BOOL ReadObjData( LPSTR lpFileName, LPOBJECTLIST lpObjList, int outDepth, LPINT lpDataType, LPRECT lpScaleRect, LPINT lpFullFileX, LPINT lpFullFileY, LPINT lpFullResolution) /************************************************************************/ { LPFRAME lpFrame; LPOBJECT lpObject; int ifh; LPLONG lngptr; LPWORD shtptr; int nObjects, i, idFileType, nPasses; WORD wBytes, wByteOrder, wVersion; long lObjSize, lObjStart; LPOBJOFFSETS lpOffsets; OBJECT Obj; LFIXED xrate, yrate; int opix, olin, baseW, baseH; LPRECT lpLoadRect; xrate = yrate = UNITY; lpOffsets = NULL; if ( !lpObjList ) return( FALSE ); lpObjList->lpHead = lpObjList->lpTail = NULL; if ( (ifh = _lopen(lpFileName, OF_READ)) < 0) { Message( IDS_EOPEN, lpFileName ); return( FALSE ); } // Read in header info wBytes = OBJ_HDR_SIZE; if ( _lread(ifh, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes ) goto BadRead; shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0]; wByteOrder = GetNextWord(&shtptr); /* byte order is LSB,MSB */ if (wByteOrder != TIF_II && wByteOrder != TIF_MM) goto BadRead; wVersion = GetNextWord(&shtptr); /* Version Number */ nObjects = GetNextWord(&shtptr); /* Number of Objects */ lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr; lObjSize = GetNextLong(&lngptr); /* size of object data */ lObjStart = GetNextLong(&lngptr); /* start of object data */ if (!(lpOffsets = (LPOBJOFFSETS)Alloc(sizeof(OBJOFFSETS)*nObjects))) { Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); return(FALSE); } _llseek (ifh, lObjStart, 0); wBytes = (WORD)lObjSize; nPasses = 0; for (i = 0; i < nObjects; ++i) { if ( _lread(ifh, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes ) goto BadRead; shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0]; Obj.ObjectType = (OBJECT_TYPE)GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.rObject.left = GetNextWord(&shtptr); = GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.rObject.right = GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.rObject.bottom = GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.Opacity = GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.MergeMode = (MERGE_MODE)GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.wGroupID = GetNextWord(&shtptr); if (i==0 && lpScaleRect) { opix = RectWidth(lpScaleRect); olin = RectHeight(lpScaleRect); baseW = RectWidth(&Obj.rObject); baseH = RectHeight(&Obj.rObject); xrate = ScaleToFit(&opix, &olin, baseW, baseH); if (opix > baseW || olin > baseH) { // No upsizing allowed opix = baseW; olin = baseH; } xrate = FGET( opix, baseW ); yrate = FGET( olin, baseH ); } // scale the object rect Obj.rObject.left = FMUL(Obj.rObject.left, xrate); = FMUL(, yrate); Obj.rObject.right = FMUL(Obj.rObject.right, xrate); Obj.rObject.bottom = FMUL(Obj.rObject.bottom, yrate); if (!(lpObject = ObjCreateFromFrame(ST_PERMANENT, NULL, NULL, &Obj.rObject, Control.NoUndo))) { Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); goto BadRead; } idFileType = GetNextWord(&shtptr); lpOffsets[i].bInvert = GetNextWord(&shtptr); lpOffsets[i].rMask.left = GetNextWord(&shtptr); lpOffsets[i] = GetNextWord(&shtptr); lpOffsets[i].rMask.right = GetNextWord(&shtptr); lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom = GetNextWord(&shtptr); // scale the mask rect lpOffsets[i].rMask.left = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.left, xrate); lpOffsets[i] = FMUL(lpOffsets[i], yrate); lpOffsets[i].rMask.right = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.right, xrate); lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom = FMUL(lpOffsets[i].rMask.bottom, yrate); lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr; lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset = GetNextLong(&lngptr); lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset = GetNextLong(&lngptr); shtptr = (LPWORD)lngptr; // versions after 1.1 saved selected state if (wVersion == 0x0101) Obj.fSelected = NO; else Obj.fSelected = GetNextWord(&shtptr); if (wVersion < 0x0103 || lObjSize == 41) { Obj.ObjectDataID = OBJECT_DATA_NONE; Obj.dwObjectData = 0; } else { Obj.ObjectDataID = GetNextWord(&shtptr); Obj.dwObjectData = *(LPDWORD)shtptr; shtptr += 2; } lpObject->ObjectType = Obj.ObjectType; lpObject->Opacity = Obj.Opacity; lpObject->MergeMode = Obj.MergeMode; lpObject->wGroupID = Obj.wGroupID; lpObject->fSelected = Obj.fSelected; lpObject->ObjectDataID = Obj.ObjectDataID; lpObject->dwObjectData = Obj.dwObjectData; ObjAddTail(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject); ++nPasses; if (lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset) ++nPasses; } ProgressBegin(nPasses, 0); lpObject = NULL; i = 0; while (lpObject = (LPOBJECT)ObjGetNextObject(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject, YES)) { if (lpScaleRect && i!=0) { lpLoadRect = &lpObject->rObject; } else lpLoadRect = lpScaleRect; _llseek (ifh, lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset, 0); lpFrame = ReadTiffData(ifh, lpFileName, outDepth, lpDataType, NO/*bReadOnly*/, lpLoadRect, NO, lpFullFileX, lpFullFileY, lpFullResolution); if (i == 0) { lpDataType = NULL; lpFullFileX = NULL; lpFullFileY = NULL; lpFullResolution = NULL; } if (!lpFrame) goto BadRead; PixmapSetup(&lpObject->Pixmap, lpFrame, Control.NoUndo); if (!lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset) { ++i; continue; } _llseek (ifh, lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset, 0); lpFrame = ReadTiffData(ifh, lpFileName, outDepth, lpDataType, NO/*bReadOnly*/, lpLoadRect, NO, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!lpFrame) goto BadRead; lpObject->lpAlpha = MaskCreate(lpFrame, 0, 0, OFF, Control.NoUndo); if (!lpObject->lpAlpha) { Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); goto BadRead; } lpObject->lpAlpha->bInvert = lpOffsets[i].bInvert; lpObject->lpAlpha->rMask = lpOffsets[i].rMask; ++i; } if ( lpOffsets ) FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets ); _lclose(ifh); ProgressEnd(); return( TRUE ); BadRead: while (lpObject = (LPOBJECT)ObjGetNextObject(lpObjList, NULL, YES)) { ObjUnlinkObject(lpObjList, (LPPRIMOBJECT)lpObject); ObjFreeUp(lpObject); } _lclose(ifh); if ( lpOffsets ) FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets ); if (nPasses) ProgressEnd(); Message( IDS_EREAD, lpFileName ); return( FALSE ); }
static int _tiffCloseProc(thandle_t fd) { return (_lclose(fd)); }
BOOL WritePalette( /************************************************************************/ LPSTR lpFileName, LPPALETTE lpPalette) { int ofh; /* file handle( unbuffered) */ FILEBUF ofd; /* file descriptor( buffered) */ int i; VERSIONINFO version; RECINFO rec; if (!lpPalette) return(FALSE); /* open the output file */ if ( ( ofh = _lcreat( lpFileName, 0)) < 0 ) { Message( IDS_EWRITE, lpFileName); return( NO); } /* create a buffered stream to speed access */ FileFDOpenWrt( &ofd, ofh, (LPTR)LineBuffer[0], 16*1024); // write palette version version.Length = sizeof(version.Number); version.Type = PALFILE_VERSION; version.Number = CURRENT_VERSION; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&version, sizeof(version)); while (lpPalette) { if (lpPalette->iColors || TRUE) { // write palette name rec.Length = lstrlen(lpPalette->szName)+1; rec.Type = PALFILE_NAME; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)lpPalette->szName, rec.Length); // write palette colors rec.Length = sizeof(WORD)+(lpPalette->iColors * sizeof(COLOR)); rec.Type = PALFILE_COLORS; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); intelWriteWord( &ofd, lpPalette->iColors); for (i = 0; i < lpPalette->iColors; ++i) { intelWriteDWord(&ofd, RGB2long(lpPalette->lpColorInfo[i].rgb)); } // write color lables if (lpPalette->lpLabels && lpPalette->LabelsLength) { rec.Length = lpPalette->LabelsLength; rec.Type = PALFILE_LABELS; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); FileWrite(&ofd, lpPalette->lpLabels, rec.Length); } // write formating information if (lstrlen(lpPalette->szFormat) > 0) { rec.Length = lstrlen(lpPalette->szFormat)+1; rec.Type = PALFILE_FORMAT; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)lpPalette->szFormat, rec.Length); } // write palette grouping rec.Length = 4; rec.Type = PALFILE_GROUP; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); intelWriteDWord( &ofd, lpPalette->dwGroup); lpPalette = lpPalette->lpNext; } } // write palette end record rec.Length = 0; rec.Type = PALFILE_END; FileWrite(&ofd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(rec)); FileFlush(&ofd); _lclose(ofh); if ( ofd.err) { Message( IDS_EWRITE, lpFileName); return( NO); } return( YES); }
BOOL FAR TMSRPT01(TMSRPTPassedDataDef *pPassedData) { REPORTPARMSDef REPORTPARMS; HFILE hfOutputFile; BOOL bKeepGoing = FALSE; BOOL bRC; int maxSelectedPatternNodes = 100; int nI; int nJ; int nK; int nL; int numSelectedPatternNodes; int rcode2; long *pSelectedPatternNodes = NULL; pPassedData->nReportNumber = 0; pPassedData->numDataFiles = 1; // // See what he wants // REPORTPARMS.nReportNumber = pPassedData->nReportNumber; REPORTPARMS.ROUTESrecordID = m_RouteRecordID; REPORTPARMS.SERVICESrecordID = m_ServiceRecordID; REPORTPARMS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID = NO_RECORD; REPORTPARMS.COMMENTSrecordID = NO_RECORD; REPORTPARMS.pRouteList = NULL; REPORTPARMS.pServiceList = NULL; REPORTPARMS.flags = RPFLAG_ROUTES | RPFLAG_SERVICES | RPFLAG_PATTERNNAMES | RPFLAG_COMMENTS; bRC = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_RPTPARMS), hWndMain, (DLGPROC)RPTPARMSMsgProc, (LPARAM)&REPORTPARMS); if(!bRC) { return(FALSE); } // // Check the list of routes and services // if(REPORTPARMS.numRoutes == 0 || REPORTPARMS.numServices == 0) { goto deallocate; } // // Open the output file // strcpy(tempString, szReportsTempFolder); strcat(tempString, "\\tmsrpt01.txt"); hfOutputFile = _lcreat(tempString, 0); if(hfOutputFile == HFILE_ERROR) { LoadString(hInst, ERROR_202, szFormatString, sizeof(szFormatString)); sprintf(szarString, szFormatString, tempString); MessageBeep(MB_ICONSTOP); MessageBox((HWND)NULL, szarString, TMS, MB_ICONSTOP); goto deallocate; } strcpy(pPassedData->szReportDataFile[0], tempString); // // Allocate the nodes arrays // pSelectedPatternNodes = (long *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(long) * maxSelectedPatternNodes); if(pSelectedPatternNodes == NULL) { AllocationError(__FILE__, __LINE__, FALSE); goto deallocate; } // // Load any header and trailer special characters // LoadHeadersAndTrailers01(); // // Loop through the routes // SetCursor(hCursorWait); for(nI = 0; nI < REPORTPARMS.numRoutes; nI++) { ROUTESKey0.recordID = REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_ROUTES, &ROUTES, &ROUTESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { continue; } // // Loop through the services // for(nJ = 0; nJ < REPORTPARMS.numServices; nJ++) { SERVICESKey0.recordID = REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_SERVICES, &SERVICES, &SERVICESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { continue; } // // Loop through the directions // for(nK = 0; nK < 2; nK++) { if(ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nK] == NO_RECORD) { continue; } // // Find the selected pattern nodes // numSelectedPatternNodes = 0; PATTERNNAMESKey0.recordID = REPORTPARMS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_PATTERNNAMES, &PATTERNNAMES, &PATTERNNAMESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 == 0) { PATTERNSKey2.ROUTESrecordID = REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI]; PATTERNSKey2.SERVICESrecordID = REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ]; PATTERNSKey2.directionIndex = nK; PATTERNSKey2.PATTERNNAMESrecordID = PATTERNNAMES.recordID; PATTERNSKey2.nodeSequence = NO_RECORD; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATEROREQUAL, TMS_PATTERNS, &PATTERNS, &PATTERNSKey2, 2); while(rcode2 == 0 && PATTERNS.ROUTESrecordID == REPORTPARMS.pRouteList[nI] && PATTERNS.SERVICESrecordID == REPORTPARMS.pServiceList[nJ] && PATTERNS.directionIndex == nK && PATTERNS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID == PATTERNNAMES.recordID) { if(!(PATTERNS.flags & PATTERNS_FLAG_BUSSTOP)) { pSelectedPatternNodes[numSelectedPatternNodes++] = PATTERNS.NODESrecordID; if(numSelectedPatternNodes >= maxSelectedPatternNodes) { maxSelectedPatternNodes += 50; pSelectedPatternNodes = (long *)HeapReAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pSelectedPatternNodes, sizeof(long) * maxSelectedPatternNodes); if(pSelectedPatternNodes == NULL) { AllocationError(__FILE__, __LINE__, TRUE); goto deallocate; } } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_PATTERNS, &PATTERNS, &PATTERNSKey2, 2); } } if(numSelectedPatternNodes == 0) { continue; } // // Write out the id record // strcpy(tempString, szRSDHeader); strncpy(szarString, ROUTES.number, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); trim(szarString, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, " "); strncpy(szarString,, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, " "); DIRECTIONSKey0.recordID = ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nK]; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONSKey0, 0); strncpy(szarString, DIRECTIONS.abbrName, DIRECTIONS_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, DIRECTIONS_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, " "); strncpy(szarString,, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, szRSDTrailer); strcat(tempString, "\r\n"); _lwrite(hfOutputFile, tempString, strlen(tempString)); // // Write out the number of nodes record // strcpy(tempString, szNumNodesHeader); if(strcmp(szNumNodesHeader, "") != 0) { strcat(tempString, " "); } sprintf(szarString, "%d", numSelectedPatternNodes); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, szNumNodesTrailer); strcat(tempString, "\r\n"); _lwrite(hfOutputFile, tempString, strlen(tempString)); // // Cycle through, and write out, the pattern nodes // for(nL = 0; nL < numSelectedPatternNodes; nL++) { strcpy(tempString, szEachNodeHeader); NODESKey0.recordID = pSelectedPatternNodes[nL]; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_NODES, &NODES, &NODESKey0, 0); strncpy(szarString, NODES.intersection, NODES_INTERSECTION_LENGTH); trim(szarString, NODES_INTERSECTION_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, szEachNodeTrailer); strcat(tempString, "\r\n"); _lwrite(hfOutputFile, tempString, strlen(tempString)); } // nL } // nK } // nJ } // nI bKeepGoing = TRUE; // // Free allocated memory // deallocate: TMSHeapFree(REPORTPARMS.pRouteList); TMSHeapFree(REPORTPARMS.pServiceList); TMSHeapFree(pSelectedPatternNodes); _lclose(hfOutputFile); SetCursor(hCursorArrow); if(!bKeepGoing) { return(FALSE); } // // All done // return(TRUE); }
BOOL XSendPacket(PFileVar fv, PXVar xv, PComVar cv) { BYTE b; int i; BOOL SendFlag; WORD Check; SendFlag = FALSE; if (xv->PktBufCount == 0) { i = XRead1Byte(fv, xv, cv, &b); do { if (i == 0) return TRUE; switch (b) { case ACK: if (!fv->FileOpen) { fv->Success = TRUE; return FALSE; } else if (xv->PktNumSent == (BYTE) (xv->PktNum + 1)) { xv->PktNum = xv->PktNumSent; if (xv->PktNum == 0) xv->PktNumOffset = xv->PktNumOffset + 256; SendFlag = TRUE; } break; case NAK: if (xv->PktNum == 0 && xv->XOpt == Xopt1K) { /* we wanted 1k with CRC, but the other end specified checksum */ /* keep the 1k block, but move back to checksum mode. */ xv->XOpt = XoptCheck; xv->CheckLen = 1; } SendFlag = TRUE; break; case CAN: break; case 0x43: if ((xv->PktNum == 0) && (xv->PktNumOffset == 0) && (xv->PktNumSent == 0)) { if ((xv->XOpt == XoptCheck)) XSetOpt(fv, xv, XoptCRC); SendFlag = TRUE; } break; } if (!SendFlag) i = XRead1Byte(fv, xv, cv, &b); } while (!SendFlag); // reset timeout timer FTSetTimeOut(fv, TimeOutVeryLong); do { i = XRead1Byte(fv, xv, cv, &b); } while (i != 0); if (xv->PktNumSent == xv->PktNum) { /* make a new packet */ xv->PktNumSent++; if (xv->DataLen == 128) xv->PktOut[0] = SOH; else xv->PktOut[0] = STX; xv->PktOut[1] = xv->PktNumSent; xv->PktOut[2] = ~xv->PktNumSent; i = 1; while ((i <= xv->DataLen) && fv->FileOpen && (_lread(fv->FileHandle, &b, 1) == 1)) { xv->PktOut[2 + i] = b; i++; fv->ByteCount++; } if (i > 1) { while (i <= xv->DataLen) { xv->PktOut[2 + i] = 0x1A; i++; } Check = XCalcCheck(xv, xv->PktOut); if (xv->CheckLen == 1) /* Checksum */ xv->PktOut[xv->DataLen + 3] = (BYTE) Check; else { xv->PktOut[xv->DataLen + 3] = HIBYTE(Check); xv->PktOut[xv->DataLen + 4] = LOBYTE(Check); } xv->PktBufCount = 3 + xv->DataLen + xv->CheckLen; } else { /* send EOT */ if (fv->FileOpen) { _lclose(fv->FileHandle); fv->FileHandle = 0; fv->FileOpen = FALSE; } xv->PktOut[0] = EOT; xv->PktBufCount = 1; } } else { /* resend packet */ if (xv->PktOut[0] == EOT) { xv->PktBufCount = 1; } else { xv->PktBufCount = 3 + xv->DataLen + xv->CheckLen; } } xv->PktBufPtr = 0; } /* a NAK or C could have arrived while we were buffering. Consume it. */ do { i = XRead1Byte(fv, xv, cv, &b); } while (i != 0); i = 1; while ((xv->PktBufCount > 0) && (i > 0)) { b = xv->PktOut[xv->PktBufPtr]; i = XWrite(fv, xv, cv, &b, 1); if (i > 0) { xv->PktBufCount--; xv->PktBufPtr++; } } if (xv->PktBufCount == 0) { if (xv->PktNumSent == 0) { SetDlgNum(fv->HWin, IDC_PROTOPKTNUM, xv->PktNumOffset + 256); } else { SetDlgNum(fv->HWin, IDC_PROTOPKTNUM, xv->PktNumOffset + xv->PktNumSent); } SetDlgNum(fv->HWin, IDC_PROTOBYTECOUNT, fv->ByteCount); SetDlgPercent(fv->HWin, IDC_PROTOPERCENT, IDC_PROTOPROGRESS, fv->ByteCount, fv->FileSize, &fv->ProgStat); SetDlgTime(fv->HWin, IDC_PROTOELAPSEDTIME, fv->StartTime, fv->ByteCount); } return TRUE; }
int OpenImage (int nFlags, LONG lParam) { FARPROC lpfnOpenDlg; int hInFile = 0; int nError = EC_ERROR; int nFileType; OFSTRUCT Of; ATOM Atom; WORD wBytes; int hTempFile; int nErr = FALSE; /* First get szOpenFileName filled in */ switch (nFlags) { case SCAN_OPEN: CleanFiles (); Atom = (ATOM) LOWORD (lParam); wBytes = GlobalGetAtomName (Atom, szOpenFileName, 128); GlobalDeleteAtom (Atom); GetNameFromPath ((LPSTR) szImageName, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); bIsCurrTemp = FALSE; bImageModified = FALSE; break; case USER_OPEN: // CleanFiles (); BUG HERE???? lpfnOpenDlg = MakeProcInstance ((FARPROC)OpenDlgProc, hInstIP); hInFile = DialogBox (hInstIP, "FILEDLG", hWndIP, lpfnOpenDlg); FreeProcInstance (lpfnOpenDlg); if (hInFile) { CleanFiles (); // Put here instead of before call to dialog _lclose (hInFile); // Kludge.. /* Always get image name from path. Optionally also update the szOpenDir */ GetNameFromPath ((LPSTR) szImageName, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); if (szOpenFileName [1] == ':') // Look for A: or B:, if neither, remember open drive/directory { if (! (szOpenFileName [0] == 'A' || szOpenFileName[0] == 'B' || szOpenFileName[0] == 'a' || szOpenFileName[0] == 'b')) { SeparateFile ((LPSTR) szOpenDir, (LPSTR) szImageName, (LPSTR)szOpenFileName); _fstrcpy ((LPSTR) szSaveDir, (LPSTR) szOpenDir); } } bIsCurrTemp = FALSE; } else nErr = USER_ABANDON; bImageModified = FALSE; break; case COMMAND_LINE_OPEN: CleanFiles (); _fstrcpy ((LPSTR)szOpenFileName, (LPSTR) lParam); GetNameFromPath ((LPSTR) szImageName, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); bIsCurrTemp = FALSE; bImageModified = FALSE; break; case TOOLS_OPEN: _fstrcpy ((LPSTR)szOpenFileName, (LPSTR) lParam); bIsCurrTemp = TRUE; break; case OIC_OPEN: case AUTO_CONVERT_OPEN: _fstrcpy ((LPSTR)szOpenFileName, (LPSTR) lParam); bIsCurrTemp = TRUE; bImageModified = FALSE; break; case CLIPBOARD_OPEN: CleanFiles (); Atom = (ATOM) LOWORD (lParam); wBytes = GlobalGetAtomName (Atom, szOpenFileName, 128); GlobalDeleteAtom (Atom); _fstrcpy ((LPSTR) szImageName, (LPSTR) "Untitled"); bIsCurrTemp = TRUE; bImageModified = FALSE; break; case GENERIC_OPEN: case UNDO_OPEN: _fstrcpy ((LPSTR)szOpenFileName, (LPSTR) lParam); break; } if (nErr != 0) return (nErr); hInFile = OpenFile ((LPSTR)szOpenFileName, (LPOFSTRUCT)&Of, OF_READWRITE); if (hInFile <= 0) { if (hInFile == 0) hInFile = IDCANCEL; nError = hInFile; return (nError); } /* Identify and Import File */ if (image_active) { _fstrcpy ((LPSTR) szTempPath, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); // Store it somewhere SendMessage (hWndDisplay, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); // Close that baby down! if (nFlags == USER_OPEN) // So we don't re-display dialog nFlags = COMMAND_LINE_OPEN; else if (nFlags == CLIPBOARD_OPEN) nFlags = GENERIC_OPEN; _lclose (hInFile); PostMessage (hWndIP, WM_SHOWIMAGE, nFlags, (LONG) (LPSTR) szTempPath); // Re-prime the pump return (0); } _fstrcpy ((LPSTR) szCurrFileName, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); // For having UNDO cap. 5/91 _llseek (hInFile, 0L, 0); nFileType = IdentFormat (hInFile, (LPSTR) szOpenFileName); if (nFileType < 0) { /* File type unknown */ _lclose (hInFile); hImportFile = 0; return (nFileType); } switch (nFileType) { case IDFMT_CCPI: { char Buffer [128]; GetTempFileName (0, (LPSTR) "OIC", 0, (LPSTR) Buffer); #ifndef DECIPHER /* If file type is compressed cpi, decompress first, then re-open */ hTempFile = DecompressCPI (hInFile ,(LPSTR) Buffer); if (hTempFile > 0) { _lclose (hInFile); return (OpenImage (OIC_OPEN, (LONG) (LPSTR) Buffer)); } else return (hTempFile); } #else return (EC_UFILETYPE); #endif break; case IDFMT_WMF: { char Buffer [128]; WORD Retval; wUserImportType = (WORD) nFileType; GetTempFileName (0, (LPSTR) "WMF", 0, (LPSTR) Buffer); Retval = wmfImportMetaFile (hWndIP, hInFile, (LPSTR) Buffer); if (Retval == 0) { _lclose (hInFile); return (OpenImage (OIC_OPEN, (LONG) (LPSTR) Buffer)); } else return (USER_ABANDON); } break; case IDFMT_CPI: break; default: if (bDoDisplay) // If we are going to actually display the thing, we may need to do some stuff first.. if (bAutoConvert) { /* Now if opened image is not CPI, save as CPI and re-open as CPI */ if (wImportType != IDFMT_CPI) if (bAutoConvert) { wUserImportType = (WORD) nFileType; hImportFile = hInFile; SetState (IMPORT_TYPE, nFileType); nError = ImportFile(); if (nError != 0) return (nError); else return (DoSave (SAVE_TO_CPI)); } } break; } hImportFile = hInFile; SetState (IMPORT_TYPE, nFileType); if (! wUserImportType) wUserImportType = wImportType; nError = ImportFile(); if (nError >= 0) if (! bDoDisplay) PostMessage (hWndIP, WM_COMMAND, IDM_SAVE, 0L); return (nError); }
CFile::~CFile(void) { if (m_hFile != HFILE_ERROR) _lclose(m_hFile); }
//============================================================================= // This routine loads a 256 color PCX file. The file can be a standalone // PCX file or it can be combined with a resource. If the data is part // of a resource, the rshandle flag will be set. The bitmap data is read // into a buffer that is the size of the bitmap + 4 bytes. The first 4 // bytes in the buffer contain the width and height of the bitmap. //============================================================================= unsigned char *AckReadPCX(char *filename) { int32_t i; int mode=NORMAL,nbytes; char abyte,*p; short handle; PcxFile *pcx; pcx = &pcxGlobal; // Open the file since no resource is open. if (!rsHandle) { handle = _lopen(filename,OF_READ); // Open the file for reading if (handle == HFILE_ERROR) // Make sure file is opened { ErrorCode = ERR_BADFILE; return NULL; } } else // Use the resource instead { handle = rsHandle; // Use the handle to the resource file // Move to the location in the resource where the data is stored _llseek(handle,(int)(rbaTable[(int64_t)filename]),SEEK_SET); } _lread(handle,&pcx->hdr,sizeof(PcxHeader)); // Read in the header data pcx->width=1+pcx->hdr.xmax-pcx->hdr.xmin; // Store width and height pcx->height=1+pcx->hdr.ymax-pcx->hdr.ymin; // Store number of bytes used for image pcx->imagebytes=(unsigned int)(pcx->width*pcx->height); // Make sure bitmap is correct size if (pcx->imagebytes > PCX_MAX_SIZE) { if (!rsHandle) _lclose(handle); ErrorCode = ERR_INVALIDFORM; return(NULL); } // Allocate size for bitmap. 4 extra bytes are included to give // room to store bitmap width and height info. pcx->bitmap=(UCHAR*)AckMalloc(pcx->imagebytes+4); if (pcx->bitmap == NULL) // Make sure memory is allocated { if (!rsHandle) _lclose(handle); ErrorCode = ERR_NOMEMORY; return(NULL); } p=(char*)(&pcx->bitmap[4]); // Get address of data area // Loop and read in pixel data for bitmap // Uses RLE decompression for (i=0;i<pcx->imagebytes;i++) { if (mode == NORMAL) // Normal color read mode { _lread(handle,&abyte,1); // Read in pixel value from file if ((unsigned char)abyte > 0xbf) // Value read > 191 { nbytes=abyte & 0x3f; // Get the RLE counter _lread(handle,&abyte,1); if (--nbytes > 0) // Is counter greater than 1? mode=RLE; // Yes, we're in RLE mode } } else if (--nbytes == 0) // When counter down to 0 mode=NORMAL; // return to color read mode *p++=abyte; // Store pixel value } // Get palette from PCX file, 256 color palette store 768 bytes from // end of file. For a resource file we need to find the position where // the next file starts and then backup 768 bytes if (rsHandle) _llseek(handle,(int)(rbaTable[(int64_t)(filename + 1)])-768,SEEK_CUR); else _llseek(handle,-768,SEEK_END); // Store the palette data in our global colordat array _lread(handle,colordat,768); p=(char*)colordat; for (i=0;i<768;i++) // bit shift palette *p++ = *p >> 2; if (!rsHandle) // Close pcx file if not using a resource _lclose(handle); // Add in bitmap width and height to first 4 bytes of buffer p = (char*)pcx->bitmap; (*(short *)p) = pcx->width; p += sizeof(short); (*(short *)p) = pcx->height; return(pcx->bitmap); // return bitmap buffer }
BOOL FAR TMSRPT73(TMSRPTPassedDataDef *pPassedData) { CombinedDef Combined[TMSRPT73_MAXROUTES]; HFILE hfOutputFile; BOOL bKeepGoing = FALSE; BOOL bFound; char outputString[512]; long tempLong; long fromDate, toDate; long year, month,day; int nI; int nJ; int nK; int rcode2; int numCombined; pPassedData->nReportNumber = 72; pPassedData->numDataFiles = 1; // // See what he wants // if(!GetDateRange(&fromDate, &toDate)) { return(FALSE); } // // Open the output file // strcpy(tempString, szReportsTempFolder); strcat(tempString, "\\TMSRPT73.txt"); hfOutputFile = _lcreat(tempString, 0); if(hfOutputFile == HFILE_ERROR) { LoadString(hInst, ERROR_202, szFormatString, sizeof(szFormatString)); sprintf(szarString, szFormatString, tempString); MessageBeep(MB_ICONSTOP); MessageBox((HWND)NULL, szarString, TMS, MB_ICONSTOP); goto deallocate; } strcpy(pPassedData->szReportDataFile[0], tempString); // // Go through the audit trail to get the ridership numbers // StatusBarStart(hWndMain, "Unloading Ridership Data"); for(tempLong = fromDate; tempLong <= toDate; tempLong++) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } for(nI = 0; nI < TMSRPT73_MAXROUTES; nI++) { Combined[nI].ROUTESrecordID = NO_RECORD; Combined[nI].RUNSrecordID = NO_RECORD; for(nJ = 0; nJ < 4; nJ++) { Combined[nI].numFares[nJ] = 0; Combined[nI].fareValue[nJ] = 0; } Combined[nI].mileageOut = 0.0; Combined[nI].mileageIn = 0.0; } numCombined = 0; DAILYOPSKey1.recordTypeFlag = DAILYOPS_FLAG_RIDERSHIP; DAILYOPSKey1.pertainsToDate = tempLong; DAILYOPSKey1.pertainsToTime = 0; DAILYOPSKey1.recordFlags = 0; bFound = FALSE; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATEROREQUAL, TMS_DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPSKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && (DAILYOPS.recordTypeFlag & DAILYOPS_FLAG_RIDERSHIP) && DAILYOPS.pertainsToDate == tempLong) { if(DAILYOPS.recordFlags & DAILYOPS_FLAG_SETRIDERSHIP) { if(!ANegatedRecord(DAILYOPS.recordID, 1)) { TRIPSKey0.recordID = DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.R.TRIPSrecordID; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); for(nI = 0; nI < numCombined; nI++) { if(Combined[nI].ROUTESrecordID == TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(!bFound) { nI = numCombined; Combined[nI].ROUTESrecordID = TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID; Combined[nI].RUNSrecordID = DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.R.RUNSrecordID; numCombined++; } for(nJ = 0; nJ < 4; nJ++) { Combined[nI].numFares[nJ] += DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.R.numFares[nJ]; } } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPSKey1, 1); } // // Get the fare values for each of the routes // for(nI = 0; nI < numCombined; nI++) { for(bFound = FALSE, nJ = 0; nJ < m_numFareTypesByRoute; nJ++) { if(Combined[nI].ROUTESrecordID == m_FareTypesByRoute[nJ].ROUTESrecordID) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(bFound) { for(nK = 0; nK < 4; nK++) { Combined[nI].fareValue[nK] = m_FareTypesByRoute[nJ].fareValue[nK]; } } } // // Get the mileage for this run // DAILYOPSKey1.recordTypeFlag = DAILYOPS_FLAG_RIDERSHIP; DAILYOPSKey1.pertainsToDate = tempLong; DAILYOPSKey1.pertainsToTime = 0; DAILYOPSKey1.recordFlags = 0; bFound = FALSE; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATEROREQUAL, TMS_DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPSKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && (DAILYOPS.recordTypeFlag & DAILYOPS_FLAG_RIDERSHIP) && DAILYOPS.pertainsToDate == tempLong) { if(DAILYOPS.recordFlags & DAILYOPS_FLAG_SETMILEAGE) { if(!ANegatedRecord(DAILYOPS.recordID, 1)) { for(nI = 0; nI < numCombined; nI++) { if(Combined[nI].RUNSrecordID == DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.M.RUNSrecordID) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(bFound) { Combined[nI].mileageOut = DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.M.mileageOut; Combined[nI].mileageIn = DAILYOPS.DOPS.Ridership.M.mileageIn; } } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPS, &DAILYOPSKey1, 1); } // // Loop through Combined // for(nI = 0; nI < numCombined; nI++) { // // Route number // ROUTESKey0.recordID = Combined[nI].ROUTESrecordID; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_ROUTES, &ROUTES, &ROUTESKey0, 0); strncpy(tempString, ROUTES.number, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); trim(tempString, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); strcpy(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Route name // strncpy(tempString,, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(tempString, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Date // GetYMD(tempLong, &year, &month, &day); sprintf(tempString, "%02ld/%02ld/%ld", month, day, year); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Cash received // for(nJ = 0; nJ < 4; nJ++) { sprintf(tempString, "%6.02f", Combined[nI].numFares[nJ] * Combined[nI].fareValue[nJ]); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); } // // Number of fares // for(nJ = 0; nJ < 4; nJ++) { sprintf(tempString, "%d", Combined[nI].numFares[nJ]); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); } // // Mileage // sprintf(tempString, "%8.1f", Combined[nI].mileageOut); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\t"); sprintf(tempString, "%8.1f", Combined[nI].mileageIn); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, "\r\n"); // // Write it out // _lwrite(hfOutputFile, outputString, strlen(outputString)); } } // tempLong bKeepGoing = TRUE; // // Free allocated memory // deallocate: _lclose(hfOutputFile); StatusBarEnd(); if(!bKeepGoing) { return(FALSE); } // // All done // return(TRUE); }
int DIAMONDAPI DiamondNotifyFunction( IN FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE Operation, IN PFDINOTIFICATION Parameters ) { switch(Operation) { case fdintCABINET_INFO: case fdintNEXT_CABINET: case fdintPARTIAL_FILE: // // Cabinet management functions which we don't use. // Return success. // return(0); case fdintCOPY_FILE: // // Diamond is asking us whether we want to copy the file. // { PDIAMOND_INFO Info = (PDIAMOND_INFO)Parameters->pv; HFILE h; // // If we need to rename the target file, do that here. // The name stored in the cabinet file will be used as // the uncompressed name. // if(Info->RenameTargetFile) { PSTR p,q; // // Find the start of the filename part of the target. // if(p = StringRevChar(Info->TargetFileName,'\\')) { p++; } else { p = Info->TargetFileName; } // // Find the start of the filename part of the name in the cabinet. // if(q = StringRevChar(Parameters->psz1,'\\')) { q++; } else { q = Parameters->psz1; } // // Copy the filename part of the name in the cabinet over // the filename part of the name in the target spec. // lstrcpy(p,q); } // // Inform the expand callback what we are doing. // if(!Info->ExpandNotify(Info->SourceFileName,Info->TargetFileName,NOTIFY_START_EXPAND)) { return(0); // skip this file. } // // Remember the uncompressed size and open the file. // Returns -1 if an error occurs opening the file. // Info->pLZI->cblOutSize = Parameters->cb; h = _lcreat(Info->TargetFileName,0); if(h == HFILE_ERROR) { DiamondLastIoError = LZERROR_BADOUTHANDLE; return(-1); } return(h); } case fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO: // // Diamond is done with the target file and wants us to close it. // (ie, this is the counterpart to fdint_COPY_FILE). // { PDIAMOND_INFO Info = (PDIAMOND_INFO)Parameters->pv; CopyDateTimeStamp(Info->SourceFileHandle,Parameters->hf); _lclose(Parameters->hf); } return(TRUE); } }
WORD FAR SaveDIB(HDIB hDib, LPSTR lpFileName) { BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfHdr; // Header for Bitmap file LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpBI; // Pointer to DIB info structure int fh; // file handle for opened file OFSTRUCT of; // OpenFile structure DWORD dwDIBSize; DWORD dwError; // Error return from MyWrite if (!hDib) return ERR_INVALIDHANDLE; fh = OpenFile(lpFileName, &of, OF_CREATE | OF_READWRITE); if (fh == -1) return ERR_OPEN; /* * Get a pointer to the DIB memory, the first of which contains * a BITMAPINFO structure */ lpBI = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(hDib); if (!lpBI) return ERR_LOCK; // Check to see if we're dealing with an OS/2 DIB. If so, don't // save it because our functions aren't written to deal with these // DIBs. if (lpBI->biSize != sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { GlobalUnlock(hDib); return ERR_NOT_DIB; } /* * Fill in the fields of the file header */ /* Fill in file type (first 2 bytes must be "BM" for a bitmap) */ bmfHdr.bfType = DIB_HEADER_MARKER; // "BM" // Calculating the size of the DIB is a bit tricky (if we want to // do it right). The easiest way to do this is to call GlobalSize() // on our global handle, but since the size of our global memory may have // been padded a few bytes, we may end up writing out a few too // many bytes to the file (which may cause problems with some apps, // like HC 3.0). // // So, instead let's calculate the size manually. // // To do this, find size of header plus size of color table. Since the // first DWORD in both BITMAPINFOHEADER and BITMAPCOREHEADER conains // the size of the structure, let's use this. dwDIBSize = *(LPDWORD)lpBI + PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI); // Partial Calculation // Now calculate the size of the image if ((lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE8) || (lpBI->biCompression == BI_RLE4)) { // It's an RLE bitmap, we can't calculate size, so trust the // biSizeImage field dwDIBSize += lpBI->biSizeImage; } else { DWORD dwBmBitsSize; // Size of Bitmap Bits only // It's not RLE, so size is Width (DWORD aligned) * Height dwBmBitsSize = WIDTHBYTES((lpBI->biWidth)*((DWORD)lpBI->biBitCount)) * lpBI->biHeight; dwDIBSize += dwBmBitsSize; // Now, since we have calculated the correct size, why don't we // fill in the biSizeImage field (this will fix any .BMP files which // have this field incorrect). lpBI->biSizeImage = dwBmBitsSize; } // Calculate the file size by adding the DIB size to sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) bmfHdr.bfSize = dwDIBSize + sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER); bmfHdr.bfReserved1 = 0; bmfHdr.bfReserved2 = 0; /* * Now, calculate the offset the actual bitmap bits will be in * the file -- It's the Bitmap file header plus the DIB header, * plus the size of the color table. */ bmfHdr.bfOffBits = (DWORD)sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + lpBI->biSize + PaletteSize((LPSTR)lpBI); /* Write the file header */ _lwrite(fh, (LPSTR)&bmfHdr, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); /* * Write the DIB header and the bits -- use local version of * MyWrite, so we can write more than 32767 bytes of data */ dwError = MyWrite(fh, (LPSTR)lpBI, dwDIBSize); GlobalUnlock(hDib); _lclose(fh); if (dwError == 0) return ERR_OPEN; // oops, something happened in the write else return 0; // Success code }
BOOL CDDB::ConstructDDBFromFile( // build a CDDB object from a DIB in a file LPCSTR lpszFileName, // name of file containing DIB data HDC hDC, // device context to use for call to CreateDIBitmap() BOOL fUseDIBPalette, // flag indicating if DIB bitmap should be used for conversion HPALETTE hPalette) { /* // Attempt to open the file and read in the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure. */ OFSTRUCT of; HFILE hfDIB; if ((hfDIB = OpenFile(lpszFileName, &of, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE)) != HFILE_ERROR) { BITMAPFILEHEADER BitmapFileHeader; if (_lread(hfDIB, &BitmapFileHeader, sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)) == sizeof(BitmapFileHeader)) { /* // Validate the header. */ if (BitmapFileHeader.bfType == 0x4d42) { /* // Read in the rest of the file. */ HGLOBAL hDIB; long dwDIBSize; dwDIBSize = BitmapFileHeader.bfSize-sizeof(BitmapFileHeader); if ((hDIB = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwDIBSize)) != NULL) { LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpHeader; if ((lpHeader = (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER)GlobalLock(hDIB)) != NULL) { if (_hread(hfDIB, lpHeader, dwDIBSize) == dwDIBSize) { /* // Validate the header size. */ if (lpHeader->biSize == sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) { /* // Create the DDB. */ ConstructDDB( // construct a DDB from the DIB data lpHeader, // pointer to BITMAPINFOHEADER structure hDC, // device context to use for call to CreateDIBitmap() fUseDIBPalette, // flag indicating if DIB bitmap should be used for conversion hPalette); } } GlobalUnlock(hDIB); lpHeader = NULL; } GlobalFree(hDIB); hDIB = NULL; } } } _lclose(hfDIB); hfDIB = HFILE_ERROR; } return IsValid(); }
int PisteDraw_Load_Bitmap(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, char *filename) { int file_handle, index; UCHAR *temp_buffer = NULL; OFSTRUCT file_data; if ((file_handle = OpenFile(filename,&file_data,OF_READ)) == -1) return 1; _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapfileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); if (bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfType!=BITMAP_ID) { _lclose(file_handle); return 2; } _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapinfoheader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount == 8) { _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->paletti, PD_max_varit*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); for (index=0; index < PD_max_varit; index++) { // reverse the red and green fields int temp_color = bitmap->paletti[index].peRed; bitmap->paletti[index].peRed = bitmap->paletti[index].peBlue; bitmap->paletti[index].peBlue = temp_color; bitmap->paletti[index].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; } } _lseek(file_handle,-(int)(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage),SEEK_END); if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==8 || bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==16 || bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==24) { if (!(bitmap->buffer = (UCHAR *)malloc(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage))) { _lclose(file_handle); return 3; } _lread(file_handle,bitmap->buffer,bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage); } else return 4; _lclose(file_handle); PisteDraw_Flip_Bitmap(bitmap->buffer, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount/8), bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight); return 0; }
/* Print File to port */ void WDPROC DumpPrinter(HWND hwnd, LPSTR szAppName, LPSTR szFileName) { #define PRINT_BUF_SIZE 4096 char *buffer; char *portname; int i, iport; DLGPROC lpfnSpoolProc; HPJOB hJob; UINT count; HFILE hf; int error = FALSE; DLGPROC lpfnCancelProc; long lsize; long ldone; char pcdone[10]; MSG msg; HWND hDlgModeless; if ((buffer = LocalAllocPtr(LHND, PRINT_BUF_SIZE)) == (char *)NULL) return; /* get list of ports */ GetProfileString("ports", NULL, "", buffer, PRINT_BUF_SIZE); /* select a port */ lpfnSpoolProc = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)SpoolDlgProc, hdllInstance); iport = DialogBoxParam(hdllInstance, "SpoolDlgBox", hwnd, lpfnSpoolProc, (LPARAM)buffer); FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)lpfnSpoolProc); if (!iport) { LocalFreePtr((void NEAR *)buffer); return; } portname = buffer; for (i=1; i<iport && lstrlen(portname)!=0; i++) portname += lstrlen(portname)+1; /* open file and get length */ hf = _lopen(szFileName, OF_READ); if (hf == HFILE_ERROR) { LocalFreePtr((void NEAR *)buffer); return; } lsize = _llseek(hf, 0L, 2); (void) _llseek(hf, 0L, 0); if (lsize <= 0) lsize = 1; hJob = OpenJob(portname, szFileName, (HDC)NULL); switch ((int)hJob) { case SP_APPABORT: case SP_ERROR: case SP_OUTOFDISK: case SP_OUTOFMEMORY: case SP_USERABORT: _lclose(hf); LocalFreePtr((void NEAR *)buffer); return; } if (StartSpoolPage(hJob) < 0) error = TRUE; ldone = 0; lpfnCancelProc = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance((FARPROC)CancelDlgProc, hdllInstance); hDlgModeless = CreateDialogParam(hdllInstance, "CancelDlgBox", hwnd, lpfnCancelProc, (LPARAM)szAppName); while (!error && hDlgModeless && IsWindow(hDlgModeless) && ((count = _lread(hf, buffer, PRINT_BUF_SIZE))!= 0) ) { wsprintf(pcdone, "%d%% done", (int)(ldone * 100 / lsize)); SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(hDlgModeless, CANCEL_PCDONE), pcdone); if (WriteSpool(hJob, buffer, count) < 0) error = TRUE; ldone += count; while (IsWindow(hDlgModeless) && PeekMessage(&msg, hDlgModeless, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (!IsDialogMessage(hDlgModeless, &msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } LocalFreePtr((void NEAR *)buffer); _lclose(hf); if (!hDlgModeless || !IsWindow(hDlgModeless)) error=TRUE; if (IsWindow(hDlgModeless)) DestroyWindow(hDlgModeless); hDlgModeless = 0; FreeProcInstance((FARPROC)lpfnCancelProc); EndSpoolPage(hJob); if (error) DeleteJob(hJob, 0); else CloseJob(hJob); }
LRESULT CALLBACK SpyWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch (msg) { case WM_CREATE: MyCreatePrintfWin(hwnd); return 0; case WM_INITMENU: if (GetMenu(ghwndSpyApp) == (HMENU)wParam) InitMenu((HMENU)wParam); break; case WM_COMMAND: return SpyCommand(hwnd, LOWORD(wParam), HIWORD(wParam)); case WM_ACTIVATE: /* * Set the focus to the printf window if we are being activated. */ if (LOWORD(wParam)) SetFocus(ghwndPrintf); break; case WM_SIZE: /* * Size the printf window to fit into the new client area size. */ MoveWindow(ghwndPrintf, -gcxBorder, -gcyBorder, LOWORD(lParam) + (2 * gcxBorder), HIWORD(lParam) + (2 * gcyBorder), TRUE); break; case WM_CLOSE: SetSpyHook(FALSE); #ifdef JAPAN // DBCS_FIX if (gfhCom1 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(gfhCom1); #endif if (gfhFile) _lclose(gfhFile); SendMessage(ghwndSpyHook, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); WriteRegistry(); WaitForSingleObject(ghHookThread, INFINITE); DestroyWindow(ghwndSpyApp); break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); /* Kill the main window */ ghwndSpyApp = NULL; ghwndPrintf = NULL; break; case WM_EXECINSTANCE: /* * another instance of spy has been started. */ if (IsIconic(hwnd)) ShowWindow(hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow(hwnd); BringWindowToTop(hwnd); break; default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
/////////////////////////////////////// // read in the DIB file format (256 color BMP) /////////////////////////////////////// BOOL CDib::ReadFile(LPSTR lpszFilename) { BITMAPINFOHEADER bih; OFSTRUCT of; HFILE fh; DWORD dwFileStart; BITMAPFILEHEADER bif; UINT rgbQuadTableSize; UINT lpbitsSize; UINT nPalEntries; // open the DIB file to initialize OFSTRUCT fh = OpenFile(lpszFilename, &of, OF_READ); if (fh == -1) { SetCDibState(FAIL_DIB_OPEN); return FALSE; } // find the beginning of the DIB file dwFileStart = _llseek(fh, 0L, FILE_BEGIN); // BITMAPFILEHEADER // read in the BITMAPFILEHEADER if ((_lread(fh,&bif, sizeof(bif))) != sizeof(bif)) { SetCDibState(FAIL_FHDR_READ); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // is the BITMAPFILEHEADER field bfType = 'BM' ? if (bif.bfType != 0x4D42) { SetCDibState(FAIL_BFTYPE_INVALID); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // BITMAPINFOHEADER // read in the BITMAPINFOHEADER if ((_lread(fh, &bih, sizeof(bih))) != sizeof(bih)) { SetCDibState(FAIL_IHDR_READ); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // BITMAPINFO CreateBITMAPINFO(); if (lpbinfo == NULL) { _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // Copy the header we already have. memcpy(lpbinfo, &bih, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); // RGBQUAD // determine the RGBQUAD array size nPalEntries = NumberOfColorEntries((LPBITMAPINFO) &bih); rgbQuadTableSize = nPalEntries * sizeof(RGBQUAD); // Read the color table from the file. if ((_lread(fh,((LPBYTE) lpbinfo) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER),rgbQuadTableSize)) != rgbQuadTableSize) { // SetCDibState(FAIL_FORMAT_INVALID); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // assign the LPRGBQUAD pointer to the RGBQUAD array lprgb = GetLPRGBPtr(); // Image Bits // Free any previous garbage if (lpBits != NULL) GlobalFreePtr(lpBits); // determine the size of the image in the file lpbitsSize = bif.bfSize - bif.bfOffBits; // allocate memory to hold the image lpBits = (LPBYTE) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE,lpbitsSize); if (lpBits == NULL) { SetCDibState(FAIL_BITS_ALLOC); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // move the file handle to the start of the image _llseek(fh, dwFileStart + bif.bfOffBits, FILE_BEGIN); // read the image into memory if ((_lread(fh, lpBits, lpbitsSize)) != lpbitsSize) { SetCDibState(FAIL_BITS_READ); _lclose(fh); return FALSE; } // all done, close the file _lclose(fh); return TRUE; }
/************************************************************************** * mmioDosIOProc [internal] */ static LRESULT CALLBACK mmioDosIOProc(LPMMIOINFO lpmmioinfo, UINT uMessage, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) { LRESULT ret = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; TRACE("(%p, %X, 0x%lx, 0x%lx);\n", lpmmioinfo, uMessage, lParam1, lParam2); switch (uMessage) { case MMIOM_OPEN: { /* Parameters: * lParam1 = szFileName parameter from mmioOpen * lParam2 = reserved * Returns: zero on success, error code on error * NOTE: lDiskOffset automatically set to zero */ LPCSTR szFileName = (LPCSTR)lParam1; if (lpmmioinfo->dwFlags & MMIO_GETTEMP) { FIXME("MMIO_GETTEMP not implemented\n"); return MMIOERR_CANNOTOPEN; } /* if filename NULL, assume open file handle in adwInfo[0] */ if (szFileName) { OFSTRUCT ofs; lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0] = (DWORD)OpenFile(szFileName, &ofs, lpmmioinfo->dwFlags & 0xFFFF); } if (lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0] == (DWORD)HFILE_ERROR) ret = MMIOERR_CANNOTOPEN; } break; case MMIOM_CLOSE: /* Parameters: * lParam1 = wFlags parameter from mmioClose * lParam2 = unused * Returns: zero on success, error code on error */ if (!(lParam1 & MMIO_FHOPEN)) _lclose((HFILE)lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0]); break; case MMIOM_READ: /* Parameters: * lParam1 = huge pointer to read buffer * lParam2 = number of bytes to read * Returns: number of bytes read, 0 for EOF, -1 for error (error code * in wErrorRet) */ ret = _lread((HFILE)lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0], (HPSTR)lParam1, (LONG)lParam2); if (ret != -1) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset += ret; break; case MMIOM_WRITE: case MMIOM_WRITEFLUSH: /* no internal buffering, so WRITEFLUSH handled same as WRITE */ /* Parameters: * lParam1 = huge pointer to write buffer * lParam2 = number of bytes to write * Returns: number of bytes written, -1 for error (error code in * wErrorRet) */ ret = _hwrite((HFILE)lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0], (HPSTR)lParam1, (LONG)lParam2); if (ret != -1) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset += ret; break; case MMIOM_SEEK: /* Parameters: * lParam1 = new position * lParam2 = from whence to seek (SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END) * Returns: new file postion, -1 on error */ ret = _llseek((HFILE)lpmmioinfo->adwInfo[0], (LONG)lParam1, (LONG)lParam2); if (ret != -1) lpmmioinfo->lDiskOffset = ret; return ret; case MMIOM_RENAME: /* Parameters: * lParam1 = old name * lParam2 = new name * Returns: zero on success, non-zero on failure */ if (!MoveFileA((const char*)lParam1, (const char*)lParam2)) ret = MMIOERR_FILENOTFOUND; break; default: FIXME("unexpected message %u\n", uMessage); return 0; } return ret; }
INT WINAPI GetExpandedNameA( LPSTR in, LPSTR out ) { struct lzfileheader head; HFILE fd; OFSTRUCT ofs; INT fnislowercased,ret,len; LPSTR s,t; DPRINT("(%s)\n",in); fd=OpenFile(in,&ofs,OF_READ); if (fd==HFILE_ERROR) return (INT)(INT16)LZERROR_BADINHANDLE; strcpy(out,in); ret=read_header(fd,&head); if (ret<=0) { /* not a LZ compressed file, so the expanded name is the same * as the input name */ _lclose(fd); return 1; } /* look for directory prefix and skip it. */ s=out; while (NULL!=(t=strpbrk(s,"/\\:"))) s=t+1; /* now mangle the basename */ if (!*s) { /* FIXME: hmm. shouldn't happen? */ DPRINT("Specified a directory or what? (%s)\n",in); _lclose(fd); return 1; } /* see if we should use lowercase or uppercase on the last char */ fnislowercased=1; t=s+strlen(s)-1; while (t>=out) { if (!isalpha(*t)) { t--; continue; } fnislowercased=islower(*t); break; } if (isalpha(head.lastchar)) { if (fnislowercased) head.lastchar=(CHAR)tolower(head.lastchar); else head.lastchar=(CHAR)toupper(head.lastchar); } /* now look where to replace the last character */ if (NULL!=(t=strchr(s,'.'))) { if (t[1]=='\0') { t[0]='\0'; } else { len=strlen(t)-1; if (t[len]=='_') t[len]=head.lastchar; } } /* else no modification necessary */ _lclose(fd); return 1; }
int Load_Bitmap_File(BITMAP_FILE_PTR bitmap, char *filename) { // this function opens a bitmap file and loads the data into bitmap int file_handle, // the file handle index; // looping index UCHAR *temp_buffer = NULL; // used to convert 24 bit images to 16 bit OFSTRUCT file_data; // the file data information // open the file if it exists if ((file_handle = OpenFile(filename,&file_data,OF_READ))==-1) return(0); // now load the bitmap file header _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapfileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); // test if this is a bitmap file if (bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfType!=0x4D42) { // close the file _lclose(file_handle); // return error return(0); } // end if // now we know this is a bitmap, so read in all the sections // first the bitmap infoheader // now load the bitmap file header _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapinfoheader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); // now load the color palette if there is one if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount == 8) { _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->palette,256*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); // now set all the flags in the palette correctly and fix the reversed // BGR RGBQUAD data format for (index=0; index < 256; index++) { // reverse the red and green fields int temp_color = bitmap->palette[index].peRed; bitmap->palette[index].peRed = bitmap->palette[index].peBlue; bitmap->palette[index].peBlue = temp_color; // always set the flags word to this bitmap->palette[index].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; } // end for index } // end if // finally the image data itself _lseek(file_handle,-(int)(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage),SEEK_END); // now read in the image, if the image is 8 or 16 bit then simply read it // but if its 24 bit then read it into a temporary area and then convert // it to a 16 bit image if (bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==8 || bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==16 || bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount==24) { // delete the last image if there was one if (bitmap->buffer) free(bitmap->buffer); // allocate the memory for the image if (!(bitmap->buffer = (UCHAR *)malloc(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage))) { // close the file _lclose(file_handle); // return error return(0); } // end if // now read it in _lread(file_handle,bitmap->buffer,bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage); } // end if else { // serious problem return(0); } // end else #if 0 // write the file info out printf("\nfilename:%s \nsize=%d \nwidth=%d \nheight=%d \nbitsperpixel=%d \ncolors=%d \nimpcolors=%d", filename, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biClrUsed, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biClrImportant); #endif // close the file _lclose(file_handle); // flip the bitmap Flip_Bitmap(bitmap->buffer, bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biWidth*(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biBitCount/8), bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biHeight); // return success return(1); } // end Load_Bitmap_File
void WINAPI VXD_Win32s( CONTEXT86 *context ) { switch (AX_reg(context)) { case 0x0000: /* Get Version */ /* * Input: None * * Output: EAX: LoWord: Win32s Version (1.30) * HiWord: VxD Version (200) * * EBX: Build (172) * * ECX: ??? (1) * * EDX: Debugging Flags * * EDI: Error Flag * 0 if OK, * 1 if VMCPD VxD not found */ TRACE("GetVersion()\n"); context->Eax = VXD_WinVersion() | (200 << 16); context->Ebx = 0; context->Ecx = 0; context->Edx = 0; context->Edi = 0; /* * If this is the first time we are called for this process, * hack the memory image of WIN32S16 so that it doesn't try * to access the GDT directly ... * * The first code segment of WIN32S16 (version 1.30) contains * an unexported function somewhere between the exported functions * SetFS and StackLinearToSegmented that tries to find a selector * in the LDT that maps to the memory image of the LDT itself. * If it succeeds, it stores this selector into a global variable * which will be used to speed up execution by using this selector * to modify the LDT directly instead of using the DPMI calls. * * To perform this search of the LDT, this function uses the * sgdt and sldt instructions to find the linear address of * the (GDT and then) LDT. While those instructions themselves * execute without problem, the linear address that sgdt returns * points (at least under Linux) to the kernel address space, so * that any subsequent access leads to a segfault. * * Fortunately, WIN32S16 still contains as a fallback option the * mechanism of using DPMI calls to modify LDT selectors instead * of direct writes to the LDT. Thus we can circumvent the problem * by simply replacing the first byte of the offending function * with an 'retf' instruction. This means that the global variable * supposed to contain the LDT alias selector will remain zero, * and hence WIN32S16 will fall back to using DPMI calls. * * The heuristic we employ to _find_ that function is as follows: * We search between the addresses of the exported symbols SetFS * and StackLinearToSegmented for the byte sequence '0F 01 04' * (this is the opcode of 'sgdt [si]'). We then search backwards * from this address for the last occurrence of 'CB' (retf) that marks * the end of the preceeding function. The following byte (which * should now be the first byte of the function we are looking for) * will be replaced by 'CB' (retf). * * This heuristic works for the retail as well as the debug version * of Win32s version 1.30. For versions earlier than that this * hack should not be necessary at all, since the whole mechanism * ('PERF130') was introduced only in 1.30 to improve the overall * performance of Win32s. */ if (!W32S_offset) { HMODULE16 hModule = GetModuleHandle16("win32s16"); SEGPTR func1 = (SEGPTR)GetProcAddress16(hModule, "SetFS"); SEGPTR func2 = (SEGPTR)GetProcAddress16(hModule, "StackLinearToSegmented"); if ( hModule && func1 && func2 && SELECTOROF(func1) == SELECTOROF(func2)) { BYTE *start = MapSL(func1); BYTE *end = MapSL(func2); BYTE *p, *retv = NULL; int found = 0; for (p = start; p < end; p++) if (*p == 0xCB) found = 0, retv = p; else if (*p == 0x0F) found = 1; else if (*p == 0x01 && found == 1) found = 2; else if (*p == 0x04 && found == 2) { found = 3; break; } else found = 0; if (found == 3 && retv) { TRACE("PERF130 hack: " "Replacing byte %02X at offset %04X:%04X\n", *(retv+1), SELECTOROF(func1), OFFSETOF(func1) + retv+1-start); *(retv+1) = (BYTE)0xCB; } } } /* * Mark process as Win32s, so that subsequent DPMI calls * will perform the W32S_APP2WINE/W32S_WINE2APP address shift. */ W32S_offset = 0x10000; break; case 0x0001: /* Install Exception Handling */ /* * Input: EBX: Flat address of W32SKRNL Exception Data * * ECX: LoWord: Flat Code Selector * HiWord: Flat Data Selector * * EDX: Flat address of W32SKRNL Exception Handler * (this is equal to W32S_BackTo32 + 0x40) * * ESI: SEGPTR KERNEL.HASGPHANDLER * * EDI: SEGPTR phCurrentTask (KERNEL.THHOOK + 0x10) * * Output: EAX: 0 if OK */ TRACE("[0001] EBX=%lx ECX=%lx EDX=%lx ESI=%lx EDI=%lx\n", context->Ebx, context->Ecx, context->Edx, context->Esi, context->Edi); /* FIXME */ context->Eax = 0; break; case 0x0002: /* Set Page Access Flags */ /* * Input: EBX: New access flags * Bit 2: User Page if set, Supervisor Page if clear * Bit 1: Read-Write if set, Read-Only if clear * * ECX: Size of memory area to change * * EDX: Flat start address of memory area * * Output: EAX: Size of area changed */ TRACE("[0002] EBX=%lx ECX=%lx EDX=%lx\n", context->Ebx, context->Ecx, context->Edx); /* FIXME */ context->Eax = context->Ecx; break; case 0x0003: /* Get Page Access Flags */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of page to query * * Output: EAX: Page access flags * Bit 2: User Page if set, Supervisor Page if clear * Bit 1: Read-Write if set, Read-Only if clear */ TRACE("[0003] EDX=%lx\n", context->Edx); /* FIXME */ context->Eax = 6; break; case 0x0004: /* Map Module */ /* * Input: ECX: IMTE (offset in Module Table) of new module * * EDX: Flat address of Win32s Module Table * * Output: EAX: 0 if OK */ if (!context->Edx || CX_reg(context) == 0xFFFF) { TRACE("MapModule: Initialization call\n"); context->Eax = 0; } else { /* * Structure of a Win32s Module Table Entry: */ struct Win32sModule { DWORD flags; DWORD flatBaseAddr; LPCSTR moduleName; LPCSTR pathName; LPCSTR unknown; LPBYTE baseAddr; DWORD hModule; DWORD relocDelta; }; /* * Note: This function should set up a demand-paged memory image * of the given module. Since mmap does not allow file offsets * not aligned at 1024 bytes, we simply load the image fully * into memory. */ struct Win32sModule *moduleTable = (struct Win32sModule *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); struct Win32sModule *module = moduleTable + context->Ecx; IMAGE_NT_HEADERS *nt_header = PE_HEADER(module->baseAddr); IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER *pe_seg = PE_SECTIONS(module->baseAddr); HFILE image = _lopen(module->pathName, OF_READ); BOOL error = (image == HFILE_ERROR); UINT i; TRACE("MapModule: Loading %s\n", module->pathName); for (i = 0; !error && i < nt_header->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++, pe_seg++) if(!(pe_seg->Characteristics & IMAGE_SCN_CNT_UNINITIALIZED_DATA)) { DWORD off = pe_seg->PointerToRawData; DWORD len = pe_seg->SizeOfRawData; LPBYTE addr = module->baseAddr + pe_seg->VirtualAddress; TRACE("MapModule: " "Section %d at %08lx from %08lx len %08lx\n", i, (DWORD)addr, off, len); if ( _llseek(image, off, SEEK_SET) != off || _lread(image, addr, len) != len) error = TRUE; } _lclose(image); if (error) ERR("MapModule: Unable to load %s\n", module->pathName); else if (module->relocDelta != 0) { IMAGE_DATA_DIRECTORY *dir = nt_header->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory + IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC; IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *r = (IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *) (dir->Size? module->baseAddr + dir->VirtualAddress : 0); TRACE("MapModule: Reloc delta %08lx\n", module->relocDelta); while (r && r->VirtualAddress) { LPBYTE page = module->baseAddr + r->VirtualAddress; WORD *TypeOffset = (WORD *)(r + 1); int count = (r->SizeOfBlock - sizeof(*r)) / sizeof(*TypeOffset); TRACE("MapModule: %d relocations for page %08lx\n", count, (DWORD)page); for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { int offset = TypeOffset[i] & 0xFFF; int type = TypeOffset[i] >> 12; switch(type) { case IMAGE_REL_BASED_ABSOLUTE: break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGH: *(WORD *)(page+offset) += HIWORD(module->relocDelta); break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_LOW: *(WORD *)(page+offset) += LOWORD(module->relocDelta); break; case IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW: *(DWORD*)(page+offset) += module->relocDelta; break; default: WARN("MapModule: Unsupported fixup type\n"); break; } } r = (IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION *)((LPBYTE)r + r->SizeOfBlock); } } context->Eax = 0; RESET_CFLAG(context); } break; case 0x0005: /* UnMap Module */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of module image * * Output: EAX: 1 if OK */ TRACE("UnMapModule: %lx\n", (DWORD)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx)); /* As we didn't map anything, there's nothing to unmap ... */ context->Eax = 1; break; case 0x0006: /* VirtualAlloc */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] Flat base address of allocated region * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region to reserve/commit * DWORD size [in] Size of region * DWORD type [in] Type of allocation * DWORD prot [in] Type of access protection * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD size = stack[2]; DWORD type = stack[3]; DWORD prot = stack[4]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualAlloc(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, size, type, prot); if (type & 0x80000000) { WARN("VirtualAlloc: strange type %lx\n", type); type &= 0x7fffffff; } if (!base && (type & MEM_COMMIT) && prot == PAGE_READONLY) { WARN("VirtualAlloc: NLS hack, allowing write access!\n"); prot = PAGE_READWRITE; } result = (DWORD)VirtualAlloc(base, size, type, prot); if (W32S_WINE2APP(result)) *retv = W32S_WINE2APP(result), context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = 0, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x0007: /* VirtualFree */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] TRUE if success, FALSE if failure * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region * DWORD size [in] Size of region * DWORD type [in] Type of operation * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD size = stack[2]; DWORD type = stack[3]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualFree(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, size, type); result = VirtualFree(base, size, type); if (result) *retv = TRUE, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = FALSE, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x0008: /* VirtualProtect */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] TRUE if success, FALSE if failure * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region * DWORD size [in] Size of region * DWORD new_prot [in] Desired access protection * DWORD *old_prot [out] Previous access protection * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD size = stack[2]; DWORD new_prot = stack[3]; DWORD *old_prot = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[4]); DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualProtect(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, size, new_prot, (DWORD)old_prot); result = VirtualProtect(base, size, new_prot, old_prot); if (result) *retv = TRUE, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = FALSE, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x0009: /* VirtualQuery */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] Nr. bytes returned * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region * LPMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info [out] Info buffer * DWORD len [in] Size of buffer * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); LPMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION info = (LPMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[2]); DWORD len = stack[3]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualQuery(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, (DWORD)info, len); result = VirtualQuery(base, info, len); *retv = result; context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case 0x000A: /* SetVirtMemProcess */ /* * Input: ECX: Process Handle * * EDX: Flat address of region * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ TRACE("[000a] ECX=%lx EDX=%lx\n", context->Ecx, context->Edx); /* FIXME */ context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case 0x000B: /* ??? some kind of cleanup */ /* * Input: ECX: Process Handle * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ TRACE("[000b] ECX=%lx\n", context->Ecx); /* FIXME */ context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; break; case 0x000C: /* Set Debug Flags */ /* * Input: EDX: Debug Flags * * Output: EDX: Previous Debug Flags */ FIXME("[000c] EDX=%lx\n", context->Edx); /* FIXME */ context->Edx = 0; break; case 0x000D: /* NtCreateSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * HANDLE32 *retv [out] Handle of Section created * DWORD flags1 [in] (?? unknown ??) * DWORD atom [in] Name of Section to create * LARGE_INTEGER *size [in] Size of Section * DWORD protect [in] Access protection * DWORD flags2 [in] (?? unknown ??) * HFILE32 hFile [in] Handle of file to map * DWORD psp [in] (Win32s: PSP that hFile belongs to) * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *) W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); HANDLE *retv = (HANDLE *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); DWORD flags1 = stack[1]; DWORD atom = stack[2]; LARGE_INTEGER *size = (LARGE_INTEGER *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[3]); DWORD protect = stack[4]; DWORD flags2 = stack[5]; HANDLE hFile = DosFileHandleToWin32Handle(stack[6]); DWORD psp = stack[7]; HANDLE result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char name[128]; TRACE("NtCreateSection(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, flags1, atom, (DWORD)size, protect, flags2, (DWORD)hFile, psp); if (!atom || GlobalGetAtomNameA(atom, name, sizeof(name))) { TRACE("NtCreateSection: name=%s\n", atom? name : NULL); result = CreateFileMappingA(hFile, NULL, protect, size? size->s.HighPart : 0, size? size->s.LowPart : 0, atom? name : NULL); } if (result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) WARN("NtCreateSection: failed!\n"); else TRACE("NtCreateSection: returned %lx\n", (DWORD)result); if (result != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) *retv = result, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = result, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x000E: /* NtOpenSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * HANDLE32 *retv [out] Handle of Section opened * DWORD protect [in] Access protection * DWORD atom [in] Name of Section to create * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); HANDLE *retv = (HANDLE *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); DWORD protect = stack[1]; DWORD atom = stack[2]; HANDLE result = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; char name[128]; TRACE("NtOpenSection(%lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, protect, atom); if (atom && GlobalGetAtomNameA(atom, name, sizeof(name))) { TRACE("NtOpenSection: name=%s\n", name); result = OpenFileMappingA(protect, FALSE, name); } if (result == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) WARN("NtOpenSection: failed!\n"); else TRACE("NtOpenSection: returned %lx\n", (DWORD)result); if (result != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) *retv = result, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = result, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x000F: /* NtCloseSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * HANDLE32 handle [in] Handle of Section to close * DWORD *id [out] Unique ID (?? unclear ??) * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); HANDLE handle = stack[0]; DWORD *id = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); TRACE("NtCloseSection(%lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)handle, (DWORD)id); CloseHandle(handle); if (id) *id = 0; /* FIXME */ context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case 0x0010: /* NtDupSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * HANDLE32 handle [in] Handle of Section to duplicate * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); HANDLE handle = stack[0]; HANDLE new_handle; TRACE("NtDupSection(%lx)\n", (DWORD)handle); DuplicateHandle( GetCurrentProcess(), handle, GetCurrentProcess(), &new_handle, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ); context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case 0x0011: /* NtMapViewOfSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * HANDLE32 SectionHandle [in] Section to be mapped * DWORD ProcessHandle [in] Process to be mapped into * DWORD * BaseAddress [in/out] Address to be mapped at * DWORD ZeroBits [in] (?? unclear ??) * DWORD CommitSize [in] (?? unclear ??) * LARGE_INTEGER *SectionOffset [in] Offset within section * DWORD * ViewSize [in] Size of view * DWORD InheritDisposition [in] (?? unclear ??) * DWORD AllocationType [in] (?? unclear ??) * DWORD Protect [in] Access protection * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD * stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); HANDLE SectionHandle = stack[0]; DWORD ProcessHandle = stack[1]; /* ignored */ DWORD * BaseAddress = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[2]); DWORD ZeroBits = stack[3]; DWORD CommitSize = stack[4]; LARGE_INTEGER *SectionOffset = (LARGE_INTEGER *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[5]); DWORD * ViewSize = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[6]); DWORD InheritDisposition = stack[7]; DWORD AllocationType = stack[8]; DWORD Protect = stack[9]; LPBYTE address = (LPBYTE)(BaseAddress? W32S_APP2WINE(*BaseAddress) : 0); DWORD access = 0, result; switch (Protect & ~(PAGE_GUARD|PAGE_NOCACHE)) { case PAGE_READONLY: access = FILE_MAP_READ; break; case PAGE_READWRITE: access = FILE_MAP_WRITE; break; case PAGE_WRITECOPY: access = FILE_MAP_COPY; break; case PAGE_EXECUTE_READ: access = FILE_MAP_READ; break; case PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE: access = FILE_MAP_WRITE; break; case PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY: access = FILE_MAP_COPY; break; } TRACE("NtMapViewOfSection" "(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)SectionHandle, ProcessHandle, (DWORD)BaseAddress, ZeroBits, CommitSize, (DWORD)SectionOffset, (DWORD)ViewSize, InheritDisposition, AllocationType, Protect); TRACE("NtMapViewOfSection: " "base=%lx, offset=%lx, size=%lx, access=%lx\n", (DWORD)address, SectionOffset? SectionOffset->s.LowPart : 0, ViewSize? *ViewSize : 0, access); result = (DWORD)MapViewOfFileEx(SectionHandle, access, SectionOffset? SectionOffset->s.HighPart : 0, SectionOffset? SectionOffset->s.LowPart : 0, ViewSize? *ViewSize : 0, address); TRACE("NtMapViewOfSection: result=%lx\n", result); if (W32S_WINE2APP(result)) { if (BaseAddress) *BaseAddress = W32S_WINE2APP(result); context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x0012: /* NtUnmapViewOfSection */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD ProcessHandle [in] Process (defining address space) * LPBYTE BaseAddress [in] Base address of view to be unmapped * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD ProcessHandle = stack[0]; /* ignored */ LPBYTE BaseAddress = (LPBYTE)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); TRACE("NtUnmapViewOfSection(%lx, %lx)\n", ProcessHandle, (DWORD)BaseAddress); UnmapViewOfFile(BaseAddress); context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case 0x0013: /* NtFlushVirtualMemory */ /* * Input: EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD ProcessHandle [in] Process (defining address space) * LPBYTE *BaseAddress [in?] Base address of range to be flushed * DWORD *ViewSize [in?] Number of bytes to be flushed * DWORD *unknown [???] (?? unknown ??) * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD ProcessHandle = stack[0]; /* ignored */ DWORD *BaseAddress = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD *ViewSize = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[2]); DWORD *unknown = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[3]); LPBYTE address = (LPBYTE)(BaseAddress? W32S_APP2WINE(*BaseAddress) : 0); DWORD size = ViewSize? *ViewSize : 0; TRACE("NtFlushVirtualMemory(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", ProcessHandle, (DWORD)BaseAddress, (DWORD)ViewSize, (DWORD)unknown); TRACE("NtFlushVirtualMemory: base=%lx, size=%lx\n", (DWORD)address, size); FlushViewOfFile(address, size); context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case 0x0014: /* Get/Set Debug Registers */ /* * Input: ECX: 0 if Get, 1 if Set * * EDX: Get: Flat address of buffer to receive values of * debug registers DR0 .. DR7 * Set: Flat address of buffer containing values of * debug registers DR0 .. DR7 to be set * Output: None */ FIXME("[0014] ECX=%lx EDX=%lx\n", context->Ecx, context->Edx); /* FIXME */ break; case 0x0015: /* Set Coprocessor Emulation Flag */ /* * Input: EDX: 0 to deactivate, 1 to activate coprocessor emulation * * Output: None */ TRACE("[0015] EDX=%lx\n", context->Edx); /* We don't care, as we always have a coprocessor anyway */ break; case 0x0016: /* Init Win32S VxD PSP */ /* * If called to query required PSP size: * * Input: EBX: 0 * Output: EDX: Required size of Win32s VxD PSP * * If called to initialize allocated PSP: * * Input: EBX: LoWord: Selector of Win32s VxD PSP * HiWord: Paragraph of Win32s VxD PSP (DOSMEM) * Output: None */ if (context->Ebx == 0) context->Edx = 0x80; else { PDB16 *psp = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( BX_reg(context), 0 )); psp->nbFiles = 32; psp->fileHandlesPtr = MAKELONG(HIWORD(context->Ebx), 0x5c); memset((LPBYTE)psp + 0x5c, '\xFF', 32); } break; case 0x0017: /* Set Break Point */ /* * Input: EBX: Offset of Break Point * CX: Selector of Break Point * * Output: None */ FIXME("[0017] EBX=%lx CX=%x\n", context->Ebx, CX_reg(context)); /* FIXME */ break; case 0x0018: /* VirtualLock */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] TRUE if success, FALSE if failure * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of range to lock * DWORD size [in] Size of range * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD size = stack[2]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualLock(%lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, size); result = VirtualLock(base, size); if (result) *retv = TRUE, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = FALSE, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x0019: /* VirtualUnlock */ /* * Input: ECX: Current Process * * EDX: Flat address of arguments on stack * * DWORD *retv [out] TRUE if success, FALSE if failure * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of range to unlock * DWORD size [in] Size of range * * Output: EAX: NtStatus */ { DWORD *stack = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Edx); DWORD *retv = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); LPVOID base = (LPVOID) W32S_APP2WINE(stack[1]); DWORD size = stack[2]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualUnlock(%lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)retv, (DWORD)base, size); result = VirtualUnlock(base, size); if (result) *retv = TRUE, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else *retv = FALSE, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x001A: /* KGetSystemInfo */ /* * Input: None * * Output: ECX: Start of sparse memory arena * EDX: End of sparse memory arena */ TRACE("KGetSystemInfo()\n"); /* * Note: Win32s reserves 0GB - 2GB for Win 3.1 and uses 2GB - 4GB as * sparse memory arena. We do it the other way around, since * we have to reserve 3GB - 4GB for Linux, and thus use * 0GB - 3GB as sparse memory arena. * * FIXME: What about other OSes ? */ context->Ecx = W32S_WINE2APP(0x00000000); context->Edx = W32S_WINE2APP(0xbfffffff); break; case 0x001B: /* KGlobalMemStat */ /* * Input: ESI: Flat address of buffer to receive memory info * * Output: None */ { struct Win32sMemoryInfo { DWORD DIPhys_Count; /* Total physical pages */ DWORD DIFree_Count; /* Free physical pages */ DWORD DILin_Total_Count; /* Total virtual pages (private arena) */ DWORD DILin_Total_Free; /* Free virtual pages (private arena) */ DWORD SparseTotal; /* Total size of sparse arena (bytes ?) */ DWORD SparseFree; /* Free size of sparse arena (bytes ?) */ }; struct Win32sMemoryInfo *info = (struct Win32sMemoryInfo *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Esi); FIXME("KGlobalMemStat(%lx)\n", (DWORD)info); /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x001C: /* Enable/Disable Exceptions */ /* * Input: ECX: 0 to disable, 1 to enable exception handling * * Output: None */ TRACE("[001c] ECX=%lx\n", context->Ecx); /* FIXME */ break; case 0x001D: /* VirtualAlloc called from 16-bit code */ /* * Input: EDX: Segmented address of arguments on stack * * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region to reserve/commit * DWORD size [in] Size of region * DWORD type [in] Type of allocation * DWORD prot [in] Type of access protection * * Output: EAX: NtStatus * EDX: Flat base address of allocated region */ { DWORD *stack = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( LOWORD(context->Edx), HIWORD(context->Edx) )); LPVOID base = (LPVOID)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); DWORD size = stack[1]; DWORD type = stack[2]; DWORD prot = stack[3]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualAlloc16(%lx, %lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)base, size, type, prot); if (type & 0x80000000) { WARN("VirtualAlloc16: strange type %lx\n", type); type &= 0x7fffffff; } result = (DWORD)VirtualAlloc(base, size, type, prot); if (W32S_WINE2APP(result)) context->Edx = W32S_WINE2APP(result), context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else context->Edx = 0, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ TRACE("VirtualAlloc16: returning base %lx\n", context->Edx); } break; case 0x001E: /* VirtualFree called from 16-bit code */ /* * Input: EDX: Segmented address of arguments on stack * * LPVOID base [in] Flat address of region * DWORD size [in] Size of region * DWORD type [in] Type of operation * * Output: EAX: NtStatus * EDX: TRUE if success, FALSE if failure */ { DWORD *stack = MapSL( MAKESEGPTR( LOWORD(context->Edx), HIWORD(context->Edx) )); LPVOID base = (LPVOID)W32S_APP2WINE(stack[0]); DWORD size = stack[1]; DWORD type = stack[2]; DWORD result; TRACE("VirtualFree16(%lx, %lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)base, size, type); result = VirtualFree(base, size, type); if (result) context->Edx = TRUE, context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; else context->Edx = FALSE, context->Eax = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; /* FIXME */ } break; case 0x001F: /* FWorkingSetSize */ /* * Input: EDX: 0 if Get, 1 if Set * * ECX: Get: Buffer to receive Working Set Size * Set: Buffer containing Working Set Size * * Output: NtStatus */ { DWORD *ptr = (DWORD *)W32S_APP2WINE(context->Ecx); BOOL set = context->Edx; TRACE("FWorkingSetSize(%lx, %lx)\n", (DWORD)ptr, (DWORD)set); if (set) /* We do it differently ... */; else *ptr = 0x100; context->Eax = STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; default: VXD_BARF( context, "W32S" ); }
int WINAPI OpenFile(LPCSTR lpszFileName,OFSTRUCT *lpofs,UINT wFunction) { int fd; const char *lpstr = lpszFileName; /* * The "lpstr" variable is needed as a workaround to a bug * in the SunOS "acc" compiler, which treats the LPCSTR typedef * as type "const char * const" rather than the requested * "const char *". */ APISTR((LF_APICALL,"OpenFile(LPCSTR=%s,OFSTRUCT=%p,UINT=%x)\n", lpszFileName,lpofs,wFunction)); if ((wFunction & OF_REOPEN)) { lpstr = lpofs->szPathName; } if (!lpstr) { APISTR((LF_APIFAIL,"OpenFile: returns int HFILE_ERROR\n")); return HFILE_ERROR; } if(wFunction & OF_PARSE) { memset((LPSTR)lpofs,0,sizeof(OFSTRUCT)); MFS_ALTPATH(lpofs->szPathName, lpstr); APISTR((LF_APIFAIL,"OpenFile: returns int 0\n")); return 0; } lpofs->fFixedDisk = 1; if(wFunction & OF_DELETE) { fd = _ldelete(lpstr); if(fd == 0) { APISTR((LF_APIRET,"OpenFile: returns int 1\n")); return 1; } else { APISTR((LF_APIFAIL,"OpenFile: returns int HFILE_ERROR\n")); return HFILE_ERROR; } } if(wFunction & OF_CREATE) fd = _lcreat(lpstr, 0); else fd = OpenEngine(lpstr,lpofs,wFunction); #ifdef LATER if(fd < 0) { if((wFunction & (OF_PROMPT|OF_CREATE)) == OF_PROMPT) { printf("prompting user for file %s cancel...\n", wFunction&OF_CANCEL?"w/":"w/o "); } } if((wFunction & (OF_READ|OF_VERIFY)) == (OF_READ|OF_VERIFY)) { printf("checking for date/time...\n"); } #endif if(fd < 0) { APISTR((LF_APIFAIL,"OpenFile: returns int %d\n",fd)); return fd; } if(wFunction & OF_EXIST) _lclose(fd); APISTR((LF_APIRET,"OpenFile: returns int %d\n",fd)); return fd; }
BOOL FAR TMSRPT86(TMSRPTPassedDataDef *pPassedData) { GenerateTripDef GTResults; HFILE hfOutputFile; BOOL bKeepGoing = FALSE; BOOL bFound; char dummy[256]; char outputString[512]; long statbarTotal; long saveTimeFormat; long lastTripNumber; long maxTrips; long patternNodes[MAXTRIPTIMES]; long tempLong; int nI; int nJ; int currentRoute; int currentService; int numRoutes; int numServices; int rcode2; int numNodes; saveTimeFormat = timeFormat; timeFormat = PREFERENCES_MILITARY; // // Create the sub-folder for the output files and chdir into it // nI = (_mkdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME) == 0) ? TEXT_333 : TEXT_334; LoadString(hInst, nI, szFormatString, SZFORMATSTRING_LENGTH); sprintf(tempString, szFormatString, OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME); MessageBeep(MB_ICONINFORMATION); MessageBox(NULL, tempString, TMS, MB_OK); chdir(OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME); // // Open the output file // hfOutputFile = _lcreat("tripschedule.csv", 0); if(hfOutputFile == HFILE_ERROR) { LoadString(hInst, ERROR_202, szFormatString, sizeof(szFormatString)); sprintf(szarString, szFormatString, tempString); MessageBeep(MB_ICONSTOP); MessageBox((HWND)NULL, szarString, TMS, MB_ICONSTOP); goto deallocate; } // // Get the number of routes and services // for the benefit of the status bar // rcode2 = btrieve(B_STAT, TMS_ROUTES, &BSTAT, dummy, 0); if(rcode2 != 0 || BSTAT.numRecords == 0) { TMSError(NULL, MB_ICONSTOP, ERROR_008, (HANDLE)NULL); goto deallocate; } numRoutes = BSTAT.numRecords; rcode2 = btrieve(B_STAT, TMS_SERVICES, &BSTAT, dummy, 0); if(rcode2 != 0 || BSTAT.numRecords == 0) { TMSError(NULL, MB_ICONSTOP, ERROR_007, (HANDLE)NULL); goto deallocate; } numServices = BSTAT.numRecords; // // maxTrips // rcode2 = btrieve(B_STAT, TMS_TRIPS, &BSTAT, dummy, 0); maxTrips = rcode2 == 0 ? BSTAT.numRecords : 0; // // Verify that all trips in the system are numbered // StatusBarText("Checking if all trips are numbered"); rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETFIRST, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); nI = 0; bFound = FALSE; lastTripNumber = NO_RECORD; while(rcode2 == 0) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } StatusBar((long)nI, (long)maxTrips); if(TRIPS.tripNumber <= 0) { MessageBeep(MB_ICONQUESTION); LoadString(hInst, ERROR_344, tempString, TEMPSTRING_LENGTH); if(MessageBox(NULL, tempString, TMS, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_OK) != IDOK) { goto deallocate; } bFound = TRUE; break; } if(TRIPS.tripNumber > lastTripNumber) { lastTripNumber = TRIPS.tripNumber; } nI++; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); } if(bFound) { StatusBarText("Renumbering Trips"); rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETFIRST, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); nI = 1; while(rcode2 == 0) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } StatusBar((long)nI, (long)maxTrips); TRIPS.tripNumber = (long)nI; nI++; rcode2 = btrieve(B_UPDATE, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey0, 0); } lastTripNumber = nI; } // // Loop through the routes // LoadString(hInst, TEXT_117, tempString, TEMPSTRING_LENGTH); StatusBarStart(hWndMain, tempString); statbarTotal = numRoutes * numServices; currentRoute = 0; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETFIRST, TMS_ROUTES, &ROUTES, &ROUTESKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } // // Do not process employee shuttles // if(!(ROUTES.flags & ROUTES_FLAG_EMPSHUTTLE)) { // // Loop through the services // currentService = 1; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETFIRST, TMS_SERVICES, &SERVICES, &SERVICESKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } // // Loop through all the trips on this route/service/direction // for(nI = 0; nI < 2; nI++) { if(ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nI] == NO_RECORD) { continue; } // // Get the trips // TRIPSKey1.ROUTESrecordID = ROUTES.recordID; TRIPSKey1.SERVICESrecordID = SERVICES.recordID; TRIPSKey1.directionIndex = nI; TRIPSKey1.tripSequence = NO_TIME; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATEROREQUAL, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID == ROUTES.recordID && TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID == SERVICES.recordID && TRIPS.directionIndex == nI) { DIRECTIONSKey0.recordID = ROUTES.DIRECTIONSrecordID[nI]; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONS, &DIRECTIONSKey0, 0); // // Display where we are in the status bar // strncpy(tempString, ROUTES.number, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); trim(tempString, ROUTES_NUMBER_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, " - "); strncpy(szarString,, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, ROUTES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, "\n"); strncpy(szarString,, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); strcat(tempString, " - "); strncpy(szarString, DIRECTIONS.longName, DIRECTIONS_LONGNAME_LENGTH); trim(szarString, DIRECTIONS_LONGNAME_LENGTH); strcat(tempString, szarString); StatusBarText(tempString); StatusBar((long)(currentRoute * (numServices - 1) + currentService), (long)statbarTotal); if(StatusBarAbort()) { bKeepGoing = FALSE; goto deallocate; } // // Build up the output string // // Company Id // sprintf(outputString, "%s,", COMPANY_ID); // // Service name // strncpy(tempString,, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(tempString, SERVICES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, ","); // // Trip number // sprintf(tempString, "%ld,", TRIPS.tripNumber); strcat(outputString, tempString); // // Block number // sprintf(tempString, "%ld,", TRIPS.standard.blockNumber); strcat(outputString, tempString); // // Duty number (currently unused) // strcat(outputString, ","); // // Pattern name // PATTERNNAMESKey0.recordID = TRIPS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_PATTERNNAMES, &PATTERNNAMES, &PATTERNNAMESKey0, 0); strncpy(tempString,, PATTERNNAMES_NAME_LENGTH); trim(tempString, PATTERNNAMES_NAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, ","); // // Sign code // SIGNCODESKey0.recordID = TRIPS.SIGNCODESrecordID; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_SIGNCODES, &SIGNCODES, &SIGNCODESKey0, 0); if(rcode2 != 0) { strcpy(tempString, ""); } else { strncpy(tempString, SIGNCODES.code, SIGNCODES_CODE_LENGTH); trim(tempString, SIGNCODES_CODE_LENGTH); } strcat(outputString, tempString); strcat(outputString, ","); // // Nodes times // // Generate the trip // GenerateTrip(TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID, TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID, TRIPS.directionIndex, TRIPS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID, TRIPS.timeAtMLP, GENERATETRIP_FLAG_DISPLAYERRORS, >Results); // // Get the pattern nodes // PATTERNSKey2.ROUTESrecordID = TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID; PATTERNSKey2.SERVICESrecordID = TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID; PATTERNSKey2.PATTERNNAMESrecordID = TRIPS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID; PATTERNSKey2.directionIndex = TRIPS.directionIndex; PATTERNSKey2.nodeSequence = NO_RECORD; numNodes = 0; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATER, TMS_PATTERNS, &PATTERNS, &PATTERNSKey2, 2); while(rcode2 == 0 && PATTERNS.ROUTESrecordID == TRIPS.ROUTESrecordID && PATTERNS.SERVICESrecordID == TRIPS.SERVICESrecordID && PATTERNS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID == TRIPS.PATTERNNAMESrecordID && PATTERNS.directionIndex == TRIPS.directionIndex) { if(!(PATTERNS.flags & PATTERNS_FLAG_BUSSTOP)) { patternNodes[numNodes] = PATTERNS.NODESrecordID; numNodes++; } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_PATTERNS, &PATTERNS, &PATTERNSKey2, 2); } // // tripTimes[] contains the times at the timepoints in this pattern // // We're only interested in departure times, so if we // run into an arrive/leave, skip over the arrive time // for(nJ = 0; nJ < numNodes; nJ++) { if(nJ < numNodes - 1) { if(NodesEquivalent(patternNodes[nJ], patternNodes[nJ + 1], &tempLong)) { continue; } } strcat(outputString, Tchar(GTResults.tripTimes[nJ])); strcat(outputString, " "); } // // End of record // strcat(outputString, "\r\n"); // // Write it out // _lwrite(hfOutputFile, outputString, strlen(outputString)); // // Next trip // rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_TRIPS, &TRIPS, &TRIPSKey1, 1); } // // Next direction // } // nI // // Next service // currentService++; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_SERVICES, &SERVICES, &SERVICESKey1, 1); } // // Not a shuttle // } // // Next route // currentRoute++; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_ROUTES, &ROUTES, &ROUTESKey1, 1); } bKeepGoing = TRUE; // // Free allocated memory // deallocate: timeFormat = saveTimeFormat; _lclose(hfOutputFile); StatusBarEnd(); chdir(".."); // // Let him know // strcpy(tempString, "Download of tripschedule.csv complete\n"); MessageBox(hWndMain, tempString, TMS, MB_OK); if(!bKeepGoing) { return(FALSE); } // // All done // return(TRUE); }
int SaveScreen() { // String buffers for the filenames char test[] = "anim\\pic"; char format[] = ".bmp"; char file[40]; char file2[40]; char file3[40]; // Create the correct file paths and names in the buffers sprintf(file, "anim\\pic%d.bmp", frame++); sprintf(file3, "Work___Win32_Release\\anim\\pic%d.bmp", frame ); sprintf(file2, "Work___Win32_Release\\%s", file); // Create a pointer to a screen buffer UCHAR *screen_buffer = NULL; // Assign the pointer to the display screen_buffer = (UCHAR *) ddsd.lpSurface; // Set the pixel position to the lower left corner screen_buffer += (SCREEN_WIDTH * (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1)); // Open pic0.bmp for writing #define BITMAP_ID 0x4D42 // this is the universal id for a bitmap int file_handle; // the file handle bitmap_file_ptr bitmap = new bitmap_file; // the bitmap header structure OFSTRUCT file_data; // the file data information // open the file if it exists if ((file_handle = OpenFile(file,&file_data,OF_READWRITE))==-1) return(0); // Now load the bitmap file header _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapfileheader,sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); // Test if this is a bitmap file if (bitmap->bitmapfileheader.bfType!=BITMAP_ID) { // close the file _lclose(file_handle); // return error return(0); } // end if // Load the bitmap file header _lread(file_handle, &bitmap->bitmapinfoheader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); // Write the palette to the file _lwrite(file_handle, (char*) colour_palette,256*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY)); // Find the start of the image data _lseek(file_handle,-(int)(bitmap->bitmapinfoheader.biSizeImage),SEEK_END); // Overwrite the image data in the file for (int i=0; i<SCREEN_HEIGHT; i++) { _lwrite(file_handle,(char*) screen_buffer,SCREEN_WIDTH * sizeof(UCHAR)); screen_buffer -= SCREEN_WIDTH; } // Deallocate bitmap header delete bitmap; // close the file _lclose(file_handle); // Copy the file to another ( for animation frames ) CopyFile(file2, file3,TRUE); return 1; }
BOOL text_Revert( HWND hwnd, char *fileName, HWND hEditWnd) { int hFile; OFSTRUCT OfStruct; long text_length; char *pEditBuffer; HICON hSaveCursor; unsigned ioStatus; char szTemp[128]; struct textWindowData *theData; theData = (struct textWindowData *) GetWindowLong(hEditWnd,GWL_USERDATA); /*===================================*/ /* Open the file and get its handle. */ /*===================================*/ /* TBD Replace OpenFile with CreateFile. */ if (theData == NULL) { hFile = OpenFile((LPSTR) fileName, (LPOFSTRUCT) &OfStruct, OF_READ); } else { hFile = OpenFile((LPSTR) (char *) &theData->fileName, (LPOFSTRUCT) &OfStruct, OF_READ); } if (hFile == HFILE_ERROR) { return (FALSE); } /*=====================*/ /* Update window data. */ /*=====================*/ if (theData == NULL) { theData = (struct textWindowData *) malloc(sizeof(struct textWindowData)); if (theData == NULL) return(FALSE); strcpy((char *) &theData->fileName,(char *) fileName); SetWindowLong(hEditWnd,GWL_USERDATA,(long) theData); } /*===================================================*/ /* Allocate edit buffer to the size of the file + 1. */ /*===================================================*/ text_length = _llseek(hFile,0,2); _llseek(hFile,0,0); if (text_length > 65534L) { MessageBox(hwnd, "Can't load files larger than 65,534 bytes long !", "FILE READ ERROR", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); _lclose(hFile); return (FALSE); } pEditBuffer = (char *) malloc((size_t) text_length+1); if (pEditBuffer == NULL) { MessageBox(hwnd,"Not enough memory.", NULL,MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); _lclose(hFile); return (FALSE); } hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass); ioStatus = _lread(hFile,pEditBuffer,(UINT) text_length); pEditBuffer[text_length] = '\0'; _lclose(hFile); /*====================================*/ /* # bytes read must equal file size. */ /*====================================*/ if (((long) ioStatus) != text_length) { sprintf(szTemp,"Error reading %s tl %ld IO %ld.", fileName,text_length,ioStatus); SetCursor(hSaveCursor); MessageBox(hwnd,szTemp,NULL,MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { hEditWnd = GetDlgItem(hEditWnd,ID_EDIT_CONTROL); SendMessage(hEditWnd,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM) pEditBuffer); FixTextLineEndings(hEditWnd); } free(pEditBuffer); /*=======================================*/ /* Set up a new buffer and window title. */ /*=======================================*/ //sprintf(szTemp, "Edit File - (%s)", szFileTitle); //SetNewBuffer(hWnd,(LPSTR)&szTemp); SetCursor(hSaveCursor); return(TRUE); }
BOOL FAR TMSRPT30(TMSRPTPassedDataDef *pPassedData) { DISPATCHSHEETPassedDataDef RParamData; DISPATCHSHEETRosterDataDef RData[MAXRUNSINRUNLIST]; PROPOSEDRUNDef PROPOSEDRUN; COSTDef COST; HFILE hfOutputFile; BOOL bFound; char lastName[DRIVERS_LASTNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char firstName[DRIVERS_FIRSTNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char badgeNumber[DRIVERS_BADGENUMBER_LENGTH + 1]; char abbrName[NODES_ABBRNAME_LENGTH + 1]; char outputString[TEMPSTRING_LENGTH]; char *pszReportName; long onTime; long offTime; long seq; long time; long flatPay; long makeUpTime; long pieceNumber; long runNumber; long cutAsRuntype; long startTime; long onNode; long offNode; int numRuns; int nI; int nJ; int numPieces; int rcode2; // // See what he wants to unload // RParamData.flags = 0; RParamData.nReportNumber = 29; if(DispatchSheet(&RParamData) != IDOK) return(FALSE); if(ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek] == NO_RECORD) { TMSError(hWndMain, MB_ICONSTOP, ERROR_318, (HANDLE)NULL); return(FALSE); } // // Back ok - set up the status bar // pPassedData->nReportNumber = 29; pPassedData->numDataFiles = 1; for(nI = 0; nI < m_LastReport; nI++) { if(TMSRPT[nI].originalReportNumber == pPassedData->nReportNumber) { pszReportName = TMSRPT[nI].szReportName; StatusBarStart(hWndMain, TMSRPT[nI].szReportName); break; } } // // Open the output file // StatusBarText("Opening output file..."); strcpy(tempString, szReportsTempFolder); strcat(tempString, "\\tmsrpt30.txt"); hfOutputFile = _lcreat(tempString, 0); if(hfOutputFile == HFILE_ERROR) { LoadString(hInst, ERROR_202, szFormatString, sizeof(szFormatString)); sprintf(szarString, szFormatString, tempString); MessageBeep(MB_ICONSTOP); MessageBox((HWND)NULL, szarString, TMS, MB_ICONSTOP); goto deallocate; } strcpy(pPassedData->szReportDataFile[0], tempString); StatusBar(-1L, -1L); // // Loop through the roster to set up drivers, their associated // runs, and the start time of each run. There's a data integrity // check here to ensure that the run pointed to by the roster actually exists. // StatusBarText("Examining the roster..."); numRuns = 0; ROSTERKey1.DIVISIONSrecordID = RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID; ROSTERKey1.rosterNumber = NO_RECORD; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATER, TMS_ROSTER, &ROSTER, &ROSTERKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && ROSTER.DIVISIONSrecordID == RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } if(ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].RUNSrecordIDs[RParamData.dayOfWeek] != NO_RECORD) { if(ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].flags & (1 << RParamData.dayOfWeek)) // Crew-only run { CREWONLYKey0.recordID = ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].RUNSrecordIDs[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey0, 0); if(rcode2 == 0) { RData[numRuns].flags = RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY; RData[numRuns].DRIVERSrecordID = ROSTER.DRIVERSrecordID; RData[numRuns].RUNSrecordID = ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].RUNSrecordIDs[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; RData[numRuns].startTime = CREWONLY.startTime; RData[numRuns].runNumber = CREWONLY.runNumber; RData[numRuns].replacementDRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].rosterNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].BUSESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].blockNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].TRIPSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].RGRPROUTESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].SGRPSERVICESrecordID = NO_RECORD; numRuns++; } } else { RUNSKey0.recordID = ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].RUNSrecordIDs[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_RUNS, &RUNS, &RUNSKey0, 0); if(rcode2 == 0) { RData[numRuns].flags = 0; RData[numRuns].DRIVERSrecordID = ROSTER.DRIVERSrecordID; RData[numRuns].RUNSrecordID = ROSTER.WEEK[m_RosterWeek].RUNSrecordIDs[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; RunStartAndEnd(RUNS.start.TRIPSrecordID, RUNS.start.NODESrecordID, NO_RECORD, NO_RECORD, &onTime, &offTime); RData[numRuns].startTime = onTime; RData[numRuns].runNumber = RUNS.runNumber; RData[numRuns].replacementDRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].rosterNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].BUSESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].blockNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].TRIPSrecordID = RUNS.start.TRIPSrecordID; RData[numRuns].RGRPROUTESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].SGRPSERVICESrecordID = NO_RECORD; numRuns++; } } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_ROSTER, &ROSTER, &ROSTERKey1, 1); } // // Now go through the runs to add any unassigned runs to RData // StatusBarText("Setting up unassigned runs..."); RUNSKey1.DIVISIONSrecordID = RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID; RUNSKey1.SERVICESrecordID = ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; RUNSKey1.runNumber = NO_RECORD; RUNSKey1.pieceNumber = NO_RECORD; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATER, TMS_RUNS, &RUNS, &RUNSKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && RUNS.DIVISIONSrecordID == RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID && RUNS.SERVICESrecordID == ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek]) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } if(RUNS.pieceNumber == 1) { for(bFound = FALSE, nI = 0; nI < numRuns; nI++) { if(RUNS.recordID == RData[nI].RUNSrecordID && !(RData[nI].flags & RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY)) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(!bFound) { RData[numRuns].DRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].RUNSrecordID = RUNS.recordID; RunStartAndEnd(RUNS.start.TRIPSrecordID, RUNS.start.NODESrecordID, NO_RECORD, NO_RECORD, &onTime, &offTime); RData[numRuns].startTime = onTime; RData[numRuns].runNumber = RUNS.runNumber; RData[numRuns].replacementDRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].rosterNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].BUSESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].blockNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].TRIPSrecordID = RUNS.start.TRIPSrecordID; RData[numRuns].RGRPROUTESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].SGRPSERVICESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].flags = 0; numRuns++; } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_RUNS, &RUNS, &RUNSKey1, 1); } // // Now go through the runs to add any unassigned crew-only runs to RData // CREWONLYKey1.DIVISIONSrecordID = RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID; CREWONLYKey1.SERVICESrecordID = ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; CREWONLYKey1.runNumber = NO_RECORD; CREWONLYKey1.pieceNumber = NO_RECORD; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETGREATER, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey1, 1); while(rcode2 == 0 && CREWONLY.DIVISIONSrecordID == RParamData.DIVISIONSrecordID && CREWONLY.SERVICESrecordID == ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek]) { if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } if(CREWONLY.pieceNumber == 1) { for(bFound = FALSE, nI = 0; nI < numRuns; nI++) { if(CREWONLY.recordID == RData[nI].RUNSrecordID && (RData[nI].flags & RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY)) { bFound = TRUE; break; } } if(!bFound) { RData[numRuns].flags = RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY; RData[numRuns].DRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].RUNSrecordID = CREWONLY.recordID; RData[numRuns].startTime = CREWONLY.startTime; RData[numRuns].runNumber = CREWONLY.runNumber; RData[numRuns].replacementDRIVERSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].rosterNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].BUSESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].blockNumber = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].TRIPSrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].RGRPROUTESrecordID = NO_RECORD; RData[numRuns].SGRPSERVICESrecordID = NO_RECORD; numRuns++; } } rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey1, 1); } // // Check for changes made via Daily Ops // AdjustDispatchSheetRosterData(&RData[0], RParamData.todaysDate,, numRuns, TRUE, FALSE); // // Sort by run number // qsort((void *)RData, numRuns, sizeof(DISPATCHSHEETRosterDataDef), sort_TMSRPT30); // // Generate the run details, and print them // out along with any associated driver data. // StatusBarText("Generating run details..."); seq = 0; // // Initialize the travel matrix // StatusBarEnd(); if(bUseDynamicTravels) { SERVICESKey0.recordID = ROSTERPARMS.serviceDays[RParamData.dayOfWeek]; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_SERVICES, &SERVICES, &SERVICESKey0, 0); LoadString(hInst, bUseCISPlan ? TEXT_154 : TEXT_135, tempString, TEMPSTRING_LENGTH); StatusBarText(tempString); if(bUseCISPlan) { CISfree(); if(!CISbuildService(FALSE, TRUE, SERVICES.recordID)) goto deallocate; } else { InitTravelMatrix(SERVICES.recordID, FALSE); } } // // Cycle through the runs // StatusBarStart(hWndMain, pszReportName); StatusBarText("Cycling through the runs..."); for(nI = 0; nI < numRuns; nI++) { StatusBar((long)(nI + 1), (long)numRuns); if(StatusBarAbort()) { goto deallocate; } // // Run data // if(RData[nI].flags & RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY) { CREWONLYKey0.recordID = RData[nI].RUNSrecordID; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey0, 0); } else { RUNSKey0.recordID = RData[nI].RUNSrecordID; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_RUNS, &RUNS, &RUNSKey0, 0); } // // Set up the output string // // Sequence # and Service // sprintf(outputString, "%d\t%s\t", seq++, RParamData.szDate); // // Driver // if(RData[nI].replacementDRIVERSrecordID != NO_RECORD) { DRIVERSKey0.recordID = RData[nI].replacementDRIVERSrecordID; } else if(RData[nI].DRIVERSrecordID != NO_RECORD) { DRIVERSKey0.recordID = RData[nI].DRIVERSrecordID; } else { DRIVERSKey0.recordID = NO_RECORD; } if(DRIVERSKey0.recordID != NO_RECORD) { btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_DRIVERS, &DRIVERS, &DRIVERSKey0, 0); strncpy(badgeNumber, DRIVERS.badgeNumber, DRIVERS_BADGENUMBER_LENGTH); trim(badgeNumber, DRIVERS_BADGENUMBER_LENGTH); strncpy(lastName, DRIVERS.lastName, DRIVERS_LASTNAME_LENGTH); trim(lastName, DRIVERS_LASTNAME_LENGTH); strncpy(firstName, DRIVERS.firstName, DRIVERS_FIRSTNAME_LENGTH); trim(firstName, DRIVERS_FIRSTNAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, badgeNumber); strcat(outputString, " - "); strcat(outputString, lastName); strcat(outputString, ", "); strcat(outputString, firstName); } strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Run number // sprintf(tempString, "%ld\t", RData[nI].runNumber); strcat(outputString, tempString); // // Run details // makeUpTime = 0; // // Crew only // if(RData[nI].flags & RDATA_FLAG_CREWONLY) { btrieve(B_GETPOSITION, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey0, 0); rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETDIRECT, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey1, 1); pieceNumber = 0; runNumber = CREWONLY.runNumber; while(rcode2 == 0 && CREWONLY.runNumber == runNumber) { onTime = CREWONLY.startTime; offTime = CREWONLY.endTime; if(CREWONLY.pieceNumber == 1) { cutAsRuntype = CREWONLY.cutAsRuntype; startTime = onTime; onNode = CREWONLY.startNODESrecordID; } PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].fromTime = onTime; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].fromNODESrecordID = CREWONLY.startNODESrecordID; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].fromTRIPSrecordID = NO_RECORD; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].toTime = offTime; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].toNODESrecordID = CREWONLY.endNODESrecordID; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].toTRIPSrecordID = NO_RECORD; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].prior.startTime = NO_TIME; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].prior.endTime = NO_TIME; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber].after.startTime = NO_TIME; PROPOSEDRUN.piece[pieceNumber++].after.endTime = NO_TIME; offNode = CREWONLY.endNODESrecordID; rcode2 = btrieve(B_GETNEXT, TMS_CREWONLY, &CREWONLY, &CREWONLYKey1, 1); } PROPOSEDRUN.numPieces = pieceNumber; RunCoster(&PROPOSEDRUN, cutAsRuntype, &COST); numPieces = PROPOSEDRUN.numPieces; for(nJ = 0; nJ < numPieces; nJ++) { RUNSVIEW[nJ].platformTime = COST.PIECECOST[nJ].platformTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime = COST.PIECECOST[nJ].makeUpTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime = COST.PIECECOST[nJ].reportTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].turninTime = COST.PIECECOST[nJ].turninTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime = COST.TRAVEL[nJ].startTravelTime + COST.TRAVEL[nJ].endTravelTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks = COST.PIECECOST[nJ].paidBreak; RUNSVIEW[nJ].blockNumber = NO_RECORD; RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOnNODESrecordID = PROPOSEDRUN.piece[nJ].fromNODESrecordID; RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOnTime = PROPOSEDRUN.piece[nJ].fromTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOffTime = PROPOSEDRUN.piece[nJ].toTime; RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOffNODESrecordID = PROPOSEDRUN.piece[nJ].toNODESrecordID; } } // // Regular run // else { numPieces = GetRunElements(hWndMain, &RUNS, &PROPOSEDRUN, &COST, TRUE); } // // Cycle through the pieces // for(nJ = 0; nJ < numPieces; nJ++) { if(nJ != 0) { sprintf(outputString, "%d\t%s\t\t%ld\t", seq++, RParamData.szDate, RData[nI].runNumber); } // // Block number // if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].blockNumber != NO_RECORD) { sprintf(tempString, "%ld\t", RUNSVIEW[nJ].blockNumber); } else { strcpy(tempString, "STBY\t"); } strcat(outputString, tempString); // // Location of origin // NODESKey0.recordID = RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOnNODESrecordID; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_NODES, &NODES, &NODESKey0, 0); strncpy(abbrName, NODES.abbrName, NODES_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); trim(abbrName, NODES_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, abbrName); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Time of report // time = RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOnTime - RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime; if(RParamData.flags & DISPATCHSHEET_FLAG_INCLUDESTARTOFPIECETRAVEL) time -= RUNSVIEW[nJ].startOfPieceTravel; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].startOfPieceExtraboardStart != NO_TIME) time = RUNSVIEW[nJ].startOfPieceExtraboardStart; strcat(outputString, Tchar(time)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // On time // strcat(outputString, Tchar(RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOnTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Off time // strcat(outputString, Tchar(RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOffTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Location of destination // NODESKey0.recordID = RUNSVIEW[nJ].runOffNODESrecordID; btrieve(B_GETEQUAL, TMS_NODES, &NODES, &NODESKey0, 0); strncpy(abbrName, NODES.abbrName, NODES_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); trim(abbrName, NODES_ABBRNAME_LENGTH); strcat(outputString, abbrName); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Platform time // strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[nJ].platformTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Report time // if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime > 0) strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Pad time // if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime > 0) makeUpTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks > 0) makeUpTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks; if(makeUpTime > 0) strcat(outputString, Tdec(makeUpTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Spread time // strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Travel and Dwell Time // if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime > 0) strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t\r\n"); // // Write it out // _lwrite(hfOutputFile, outputString, strlen(outputString)); } // // Write out the summary record // sprintf(outputString, "%d\t%s\t\t%ld\t\t\t\t\t\tTotals\t", seq++, RParamData.szDate, RData[nI].runNumber); // // Sum the platform, report, makeup, travel, and intervening times // // Change all NO_TIMEs to 0 // for(nJ = 0; nJ < numPieces; nJ++) { if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].platformTime == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].platformTime = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[nJ].turninTime == NO_TIME) RUNSVIEW[nJ].turninTime = 0; } // // Generate the sums // for(nJ = 1; nJ < numPieces; nJ++) { RUNSVIEW[0].platformTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].platformTime; RUNSVIEW[0].makeUpTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].makeUpTime; RUNSVIEW[0].reportTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].reportTime; RUNSVIEW[0].turninTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].turninTime; RUNSVIEW[0].travelTime += RUNSVIEW[nJ].travelTime; RUNSVIEW[0].paidBreaks += RUNSVIEW[nJ].paidBreaks; } // // And write them out // // Platform time // strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[0].platformTime)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); flatPay = RUNSVIEW[0].platformTime; // // Report and turnin time // if(RUNSVIEW[0].reportTime > 0 || RUNSVIEW[0].turninTime > 0) { strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[0].reportTime + RUNSVIEW[0].turninTime)); flatPay += RUNSVIEW[0].reportTime + RUNSVIEW[0].turninTime; } strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Pad time // makeUpTime = 0; if(RUNSVIEW[0].makeUpTime > 0) makeUpTime += RUNSVIEW[0].makeUpTime; if(RUNSVIEW[0].paidBreaks > 0) makeUpTime += RUNSVIEW[0].paidBreaks; if(makeUpTime > 0) { strcat(outputString, Tdec(makeUpTime)); flatPay += makeUpTime; } strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Spread overtime // if(RUNSVIEW[numPieces - 1].spreadOT > 0) { strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[numPieces - 1].spreadOT)); flatPay += RUNSVIEW[numPieces - 1].spreadOT; } strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Travel and Dwell Time // if(RUNSVIEW[0].travelTime > 0) { strcat(outputString, Tdec(RUNSVIEW[0].travelTime)); flatPay += RUNSVIEW[0].travelTime; } strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // Flat Pay time // strcat(outputString, Tdec(flatPay)); strcat(outputString, "\t"); // // School? // strcat(outputString, "\r\n"); // // Write it out // _lwrite(hfOutputFile, outputString, strlen(outputString)); } // // All done // deallocate: StatusBarEnd(); _lclose(hfOutputFile); return(TRUE); }
BOOL text_Save( HWND hwnd) { HWND hEditWnd; struct textWindowData *theData; HFILE hFile; OFSTRUCT OfStruct; char szTemp[398]; int text_length; char *pEditBuffer; HICON hSaveCursor; unsigned ioStatus; BOOL bSuccess; //hEditWnd = GetFirstChild(MDIClientWnd); hEditWnd = hwnd; /*======================*/ /* Get the window data. */ /*======================*/ theData = (struct textWindowData *) GetWindowLong(hEditWnd,GWL_USERDATA); if (theData == NULL) { if (! GetSaveFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME) &ofn)) { return(FALSE); } theData = (struct textWindowData *) malloc(sizeof(struct textWindowData)); if (theData == NULL) { return(FALSE); } strcpy((char *) &theData->fileName,(char *) szFileName); SetWindowLong(hEditWnd,GWL_USERDATA,(long) theData); SetWindowText(hEditWnd,szFileName); } if ((hFile = OpenFile(theData->fileName, &OfStruct, OF_CANCEL | OF_CREATE)) < 0) { sprintf(szTemp, "Cannot write to %s.",theData->fileName); MessageBox(hwnd,szTemp,NULL,MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND); return (FALSE); } hEditWnd = GetDlgItem(hEditWnd,ID_EDIT_CONTROL); text_length = SendMessage(hEditWnd,WM_GETTEXTLENGTH,0,0); pEditBuffer = (char *) malloc((size_t) text_length+1); if (pEditBuffer == NULL) { sprintf(szTemp, "Not enough memory to save %s.", theData->fileName); MessageBox(hwnd, szTemp, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND); _lclose(hFile); return (FALSE); } SendMessage(hEditWnd,WM_GETTEXT,(unsigned) text_length+1,(LPARAM) pEditBuffer); /*==========================================================*/ /* Set the cursor to an hourglass during the file transfer. */ /*==========================================================*/ hSaveCursor = SetCursor(hHourGlass); ioStatus = _lwrite(hFile,pEditBuffer,strlen(pEditBuffer)); _lclose(hFile); SetCursor(hSaveCursor); if (ioStatus != strlen(pEditBuffer)) { sprintf(szTemp, "Error writing to %s.", theData->fileName); MessageBox(hwnd, szTemp, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONHAND); bSuccess = FALSE; } else { bSuccess = TRUE; SendMessage(hEditWnd,EM_SETMODIFY, (WPARAM) (UINT) FALSE, (LPARAM) 0); } free(pEditBuffer); return (bSuccess); }
LPPALETTE ReadPalette( LPSTR lpFileName, BOOL bCombine ) /************************************************************************/ { int ifh; /* file handle( unbuffered) */ FILEBUF ifd; /* file descriptor( buffered) */ short i, iColors; VERSIONINFO version; RECINFO rec; LPTR lpByte; LPWORD lpWord; LPLONG lpLong; BYTE Previous; BOOL bError; FNAME szName; LPPALETTE lpHeadPalette, lpPalette, lpBigPalette; /* open the palette file */ if ( ( ifh = _lopen( lpFileName, OF_READ)) < 0 ) { Message( IDS_EOPEN, lpFileName); return( NULL ); } /* create a buffered stream to speed access */ FileFDOpenRdr( &ifd, ifh, (LPTR)LineBuffer[0], 16*1024); // read palette version version.Length = sizeof(version.Number); version.Type = PALFILE_VERSION; FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)&version, sizeof(version)); #ifdef _MAC swapw(&version.Length); swapw(&version.Number); #endif if (ifd.err || version.Type != PALFILE_VERSION || version.Length != sizeof(version.Number) || version.Number > CURRENT_VERSION) { Message(IDS_INVALIDPALETTE, lpFileName); _lclose(ifh); return(NULL); } rec.Type = 0; lpHeadPalette = NULL; lpPalette = NULL; bError = NO; while (!bError && !ifd.err && rec.Type != PALFILE_END) { Previous = rec.Type; FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)&rec, sizeof(RECINFO)); #ifdef _MAC swapw(&rec.Length); #endif if (ifd.err) break; switch (rec.Type) { case PALFILE_VERSION: bError = YES; break; case PALFILE_COUNT: lpByte = Alloc((long)rec.Length); FileRead(&ifd, lpByte, rec.Length); FreeUp(lpByte); break; case PALFILE_COLORS: if (!lpPalette) { bError = YES; break; } lpWord = (LPWORD)Alloc((long)rec.Length); if (!lpWord) { Message (IDS_EMEMALLOC); bError = YES; break; } FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)lpWord, rec.Length); if (ifd.err) { FreeUp((LPTR)lpWord); break; } #ifdef _MAC swapw(lpWord); #endif iColors = *lpWord; if ((iColors * sizeof(COLOR) + sizeof(WORD)) != rec.Length) { FreeUp((LPTR)lpWord); bError = YES; break; } lpPalette->iColors = iColors; if (!iColors) { FreeUp((LPTR)lpWord); break; } lpLong = (LPLONG)(lpWord+1); lpPalette->lpColorInfo = (LPCOLORINFO)Alloc((long)(sizeof(COLORINFO)*iColors)); if (!lpPalette->lpColorInfo) { Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); FreeUp((LPTR)lpWord); bError = YES; break; } for (i = 0; i < iColors; ++i) { LPVOID lp = &lpPalette->lpColorInfo[i].rgb; #ifdef _MAC swapl((LPDWORD)lp); #endif CopyRGB(lpLong+i, lp); SetColorInfo( &lpPalette->lpColorInfo[i], &lpPalette->lpColorInfo[i], CS_RGB); } FreeUp((LPTR)lpWord); break; case PALFILE_NAME: if (Previous == PALFILE_NAME) { bError = YES; break; } if (lpPalette) { lpHeadPalette = LinkPalette(lpHeadPalette, lpPalette); lpPalette = NULL; } rec.Length = bound(rec.Length, 0, MAX_FNAME_LEN); FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)szName, rec.Length); if (ifd.err) break; lpPalette = NewPalette(szName); if (!lpPalette) { Message (IDS_EMEMALLOC); bError = YES; break; } break; case PALFILE_GROUP: if (!lpPalette || (rec.Length != sizeof(lpPalette->dwGroup))) { bError = YES; break; } FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)&lpPalette->dwGroup, rec.Length); #ifdef _MAC swapl((LPDWORD)(&lpPalette->dwGroup)); #endif break; case PALFILE_LABELS: if (!lpPalette) { bError = YES; break; } lpPalette->lpLabels = Alloc((long)rec.Length); if (!lpPalette->lpLabels) { Message (IDS_EMEMALLOC); bError = YES; break; } lpPalette->LabelsLength = rec.Length; FileRead(&ifd, lpPalette->lpLabels, rec.Length); break; case PALFILE_FORMAT: if (!lpPalette || (rec.Length > MAX_STR_LEN)) { bError = YES; break; } FileRead(&ifd, (LPTR)lpPalette->szFormat, rec.Length); break; case PALFILE_END: if (lpPalette) { lpHeadPalette = LinkPalette(lpHeadPalette, lpPalette); lpPalette = NULL; } break; default: bError = YES; break; } } _lclose(ifh); if (lpPalette) { if (lpPalette->lpColorInfo) FreeUp((LPTR)lpPalette->lpColorInfo); if (lpPalette->lpLabels) FreeUp((LPTR)lpPalette->lpLabels); FreeUp((LPTR)lpPalette); } if (ifd.err || bError || rec.Type != PALFILE_END || lpPalette) { Message(IDS_INVALIDPALETTE, lpFileName); FreeUpPalette(lpHeadPalette); return(NULL); } if ( !bCombine || !lpHeadPalette ) return( lpHeadPalette ); if ( !(lpBigPalette = CombinePalettes(lpHeadPalette)) ) Message (IDS_EMEMALLOC); FreeUpPalette(lpHeadPalette); return( lpBigPalette ); }
/*------------------------------------------- add item to tcmenu*.txt ---------------------------------------------*/ void OnRequestMenu(HWND hwnd, BOOL bClear) { char tcmenutxt[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE hfind; HFILE hf; int size; char *buf; const char *p, *np; static BOOL bWrite = FALSE; if(!bClear && m_pTimerRun == NULL) return; if(bClear && !bWrite) return; // ../common/tclang.c FindFileWithLangCode(tcmenutxt, GetUserDefaultLangID(), TCMENUTXT); hfind = FindFirstFile(tcmenutxt, &fd); if(hfind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; FindClose(hfind); size = (int)fd.nFileSizeLow; buf = malloc(size+1); if(!buf) return; hf = _lopen(tcmenutxt, OF_READWRITE); if(hf == HFILE_ERROR) { free(buf); return; } _lread(hf, buf, size); *(buf + size) = 0; _llseek(hf, 0, 0); p = buf; while(*p) { if(strncmp(p, "#Timer Begin", 12) == 0) { PTIMERSTRUCT pitem; DWORD tick; char s[160]; np = nextline(p); _lwrite(hf, p, (int)(np - p)); p = np; tick = GetTickCount(); pitem = m_pTimerRun; while(pitem) { int remaining = pitem->interval - (tick - pitem->tickonstart)/1000 - 1; wsprintf(s, "\"%s %s %02d:%02d\" post %s %d 0 %d\r\n", MyString(IDS_STOP, "Stop"), pitem->name, remaining/60, remaining%60, CLASS_TCLOCKTIMER, TIMERM_STOP, pitem->id); _lwrite(hf, s, (int)strlen(s)); pitem = pitem->next; } while(*p) { if(strncmp(p, "#Timer End", 10) == 0) break; p = nextline(p); } } else { np = nextline(p); _lwrite(hf, p, (int)(np - p)); p = np; } } _lwrite(hf, NULL, 0); // truncate _lclose(hf); free(buf); bWrite = TRUE; }
//*********************************************************************** LRESULT FAR PASCAL MMIOJunkIOProc(LPSTR lpmmioinfo, UINT wMsg, LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2) //*********************************************************************** { LRESULT lRes = MMSYSERR_NOERROR; MMIOINFO *pInfo = (MMIOINFO *)lpmmioinfo; switch(wMsg) { case MMIOM_READ: lRes = MMIOJunkRead(pInfo, (LPBYTE)lParam1, lParam2); break; case MMIOM_SEEK: { HFILE hFile = pInfo->adwInfo[0]; MMIOSeek(pInfo, hFile, lParam1, lParam2); } break; case MMIOM_WRITE: break; case MMIOM_OPEN: { LPSTR lpszFileName = (LPSTR)lParam1; char szNewName[_MAX_PATH]; // If just parsing the name... if (pInfo->dwFlags & MMIO_PARSE) { StripPlus(szNewName, lpszFileName); //lRes = TRUE; } // Else, assume we are to open the file else { // Get rid of the +abc stuff StripPlus(szNewName, lpszFileName); // Open the file and stuff the handle in user info HFILE hFile = _lopen(szNewName, OF_READ); pInfo->adwInfo[0] = hFile; pInfo->lDiskOffset = 0; } lFrameCount = 0; //pInfo->hmmio = hFile; } break; case MMIOM_CLOSE: { HFILE hFile = (HFILE)pInfo->adwInfo[0]; if (hFile) _lclose(hFile); } break; } return lRes; }
int objwrt(LPIMAGE lpImage, LPSTR lpFileName, int idFileType, LPRECT lpRect, int flag, BOOL fCompressed) /************************************************************************/ { LPOBJECT lpObject; int ofp; LPLONG lngptr; LPWORD shtptr; FNAME temp; BOOL bEscapable; int nObjects, i, nPasses; long lObjStart; WORD wBytes; LPOBJOFFSETS lpOffsets; if (!lpImage) return( -1 ); lpObject = NULL; nObjects = nPasses = 0; while (lpObject = ImgGetNextObject(lpImage, lpObject, YES, NO)) { if (lpObject->lpAlpha && (nObjects || Save.bSaveMask)) ++nPasses; ++nObjects; ++nPasses; } if (!(lpOffsets = (LPOBJOFFSETS)Alloc(sizeof(OBJOFFSETS)*nObjects))) { Message(IDS_EMEMALLOC); return(-1); } bEscapable = !FileExists(lpFileName); #ifdef _MAC // The Mac file system can't handle the following pathname: // Bad ---> "DIR:FILE.EXT" // Needs to be -> ":DIR:FILE.EXT" // Add the additional ':' here to specify starting at our directory. if (lpFileName[0] != ':') { STRING szName; lstrcpy(szName, lpFileName); lstrcpy(lpFileName+1, szName); lpFileName[0] = ':'; } #endif if ((ofp = _lcreat(lpFileName,0)) < 0) { FreeUp((LPTR)lpOffsets); Message( IDS_EOPEN, lpFileName ); return(-1); } ProgressBegin(nPasses, 0); // Fill in header info shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0]; SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0x4949); /* byte order is LSB,MSB */ SetNextWord(&shtptr, OBJ_VERSION); /* Version Number */ SetNextWord(&shtptr, ImgCountObjects(lpImage)); /* Number of Objects */ lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr; SetNextLong(&lngptr, OBJ_DATA_SIZE); /* size of object data */ SetNextLong(&lngptr, OBJ_HDR_SIZE); /* start of object data */ // Write out header info wBytes = (LPTR)lngptr - (LPTR)LineBuffer[0]; if ( _lwrite(ofp, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes ) goto BadWrite; lObjStart = _llseek (ofp, 0L, 1); wBytes = OBJ_DATA_SIZE * ImgCountObjects(lpImage); if ( _lwrite(ofp, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes ) goto BadWrite; lpObject = NULL; i = 0; while (lpObject = ImgGetNextObject(lpImage, lpObject, YES, NO)) { lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset = _llseek (ofp, 0L, 1); lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset = 0L; if (TiffWriteFrame(ofp, lpFileName, NULL, lpObject->Pixmap.EditFrame, NULL, flag, fCompressed, bEscapable) < 0) goto BadWrite; if (!lpObject->lpAlpha || (!i && !Save.bSaveMask)) { ++i; continue; } lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset = _llseek (ofp, 0L, 1); if (TiffWriteFrame(ofp, lpFileName, NULL, lpObject->lpAlpha->Pixmap.EditFrame, NULL, IDC_SAVECT, fCompressed, bEscapable) < 0) goto BadWrite; ++i; } // fill in object data information and write it _llseek (ofp, lObjStart, 0); lpObject = NULL; i = 0; while (lpObject = ImgGetNextObject(lpImage, lpObject, YES, NO)) { shtptr = (LPWORD)LineBuffer[0]; SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->ObjectType); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->rObject.left); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->; SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->rObject.right); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->rObject.bottom); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->Opacity); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->MergeMode); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->wGroupID); SetNextWord(&shtptr, idFileType); if (lpObject->lpAlpha) { SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->lpAlpha->bInvert); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->lpAlpha->rMask.left); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->lpAlpha->; SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->lpAlpha->rMask.right); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->lpAlpha->rMask.bottom); } else { SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0); SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0); SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0); SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0); SetNextWord(&shtptr, 0); } lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr; SetNextLong(&lngptr, lpOffsets[i].lDataOffset); SetNextLong(&lngptr, lpOffsets[i].lAlphaOffset); shtptr = (LPWORD)lngptr; SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->fSelected); SetNextWord(&shtptr, lpObject->ObjectDataID); lngptr = (LPLONG)shtptr; SetNextLong(&lngptr, lpObject->dwObjectData); shtptr = (LPWORD)lngptr; ++i; // Write out Object data wBytes = OBJ_DATA_SIZE;; if ( _lwrite(ofp, LineBuffer[0], wBytes) != wBytes ) goto BadWrite; } FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets ); _lclose(ofp); ProgressEnd(); return( 0 ); BadWrite: _lclose(ofp); FreeUp( (LPTR)lpOffsets ); lstrcpy(temp,lpFileName); FileDelete(temp); if (nPasses) ProgressEnd(); return( -1 ); }