void Preferences::_setRawValue(Glib::ustring const &path, gchar const *value)
    // create node and attribute keys
    Glib::ustring node_key, attr_key;
    _keySplit(path, node_key, attr_key);
    // set the attribute
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(node_key, true);
    node->setAttribute(attr_key.data(), value);
SPCSSAttr *Preferences::_extractInheritedStyle(Entry const &v)
    // This is the dirtiest extraction method. Generally we ignore whatever was in v._value
    // and just get the style using sp_repr_css_attr_inherited. To implement this in GConf,
    // we'll have to walk up the tree and call sp_repr_css_attr_add_from_string
    Glib::ustring node_key, attr_key;
    _keySplit(v._pref_path, node_key, attr_key);
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(node_key, false);
    return sp_repr_css_attr_inherited(node, attr_key.data());
 * @brief Get the paths to all subdirectories of the specified path
 * @param path Preference path to query
 * @return A vector containing absolute paths to all subdirectories in the given path
std::vector<Glib::ustring> Preferences::getAllDirs(Glib::ustring const &path)
    std::vector<Glib::ustring> temp;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(path, false);
    if (!node) return temp;
    for (Inkscape::XML::NodeSiblingIterator i = node->firstChild(); i; ++i) {
        temp.push_back(path + '/' + i->attribute("id"));
    return temp;
 * @brief Get names of all entries in the specified path
 * @param path Preference path to query
 * @return A vector containing all entries in the given directory
std::vector<Preferences::Entry> Preferences::getAllEntries(Glib::ustring const &path)
    std::vector<Entry> temp;
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(path, false);
    if (!node) return temp;
    // argh - purge this Util::List nonsense from XML classes fast
    Inkscape::Util::List<Inkscape::XML::AttributeRecord const> alist = node->attributeList();
    for (; alist; ++alist)
        temp.push_back( Entry(path + '/' + g_quark_to_string(alist->key), static_cast<void const*>(alist->value.pointer())) );
    return temp;
void Preferences::_getRawValue(Glib::ustring const &path, gchar const *&result)
    // create node and attribute keys
    Glib::ustring node_key, attr_key;
    _keySplit(path, node_key, attr_key);
    // retrieve the attribute
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(node_key, false);
    if ( node == NULL ) {
        result = NULL;
    } else {
        gchar const *attr = node->attribute(attr_key.data());
        if ( attr == NULL ) {
            result = NULL;
        } else {
            result = attr;
 * @brief Find the XML node to observe
XML::Node *Preferences::_findObserverNode(Glib::ustring const &pref_path, Glib::ustring &node_key, Glib::ustring &attr_key, bool create)
    // first assume that the last path element is an entry.
    _keySplit(pref_path, node_key, attr_key);
    // find the node corresponding to the "directory".
    Inkscape::XML::Node *node = _getNode(node_key, create), *child;
    for (child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->next()) {
        // If there is a node with id corresponding to the attr key,
        // this means that the last part of the path is actually a key (folder).
        // Change values accordingly.
        if (attr_key == child->attribute("id")) {
            node = child;
            attr_key = "";
            node_key = pref_path;
    return node;
NodeType* BodyNodeSpecializedFor<SpecNode>::getNode(std::size_t index)
  return _getNode(type<NodeType>(), index);
NodeType* SkeletonSpecializedFor<SpecNode>::getNode(
    const std::string& name)
  return _getNode(type<NodeType>(), name);
NodeType* SkeletonSpecializedFor<SpecNode>::getNode(
    std::size_t treeIndex, std::size_t nodeIndex)
  return _getNode(type<NodeType>(), treeIndex, nodeIndex);
 boolean MatrixCharlieplex::turnOff(uint16_t index) {
     return _setNode(_getNode(index), LOW);
 boolean MatrixCharlieplex::turnOn(uint16_t index) {
     return _setNode(_getNode(index), HIGH);
 boolean MatrixCharlieplex::turnOff(uint8_t row, uint8_t col) {
     return _setNode(_getNode(row, col), LOW);
 boolean MatrixCharlieplex::turnOn(uint8_t row, uint8_t col) {
     return _setNode(_getNode(row, col), HIGH);