static void PVDDoOpen(AOperator *asop, int result) { HeartMsg *sm = container_of(asop, HeartMsg, timer); if ((result < 0) || (pvd == NULL)) { HeartMsgFree(sm, result); return; } if (sm->object == rt) { AOption opt; aoption_init(&opt, NULL); strcpy_s(, "version"); _ltoa_s(login_data.byDVRType, opt.value, 10); sm->object->setopt(sm->object, &opt); strcpy_s(, "session_id"); _ltoa_s(userid, opt.value, 10); sm->object->setopt(sm->object, &opt); } amsg_init(&sm->msg, AMsgType_Option, (char*)sm->option, 0); sm->msg.done = &PVDOpenDone; result = sm->object->open(sm->object, &sm->msg); if (result != 0) PVDOpenDone(&sm->msg, result); }
void Logger::open(DWORD pId) { try { openService(logNumber, filename); } catch (std::exception&) { char buf[10]; _ltoa_s(logNumber, buf, 10, 10); filename = std::string("log_XXX_00_00_00_" + std::string(buf)); } char buf[10]; _ltoa_s(pId, buf, 10, 10);; if (!out) { std::cout << "Can't open file" << std::endl; throw OpenFileError("Error opening file."); } out << "############################################################################" << std::endl; out << "============ The log file for a process with initial id: ============" << std::endl << buf << std::endl; out << "############################################################################" << std::endl << std::endl; out.close(); }
void SettingsDialog::initialiseOptions() { char tmp[15]; ::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_NOTIFY), BM_SETCHECK, g_options.notifyUpdates ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); ::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_SHOWUNSTABLE), BM_SETCHECK, g_options.showUnstable ? BST_CHECKED : BST_UNCHECKED, 0); _ltoa_s(g_options.daysToCheck, tmp, 15, 10); ::SetWindowTextA(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_DAYSTOCHECK), tmp); ::SendMessage(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_INSTALLALLUSERS), BM_SETCHECK, g_options.installLocation == INSTALLLOC_APPDATA ? BST_UNCHECKED : BST_CHECKED, 0); ::EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_INSTALLALLUSERS), g_options.appDataPluginsSupported); tstring info(_T("Plugin Config path is:\r\n")); TCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; path[0] = _T('\0'); ::SendMessage(_nppData->_nppHandle, NPPM_GETPLUGINSCONFIGDIR, MAX_PATH, reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(path)); info.append(path); info.append(_T("\r\n")); if (g_options.appDataPluginsSupported) { info.append(_T("Plugins in user's AppData directory are enabled. Remove the allowAppDataPlugins.xml file from the Notepad++ directory to disable.")); } else { info.append(_T("Plugins in user's AppData directory are disabled - to enable in Notepad++ version 5.9.7 onwards place an empty file called allowAppDataPlugins.xml in the Notepad++ directory.")); } SetWindowText(GetDlgItem(_hSelf, IDC_INFOTEXT), info.c_str()); }
int dumpprint(ProxyStream& os, __int64 x) { char Text[100]; _ltoa_s(int(x),Text,10); dumpprint(os, Text); return (int)::strlen(Text); };
CString LongToStr(long lVal) { CString strRet; char buff[20]; _ltoa_s(lVal, buff, 10); strRet = buff; return strRet; }
std::string str(int32_t value) { char buf[64]; #ifdef USING_VISUAL_2005 if (_ltoa_s(value, buf, sizeof(buf), 10) == 0) return buf; else return ""; #else return ltoa(value, buf, 10); #endif //USING_VISUAL_2005 }
zLONG ZTimer::SetZCtrlState( zLONG lStatusType, zULONG ulValue ) { zLONG lRC = ZMapAct::SetZCtrlState( lStatusType, ulValue ); // Enabled is used to start/stop the timer thread if ( lStatusType == zCONTROL_STATUS_ENABLED ) { // TraceLineI( "ZTimer::SetZCtrlState ENABLED: ", ulValue ); if ( ulValue ) { if ( ulValue > 1 ) { m_lInterval = ulValue; #ifdef zREMOTE_SERVER zCHAR szInterval[ 32 ]; _ltoa_s( m_lInterval, szInterval ); SetRemoteZCtrlAttribute( this, "Timer", "Interval", szInterval ); #endif } if ( m_bEnabled == FALSE ) { #ifdef zREMOTE_SERVER SetRemoteZCtrlAttribute( this, "Ctrl", "Enabled", "Y" ); #else m_bEnabled = TRUE; m_pThread = AfxBeginThread( fnTimerThreadProc, (zPVOID) this, THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0, NULL ); #endif } } else { if ( m_bEnabled == TRUE ) { m_bEnabled = FALSE; #ifdef zREMOTE_SERVER SetRemoteZCtrlAttribute( this, "Ctrl", "Enabled", "N" ); #endif } } } return( lRC ); }
// ZTimer - ctor ZTimer::ZTimer( ZSubtask *pZSubtask, CWnd *pWndParent, ZMapAct *pzmaComposite, zVIEW vDialog, zSHORT nOffsetX, zSHORT nOffsetY, zKZWDLGXO_Ctrl_DEF *pCtrlDef ) : CStatic( ), ZMapAct( pZSubtask, // base class ctor pzmaComposite, pWndParent, this, vDialog, nOffsetX, nOffsetY, pCtrlDef, "Timer" ) { #ifdef DEBUG_ALL TraceLineI( "In ctor for ZTimer", (zLONG) this ); #endif m_ulMapActFlags &= ~zMAPACT_FOCUS_ENABLED; // Make it a hidden window. Attr.Style &= ~(WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE ); Attr.Style |= WS_DISABLED; Attr.X = 0; Attr.Y = 0; Attr.W = 0; Attr.H = 0; // Localize settings from XWD. m_lInterval = pCtrlDef->StyleX; m_bEnabled = TRUE; m_pThread = 0; // TraceLineI( "Timer interval --> ", m_lInterval ); // TraceLineS( "string interval -> ", pCtrlDef->Text ); // TraceLineI( "Timer enabled ---> ", m_bEnabled ); #ifdef zREMOTE_SERVER zCHAR szInterval[ 32 ]; _ltoa_s( m_lInterval, szInterval ); SetRemoteZCtrlAttribute( this, "Timer", "Interval", szInterval ); #endif CreateZ( ); }
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------// std::string CCorbaErrorHelper::ToString(const CORBA::SystemException& err) { std::string errDescription; TCHAR buf[50]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(TCHAR) * 50); CORBA::Any tmp; tmp <<= err; CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = tmp.type(); errDescription = std::string(tc->name()) + _T(" Description: ") + err.NP_minorString(); errDescription += _T(" Minor code: "); errDescription += _ltoa_s(err.minor(), buf, 50, 10); return errDescription; }
void dumpprint(ProxyStream& os, __int64 x, int Scale, const char*xText) { char Text[100]; _ltoa_s(int(x),Text + 1,99,10); int Dot = 1; for(Dot=1; Text[Dot]; Dot++); Dot -= Scale; Dot--; for(int i=0; i < Dot; i++) Text[i] = Text[i+1]; if(Scale > 0) Text[Dot] = '.'; else Text[Dot] = 0; dumpprint(os,Text); dumpprint(os,xText); };
void Logger::openService(size_t logNum, std::string& fName) { time_t sec = time(NULL); tm timeInfo; std::string date, temp; if (localtime_s(&timeInfo, &sec)) { std::cout << "Can't open file" << std::endl; throw LocalTimeError("Error getting local time."); } char buf1[26]; if (asctime_s(buf1, 26, &timeInfo)) { std::cout << "Can't open file" << std::endl; throw AscTimeError("Error getting time string."); } char buf2[10]; _ltoa_s(logNum, buf2, 10, 10); fName = ("log_" + std::string(buf1).substr(0, 3) + "_" + std::string(buf1).substr(11, 2) + "_" + std::string(buf1).substr(14, 2) + "_" + std::string(buf1).substr(17, 2) + "_" + std::string(buf2) + ".txt"); }
CString::CString(long int num) { char buffer[65]; _ltoa_s(num, buffer, 10); InitializationString((const char *)buffer); }
char* ItoAStatic(int integer) { ASSERT_ZERORET(_ltoa_s(integer, s_ItoACacheBuff, MAX_PATH, 10), NULL); return s_ItoACacheBuff; }