int32_t dot_product(int16_t *x,
                    int16_t *y,
                    uint32_t N, //must be a multiple of 8
                    uint8_t output_shift)

  uint32_t n;

#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
  __m128i *x128,*y128,mmtmp1,mmtmp2,mmtmp3,mmcumul,mmcumul_re,mmcumul_im;
  __m64 mmtmp7;
  __m128i minus_i = _mm_set_epi16(-1,1,-1,1,-1,1,-1,1);
  int32_t result;

  x128 = (__m128i*) x;
  y128 = (__m128i*) y;

  mmcumul_re = _mm_setzero_si128();
  mmcumul_im = _mm_setzero_si128();

  for (n=0; n<(N>>2); n++) {

    //printf("n=%d, x128=%p, y128=%p\n",n,x128,y128);
    //    print_shorts("x",&x128[0]);
    //    print_shorts("y",&y128[0]);

    // this computes Re(z) = Re(x)*Re(y) + Im(x)*Im(y)
    mmtmp1 = _mm_madd_epi16(x128[0],y128[0]);
    //    print_ints("re",&mmtmp1);
    // mmtmp1 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)

    // shift and accumulate results
    mmtmp1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmp1,output_shift);
    mmcumul_re = _mm_add_epi32(mmcumul_re,mmtmp1);
    //    print_ints("re",&mmcumul_re);

    // this computes Im(z) = Re(x)*Im(y) - Re(y)*Im(x)
    mmtmp2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(y128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    //    print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);
    mmtmp2 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmp2,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
    //    print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);
    mmtmp2 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmp2,minus_i);
    //        print_shorts("y",&mmtmp2);

    mmtmp3 = _mm_madd_epi16(x128[0],mmtmp2);
    //        print_ints("im",&mmtmp3);
    // mmtmp3 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)

    // shift and accumulate results
    mmtmp3 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmp3,output_shift);
    mmcumul_im = _mm_add_epi32(mmcumul_im,mmtmp3);
    //    print_ints("im",&mmcumul_im);


  // this gives Re Re Im Im
  mmcumul = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmcumul_re,mmcumul_im);
  //  print_ints("cumul1",&mmcumul);

  // this gives Re Im Re Im
  mmcumul = _mm_hadd_epi32(mmcumul,mmcumul);

  //  print_ints("cumul2",&mmcumul);

  //mmcumul = _mm_srai_epi32(mmcumul,output_shift);
  // extract the lower half
  mmtmp7 = _mm_movepi64_pi64(mmcumul);
  //  print_ints("mmtmp7",&mmtmp7);
  // pack the result
  mmtmp7 = _mm_packs_pi32(mmtmp7,mmtmp7);
  //  print_shorts("mmtmp7",&mmtmp7);
  // convert back to integer
  result = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(mmtmp7);



#elif defined(__arm__)
  int16x4_t *x_128=(int16x4_t*)x;
  int16x4_t *y_128=(int16x4_t*)y;
  int32x4_t tmp_re,tmp_im;
  int32x4_t tmp_re1,tmp_im1;
  int32x4_t re_cumul,im_cumul;
  int32x2_t re_cumul2,im_cumul2;
  int32x4_t shift = vdupq_n_s32(-output_shift); 
  int32x2x2_t result2;
  int16_t conjug[4]__attribute__((aligned(16))) = {-1,1,-1,1} ;

  re_cumul = vdupq_n_s32(0);
  im_cumul = vdupq_n_s32(0); 

  for (n=0; n<(N>>2); n++) {

    tmp_re  = vmull_s16(*x_128++, *y_128++);
    //tmp_re = [Re(x[0])Re(y[0]) Im(x[0])Im(y[0]) Re(x[1])Re(y[1]) Im(x[1])Im(y[1])] 
    tmp_re1 = vmull_s16(*x_128++, *y_128++);
    //tmp_re1 = [Re(x1[1])Re(x2[1]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[1]) Re(x1[1])Re(x2[2]) Im(x1[1])Im(x2[2])] 
    tmp_re  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_re),vget_high_s32(tmp_re)),
    //tmp_re = [Re(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Im(ch[0])Im(ch[0]) Re(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Im(ch[1])Im(ch[1]) Re(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Im(ch[2]) Im(ch[2]) Re(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Im(ch[3])Im(ch[3])] 

    tmp_im  = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(*x_128++,*(int16x4_t*)conjug)),*y_128++);
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0]) Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1]) Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1])]
    tmp_im1 = vmull_s16(vrev32_s16(vmul_s16(*x_128++,*(int16x4_t*)conjug)),*y_128++);
    //tmp_im1 = [-Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2]) Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3]) Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]
    tmp_im  = vcombine_s32(vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(tmp_im),vget_high_s32(tmp_im)),
    //tmp_im = [-Im(ch[0])Re(rx[0])+Re(ch[0])Im(rx[0]) -Im(ch[1])Re(rx[1])+Re(ch[1])Im(rx[1]) -Im(ch[2])Re(rx[2])+Re(ch[2])Im(rx[2]) -Im(ch[3])Re(rx[3])+Re(ch[3])Im(rx[3])]

    re_cumul = vqaddq_s32(re_cumul,vqshlq_s32(tmp_re,shift));
    im_cumul = vqaddq_s32(im_cumul,vqshlq_s32(tmp_im,shift));
  re_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(re_cumul),vget_high_s32(re_cumul));
  im_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(vget_low_s32(im_cumul),vget_high_s32(im_cumul));
  re_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(re_cumul2,re_cumul2);
  im_cumul2 = vpadd_s32(im_cumul2,im_cumul2);
  result2   = vzip_s32(re_cumul2,im_cumul2);
void weighted_merge_planar_mmx(BYTE *p1, const BYTE *p2, int p1_pitch, int p2_pitch, int width, int height, int weight, int invweight) {
  __m64 round_mask = _mm_set1_pi32(0x4000);
  __m64 zero = _mm_setzero_si64();
  __m64 mask = _mm_set_pi16(weight, invweight, weight, invweight);

  int wMod8 = (width/8) * 8;

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < wMod8; x += 8) {
      __m64 px1 = *(reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(p1+x)); //y7y6 y5y4 y3y2 y1y0
      __m64 px2 = *(reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(p2+x)); //Y7Y6 Y5Y4 Y3Y2 Y1Y0

      __m64 p0123 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(px1, px2); //Y3y3 Y2y2 Y1y1 Y0y0
      __m64 p4567 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(px1, px2); //Y7y7 Y6y6 Y5y5 Y4y4

      __m64 p01 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(p0123, zero); //00Y1 00y1 00Y0 00y0
      __m64 p23 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(p0123, zero); //00Y3 00y3 00Y2 00y2
      __m64 p45 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(p4567, zero); //00Y5 00y5 00Y4 00y4
      __m64 p67 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(p4567, zero); //00Y7 00y7 00Y6 00y6

      p01 = _mm_madd_pi16(p01, mask);
      p23 = _mm_madd_pi16(p23, mask);
      p45 = _mm_madd_pi16(p45, mask);
      p67 = _mm_madd_pi16(p67, mask);

      p01 = _mm_add_pi32(p01, round_mask);
      p23 = _mm_add_pi32(p23, round_mask);
      p45 = _mm_add_pi32(p45, round_mask);
      p67 = _mm_add_pi32(p67, round_mask);

      p01 = _mm_srli_pi32(p01, 15);
      p23 = _mm_srli_pi32(p23, 15);
      p45 = _mm_srli_pi32(p45, 15);
      p67 = _mm_srli_pi32(p67, 15);

      p0123 = _mm_packs_pi32(p01, p23);
      p4567 = _mm_packs_pi32(p45, p67);

      __m64 result = _mm_packs_pu16(p0123, p4567);

      *reinterpret_cast<__m64*>(p1+x) = result;

    for (int x = wMod8; x < width; x++) {
      p1[x] = (p1[x]*invweight + p2[x]*weight + 16384) >> 15;

    p1 += p1_pitch;
    p2 += p2_pitch;
static void weighted_merge_luma_yuy2_mmx(BYTE *src, const BYTE *luma, int pitch, int luma_pitch,int width, int height, int weight, int invweight)
  __m64 round_mask = _mm_set1_pi32(0x4000);
  __m64 mask = _mm_set_pi16(weight, invweight, weight, invweight);
  __m64 luma_mask = _mm_set1_pi16(0x00FF);
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4309)
  __m64 chroma_mask = _mm_set1_pi16(0xFF00);
#pragma warning(pop)

  int wMod8 = (width/8) * 8;

  for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < wMod8; x += 8) {
      __m64 px1 = *reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(src+x); //V1 Y3 U1 Y2 V0 Y1 U0 Y0
      __m64 px2 = *reinterpret_cast<const __m64*>(luma+x); //v1 y3 u1 y2 v0 y1 u0 y0

      __m64 src_lo = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(px1, px2); //v0 y1 V0 Y1 u0 y0 U0 Y0
      __m64 src_hi = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(px1, px2); 

      src_lo = _mm_and_si64(src_lo, luma_mask); //00 v0 00 V0 00 u0 00 U0
      src_hi = _mm_and_si64(src_hi, luma_mask); 

      src_lo = _mm_madd_pi16(src_lo, mask);
      src_hi = _mm_madd_pi16(src_hi, mask);

      src_lo = _mm_add_pi32(src_lo, round_mask);
      src_hi = _mm_add_pi32(src_hi, round_mask);

      src_lo = _mm_srli_pi32(src_lo, 15);
      src_hi = _mm_srli_pi32(src_hi, 15);

      __m64 result_luma = _mm_packs_pi32(src_lo, src_hi);

      __m64 result_chroma = _mm_and_si64(px1, chroma_mask);
      __m64 result = _mm_or_si64(result_chroma, result_luma);

      *reinterpret_cast<__m64*>(src+x) = result;

    for (int x = wMod8; x < width; x+=2) {
      src[x] = (luma[x] * weight + src[x] * invweight + 16384) >> 15;

    src += pitch;
    luma += luma_pitch;
__m64 test76(__m64 a, __m64 b) {
  // CHECK: packssdw
  return _mm_packs_pi32(a, b);
// Convert YUY2 to RGB24.
VOID Yuy2ToRgb24_mmx(PBYTE pbDstX, INT iDstXStride, PBYTE pbSrcX, INT iSrcXStride, UINT uWidth, INT iHeight)
	UINT x;
	INT y;
	INT iDstXDif;
	INT iSrcXDif;
	INT yy, bu, guv, rv;

	M64 y0, y1, u0, v0, uv_temp1, uv_temp2, mz;
	M64 r0, g0, b0, r1, g1, b1;
	M64 rgb0, rgb1, rgb2, rgb3;
	M64 bu0, gu0, gv0, rv0, bu1, rv1, guv0, guv1;

	if (iHeight < 0)
		iHeight = -iHeight;
		pbSrcX += (iHeight - 1) * iSrcXStride;
		iSrcXStride = -iSrcXStride;

	iDstXDif = iDstXStride - (uWidth * 3);
	iSrcXDif = iSrcXStride - (uWidth * 2);

	mz = _mm_setzero_si64();
	for (y = iHeight; y; y--)
		for (x = uWidth / 8; x; x--)
			y0 = ((PM64) pbSrcX)[0];
			y1 = ((PM64) pbSrcX)[1];

			u0 = y0;
			v0 = y1;

			y0 = _mm_and_si64(y0, g_mWord00FF);
			y1 = _mm_and_si64(y1, g_mWord00FF);

			u0 = _mm_srli_pi16(u0, 8);
			v0 = _mm_srli_pi16(v0, 8);

			uv_temp1 = _mm_srli_pi32(u0, 16);
			u0 = _mm_slli_pi32(u0, 16);
			u0 = _mm_srli_pi32(u0, 16);

			uv_temp2 = _mm_srli_pi32(v0, 16);
			v0 = _mm_slli_pi32(v0, 16);
			v0 = _mm_srli_pi32(v0, 16);

			u0 = _mm_packs_pi32(u0, v0);
			v0 = _mm_packs_pi32(uv_temp1, uv_temp2);
			// Calculate coefficient.
			u0 = _mm_subs_pi16(u0, g_mSub80);
			v0 = _mm_subs_pi16(v0, g_mSub80);

			gu0 = _mm_mullo_pi16(u0, g_mUGMul);
			gv0 = _mm_mullo_pi16(v0, g_mVGMul);
			bu0 = _mm_mullo_pi16(u0, g_mUBMul);
			rv0 = _mm_mullo_pi16(v0, g_mVRMul);

			guv0 = _mm_adds_pi16(gu0, gv0);

			guv1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(guv0, guv0);		// guv3 guv3 guv2 guv2
			guv0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(guv0, guv0);		// guv1 guv1 guv0 guv0

			bu1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(bu0, bu0);			// bu3 bu3 bu2 bu2
			bu0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(bu0, bu0);			// bu1 bu1 bu0 bu0
			rv1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi16(rv0, rv0);			// rv3 rv3 rv2 rv2
			rv0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi16(rv0, rv0);			// rv1 rv1 rv0 rv0

			// Process for row 0.
			y1 = _mm_subs_pi16(y1, g_mSub10);
			y0 = _mm_subs_pi16(y0, g_mSub10);
			y1 = _mm_mullo_pi16(y1, g_mYYMul);
			y0 = _mm_mullo_pi16(y0, g_mYYMul);

			g1 = _mm_subs_pi16(y1, guv1);				// g7 g6 g5 g4
			g0 = _mm_subs_pi16(y0, guv0);				// g3 g2 g1 g0
			g1 = _mm_srai_pi16(g1, SCALEBITS);
			g0 = _mm_srai_pi16(g0, SCALEBITS);
			g0 = _mm_packs_pu16(g0, g1);				// g7 g6 ...g1 g0

			b1 = _mm_adds_pi16(y1, bu1);
			b0 = _mm_adds_pi16(y0, bu0);
			b1 = _mm_srai_pi16(b1, SCALEBITS);
			b0 = _mm_srai_pi16(b0, SCALEBITS);
			b0 = _mm_packs_pu16(b0, b1);

			r1 = _mm_adds_pi16(y1, rv1);
			r0 = _mm_adds_pi16(y0, rv0);
			r1 = _mm_srai_pi16(r1, SCALEBITS);
			r0 = _mm_srai_pi16(r0, SCALEBITS);
			r0 = _mm_packs_pu16(r0, r1);

			r1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(b0, r0);				// r7 b7 r6 b6 r5 b5 r4 b4
			r0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(b0, r0);				// r3 b3 r2 b2 r1 b1 r0 b0

			g1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(g0, mz);				// 0 g7 0 g6 0 g5 0 g4
			g0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(g0, mz);				// 0 g3 0 g2 0 g1 0 g0

			rgb0 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(r0, g0);			// 0 r1 g1 b1 0 r0 g0 b0
			rgb1 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(r0, g0);			// 0 r3 g3 b3 0 r2 g2 b2
			rgb2 = _mm_unpacklo_pi8(r1, g1);			// 0 r5 g5 b5 0 r4 g4 b4
			rgb3 = _mm_unpackhi_pi8(r1, g1);			// 0 r7 g7 b7 0 r6 g6 b6

			// Write out row 0.
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 0)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb0); rgb0 = _mm_srli_si64(rgb0, 32);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 3)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb0);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 6)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb1); rgb1 = _mm_srli_si64(rgb1, 32);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 9)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb1);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 12)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb2); rgb2 = _mm_srli_si64(rgb2, 32);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 15)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb2);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 18)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb3); rgb3 = _mm_srli_si64(rgb3, 32);
			*((PDWORD) (pbDstX + 21)) = _mm_cvtsi64_si32(rgb3);

			pbDstX += 24;
			pbSrcX += 16;

		for (x = (uWidth & 7) / 2; x; x--)
			bu = g_iBUTab[pbSrcX[1]];
			guv = g_iGUTab[pbSrcX[1]] + g_iGVTab[pbSrcX[3]];
			rv = g_iRVTab[pbSrcX[3]];

			yy = g_iYYTab[pbSrcX[0]];
			pbDstX[0] = _Clip((yy + bu) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);
			pbDstX[1] = _Clip((yy - guv) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);
			pbDstX[2] = _Clip((yy + rv) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);

			yy = g_iYYTab[pbSrcX[2]];
			pbDstX[3] = _Clip((yy + bu) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);
			pbDstX[4] = _Clip((yy - guv) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);
			pbDstX[5] = _Clip((yy + rv) >> SCALEBITS_OUT);

			pbDstX += 6;
			pbSrcX += 4;

		pbDstX += iDstXDif;
		pbSrcX += iSrcXDif;

__m64 test_mm_packs_pi32(__m64 a, __m64 b) {
  // CHECK-LABEL: test_mm_packs_pi32
  // CHECK: call x86_mmx @llvm.x86.mmx.packssdw
  return _mm_packs_pi32(a, b);