INT32 _coordDeleteOperator::_prepareMainCLOp( coordCataSel &cataSel,
                                                 coordSendMsgIn &inMsg,
                                                 coordSendOptions &options,
                                                 pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                                 coordProcessResult &result )
      INT32 rc                = SDB_OK ;
      MsgOpDelete *pDelMsg    = ( MsgOpDelete* )inMsg.msg() ;

      INT32 flag              = 0 ;
      CHAR *pCollectionName   = NULL;
      CHAR *pDeletor          = NULL;
      CHAR *pHint             = NULL;

      CoordGroupSubCLMap &grpSubCl = cataSel.getGroup2SubsMap() ;
      CoordGroupSubCLMap::iterator it ;>clear() ;

      rc = msgExtractDelete( (CHAR*)inMsg.msg(), &flag, &pCollectionName,
                             &pDeletor, &pHint ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to parse delete request, rc: %d",
                   rc ) ;

         BSONObj boDeletor( pDeletor ) ;
         BSONObj boHint( pHint ) ;
         BSONObj boNew ;

         CHAR *pBuff             = NULL ;
         UINT32 buffLen          = 0 ;
         UINT32 buffPos          = 0 ;

         it = grpSubCl.begin() ;
         while( it != grpSubCl.end() )
            CoordSubCLlist &subCLLst = it->second ;

            netIOVec &iovec = inMsg._datas[ it->first ] ;
            netIOV ioItem ;

            ioItem.iovBase = (const CHAR*)inMsg.msg() + sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
            ioItem.iovLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX ( offsetof(MsgOpDelete, name) +
                                                    pDelMsg->nameLength + 1, 4 ) -
                            sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

            boNew = _buildNewDeletor( boDeletor, subCLLst ) ;
            UINT32 roundLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( boNew.objsize(), 4 ) ;
            if ( buffPos + roundLen > buffLen )
               UINT32 alignLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( roundLen,
                                                        DMS_PAGE_SIZE4K ) ;
               rc = cb->allocBuff( alignLen, &pBuff, &buffLen ) ;
               PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Alloc buff[%u] failed, rc: %d",
                            alignLen, rc ) ;
               _vecBlock.push_back( pBuff ) ;
               buffPos = 0 ;
            ossMemcpy( &pBuff[ buffPos ], boNew.objdata(), boNew.objsize() ) ;
            ioItem.iovBase = &pBuff[ buffPos ] ;
            ioItem.iovLen = roundLen ;
            buffPos += roundLen ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

            ioItem.iovBase = boHint.objdata() ;
            ioItem.iovLen = boHint.objsize() ;
            iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;         

            ++it ;
      catch( std::exception &e )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Parse delete message occur exception: %s",
                 e.what() ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      _clearBlock( cb ) ;
      goto done ;
   INT32 rtnCoordDelete::_prepareMainCLOp( CoordCataInfoPtr &cataInfo,
                                           CoordGroupSubCLMap &grpSubCl,
                                           rtnSendMsgIn &inMsg,
                                           rtnSendOptions &options,
                                           netMultiRouteAgent *pRouteAgent,
                                           pmdEDUCB *cb,
                                           rtnProcessResult &result,
                                           ossValuePtr &outPtr )
      INT32 rc                = SDB_OK ;
      MsgOpDelete *pDelMsg    = ( MsgOpDelete* )inMsg.msg() ;

      INT32 flag              = 0 ;
      CHAR *pCollectionName   = NULL;
      CHAR *pDeletor          = NULL;
      CHAR *pHint             = NULL;
      BSONObj boDeletor ;
      BSONObj boHint ;
      BSONObj boNew ;

      CHAR *pBuff             = NULL ;
      INT32 buffLen           = 0 ;
      INT32 buffPos           = 0 ;
      vector<CHAR*> *pBlock   = NULL ;

      CoordGroupSubCLMap::iterator it ;

      outPtr                  = (ossValuePtr)0 ;>clear() ;

      rc = msgExtractDelete( (CHAR*)inMsg.msg(), &flag, &pCollectionName,
                             &pDeletor, &pHint ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Failed to parse delete request, rc: %d",
                   rc ) ;

      boDeletor = BSONObj( pDeletor ) ;
      boHint = BSONObj( pHint ) ;

      pBlock = new vector< CHAR* >( 16 ) ;
      if ( !pBlock )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Alloc vector failed" ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      it = grpSubCl.begin() ;
      while( it != grpSubCl.end() )
         CoordSubCLlist &subCLLst = it->second ;

         netIOVec &iovec = inMsg._datas[ it->first ] ;
         netIOV ioItem ;

         // 1. first vec
         ioItem.iovBase = (CHAR*)inMsg.msg() + sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
         ioItem.iovLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX ( offsetof(MsgOpDelete, name) +
                                                 pDelMsg->nameLength + 1, 4 ) -
                         sizeof( MsgHeader ) ;
         iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

         // 2. new deletor vec
         boNew = _buildNewDeletor( boDeletor, subCLLst ) ;
         // 2.1 add to buff
         INT32 roundLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( boNew.objsize(), 4 ) ;
         if ( buffPos + roundLen > buffLen )
            INT32 alignLen = ossRoundUpToMultipleX( roundLen,
                                                    DMS_PAGE_SIZE4K ) ;
            rc = cb->allocBuff( alignLen, &pBuff, buffLen ) ;
            PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Alloc buff[%d] failed, rc: %d",
                         alignLen, rc ) ;
            pBlock->push_back( pBuff ) ;
            buffPos = 0 ;
         ossMemcpy( &pBuff[ buffPos ], boNew.objdata(), boNew.objsize() ) ;
         ioItem.iovBase = &pBuff[ buffPos ] ;
         ioItem.iovLen = roundLen ;
         buffPos += roundLen ;
         iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;

         // 3. hinter vec
         ioItem.iovBase = boHint.objdata() ;
         ioItem.iovLen = boHint.objsize() ;
         iovec.push_back( ioItem ) ;         

         ++it ;

      outPtr = ( ossValuePtr )pBlock ;

      return rc ;
      if ( pBlock )
         for ( INT32 i = 0 ; i < (INT32)pBlock->size() ; ++i )
            cb->releaseBuff( (*pBlock)[ i ] ) ;
         delete pBlock ;
         pBlock = NULL ;
      goto done ;