static unsigned short at2mode( int attr, char *fname )
    unsigned short  mode;
    char            *ext;

    if( attr & _A_SUBDIR ) {
        mode = S_IFDIR | S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH;
    } else if( attr & AT_ISCHR ) {
        mode = S_IFCHR;
    } else {
        mode = S_IFREG;
        /* determine if file is executable, very PC specific */
        if( (ext = _mbschr( fname, '.' )) != NULL ) {
            if( _mbscmp( ext, "EXE" ) == 0 || _mbscmp( ext, "COM" ) == 0 ) {
                mode |= S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH;
    mode |= S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
    if( !(attr & _A_RDONLY) )                   /* if file is not read-only */
        mode |= S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH;    /* - indicate writeable     */
    return( mode );
DBOOL CMenuCharacter::DeleteB2CFile(char *szFile)
	char	str1[128];

	sprintf(str1, "players\\%s", szFile);

	// Don't delete the default files
	if(_mbscmp((const unsigned char*)szFile, (const unsigned char*)"caleb.b2c") == 0)	return DFALSE;
	if(_mbscmp((const unsigned char*)szFile, (const unsigned char*)"ophelia.b2c") == 0)	return DFALSE;
	if(_mbscmp((const unsigned char*)szFile, (const unsigned char*)"ishmael.b2c") == 0)	return DFALSE;
	if(_mbscmp((const unsigned char*)szFile, (const unsigned char*)"gabby.b2c") == 0)	return DFALSE;
		return	DTRUE;
		return	DFALSE;
int CALLBACK ListSortProc( LPARAM lp1, LPARAM lp2, LPARAM lp3)
	int i ;
	if( lp3 == 0)
		string s1 = ( (Mp3File*)lp1)->GetSaveName() ;
		string s2 = ( (Mp3File*)lp2)->GetSaveName() ;
		i = _mbscmp( (const unsigned char*)s1.c_str(), (const unsigned char*)s2.c_str()) ;
	else if( lp3 == 1)
		string s1 = ( (Mp3File*)lp1)->GetFilePath() ;
		string s2 = ( (Mp3File*)lp2)->GetFilePath() ;
		i = _mbscmp( (const unsigned char*)s1.c_str(), (const unsigned char*)s2.c_str()) ;
	else if( lp3 == 2)
		string s1 = ( (Mp3File*)lp1)->GetFileName() ;
		string s2 = ( (Mp3File*)lp2)->GetFileName() ;
		i = _mbscmp( (const unsigned char*)s1.c_str(), (const unsigned char*)s2.c_str()) ;
	return i ;
DDWORD CivilianAI::ObjectMessageFn(HOBJECT hSender, DDWORD messageID, HMESSAGEREAD hRead)
 		case MID_TRIGGER:
			HSTRING hMsg = m_pServerDE->ReadFromMessageHString(hRead);
			char *pCommand = m_pServerDE->GetStringData(hMsg);

			/* 01/15/1999 Be VERY sure we should run this. -- Loki */
			if ((m_nState != STATE_Escape_Hide) && 
				(m_nState != STATE_Script) && 
				(m_nState != STATE_Special1) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special2) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special3) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special4) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special5) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special6) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special7) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special8) &&
				(m_nState != STATE_Special9) &&
				(_mbscmp((const unsigned char*)pCommand, (const unsigned char*)"TRIGGER") == 0))
				m_hTarget = hSender;


			g_pServerDE->FreeString( hMsg );


		case MID_DAMAGE:
			AI_Mgr::ObjectMessageFn(hSender, messageID, hRead);

			return 0;

		default : break;

	return AI_Mgr::ObjectMessageFn(hSender, messageID, hRead);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
//	iniファイルから文字を読み取る
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int ReadIniFileStr( char *vname, char *str, char *def, int size, char *sec_name, char *ini_fname )
	char	*buf = (char*)GAlloc( size+1 );
//	char	*buf = (char*)GAlloc( size );
	if( ini_fname==NULL){
			ini_fname = "default.ini";
			ini_fname = IniFileName;

	GetPrivateProfileString( sec_name, vname, def, buf, size, ini_fname );
	if( _mbscmp( (BYTE*)def, (BYTE*)buf ) ){
		_mbscpy( (BYTE*)str, (BYTE*)buf+1 );
		_mbscpy( (BYTE*)str, (BYTE*)buf );
//	_mbscpy( (BYTE*)str, (BYTE*)buf );

	return 0;
void TestAddendum( void )
    wchar_t             wc;
    wchar_t             wcs[10];
    wchar_t *           wcsPtr;
    int                 status;
    mbstate_t           state;
    unsigned char       mbc[MB_LEN_MAX];
    unsigned char       mbcs[10*MB_LEN_MAX+1];
    unsigned char *     mbcsPtr;

    errno_t             rc;
    size_t              retval;
    int                 violations = NumViolations;

    status = wctob( L'!' );
    VERIFY( status == '!' );

    status = mbtowc( &wc, "\x90\x90", 2 );
    #ifndef DUMMY_DBCS
        VERIFY( status == 2 );
        status = wctob( wc );
        VERIFY( status == EOF );
        VERIFY( status == 1 );
        status = wctob( wc );
        VERIFY( status == 0x90 );

    status = sisinit( NULL );
    VERIFY( status != 0 );

    state = 0;
    status = sisinit( &state );
    VERIFY( status == 0 );

    state = 123;
    status = sisinit( &state );
    VERIFY( status == 0 );

    status = mbrlen( "\0""!", 2, &state );
    VERIFY( status == 0 );

    status = mbrlen( "!", 2, &state );
    VERIFY( status == 1 );

    wc = L'\0';
    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, mbc, MB_LEN_MAX, wc, &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == '\0' );
    VERIFY( retval == 1 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, mbc, MB_LEN_MAX, L'X', &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == 'X' );
    VERIFY( retval == 1 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, NULL, 0, L'X', &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 1 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    _mbscpy( mbcs, "Foo!\x90\x90" );
    mbcsPtr = mbcs;
    wcs[5] = wcs[6] = L'-';
    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, wcs, 10, (const char**)(&mbcsPtr), 6, &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 5 );
    VERIFY( wcs[0] == L'F' );
    VERIFY( wcs[1] == L'o' );
    VERIFY( wcs[2] == L'o' );
    VERIFY( wcs[3] == L'!' );

    mbcsPtr = mbcs;
    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, NULL, 0, (const char**)(&mbcsPtr), 1, &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 5 );

    wcsPtr = wcs;
    _mbsset( mbcs, _mbsnextc("#") );
    rc = wcsrtombs_s( &retval, mbcs, 10, (const wchar_t**)(&wcsPtr), 6, &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 6 );
    mbcs[retval] = '\0';
    VERIFY( _mbscmp( mbcs, "Foo!\x90\x90" ) == 0 );

    wcsPtr = wcs;
    rc = wcsrtombs_s( &retval, NULL, 0, (const wchar_t**)(&wcsPtr), 20, &state );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 6 );

    /*  test runtime-constraints                                           */

    *mbc = 'X';
    rc = wcrtomb_s( NULL, mbc, MB_LEN_MAX, wc, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == '\0' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    *mbc = 'X';
    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, mbc, MB_LEN_MAX, L'X', NULL );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == '\0' );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, NULL, MB_LEN_MAX, L'X', &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    *mbc = 'X';
    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, mbc, 0, L'X', &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == 'X' );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcrtomb_s( &retval, mbc, ~0, L'X', &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( *mbc == 'X' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbcsPtr = mbcs;
    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( NULL, NULL, 0, (const char**)(&mbcsPtr), 1, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, NULL, 0, NULL, 1, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbcsPtr = NULL;
    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, NULL, 0, (const char**)(&mbcsPtr), 1, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, NULL, 0, (const char**)(&wcsPtr), 1, NULL );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = mbsrtowcs_s( &retval, NULL, 111, (const char**)(&wcsPtr), 1, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    wcsPtr = wcs;
    rc = wcsrtombs_s( &retval, mbcs, 5, (const wchar_t**)(&wcsPtr), 10, &state );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );
void TestFromWide( void )
    char                mbs[20];
    wchar_t             wc = L'\0';
    wchar_t             wcs[] = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '\0' };

    errno_t             rc;
    size_t              retval;
    size_t              retval2;
    int                 status;
    int                 violations = NumViolations;

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, mbs, 20, wc );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == '\0' );
    VERIFY( status == 1 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, mbs, 20, L'X' );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == 'X' );
    VERIFY( status == 1 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, NULL, 0, L'X' );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( status == 0 );  /* no state-dependant encodings */
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcstombs_s( &retval, mbs, 20, wcs, 10 );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == 5 );
    VERIFY( !_mbscmp(mbs,"Hello") );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wcstombs_s( &retval2, NULL, 0, wcs, 10 );
    VERIFY( rc == 0 );
    VERIFY( retval2 == 5 );
    VERIFY( violations == NumViolations );

    /*  test runtime-constraints                                           */
    rc = wctomb_s( &status, NULL, 20, wc );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, mbs, 0, wc );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, mbs, ~0, wc );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    rc = wctomb_s( &status, mbs, 1, '\x81\xFC' );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbs[0]= 'X';
    rc = wcstombs_s( NULL, mbs, 20, wcs, 10 );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == '\0' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbs[0]= 'X';
    rc = wcstombs_s( &retval, mbs, 20, NULL, 10 );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == '\0' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbs[0]= 'X';
    rc = wcstombs_s( &retval, mbs, ~0, wcs, 10 );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == 'X' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

    mbs[0]= 'X';
    rc = wcstombs_s( &retval, mbs, 20, wcs, ~0 );
    VERIFY( rc != 0 );
    VERIFY( retval == -1 );
    VERIFY( mbs[0] == '\0' );
    VERIFY( ++violations == NumViolations );

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SInt32 WinMBCString::Compare(const WinMBCString& other) const
	return _mbscmp(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(innerString.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(other.innerString.c_str()));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SInt32 WinMBCString::Compare(ConstAStr string) const
	return _mbscmp(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(innerString.c_str()), reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(string));
int ConnectRas(int Dialup, int UseThis, int Notify, char *Name)
	RASCONN *RasConn;
	int i;
	int Num;
	int Sts;
	int DoDial;
	BOOL Flg;

	if(Dialup == YES)
		if(m_hDll != NULL)
			/* 現在の接続を確認 */
			DoDial = 1;
			if((Num = GetCurConnections(&RasConn)) != -1)
				if(Num > 0)
					DoDial = 0;
					if(UseThis == YES)
						DoDial = 2;
						for(i = 0; i < Num; i++)
							if(_mbscmp(RasConn[i].szEntryName, Name) == 0)
								DoDial = 0;

						if(DoDial == 2)
							if((Notify == NO) ||
							   (DialogBox(GetFtpInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(rasreconnect_dlg), GetMainHwnd(), ExeEscDialogProc) == YES))
								DoDisconnect(RasConn, Num);
								DoDial = 0;

			if(DoDial != 0)
				/* 接続する */
				Sts = FAIL;

				Num = 0;
				VerInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
				if(GetVersionEx(&VerInfo) == TRUE)
					if(VerInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
						Num = 1;

				if(Num == 1)
					if(m_hDll2 != NULL)
						/* Windows NT */
						DlgParam.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALDLG);
						DlgParam.hwndOwner = GetMainHwnd();
						DlgParam.dwFlags = 0;
						DlgParam.dwSubEntry = 0;
						DlgParam.reserved = 0;
						DlgParam.reserved2 = 0;
						if((*m_RasDialDlg)(NULL, Name, NULL, &DlgParam) != 0)
							Sts = SUCCESS;
					/* Windows 95,98 */
					Param.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS);
					strcpy(Param.szEntryName, Name);
					Flg = TRUE;
					Sts = (*m_RasGetEntryDialParams)(NULL, &Param, &Flg);
					strcpy(Param.szPhoneNumber, "");

					if(((strlen(Param.szUserName) != 0) && (strlen(Param.szPassword) != 0)) ||
					   (DialogBoxParam(GetFtpInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(dial_password_dlg), GetMainHwnd(), (DLGPROC)DialPassCallBackProc, (LPARAM)&Param) == YES))
						if(DialogBoxParam(GetFtpInst(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(dial_dlg), GetMainHwnd(), (DLGPROC)DialCallBackProc, (LPARAM)&Param) == YES)
							Sts = SUCCESS;
int test_implicit_compare_with_functions() {

  if (memcmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'memcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: memcmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (wmemcmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wmemcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wmemcmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (memicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'memicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: memicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_memicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_memicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _memicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_memicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_memicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _memicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (strcmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strncmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strncmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (strcasecmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcasecmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strncasecmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strncasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strncasecmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (stricmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'stricmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: stricmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strcmpi(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strcmpi' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strcmpi(A, "a") != 0)

  if (_stricmp(A, "a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_stricmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _stricmp(A, "a") != 0)

  if (strnicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'strnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: strnicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_strnicmp(A, "a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_strnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _strnicmp(A, "a", 1) != 0)

  if (_stricmp_l(A, "a", locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_stricmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _stricmp_l(A, "a", locale) != 0)

  if (_strnicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_strnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _strnicmp_l(A, "a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (wcscmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcscmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcscmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (wcsncmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsncmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (wcscasecmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcscasecmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcscasecmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (wcsicmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsicmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (_wcsicmp(W, L"a"))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsicmp(W, L"a") != 0)

  if (_wcsicmp_l(W, L"a", locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsicmp_l(W, L"a", locale) != 0)

  if (wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function 'wcsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (_wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsnicmp(W, L"a", 1) != 0)

  if (_wcsnicmp_l(W, L"a", 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_wcsnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _wcsnicmp_l(W, L"a", 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbscmp(U, V))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbscmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbscmp(U, V) != 0)

  if (_mbsncmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsncmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsncmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbcmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbcmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbcmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbicmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbicmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbsicmp(U, V))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsicmp(U, V) != 0)

  if (_mbsnicmp(U, V, 1))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnicmp' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnicmp(U, V, 1) != 0)

  if (_mbscmp_l(U, V, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbscmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbscmp_l(U, V, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsncmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsncmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsncmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsicmp_l(U, V, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsicmp_l(U, V, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbcmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbcmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbcmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  if (_mbsnbicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale))
    return 0;
  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: warning: function '_mbsnbicmp_l' is called without explicitly comparing result
  // CHECK-FIXES: _mbsnbicmp_l(U, V, 1, locale) != 0)

  return 1;