void observer_list::clear () {
    __TBB_ASSERT( this != &the_global_observer_list, "Method clear() cannot be used on the list of global observers" );
    // Though the method will work fine for the empty list, we require the caller
    // to check for the list emptiness before invoking it to avoid extra overhead.
    __TBB_ASSERT( !empty(), NULL );
        scoped_lock lock(mutex(), /*is_writer=*/true);
        observer_proxy *next = my_head;
        while ( observer_proxy *p = next ) {
            __TBB_ASSERT( p->my_version >= 6, NULL );
            next = p->my_next;
            // Both proxy p and observer p->my_observer (if non-null) are guaranteed
            // to be alive while the list is locked.
            task_scheduler_observer_v3 *obs = p->my_observer;
            // Make sure that possible concurrent observer destruction does not
            // conflict with the proxy list cleanup.
            if ( !obs || !(p = (observer_proxy*)__TBB_FetchAndStoreW(&obs->my_proxy, 0)) )
            __TBB_ASSERT( !next || p == next->my_prev, NULL );
            __TBB_ASSERT( is_alive(p->my_ref_count), "Observer's proxy died prematurely" );
            __TBB_ASSERT( p->my_ref_count == 1, "Reference for observer is missing" );
            __TBB_ASSERT( !obs->my_busy_count, "Local observer in an empty arena cannot be marked as busy" );
            store<relaxed>( obs->my_busy_count, interface6::task_scheduler_observer::v6_trait );
            p->my_observer = NULL;
            p->my_ref_count = 0;
#endif /* TBB_USE_ASSERT */
            delete p;
    while( my_head )
task_group_context::~task_group_context () {
    if ( my_kind != isolated ) {
        generic_scheduler *s = (generic_scheduler*)my_owner;
        if ( governor::is_set(s) ) {
            // Local update of the context list 
            uintptr_t local_count_snapshot = s->local_cancel_count;
            s->local_ctx_list_update = 1;
            if ( s->nonlocal_ctx_list_update ) {
                spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(s->context_list_mutex);
                my_node.my_prev->my_next = my_node.my_next;
                my_node.my_next->my_prev = my_node.my_prev;
                s->local_ctx_list_update = 0;
            else {
                my_node.my_prev->my_next = my_node.my_next;
                my_node.my_next->my_prev = my_node.my_prev;
                __TBB_store_with_release( s->local_ctx_list_update, 0 );
                if ( local_count_snapshot != global_cancel_count ) {
                    // Another thread was propagating cancellation request when we removed
                    // ourselves from the list. We must ensure that it is not accessing us 
                    // when this destructor finishes. We'll be able to acquire the lock 
                    // below only after the other thread finishes with us.
                    spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(s->context_list_mutex);
        else {
            // Nonlocal update of the context list 
            if ( __TBB_FetchAndStoreW(&my_kind, dying) == detached ) {
                my_node.my_prev->my_next = my_node.my_next;
                my_node.my_next->my_prev = my_node.my_prev;
            else {
                __TBB_FetchAndAddW(&s->nonlocal_ctx_list_update, 1);
                spin_wait_until_eq( s->local_ctx_list_update, 0u );
                my_node.my_prev->my_next = my_node.my_next;
                my_node.my_next->my_prev = my_node.my_prev;
                __TBB_FetchAndAddW(&s->nonlocal_ctx_list_update, -1);
    my_version_and_traits = 0xDeadBeef;
#endif /* TBB_USE_DEBUG */
    if ( my_exception )
    if (itt_caller != ITT_CALLER_NULL) ITT_STACK(caller_destroy, itt_caller);
void task_scheduler_observer_v3::observe( bool enable ) {
    if( enable ) {
        if( !my_proxy ) {
            my_proxy = new observer_proxy( *this );
            if ( !my_proxy->is_global() ) {
                // Local observer activation
                generic_scheduler* s = governor::local_scheduler_if_initialized();
                intptr_t tag = my_proxy->get_v6_observer()->my_context_tag;
                if( tag != interface6::task_scheduler_observer::implicit_tag ) { // explicit arena
                    task_arena *a = reinterpret_cast<task_arena*>(tag);
                    my_proxy->my_list = &a->my_arena->my_observers;
                } else
                    if( !s ) s = governor::init_scheduler( (unsigned)task_scheduler_init::automatic, 0, true );
                    __TBB_ASSERT( __TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done(), NULL );
                    __TBB_ASSERT( s && s->my_arena, NULL );
                    my_proxy->my_list = &s->my_arena->my_observers;
                my_busy_count = 0;
                // Notify newly activated observer and other pending ones if it belongs to current arena
                if(s && &s->my_arena->my_observers == my_proxy->my_list )
                    my_proxy->my_list->notify_entry_observers( s->my_last_local_observer, s->is_worker() );
            } else {
                // Obsolete. Global observer activation
                if( !__TBB_InitOnce::initialization_done() )
                my_busy_count = 0;
                my_proxy->my_list = &the_global_observer_list;
                if( generic_scheduler* s = governor::local_scheduler_if_initialized() ) {
                    // Notify newly created observer of its own thread.
                    // Any other pending observers are notified too.
                    the_global_observer_list.notify_entry_observers( s->my_last_global_observer, s->is_worker() );
    } else {
        // Make sure that possible concurrent proxy list cleanup does not conflict
        // with the observer destruction here.
        if ( observer_proxy* proxy = (observer_proxy*)__TBB_FetchAndStoreW(&my_proxy, 0) ) {
            // List destruction should not touch this proxy after we've won the above interlocked exchange.
            __TBB_ASSERT( proxy->my_observer == this, NULL );
            __TBB_ASSERT( is_alive(proxy->my_ref_count), "Observer's proxy died prematurely" );
            __TBB_ASSERT( proxy->my_ref_count >= 1, "reference for observer missing" );
            observer_list &list = *proxy->my_list;
                // Ensure that none of the list walkers relies on observer pointer validity
                observer_list::scoped_lock lock(list.mutex(), /*is_writer=*/true);
                proxy->my_observer = NULL;
            intptr_t trait = proxy->my_version == 6 ? interface6::task_scheduler_observer::v6_trait : 0;
            // Proxy may still be held by other threads (to track the last notified observer)
            while( my_busy_count )
            store<relaxed>( my_busy_count, trait );