static cairo_bool_t check_glyphs (cairo_composite_rectangles_t *composite, cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font) { if (! _cairo_clip_is_region (composite->clip)) return FALSE; if (cairo_scaled_font_get_type (scaled_font) != CAIRO_FONT_TYPE_WIN32) return FALSE; if (! _cairo_pattern_is_opaque_solid (&composite->source_pattern.base)) return FALSE; return (composite->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR || composite->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE || composite->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); }
cairo_status_t _cairo_clip_combine_with_surface (const cairo_clip_t *clip, cairo_surface_t *dst, int dst_x, int dst_y) { cairo_clip_path_t *copy_path; cairo_clip_path_t *clip_path; cairo_clip_t *copy; cairo_status_t status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; copy = _cairo_clip_copy_with_translation (clip, -dst_x, -dst_y); copy_path = copy->path; copy->path = NULL; if (copy->boxes) { status = _cairo_surface_paint (dst, CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, copy); } clip = NULL; if (_cairo_clip_is_region (copy)) clip = copy; clip_path = copy_path; while (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && clip_path) { status = _cairo_surface_fill (dst, CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, &clip_path->path, clip_path->fill_rule, clip_path->tolerance, clip_path->antialias, clip); clip_path = clip_path->prev; } copy->path = copy_path; _cairo_clip_destroy (copy); return status; }
static cairo_status_t clip_and_composite (cairo_composite_rectangles_t *extents, draw_func_t draw_func, void *draw_closure) { cairo_status_t status; status = set_clip_region (extents); if (unlikely (status)) return status; if (extents->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE) { status = clip_and_composite_source (extents, draw_func, draw_closure); } else { if (extents->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR) { extents->source_pattern.solid = _cairo_pattern_white; extents->op = CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT; } if (! _cairo_clip_is_region (extents->clip)) { if (extents->is_bounded) status = clip_and_composite_with_mask (extents, draw_func, draw_closure); else status = clip_and_composite_combine (extents, draw_func, draw_closure); } else { status = draw_func ((cairo_image_surface_t *) extents->surface, draw_closure, extents->op, &extents->source_pattern.base, 0, 0, &extents->bounded); } } if (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && ! extents->is_bounded) status = fixup_unbounded (extents); return status; }
cairo_status_t _cairo_win32_display_surface_set_clip (cairo_win32_display_surface_t *surface, cairo_clip_t *clip) { char stack[512]; cairo_rectangle_int_t extents; int num_rects; RGNDATA *data; size_t data_size; RECT *rects; int i; HRGN gdi_region; cairo_status_t status; cairo_region_t *region; /* The semantics we want is that any clip set by cairo combines * is intersected with the clip on device context that the * surface was created for. To implement this, we need to * save the original clip when first setting a clip on surface. */ assert (_cairo_clip_is_region (clip)); region = _cairo_clip_get_region (clip); if (region == NULL) return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; cairo_region_get_extents (region, &extents); num_rects = cairo_region_num_rectangles (region); /* XXX see notes in _cairo_win32_save_initial_clip -- * this code will interact badly with a HDC which had an initial * world transform -- we should probably manually transform the * region rects, because SelectClipRgn takes device units, not * logical units (unlike IntersectClipRect). */ data_size = sizeof (RGNDATAHEADER) + num_rects * sizeof (RECT); if (data_size > sizeof (stack)) { data = malloc (data_size); if (!data) return _cairo_error(CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY); } else data = (RGNDATA *)stack; data->rdh.dwSize = sizeof (RGNDATAHEADER); data->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; data->rdh.nCount = num_rects; data->rdh.nRgnSize = num_rects * sizeof (RECT); data->rdh.rcBound.left = extents.x; data-> = extents.y; data->rdh.rcBound.right = extents.x + extents.width; data->rdh.rcBound.bottom = extents.y + extents.height; rects = (RECT *)data->Buffer; for (i = 0; i < num_rects; i++) { cairo_rectangle_int_t rect; cairo_region_get_rectangle (region, i, &rect); rects[i].left = rect.x; rects[i].top = rect.y; rects[i].right = rect.x + rect.width; rects[i].bottom = rect.y + rect.height; } gdi_region = ExtCreateRegion (NULL, data_size, data); if ((char *)data != stack) free (data); if (!gdi_region) return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY); /* AND the new region into our DC */ status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (ExtSelectClipRgn (surface->win32.dc, gdi_region, RGN_AND) == ERROR) status = _cairo_win32_print_gdi_error (__FUNCTION__); DeleteObject (gdi_region); return status; }
static cairo_status_t fixup_unbounded (const cairo_composite_rectangles_t *extents) { cairo_image_surface_t *dst = (cairo_image_surface_t *)extents->surface; pixman_image_t *mask; int mask_x, mask_y; if (! _cairo_clip_is_region (extents->clip)) { cairo_image_surface_t *clip; clip = get_clip_surface (dst, extents, &mask_x, &mask_y); if (unlikely (clip->base.status)) return clip->base.status; mask = pixman_image_ref (clip->pixman_image); cairo_surface_destroy (&clip->base); } else { mask_x = mask_y = 0; mask = _pixman_image_for_color (CAIRO_COLOR_WHITE); if (unlikely (mask == NULL)) return _cairo_error (CAIRO_STATUS_NO_MEMORY); } /* top */ if (extents->bounded.y != extents->unbounded.y) { int x = extents->unbounded.x; int y = extents->unbounded.y; int width = extents->unbounded.width; int height = extents->bounded.y - y; pixman_image_composite32 (PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE, mask, NULL, dst->pixman_image, x - mask_x, y - mask_y, 0, 0, x, y, width, height); } /* left */ if (extents->bounded.x != extents->unbounded.x) { int x = extents->unbounded.x; int y = extents->bounded.y; int width = extents->bounded.x - x; int height = extents->bounded.height; pixman_image_composite32 (PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE, mask, NULL, dst->pixman_image, x - mask_x, y - mask_y, 0, 0, x, y, width, height); } /* right */ if (extents->bounded.x + extents->bounded.width != extents->unbounded.x + extents->unbounded.width) { int x = extents->bounded.x + extents->bounded.width; int y = extents->bounded.y; int width = extents->unbounded.x + extents->unbounded.width - x; int height = extents->bounded.height; pixman_image_composite32 (PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE, mask, NULL, dst->pixman_image, x - mask_x, y - mask_y, 0, 0, x, y, width, height); } /* bottom */ if (extents->bounded.y + extents->bounded.height != extents->unbounded.y + extents->unbounded.height) { int x = extents->unbounded.x; int y = extents->bounded.y + extents->bounded.height; int width = extents->unbounded.width; int height = extents->unbounded.y + extents->unbounded.height - y; pixman_image_composite32 (PIXMAN_OP_OUT_REVERSE, mask, NULL, dst->pixman_image, x - mask_x, y - mask_y, 0, 0, x, y, width, height); } pixman_image_unref (mask); return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
cairo_surface_t * _cairo_clip_get_surface (const cairo_clip_t *clip, cairo_surface_t *target, int *tx, int *ty) { cairo_surface_t *surface; cairo_status_t status; cairo_clip_t *copy, *region; cairo_clip_path_t *copy_path, *clip_path; if (clip->num_boxes) { cairo_path_fixed_t path; int i; surface = _cairo_surface_create_scratch (target, CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA, clip->extents.width, clip->extents.height, CAIRO_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); if (unlikely (surface->status)) return surface; _cairo_path_fixed_init (&path); status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; for (i = 0; status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && i < clip->num_boxes; i++) { status = _cairo_path_fixed_add_box (&path, &clip->boxes[i], -_cairo_fixed_from_int (clip->extents.x), -_cairo_fixed_from_int (clip->extents.y)); } if (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) status = _cairo_surface_fill (surface, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, &path, CAIRO_FILL_RULE_WINDING, 1., CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT, NULL); _cairo_path_fixed_fini (&path); if (unlikely (status)) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return _cairo_surface_create_in_error (status); } } else { surface = _cairo_surface_create_scratch (target, CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA, clip->extents.width, clip->extents.height, CAIRO_COLOR_WHITE); if (unlikely (surface->status)) return surface; } copy = _cairo_clip_copy_with_translation (clip, -clip->extents.x, -clip->extents.y); copy_path = copy->path; copy->path = NULL; region = copy; if (! _cairo_clip_is_region (copy)) region = _cairo_clip_copy_region (copy); status = CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS; clip_path = copy_path; while (status == CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS && clip_path) { status = _cairo_surface_fill (surface, CAIRO_OPERATOR_IN, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, &clip_path->path, clip_path->fill_rule, clip_path->tolerance, clip_path->antialias, region); clip_path = clip_path->prev; } copy->path = copy_path; _cairo_clip_destroy (copy); if (region != copy) _cairo_clip_destroy (region); if (unlikely (status)) { cairo_surface_destroy (surface); return _cairo_surface_create_in_error (status); } *tx = clip->extents.x; *ty = clip->extents.y; return surface; }
static cairo_int_status_t _cairo_shape_mask_compositor_stroke (const cairo_compositor_t *_compositor, cairo_composite_rectangles_t *extents, const cairo_path_fixed_t *path, const cairo_stroke_style_t *style, const cairo_matrix_t *ctm, const cairo_matrix_t *ctm_inverse, double tolerance, cairo_antialias_t antialias) { cairo_surface_t *mask; cairo_surface_pattern_t pattern; cairo_int_status_t status; cairo_clip_t *clip; if (! extents->is_bounded) return CAIRO_INT_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED; TRACE ((stderr, "%s\n", __FUNCTION__)); mask = _cairo_surface_create_scratch (extents->surface, CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA, extents->bounded.width, extents->bounded.height, NULL); if (unlikely (mask->status)) return mask->status; clip = extents->clip; if (! _cairo_clip_is_region (clip)) clip = _cairo_clip_copy_region (clip); if (! mask->is_clear) { status = _cairo_surface_offset_paint (mask, extents->bounded.x, extents->bounded.y, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR, &_cairo_pattern_clear.base, clip); if (unlikely (status)) goto error; } status = _cairo_surface_offset_stroke (mask, extents->bounded.x, extents->bounded.y, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, path, style, ctm, ctm_inverse, tolerance, antialias, clip); if (unlikely (status)) goto error; if (clip != extents->clip) { status = _cairo_clip_combine_with_surface (extents->clip, mask, extents->bounded.x, extents->bounded.y); if (unlikely (status)) goto error; } _cairo_pattern_init_for_surface (&pattern, mask); cairo_matrix_init_translate (&pattern.base.matrix, -extents->bounded.x, -extents->bounded.y); pattern.base.filter = CAIRO_FILTER_NEAREST; pattern.base.extend = CAIRO_EXTEND_NONE; if (extents->op == CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE) { status = _cairo_surface_mask (extents->surface, CAIRO_OPERATOR_DEST_OUT, &_cairo_pattern_white.base, &pattern.base, clip); if ((status == CAIRO_INT_STATUS_SUCCESS)) { status = _cairo_surface_mask (extents->surface, CAIRO_OPERATOR_ADD, &extents->source_pattern.base, &pattern.base, clip); } } else { status = _cairo_surface_mask (extents->surface, extents->op, &extents->source_pattern.base, &pattern.base, clip); } _cairo_pattern_fini (&pattern.base); error: cairo_surface_destroy (mask); if (clip != extents->clip) _cairo_clip_destroy (clip); return status; }