float cpu_percentage( unsigned int cpu_usage_delay )
    // Get the load times from the XNU kernel
    host_cpu_load_info_data_t load1 = _get_cpu_percentage();
    host_cpu_load_info_data_t load2 = _get_cpu_percentage();
    // Current load times
    unsigned long long current_user = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
    unsigned long long current_system = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
    unsigned long long current_nice = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
    unsigned long long current_idle = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
    // Next load times
    unsigned long long next_user = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
    unsigned long long next_system = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
    unsigned long long next_nice = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
    unsigned long long next_idle = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
    // Difference between the two
    unsigned long long diff_user = next_user - current_user;
    unsigned long long diff_system = next_system - current_system;
    unsigned long long diff_nice = next_nice - current_nice;
    unsigned long long diff_idle = next_idle - current_idle;

    return static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice)/static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice + diff_idle)*100.0;
float cpu_percentage( unsigned int cpu_usage_delay )
  // Get the load times from the XNU kernel
  host_cpu_load_info_data_t load1 = _get_cpu_percentage();
  host_cpu_load_info_data_t load2 = _get_cpu_percentage();

  // Current load times
  unsigned long long current_user    = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
  unsigned long long current_system  = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
  unsigned long long current_nice    = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
  unsigned long long current_idle    = load1.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
  // Next load times
  unsigned long long next_user       = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER];
  unsigned long long next_system     = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM];
  unsigned long long next_nice       = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_NICE];
  unsigned long long next_idle       = load2.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE];
  // Difference between the two
  unsigned long long diff_user       = next_user - current_user;
  unsigned long long diff_system     = next_system - current_system;
  unsigned long long diff_nice       = next_nice - current_nice;
  unsigned long long diff_idle       = next_idle - current_idle;

#else // Linux

float cpu_percentage( unsigned int cpu_usage_delay )
  std::string stat_line;
  size_t line_start_pos;
  size_t line_end_pos;
  unsigned long long current_user;
  unsigned long long current_system;
  unsigned long long current_nice;
  unsigned long long current_idle;
  unsigned long long next_user;
  unsigned long long next_system;
  unsigned long long next_nice;
  unsigned long long next_idle;
  unsigned long long diff_user;
  unsigned long long diff_system;
  unsigned long long diff_nice;
  unsigned long long diff_idle;
  std::istringstream iss;

  std::ifstream stat_file("/proc/stat");
  getline(stat_file, stat_line);

  // skip "cpu"
  line_start_pos = stat_line.find_first_not_of(" ", 3);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_start_pos);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);

  iss.str( stat_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
  iss >> current_user >> current_nice >> current_system >> current_idle;

  usleep( cpu_usage_delay );

  getline(stat_file, stat_line);

  // skip "cpu"
  line_start_pos = stat_line.find_first_not_of(" ", 3);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_start_pos);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
  line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);

  iss.str( stat_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
  iss >> next_user >> next_nice >> next_system >> next_idle;

  diff_user   = next_user - current_user;
  diff_system = next_system - current_system;
  diff_nice   = next_nice - current_nice;
  diff_idle   = next_idle - current_idle;

#endif // platform
  return static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice)/static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice + diff_idle)*100.0;