文件: pkcs5.c 项目: hkerem/dcrypt
void _stdcall sha512_hmac(const void *k, size_t k_len, const void *d, size_t d_len, char *out)
    sha512_ctx    ctx;
    unsigned char buf[SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE];
    unsigned char hval[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE];
    unsigned long i;

    // zero key buffer
    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));

    // compress hmac key
    if (k_len > SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE) {
        sha512_hash(&ctx, (const unsigned char*)k, k_len);
        sha512_done(&ctx, buf);
    } else {
        memcpy(buf, k, k_len);

    // create the hash initial vector
    for (i = 0; i < (SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE / 4); i++) {
        ((unsigned long*)buf)[i] ^= 0x36363636;

    // hash key and data
    sha512_hash(&ctx, buf, SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE);
    sha512_hash(&ctx, (const unsigned char*)d, d_len);
    sha512_done(&ctx, hval);

    // create the second HMAC vector
    for (i = 0; i < (SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE / 4); i++) {
        ((unsigned long*)buf)[i] ^= 0x6A6A6A6A;

    // calculate "outer" hash
    sha512_hash(&ctx, buf, SHA512_BLOCK_SIZE);
    sha512_hash(&ctx, hval, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE);
    sha512_done(&ctx, (unsigned char*)out);

    // test buffers size alignment at compile-time
    static_assert( !(sizeof(buf) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");
    static_assert( !(sizeof(hval) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");
    static_assert( !(sizeof(ctx) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");

    // prevent leaks
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&buf, 0, (sizeof(buf) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&hval, 0, (sizeof(hval) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&ctx, 0, (sizeof(ctx) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
// __asm__ blocks are only checked for inline functions that end up being
// emitted, so call functions with __asm__ blocks to make sure their inline
// assembly parses.
void f() {
  __movsb(0, 0, 0);
  __movsd(0, 0, 0);
  __movsw(0, 0, 0);

  __stosd(0, 0, 0);
  __stosw(0, 0, 0);

#ifdef _M_X64
  __movsq(0, 0, 0);
  __stosq(0, 0, 0);

  int info[4];
  __cpuid(info, 0);
  __cpuidex(info, 0, 0);

  // FIXME: Call these in 64-bit too once the intrinsics have been fixed to
  // work there, PR19301
#ifndef _M_X64

#ifdef _M_ARM
文件: pkcs5.c 项目: hkerem/dcrypt
void _stdcall sha512_pkcs5_2(int i_count, const void *pwd, size_t pwd_len, const char *salt, size_t salt_len, char *dk, size_t dklen)
    unsigned char buff[128];
    unsigned char blk[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE];
    unsigned char hmac[SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE];
    unsigned long block = 1;
    size_t c_len;
    int    j, i;

    while (dklen != 0)
        // first interation
        memcpy(buff, salt, salt_len);
        ((unsigned long*)(buff + salt_len))[0] = _byteswap_ulong(block);
        sha512_hmac(pwd, pwd_len, buff, salt_len + 4, (char*)hmac);
        memcpy(blk, hmac, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE);

        // next interations
        for (i = 1; i < i_count; i++)
            sha512_hmac(pwd, pwd_len, hmac, SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE, (char*)hmac);

            for (j = 0; j < (SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE / 4); j++) {
                ((unsigned long*)blk)[j] ^= ((unsigned long*)hmac)[j];

        memcpy(dk, blk, (c_len = dklen < SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE ? dklen : SHA512_DIGEST_SIZE));
        dk += c_len;
        dklen -= c_len;

    // test buffers size alignment at compile-time
    static_assert( !(sizeof(buff) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");
    static_assert( !(sizeof(blk) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");
    static_assert( !(sizeof(hmac) % sizeof(unsigned long)), "sizeof must be 4 byte aligned");

    // prevent leaks
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&buff, 0, (sizeof(buff) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&blk, 0, (sizeof(blk) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
    __stosd((unsigned long*)&hmac, 0, (sizeof(hmac) / sizeof(unsigned long)));
void Clear_REF(void* dest, size_t size)
	__stosd(reinterpret_cast<unsigned long*>(dest), 0, size/4);
void memset_d(unsigned long* pBuffer, unsigned long value, std::size_t count)
	__stosd(pBuffer, value, count);