hwf_manager::hwf_manager() :
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_M_IA64)
    // Precision control is not supported on x64. 
    // See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e9b52ceh(VS.110).aspx
    // CMW: I think this is okay though, the compiler will chose the right instructions 
    // (the x64/SSE2 FPU has separate instructions for different precisions).
    // Setting the precision should only be required on the x87, but it won't hurt to do it anyways.
    // _PC_53 means double precision (53 significand bits). For extended precision use _PC_64.

    __control87_2(_PC_53, _MCW_PC, &x86_state, &sse2_state);    
    // OSX/Linux: Nothing.

    // We only set the precision of the FPU here in the constructor. At the moment, there are no
    // other parts of the code that could overwrite this, and Windows takes care of context switches.

    // CMW: I'm not sure what happens on CPUs with hyper-threading (since the FPU is shared). 
    // I have yet to discover whether Linux and OSX save the FPU state when switching context.
    // As long as we stick to using the SSE2 FPU though, there shouldn't be any problems with respect
    // to the precision (not sure about the rounding modes though).

#if defined(PX_X64) || defined(PX_WINMODERN)
	// reset FP state
	unsigned int cw;
	_controlfp_s(&cw, *mControlWords, _MCW_ALL);
	// reset FP state
	unsigned int x87, sse;
	__control87_2(mControlWords[0], _MCW_ALL, &x87, 0);
	__control87_2(mControlWords[1], _MCW_ALL, 0, &sse);

#if NV_X64 || NV_WINRT
	// reset FP state
	unsigned int cw;
	_controlfp_s(&cw, *mControlWords, _MCW_ALL);

	// reset FP state
	unsigned int x87, sse;
	__control87_2(mControlWords[0], _MCW_ALL, &x87, 0);
	__control87_2(mControlWords[1], _MCW_ALL, 0, &sse);
	// default plus FTZ and DAZ
#if defined(PX_X64) || defined(PX_WINMODERN)
	// query current control word state
	_controlfp_s(mControlWords, 0, 0);

	// set both x87 and sse units to default + DAZ
	unsigned int cw;
	_controlfp_s(&cw, _CW_DEFAULT | _DN_FLUSH, _MCW_ALL);
	// query current control word state
	__control87_2(0, 0, mControlWords, mControlWords+1);
	// set both x87 and sse units to default + DAZ
	unsigned int x87, sse;
	__control87_2(_CW_DEFAULT | _DN_FLUSH, _MCW_ALL, &x87, &sse);
int main( int argc , char* argv[] )

	bool resample = true;
#if 0
	unsigned int control_word_x87  , control_word_sse2;
	__control87_2( _DN_FLUSH , _MCW_DN , &control_word_x87 , &control_word_sse2 );
	cmdLineParse( argc-1 , &argv[1] , sizeof(params) / sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) , params , 0 );
	char valueString[1024];
	for( int i=0 ; i<sizeof(params) / sizeof(cmdLineReadable*) ; i++ )
		if( params[i]->set )
			params[i]->writeValue( valueString );
			printf( "\t--%s %s\n" , params[i]->name , valueString );

	if( !In.set || !Out.set )
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	char tmpDir[1024];
	if( TempDir.set) sprintf( tmpDir , "TMP=%s" , TempDir.value );
	else             sprintf( tmpDir , "TMP=" );
	_putenv( tmpDir );

	int w , h;
	GetReadSize< float >( In.value , w , h );
	int height = 1;
	while( 2*height<w || height<h ) height <<= 1;
	if( 2*height==w && height==h ) resample = false;
	if( resample ) printf( "%d x %d -> %d x %d\n" , w , h , 2*height , height );

	IWeight.value = -IWeight.value;
	IWeight.value *= height / 2;
	IWeight.value *= (height*2) / 2;
	IWeight.value /= 4. * M_PI;
	double t = Time( );
	if( HighPrecision.set )
		if( HDRLabels.set ) Execute< double , double , __int16       >( height , resample );
		else                Execute< double , double , unsigned char >( height , resample );
		if( HDRLabels.set ) Execute< float  , half  , __int16       >( height , resample );
		else                Execute< float  , half  , unsigned char >( height , resample );

	size_t current,peak;
	WorkingSetInfo( current , peak );
	printf( "Running Time: %f\n" , Time()-t );
	printf( "Peak working set: %d MB\n" , peak>>20 );