/* * __curfile_next_random -- * WT_CURSOR->next method for the btree cursor type when configured with * next_random. */ static int __curfile_next_random(WT_CURSOR *cursor) { WT_CURSOR_BTREE *cbt; WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION_IMPL *session; cbt = (WT_CURSOR_BTREE *)cursor; CURSOR_API_CALL(cursor, session, next, cbt->btree); ret = __wt_btcur_next_random(cbt); API_END(session); return (ret); }
/* * __curfile_next_random -- * WT_CURSOR->next method for the btree cursor type when configured with * next_random. */ static int __curfile_next_random(WT_CURSOR *cursor) { WT_CURSOR_BTREE *cbt; WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION_IMPL *session; cbt = (WT_CURSOR_BTREE *)cursor; CURSOR_API_CALL(cursor, session, next, cbt->btree); F_CLR(cursor, WT_CURSTD_KEY_SET | WT_CURSTD_VALUE_SET); if ((ret = __wt_btcur_next_random(cbt)) == 0) F_SET(cursor, WT_CURSTD_KEY_INT | WT_CURSTD_VALUE_INT); err: API_END_RET(session, ret); }
/* * __wt_curfile_next_random -- * WT_CURSOR->next method for the btree cursor type when configured with * next_random. This is exported because it is called directly within LSM. */ int __wt_curfile_next_random(WT_CURSOR *cursor) { WT_CURSOR_BTREE *cbt; WT_DECL_RET; WT_SESSION_IMPL *session; cbt = (WT_CURSOR_BTREE *)cursor; CURSOR_API_CALL(cursor, session, next, cbt->btree); WT_ERR(__wt_btcur_next_random(cbt)); /* Next-random maintains a position, key and value. */ WT_ASSERT(session, F_MASK(cursor, WT_CURSTD_KEY_SET) == WT_CURSTD_KEY_INT && F_MASK(cursor, WT_CURSTD_VALUE_SET) == WT_CURSTD_VALUE_INT); err: API_END_RET(session, ret); }