int AtRcv(int lMsgId, struct stAtRcvMsg *pstAtRcvMsg, int lMsgType)
    /* BEGIN: Modified by y67514, 2008/6/20   问题单号:优化AT收发机制*/
    int iRetryTimes = 0;
    struct stAtRcvMsg AtRcvMsg;

    memset(pstAtRcvMsg, 0, sizeof(*pstAtRcvMsg));
    memset(&AtRcvMsg, 0, sizeof(AtRcvMsg));
    /* 若接收消息失败,重试10次 */
    while (-1 == msgrcv(lMsgId,(void*)pstAtRcvMsg, AT_RCV_MSG_LENGTH, lMsgType, IPC_NOWAIT))
        if (15 <= iRetryTimes)
            printf("\n! ! !NO RESPONSE FOR AT TYPE %d ! ! !\n",lMsgType);
            return -1;
    while (-1 != msgrcv(lMsgId,(void*)&AtRcvMsg, AT_RCV_MSG_LENGTH, lMsgType, IPC_NOWAIT))
    return 0;
    /* END:   Modified by y67514, 2008/6/20 */
文件: abc.c 项目: JamesLinus/vsta
 * busywait()
 *	Wait and sleep for a location to return to zero
static void
busywait(volatile uint *ptr)
	while (*ptr) {
  函数原型 : int at_sm_submit_at(int at_num, void* res, int* is_report_err,char* parameters)
  描述     : 通过pcui口下发一条AT命令
  输入     : at_num AT命令号;parameters AT命令需要用到的参数
  输出     : res : 接受AT上报的结果; is_report_err: 返回cm500端是否上报了error消息或上报格式错误
  返回值   : 1 : 表示超时; 0 : AT命令下发成功
int at_sm_submit_at(int at_num, int* is_report_err,char* param)
	struct stAtSndMsg AtSndMsg;
	struct stAtRcvMsg AtRcvMsg;
	char atbuf[AT_SND_MSG_LENGTH];
	int ret = 1;
	int iRetryTimes = 0;
	//char buf[64];//存放AT命令

	g_i_is_sm_active = 1;
	g_i_is_report_ok = AT_REPORT_OK;
	if (g_at_handles[at_num].create_at_cmd == NULL)
		strcpy(atbuf, g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_str); //, strlen(g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_str));   
		g_at_handles[at_num].create_at_cmd(atbuf, param);
	AtSndMsgId = msgget(MSG_AT_QUEUE, 0666);
	while(-1 == AtSndMsgId)
		VDF_DBG("VDF:%s:%s:%d:can't get the AtSndMsgId***\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
		AtSndMsgId = msgget(MSG_AT_QUEUE, 0666);

	while(-1 ==AtSend(AtSndMsgId,&AtSndMsg,MODEM_MODULE,g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_id,atbuf))
		VDF_DBG("VDF:%s:%s:%d:AtSend ERRO:msgid=%d,atnum=%d,param=%s***\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,AtSndMsgId,g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_id,atbuf);
		//g_i_is_sm_active = 0;
		//return AT_TIMEOUT;

	//g_i_cur_at_num = at_num;
	//ret = __sleep_wait(&g_st_submit_at_wait, 7 * 1000);
	if (g_main_thread_killed) 
		ret = 0;

	AtRcvMsgId = msgget(MSG_MODEM_QUEUE, 0666);
	while(-1 == AtRcvMsgId)
		VDF_DBG("VDF:%s:%s:%d:Can't get the AtRcvMsgId***\n",__FILE__,__FUNCTION__,__LINE__);
		AtRcvMsgId = msgget(MSG_MODEM_QUEUE, 0666);
        /* BEGIN: Modified by y67514, 2008/6/20   问题单号:优化AT收发机制*/
        if(-1 == AtRcv(AtRcvMsgId,&AtRcvMsg,g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_id))
            g_i_is_sm_active = 0;
            return AT_TIMEOUT;
        /* END:   Modified by y67514, 2008/6/20 */

	if(PARSE_ERROR == g_at_handles[at_num].at_cmd_report_handler(&AtRcvMsg))
		*is_report_err = 1;
		*is_report_err = 0;

	// 与上报接收线程同步,避免当前线程返回后,上报线程使用g_at_result,造成堆栈错误;
	//g_i_cur_at_num = -1;    
	//g_at_result  = NULL;

	g_i_is_sm_active = 0;
	return (ret > 0) ? AT_OK : AT_TIMEOUT;
void loop(void)
  // Read the current command from the user
  std::string command;
  std::getline(std::cin, command);

  std::cerr << "Got '" << command << "'.\n";

  // Split the command on spaces
  std::stringstream ss("0 ");
  ss << command;
  ss << " 0";
  unsigned char bytes[PAYLOAD];
  int buf = 0;

  // Read each space-separated value into an integer and put it into bytes
  int used = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < PAYLOAD && ss >> buf; i++) {
    bytes[i] = (unsigned char)buf;
    used = i;

  std::cerr << "Read " << used << " bytes from stdin." << std::endl;

  // Stop listening so we can talk.

  // Send the bytes 
  std::cerr << "Sending bytes: ";
  for (int i = 0; i < used; i++) {
    std::cerr << (int)bytes[i] << " ";
  std::cerr << std::endl;

  bool ok = radio.write( bytes, used );
  if (ok) {
    std::cerr << "ok..." << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cerr << "failed..." << std::endl;
    // TODO: retry!

  // Now, continue listening

  // Wait here until we get a response, or timeout (500ms)
  unsigned long started_waiting_at = __millis();
  bool timeout = false;
  while ( !radio.available() && ! timeout ) {
    __msleep(5); //add a small delay to let radio.available to check payload
    timeout = ((__millis() - started_waiting_at) > TIMEOUT);

  // Describe the results
  if (timeout) {
    std::cerr << "response timed out..." << std::endl;
    // TODO: retry!
  } else {
    // Grab the response, compare, and send to debugging spew
    radio.read( bytes, PAYLOAD ); // TODO: replace PAYLOAD

    // Print the bytes
    for (int i = 0; i < PAYLOAD; i++) {
      std::cout << (unsigned int)bytes[i] << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;
 Function Name : ftp_upload_file
 Description : upload file into location specified by url.
 Returns : status indicate download result, 0 indicate success , other no-zero
           value indicate fault error code.
           Fault is classified in the following case:
                9001, Request denied
                9002, Internal error (Such as malloc failed,etc.)
                9011, Upload failure (network error)
                9012, File transfer server authentication failure
 Parameter : @url: file server path indicating a file location
             @username: used to authenticate with ftp server
             @password: used to authenticate with ftp server
             @filesize: fileContent length
             @fileContent: buffer contained file content need be uploaded.
                           It's allocated and released by caller
PAL_INT32_T  ftp_upload_file(IN char *fileType
                             , IN char *url
                             , IN char *username
                             , IN char *password
                             , IN char *fileContent
                             , IN PAL_UINT32_T filesize)
    PAL_INT32_T retval;
    PAL_INT32_T n, left;
    PAL_INT32_T optval;
    char *p, *beginWith;
    char _filename[FILENAME_MAX];
    PAL_INT32_T _len;
    PAL_INT32_T sockCtrlFd;
    PAL_INT32_T sockDataFd;
    struct sockaddr_in ftpServerSockAddr;
    struct sockaddr_in ftpServerDataAddr;
    PAL_INT32_T nsent;
    char timestr[TIME_STR_LENGTH];

    //pal_set_logger(LOG_FTP_MODULE, T_LOG_INFO, LOG_CONSOLE, 0, NULL);

    /* parse ftp server ip/port */
    if (ftp_parse_url(url) == INTERNAL_ERROR)
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    /* use default value if filename is not specified in url */
    if (url[strlen(url)-1] == '/')
        if (strcmp(fileType, UPLOAD_CONFIG_TYPE) == 0)
            strcat(gFilename, DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME);
        else if (strcmp(fileType, UPLOAD_LOG_TYPE) == 0)
            strcat(gFilename, DEFAULT_LOG_NAME);
            pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                       , "unknown file type\n");
            return INTERNAL_ERROR;

        //pal_datetime(timestr);//use time to diff name

    pal_logger(T_LOG_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
               , "gFilename: %s\n", gFilename);

    /* initiate socket */
    if ((sockCtrlFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    optval = 1;
    retval = setsockopt(sockCtrlFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR
                        , (void *) & optval, sizeof(optval));
    if (retval == -1)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    memset(&ftpServerSockAddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    ftpServerSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    ftpServerSockAddr.sin_port = htons(gFtpServerPort);
    inet_aton(gFtpServerStrIP, &ftpServerSockAddr.sin_addr);

    retval = connect(sockCtrlFd, (struct sockaddr *) & ftpServerSockAddr
                     , sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    if (retval == -1)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    /* ftp login */
    if (username == NULL && password == NULL)
        /* user anonymous login */
        if (ftp_sock_auth(sockCtrlFd, "anonymous", "anonymous")
            pal_logger(T_LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                       , "authentication failed\n");
    else if (username == NULL || password == NULL)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "username or password needed\n");
        retval = ftp_sock_auth(sockCtrlFd, username, password);
        if (retval == FILE_TRANSFER_AUTHFAILURE)
            pal_logger(T_LOG_WARNING, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                       , "authentication failed\n");

    /* create the directory structure if it does not exist */
    /* gFilename may looks like '/upload/hook/doc/TR-111.pdf' */
    beginWith = gFilename + 1;
    gFilenameLen = strlen(gFilename);

    while (1)
        char dirname[64];
        PAL_INT32_T dirlen;
        char *slash;

        slash = strchr(beginWith, '/');
        if (slash == NULL)
        dirlen = slash - beginWith;
        memcpy(dirname, beginWith, dirlen);
        dirname[dirlen] = '\0';

        ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_CWD, dirname);
        retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_CWD
                                     , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '2', NULL, NULL);

        if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
            /* directory does no exist, create it */
            ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_MKD, dirname);
            retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_MKD
                                         , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '2', NULL, NULL);
            if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
                /* unable to mkdir */
                return REQUEST_DENIED ;

            /* change directory */
            ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_CWD, dirname);
            retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_CWD
                                         , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '2', NULL, NULL);
            if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
                /* unable to change dir */
                return REQUEST_DENIED ;

        beginWith = beginWith + strlen(dirname) + 1;

    } /* end of while(1) */

    /* PASV */
    ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_PASV, NULL);
    retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_PASV
                                 , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '2', NULL, NULL);
    if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
        /* ftp 4xx or 5xx error response */
        return REQUEST_DENIED ;

    /* TYPE I */
    ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_TYPE, NULL);
    retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_TYPE
                                 , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '2', NULL, NULL);
    if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
        /* ftp 4xx or 5xx error response */
        return REQUEST_DENIED ;

    /* initiate data socket */
    if ((sockDataFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    /* reuse ip/port */
    optval = 1;
    retval = setsockopt(sockCtrlFd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR
                        , (void *) & optval, sizeof(optval));
    if (retval == -1)
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    memset(&ftpServerDataAddr, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    ftpServerDataAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    ftpServerDataAddr.sin_port = htons(gPasvPort);
    inet_aton((char *)gPasvIPAddr, &ftpServerDataAddr.sin_addr);

    retval = connect(sockDataFd, (struct sockaddr *) & ftpServerDataAddr
                     , sizeof(struct sockaddr));
    if (retval == -1)
        pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                   , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
        return INTERNAL_ERROR;

    /* get absolute filename without path */
    p = strrchr(gFilename, '/');
    _len = strlen(gFilename) - (p - gFilename);
    memcpy(_filename, p + 1, _len);
    _filename[_len] = '\0';

    /* STOR */
    ftp_commit_cmd(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_STOR, _filename);
    retval = ftp_handle_cmd_resp(sockCtrlFd, FTP_CMD_STOR
                                 , FTP_RCV_RESP_TIMEOUT, '1', NULL, NULL);
    if (retval == FTP_ERR_ERROR_RESP)
        /* ftp 4xx or 5xx error response */
        return REQUEST_DENIED ;

    p = fileContent;
    left = filesize;
    nsent = 0;

    while (left > 0)
        PAL_INT32_T bufsize;

        bufsize = (left > 1460) ? 1460 : left;
        n = write(sockDataFd, p, bufsize);

        if (n == -1)
            pal_logger(T_LOG_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
                       , "%s\n", strerror(errno));
            return -1;
        else if (n == 0)
        else if (n > 0)
            left -= n;
            p += n;
            nsent += n;

    pal_logger(T_LOG_INFO, __FILE__, __LINE__, LOG_FTP_MODULE, __func__
               , "filesize: %d, sent: %d\n", filesize, nsent);

    shutdown(sockDataFd, SHUT_RDWR);
    shutdown(sockCtrlFd, SHUT_RDWR);

    return (left == 0) ? TCMAGENT_OK : UPLOAD_FAILURE;
static ssize_t max14688_adc_refresh_store (struct device *dev,
    struct device_attribute *devattr, const char *buf, size_t count)
	struct max14688 *me = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
	unsigned long timeout;
	unsigned int delay;
	u8 adcstatus, adccontrol_save, adccontrol;
	int rc;


	adccontrol = 0;
	rc = max14688_read(me, ADCCONTROL, &adccontrol);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		log_err("ADCCONTROL read error [%d]\n", rc);
		goto out;

	/* Save original ADCCONTROL value */
	adccontrol_save = adccontrol;

	delay = (unsigned int)simple_strtoul(buf, NULL, 10);
	if (likely(delay > 0)) {


	rc = max14688_write(me, ADCCONTROL, adccontrol);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		log_err("ADCCONTROL write error [%d]\n", rc);
		goto out;

	timeout = jiffies +
		usecs_to_jiffies(MAX14688_IDETIN_RISE_TIME) +
		usecs_to_jiffies(MAX14688_IDETIN_FALL_TIME) +

	do {
		if (unlikely(time_after(jiffies, timeout))) {
			log_err("AD conversion timed out\n");
			goto out;


		adcstatus = 0;
		max14688_read(me, ADCSTATUS, &adcstatus);

	} while (likely(!BITS_GET(adcstatus, ADCSTATUS_EOC)));

	/* Restore ADCCONTROL value and make sure FORCEADC bit cleared */
	adccontrol_save &= ~ADCCONTROL_FORCEADC;
	rc = max14688_write(me, ADCCONTROL, adccontrol_save);
	if (unlikely(rc)) {
		log_err("ADCCONTROL write error [%d]\n", rc);
		goto out;

	return (ssize_t)count;
文件: rename.c 项目: JamesLinus/vsta
 * rename()
 *	Request rename of object within a server
rename(const char *src, const char *dest)
	int err, tries = 0;
	char *p;
	port_name srcname, destname;

	 * Explode src/dest paths into needed elements
	if (getpath(src, &srcfd, &srcname, &srcent)) {
	if (getpath(dest, &destfd, &destname, &destent)) {
		err = -1;
		goto out;

	 * Can't do this across two distinct servers
	if (srcname != destname) {
		err = -1;
		goto out;

	 * Launch a thread to start the request.  We will do the
	 * matching rename.
again:	if (tfork(request, 0) < 0) {
	} else {
		__msleep(20);	/* Let'em get set */

	 * Now connect with the destination
	if (msg(destfd, FS_RENAME, 1, destent)) {
		 * If it's a transient failure (usually, the server
		 * needs to flush a reference from the page cache),
		 * wait a bit and try, try again.
		if (!strcmp(strerror(), EAGAIN) && (tries++ < 10)) {
			goto again;
		err = -1;
		goto out;

	 * Success
	err = 0;
	if (srcfd != -1) {
	if (destfd != -1) {
bool loop()
  const char msg[10] = "";
  // Ping out role.  Repeatedly send the current time

  if (role == role_ping_out)
    // First, stop listening so we can talk.

    // Take the time, and send it.  This will block until complete
//    unsigned long time = __millis();
 //   char msg[9] = "lamp1_on";
 //   printf("Now sending %s...",msg);
    bool ok = radio.write( msg, 10 );
    if (ok)

    // Now, continue listening

    // Wait here until we get a response, or timeout (250ms)
    unsigned long started_waiting_at = __millis();
    bool timeout = false;
    while ( ! radio.available() && ! timeout ) {
	// by bcatalin » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:26 am 
	__msleep(5); //add a small delay to let radio.available to check payload
      if (__millis() - started_waiting_at > 200 )
        timeout = true;

    // Describe the results
    if ( timeout )
      printf("Failed, response timed out.\n\r");
      return false;
      // Grab the response, compare, and send to debugging spew
      char got[10];
      radio.read( &got, 10 );

      // Spew it
      printf("Got response %s\n",got);
      return true;

    // Try again 1s later
//    delay(1000);

  // Pong back role.  Receive each packet, dump it out, and send it back

 if ( role == role_pong_back )
    // if there is data ready
    if ( radio.available() )
      // Dump the payloads until we've gotten everything
      unsigned long got_time = 0;
      bool done = false;
      while (!done)
        // Fetch the payload, and see if this was the last one.
//        done = radio.read( &got_time, sizeof(unsigned long) );

	float celsius;
//	done = radio.read( &celsius, sizeof(float));
	char tempC[100];
	char len[2];
	std::string recievedStr;
//	int i = 0;
//	while(i<16)
//	{
//		done = radio.read( &len, 2);
//		cout << len << endl;
//		i++;
//	}
//	printf("Payload length: %s... ",len);

	int payloadSize = radio.getPayloadSize();
//	printf("Payload size: %d", payloadSize);
	done = radio.read( &tempC, payloadSize);
        cout << "Received from radio: " << tempC << endl;
        // Spew it
        printf("Got payload %s... ",tempC);
	stringstream ss;
	string received;
	ss << tempC;
	ss >> received;

//	char mark[]  = "mark,a,b";
	char *test[sizeof(strtok(tempC, ","))];
	test[0] = strtok(tempC, ",");
	for(int i = 1; i < sizeof(strtok(tempC, ",")); i++)
            test[i] = strtok (NULL, ",");
//            printf ("%s\n",test[i]); // Writes "is"

	cout << "App:" << test[0] << "append" << strcmp(test[0],"temp") << endl;
	if(strcmp(test[0],"temp") == 0)
		printf("Got data from temperature sensor, sending to temp server\n");
			ClientSocket client_socket ( "localhost", 5656 );
			std::string reply;
				cout << "received: " << received << endl;
				client_socket << received;
				client_socket >> reply;
			catch ( SocketException& ) {}
			std::cout << "We received this response from the server:\n\"" << reply << "\"\n";;
		catch ( SocketException& e )
			std::cout << "Exception was caught:" << e.description() << "\n";

        // Delay just a little bit to let the other unit
        // make the transition to receiver

      // First, stop listening so we can talk

      // Send the final one back.
      printf("Sent response.\n\r");
      radio.write( &got_time, sizeof(unsigned long) );

      // Now, resume listening so we catch the next packets.