PointSetToMesh<Convex, T>::visit( pointset_type* pset, mpl::int_<1> )
    DVLOG(2) << "[PointSetToMesh::visit(<1>)] pointset to mesh\n";
    M_mesh = mesh_ptrtype( new mesh_type( Environment::worldComm().subWorldCommSeq() ) );

    size_type __npts = pset->nPoints();

    for ( uint __i = 0; __i < __npts; ++__i )
        node_type __nd( 1 );
        __nd = pset->point( __i );

        point_type __pt( __i,__nd, false );
        __pt.marker() = 0;

        if ( __nd[0] == -1 || __nd[0] == 1 )
            __pt.setOnBoundary( true );

            __pt.setOnBoundary( false );


        M_mesh->addPoint( __pt );

    size_type n_faces = 0;

    // Add Boundary faces

    face_type* pf0 = new face_type;

    pf0->marker() = 0;
    pf0->setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( 0 ) );

    pf0->setId( n_faces++ );
    pf0->setOnBoundary( true );
    M_mesh->addFace( *pf0 );

    delete pf0;

    face_type* pf1 = new face_type;

    pf1->marker() = 0;
    pf1->setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( 1 ) );

    pf1->setId( n_faces++ );
    pf1->setOnBoundary( true );
    M_mesh->addFace( *pf1 );

    delete pf1;

    size_type __nele = __npts-1;

    for ( uint __i = 0; __i < __nele; ++__i )
        element_type  pf;

        pf.setId( __i );
        pf.marker() = 0;

        if ( __nele == 1 )
            pf.setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( __i ) );
            pf.setPoint( 1, M_mesh->point( __i+1 ) );

        else if ( __i == 0 )
            pf.setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( __i ) );
            pf.setPoint( 1, M_mesh->point( __i+2 ) );

        else if ( __i == __nele-1 )
            pf.setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( __i+1 ) );
            pf.setPoint( 1, M_mesh->point( 1 ) );

            pf.setPoint( 0, M_mesh->point( __i+1 ) );
            pf.setPoint( 1, M_mesh->point( __i+2 ) );

        element_type const& e  = M_mesh->addElement( pf );
        DVLOG(2) << "o element " << e.id() << "\n"
                      << "  p1 = " << e.point( 0 ).node() << "\n"
                      << "  p2 = " << e.point( 1 ).node() << "\n";

    FEELPP_ASSERT( n_faces == M_mesh->numFaces() )( n_faces )( M_mesh->numFaces() ).error( "invalid face container size" );

    DVLOG(2) <<"[PointSetToMesh<1>] done with element accumulation !\n";

    M_mesh->setNumVertices( __npts );

    DVLOG(2) <<"[PointSetToMesh<1>] Face Update !\n";

    //// do not renumber the M_mesh entities
    //M_mesh->updateForUse( MESH_ALL_COMPONENTS & (~MESH_RENUMBER) );

    DVLOG(2) <<"[PointSetToMesh<1>] Face Update Successful !\n";

    DVLOG(2) << "[PointSetToMesh::visit(<1>)] done\n";
    __lobatto_zeros(unsigned int __l, _Tp proto = _Tp{})
      const auto _S_eps = __gnu_cxx::__epsilon(proto);
      const auto _S_pi = __gnu_cxx::__const_pi(proto);
      const unsigned int _S_maxit = 1000u;

      std::vector<__gnu_cxx::__quadrature_point_t<_Tp>> __pt(__l);

      auto __m = __l / 2;

      // Treat the central zero for odd order specially.
      if (__l & 1)
	  auto __lm = __l - 1;
	  auto __lmfact = std::__detail::__factorial<_Tp>(__lm);
	  auto __mm = __lm / 2;
	  auto __mmfact = std::__detail::__factorial<_Tp>(__mm);
	  auto __Plm1 = (__lm & 1 ? -1 : 1) * __lmfact / __mmfact / __mmfact
			/ std::pow(_Tp{2}, __lm);
	  auto __Ppl = __l * __Plm1;
	  __pt[__m].__zero = _Tp{0};
	  __pt[__m].__weight = _Tp{2} / __Ppl / __Ppl;

      for (auto __i = 1u; __i <= __m; ++__i)
	  // Clever approximation of root.
	  auto __z = std::cos(_S_pi * (__i - _Tp{1} / _Tp{4})
				    / (__l + _Tp{1} / _Tp{2}));
	  auto __z1 = __z;
	  auto __w = _Tp{0};
	  for (auto __its = 0u; __its < _S_maxit; ++__its)
	      // Compute __P, __P1, and __P2 the Legendre polynomials of order
	      // l, l-1, l-2 respectively by iterating through the recursion
	      // relation for the Legendre polynomials.
	      // Compute __Pp the derivative of the Legendre polynomial of order l.
	      auto __P1 = _Tp{0};
	      auto __P = _Tp{1};
	      for  (auto __k = 1u; __k <= __l; ++__k)
		  auto __P2 = __P1;
		  __P1 = __P;
		  // Recursion for Legendre polynomials.
		  __P = ((_Tp{2} * __k - _Tp{1}) * __z * __P1
		      - (__k - _Tp{1}) * __P2) / __k;
	      // Recursion for the derivative of The Legendre polynomial.
	      auto __Pp = __l * (__z * __P - __P1) / (__z * __z - _Tp{1});
	      __z1 = __z;
	      // Converge on root by Newton's method.
	      __z = __z1 - __P / __Pp;
	      if (std::abs(__z - __z1) < _S_eps)
		  __w = _Tp{2} / ((_Tp{1} - __z * __z) * __Pp * __Pp);
	      if (__its > _S_maxit)
		std::__throw_logic_error("__lobatto_zeros: "
					 "Too many iterations");

	  __pt[__i - 1].__zero = -__z;
	  __pt[__l - __i].__zero = __z;
	  __pt[__i - 1].__weight = __w;
	  __pt[__l - __i].__weight = __w;

      return __pt;