFUseAllocator : 0) |
			(collectableMemory ? __kCFAllocatesCollectable : 0));
    BOOL finalize = YES;
    BOOL scan = YES;
    if (collectableMemory) {
	if (allocateInline) {
	    // We have no pointer to anything that needs to be reclaimed, so don't scan or finalize.
	    scan = NO;
	    finalize = NO;
	} else if (noCopy) {
	    if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bytesDeallocator)) {
		// We're taking responsibility for externally GC-allocated memory, so scan us, but we don't need to finalize.
		finalize = NO;
	    } else if (bytesDeallocator == kCFAllocatorNull) {
		// We don't have responsibility for these bytes, so there's no need to be scanned and we don't need to finalize.
		scan = NO;
		finalize = NO;
	    } else {
		// We have a pointer to non-GC-allocated memory, so don't scan, but do finalize.
		scan = NO;
	if (!scan) auto_zone_set_unscanned(objc_collectableZone(), memory);
	if (!finalize) auto_zone_set_nofinalize(objc_collectableZone(), memory);
    if (isMutable && isGrowable) {
	__CFDataSetCapacity(memory, __CFDataRoundUpCapacity(1));
	__CFDataSetNumBytes(memory, __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(__CFDataRoundUpCapacity(1)));
	__CFSetMutableVariety(memory, kCFMutable);
    } else {
	/* Don't round up capacity */
	__CFDataSetCapacity(memory, capacity);
	__CFDataSetNumBytes(memory, __CFDataNumBytesForCapacity(capacity));
	__CFSetMutableVariety(memory, kCFFixedMutable);
    if (noCopy) {
	__CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&memory->_bytes, (uint8_t *)bytes);
	if (finalize) {
            if (_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(bytesDeallocator)) {
	        memory->_bytesDeallocator = bytesDeallocator;
            } else {
	        memory->_bytesDeallocator = (CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(_CFConvertAllocatorToNonGCRefZeroEquivalent(bytesDeallocator));
	if (CF_IS_COLLECTABLE_ALLOCATOR(bytesDeallocator) && !_CFAllocatorIsGCRefZero(bytesDeallocator)) {
	    // When given a GC allocator which is not one of the GCRefZero ones as the deallocator, we assume that the no-copy memory is GC-allocated with a retain count of (at least) 1 and we should release it now instead of waiting until __CFDataDeallocate.
	    auto_zone_release(objc_collectableZone(), memory->_bytes);
	__CFDataSetNumBytesUsed(memory, length);
	__CFDataSetLength(memory, length);
	// Mutable no-copy datas are not allowed, so don't bother setting needsToZero flag.
    } else {
	Boolean cleared = (isMutable && !isGrowable && !_CFExecutableLinkedOnOrAfter(CFSystemVersionSnowLeopard));
	if (!allocateInline) {
	    // assume that allocators give 16-byte aligned memory back -- it is their responsibility
	    __CFAssignWithWriteBarrier((void **)&memory->_bytes, __CFDataAllocate(memory, __CFDataNumBytes(memory) * sizeof(uint8_t), cleared));
	    if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(memory->_bytes, "CFData (store)");
	    if (NULL == memory->_bytes) {
		return NULL;
	} else {
	    if (length == 0 && !isMutable) {
                // NSData sets its bytes pointer to NULL when its length is zero. Starting in 10.7 we do the same for CFData.
                memory->_bytes = NULL;
                // It is important to set this data as not inlined, so we do not recalculate a bytes pointer from null.
                __CFDataSetInline(memory, false);
	    cleared = true;
	__CFDataSetNeedsToZero(memory, !cleared);
	memory->_bytesDeallocator = NULL;
	CFDataReplaceBytes(memory, CFRangeMake(0, 0), bytes, length);
    __CFSetMutableVariety(memory, __CFMutableVarietyFromFlags(flags));
    return memory;
static _CFPFactory *_CFPFactoryCommonCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFUUIDRef factoryID) {
    _CFPFactory *factory;
    UInt32 size;
    size = sizeof(_CFPFactory);
    allocator = (allocator ? (CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(allocator) : (CFAllocatorRef)CFRetain(__CFGetDefaultAllocator()));
    factory = (_CFPFactory *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, size, 0);
    if (!factory) {
        return NULL;

    factory->_allocator = allocator;
    factory->_uuid = (CFUUIDRef)CFRetain(factoryID);
    factory->_enabled = true;
    factory->_instanceCount = 0;


    factory->_types = CFArrayCreateMutable(allocator, 0, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);

    return factory;
const char *_CFProcessPath(void) {
#if !defined(__LINUX__)
    CFAllocatorRef alloc = NULL;
    char *thePath = NULL;
    int execIndex = 0;
    if (__CFProcessPath) return __CFProcessPath;
    if (!__CFProcessPath) {
        thePath = getenv("CFProcessPath");
        alloc = CFRetain(__CFGetDefaultAllocator());
	if (thePath) {
	    int len = strlen(thePath);
	    __CFProcessPath = CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, len+1, 0);
            if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName((void *)__CFProcessPath, "CFUtilities (process-path)");
	    memmove((char *)__CFProcessPath, thePath, len + 1);

#if defined(__MACH__)
	struct stat exec, lcfm;
        unsigned long size = CFMaxPathSize;
        char buffer[CFMaxPathSize];
        if (0 == _NSGetExecutablePath(buffer, &size) &&
            strcasestr(buffer, "LaunchCFMApp") != NULL &&
                0 == stat("/System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/Current/Support/LaunchCFMApp", &lcfm) &&
                0 == stat(buffer, &exec) &&
                (lcfm.st_dev == exec.st_dev) &&
                (lcfm.st_ino == exec.st_ino)) {
            // Executable is LaunchCFMApp, take special action
            execIndex = 1;
            __CFIsCFM = true;
    if (!__CFProcessPath && NULL != (*_NSGetArgv())[execIndex]) {
	char buf[CFMaxPathSize] = {0};
#if defined(__WIN32__)
	HINSTANCE hinst = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
	DWORD rlen = hinst ? GetModuleFileName(hinst, buf, 1028) : 0;
	thePath = rlen ? buf : NULL;
	struct stat statbuf;
        const char *arg0 = (*_NSGetArgv())[execIndex];
        if (arg0[0] == '/') {
            // We've got an absolute path; look no further;
            thePath = (char *)arg0;
        } else {
            char *theList = getenv("PATH");
            if (NULL != theList && NULL == strrchr(arg0, '/')) {
                thePath = _CFSearchForNameInPath(alloc, arg0, theList);
                if (thePath) {
                    // User could have "." or "../bin" or other relative path in $PATH
                    if (('/' != thePath[0]) && _CFGetCurrentDirectory(buf, CFMaxPathSize)) {
                        strlcat(buf, "/", CFMaxPathSize);
                        strlcat(buf, thePath, CFMaxPathSize);
                        if (0 == stat(buf, &statbuf)) {
                            CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, (void *)thePath);
                            thePath = buf;
                    if (thePath != buf) {
                        strlcpy(buf, thePath, CFMaxPathSize);
                        CFAllocatorDeallocate(alloc, (void *)thePath);
                        thePath = buf;
	// After attempting a search through $PATH, if existant,
	// try prepending the current directory to argv[0].
        if (!thePath && _CFGetCurrentDirectory(buf, CFMaxPathSize)) {
            if (buf[strlen(buf)-1] != '/') {
                strlcat(buf, "/", CFMaxPathSize);
	    strlcat(buf, arg0, CFMaxPathSize);
            if (0 == stat(buf, &statbuf)) {
		thePath = buf;

        if (thePath) {
            // We are going to process the buffer replacing all "/./" with "/"
            CFIndex srcIndex = 0, dstIndex = 0;
            CFIndex len = strlen(thePath);
            for (srcIndex=0; srcIndex<len; srcIndex++) {
                thePath[dstIndex] = thePath[srcIndex];
                if ((srcIndex < len-2) && (thePath[srcIndex] == '/') && (thePath[srcIndex+1] == '.') && (thePath[srcIndex+2] == '/')) {
                    // We are at the first slash of a "/./"  Skip the "./"
            thePath[dstIndex] = 0;
        if (!thePath) {
	    thePath = (*_NSGetArgv())[execIndex];
	if (thePath) {
	    int len = strlen(thePath);
	    __CFProcessPath = CFAllocatorAllocate(alloc, len + 1, 0);
            if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName((void *)__CFProcessPath, "CFUtilities (process-path)");
            memmove((char *)__CFProcessPath, thePath, len + 1);
	if (__CFProcessPath) {
	    const char *p = 0;
	    int i;
	    for (i = 0; __CFProcessPath[i] != 0; i++){
		if (__CFProcessPath[i] == '/')
		    p = __CFProcessPath + i; 
	    if (p != 0)
		__CFprogname = p + 1;
		__CFprogname = __CFProcessPath;
    if (!__CFProcessPath) {
	__CFProcessPath = "";
    return __CFProcessPath;
Boolean __CFStringDecodeByteStream3(const uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex len, CFStringEncoding encoding, Boolean alwaysUnicode, CFVarWidthCharBuffer *buffer, Boolean *useClientsMemoryPtr, UInt32 converterFlags) {
    CFIndex idx;
    const uint8_t *chars = (const uint8_t *)bytes;
    const uint8_t *end = chars + len;
    Boolean result = TRUE;

    if (useClientsMemoryPtr) *useClientsMemoryPtr = false;

    buffer->isASCII = !alwaysUnicode;
    buffer->shouldFreeChars = false;
    buffer->numChars = 0;

    if (0 == len) return true;

    buffer->allocator = (buffer->allocator ? buffer->allocator : __CFGetDefaultAllocator());

    if ((encoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF16) || (encoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE) || (encoding == kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE)) { // UTF-16
        const UTF16Char *src = (const UTF16Char *)bytes;
        const UTF16Char *limit = src + (len / sizeof(UTF16Char)); // <rdar://problem/7854378> avoiding odd len issue
        bool swap = false;

        if (kCFStringEncodingUTF16 == encoding) {
            UTF16Char bom = ((*src == 0xFFFE) || (*src == 0xFEFF) ? *(src++) : 0);

            if (bom == 0xFFFE) swap = true;
            if (bom != 0xFEFF) swap = true;
            if (bom) useClientsMemoryPtr = NULL;
        } else {
            if (kCFStringEncodingUTF16LE == encoding) swap = true;
            if (kCFStringEncodingUTF16BE == encoding) swap = true;

        buffer->numChars = limit - src;

        if (useClientsMemoryPtr && !swap) { // If the caller is ready to deal with no-copy situation, and the situation is possible, indicate it...
            *useClientsMemoryPtr = true;
            buffer->chars.unicode = (UniChar *)src;
            buffer->isASCII = false;
        } else {
            if (buffer->isASCII) {	// Let's see if we can reduce the Unicode down to ASCII...
                const UTF16Char *characters = src;
                UTF16Char mask = (swap ? 0x80FF : 0xFF80);
                while (characters < limit) {
                    if (*(characters++) & mask) {
                        buffer->isASCII = false;
            if (buffer->isASCII) {
                uint8_t *dst;
                if (NULL == buffer->chars.ascii) { // we never reallocate when buffer is supplied
                    if (buffer->numChars > MAX_LOCAL_CHARS) {
                        buffer->chars.ascii = (UInt8 *)CFAllocatorAllocate(buffer->allocator, (buffer->numChars * sizeof(uint8_t)), 0);
			if (!buffer->chars.ascii) goto memoryErrorExit;
                        buffer->shouldFreeChars = true;
                    } else {
                        buffer->chars.ascii = (uint8_t *)buffer->localBuffer;
                dst = buffer->chars.ascii;
                if (swap) {
                    while (src < limit) *(dst++) = (*(src++) >> 8);
                } else {
                    while (src < limit) *(dst++) = (uint8_t)*(src++);
            } else {
void *CFAllocatorReallocate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, void *ptr, CFIndex newsize, CFOptionFlags hint) {
    CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack allocateFunc;
    CFAllocatorReallocateCallBack reallocateFunc;
    CFAllocatorDeallocateCallBack deallocateFunc;
    void *newptr;

    if (kCFAllocatorSystemDefaultGCRefZero == allocator) {
        allocator = kCFAllocatorSystemDefault;
    } else if (kCFAllocatorDefaultGCRefZero == allocator) {
        // Under GC, we can't use just any old allocator when the GCRefZero allocator was requested
	allocator = kCFUseCollectableAllocator ? kCFAllocatorSystemDefault : __CFGetDefaultAllocator();
    } else if (NULL == allocator) {
        allocator = __CFGetDefaultAllocator();

    if (allocator->_base._cfisa == __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {
	__CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    __CFGenericValidateType(allocator, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    if (NULL == ptr && 0 < newsize) {
	if (allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
	    return malloc_zone_malloc((malloc_zone_t *)allocator, newsize);
	newptr = NULL;
	allocateFunc = __CFAllocatorGetAllocateFunction(&allocator->_context);
	if (allocateFunc) {
		newptr = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK3(allocateFunc, newsize, hint, allocator->_context.info);
	return newptr;
    if (NULL != ptr && 0 == newsize) {
	if (allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
#if defined(DEBUG)
	    size_t size = malloc_size(ptr);
	    if (size) memset(ptr, 0xCC, size);
	    malloc_zone_free((malloc_zone_t *)allocator, ptr);
	    return NULL;
	deallocateFunc = __CFAllocatorGetDeallocateFunction(&allocator->_context);
	if (NULL != deallocateFunc) {
	    INVOKE_CALLBACK2(deallocateFunc, ptr, allocator->_context.info);
	return NULL;
    if (NULL == ptr && 0 == newsize) return NULL;
    if (allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
	return malloc_zone_realloc((malloc_zone_t *)allocator, ptr, newsize);
    reallocateFunc = __CFAllocatorGetReallocateFunction(&allocator->_context);
    if (NULL == reallocateFunc) return NULL;
    newptr = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK4(reallocateFunc, ptr, newsize, hint, allocator->_context.info);
    return newptr;
static CFAllocatorRef __CFAllocatorCreate(CFAllocatorRef allocator, CFAllocatorContext *context) {
    struct __CFAllocator *memory = NULL;
    CFAllocatorRetainCallBack retainFunc;
    CFAllocatorAllocateCallBack allocateFunc;
    void *retainedInfo;
    if (allocator && kCFAllocatorUseContext != allocator && allocator->_base._cfisa != __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID)) {	// malloc_zone_t *
	return NULL;	// require allocator to this function to be an allocator
    retainFunc = context->retain;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&retainFunc);
    allocateFunc = context->allocate;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&allocateFunc);
    if (NULL != retainFunc) {
	retainedInfo = (void *)INVOKE_CALLBACK1(retainFunc, context->info);
    } else {
	retainedInfo = context->info;
    // We don't use _CFRuntimeCreateInstance()
    if (kCFAllocatorUseContext == allocator) {
	memory = NULL;
	if (allocateFunc) {
		memory = (struct __CFAllocator *)INVOKE_CALLBACK3(allocateFunc, sizeof(struct __CFAllocator), 0, retainedInfo);
	if (NULL == memory) {
	    return NULL;
    } else {
	allocator = (NULL == allocator) ? __CFGetDefaultAllocator() : allocator;
	memory = (struct __CFAllocator *)CFAllocatorAllocate(allocator, sizeof(struct __CFAllocator), __kCFAllocatorGCObjectMemory);
	if (NULL == memory) {
	    return NULL;
	if (__CFOASafe) __CFSetLastAllocationEventName(memory, "CFAllocator");
    memset(memory, 0, sizeof(CFRuntimeBase));
    memory->_base._cfisa = 0;
#if __LP64__
    memory->_base._rc = 1;
    memory->_base._cfinfo[CF_RC_BITS] = 1;
    memory->_base._cfinfo[CF_INFO_BITS] = 0;
    _CFRuntimeSetInstanceTypeID(memory, __kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    memory->_base._cfisa = __CFISAForTypeID(__kCFAllocatorTypeID);
    memory->size = __CFAllocatorCustomSize;
    memory->malloc = __CFAllocatorCustomMalloc;
    memory->calloc = __CFAllocatorCustomCalloc;
    memory->valloc = __CFAllocatorCustomValloc;
    memory->free = __CFAllocatorCustomFree;
    memory->realloc = __CFAllocatorCustomRealloc;
    memory->destroy = __CFAllocatorCustomDestroy;
    memory->zone_name = "Custom CFAllocator";
    memory->batch_malloc = NULL;
    memory->batch_free = NULL;
    memory->introspect = &__CFAllocatorZoneIntrospect;
    memory->version = 6;
    memory->memalign = NULL;
    memory->free_definite_size = NULL;
    memory->_allocator = allocator;
    memory->_context.version = context->version;
    memory->_context.info = retainedInfo;
    memory->_context.retain = retainFunc;
    memory->_context.release = context->release;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(memory->_context.release));
    memory->_context.copyDescription = context->copyDescription;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(memory->_context.copyDescription));
    memory->_context.allocate = allocateFunc;
    memory->_context.reallocate = context->reallocate;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(memory->_context.reallocate));
    memory->_context.deallocate = context->deallocate;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(memory->_context.deallocate));
    memory->_context.preferredSize = context->preferredSize;
    FAULT_CALLBACK((void **)&(memory->_context.preferredSize));

    return memory;
CFAllocatorRef CFAllocatorGetDefault(void) {
    return __CFGetDefaultAllocator();