static inline __m128i local_abs_epi32(__m128i val)
	__m128i mask = _mm_srai_epi32(val, 31);
	val = _mm_xor_si128(val, mask);
	val = _mm_sub_epi32(val, mask);
	return val;
static __m128i xor_modeproc_SSE2(const __m128i& src, const __m128i& dst) {
    __m128i sa = SkGetPackedA32_SSE2(src);
    __m128i da = SkGetPackedA32_SSE2(dst);
    __m128i isa = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), sa);
    __m128i ida = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), da);

    __m128i a1 = _mm_add_epi32(sa, da);
    __m128i a2 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(sa, da);
    a2 = _mm_slli_epi32(a2, 1);
    __m128i a = _mm_sub_epi32(a1, a2);

    __m128i r1 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(ida, SkGetPackedR32_SSE2(src));
    __m128i r2 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(isa, SkGetPackedR32_SSE2(dst));
    __m128i r = _mm_add_epi32(r1, r2);

    __m128i g1 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(ida, SkGetPackedG32_SSE2(src));
    __m128i g2 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(isa, SkGetPackedG32_SSE2(dst));
    __m128i g = _mm_add_epi32(g1, g2);

    __m128i b1 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(ida, SkGetPackedB32_SSE2(src));
    __m128i b2 = SkAlphaMulAlpha_SSE2(isa, SkGetPackedB32_SSE2(dst));
    __m128i b = _mm_add_epi32(b1, b2);

    return SkPackARGB32_SSE2(a, r, g, b);
  static void sub(const RView& X, const RView& Y, 
		  Result& result)
    const int * x = X.data();
    const int * y = Y.data();
    int * z = result.data();
    __m128i px, py, pz, px1, py1, pz1;
    for(int i=0; i<DIM_N-(DIM_N&0x7); i+=8)
	px  = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)x);
	py  = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)y);
	pz  = _mm_sub_epi32(px, py);
	px1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(x+4));
	py1 = _mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(y+4));
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)z, pz);
	pz1 = _mm_sub_epi32(px1, py1);
	_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(z+4), pz1);
	x += 8;
	y += 8;
	z += 8;
    for(int i=DIM_N-(DIM_N&0x7); i<DIM_N; ++i)
	result[i] = X[i] - Y[i];
static inline __m128i hardlight_byte_SSE2(const __m128i& sc, const __m128i& dc,
                                          const __m128i& sa, const __m128i& da) {
    // if (2 * sc <= sa)
    __m128i tmp1 = _mm_slli_epi32(sc, 1);
    __m128i cmp1 = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(tmp1, sa);
    __m128i rc1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, dc);                // sc * dc;
    rc1 = _mm_slli_epi32(rc1, 1);                         // 2 * sc * dc
    rc1 = _mm_andnot_si128(cmp1, rc1);

    // else
    tmp1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sa, da);
    __m128i tmp2 = Multiply32_SSE2(_mm_sub_epi32(da, dc),
                                   _mm_sub_epi32(sa, sc));
    tmp2 = _mm_slli_epi32(tmp2, 1);
    __m128i rc2 = _mm_sub_epi32(tmp1, tmp2);
    rc2 = _mm_and_si128(cmp1, rc2);

    __m128i rc = _mm_or_si128(rc1, rc2);

    __m128i ida = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), da);
    tmp1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, ida);
    __m128i isa = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), sa);
    tmp2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(dc, isa);
    rc = _mm_add_epi32(rc, tmp1);
    rc = _mm_add_epi32(rc, tmp2);
    return clamp_div255round_SSE2(rc);
// For each 4x32 block __m128i in[32],
// Input with index, 2, 6
// output pixels: 8-15 in __m128i out[32]
static INLINE void highbd_idct32_34_4x32_quarter_2(const __m128i *in /*in[32]*/,
                                                   __m128i *out /*out[16]*/) {
  __m128i step1[32], step2[32];

  // stage 2
  highbd_partial_butterfly_sse2(in[2], cospi_30_64, cospi_2_64, &step2[8],
  highbd_partial_butterfly_neg_sse2(in[6], cospi_6_64, cospi_26_64, &step2[11],

  // stage 3
  step1[8] = step2[8];
  step1[9] = step2[8];
  step1[14] = step2[15];
  step1[15] = step2[15];
  step1[10] = step2[11];
  step1[11] = step2[11];
  step1[12] = step2[12];
  step1[13] = step2[12];

  step1[10] =
      _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_setzero_si128(), step1[10]);  // step1[10] = -step1[10]
  step1[13] =
      _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_setzero_si128(), step1[13]);  // step1[13] = -step1[13]
  highbd_idct32_4x32_quarter_2_stage_4_to_6(step1, out);
// For each 4x32 block __m128i in[32],
// Input with index, 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30
// output pixels: 8-15 in __m128i out[32]
static INLINE void highbd_idct32_1024_4x32_quarter_2(
    const __m128i *in /*in[32]*/, __m128i *out /*out[16]*/) {
  __m128i step1[32], step2[32];

  // stage 2
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(in[2], in[30], cospi_30_64, cospi_2_64, &step2[8],
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(in[18], in[14], cospi_14_64, cospi_18_64, &step2[9],
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(in[10], in[22], cospi_22_64, cospi_10_64, &step2[10],
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(in[26], in[6], cospi_6_64, cospi_26_64, &step2[11],

  // stage 3
  step1[8] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[8], step2[9]);
  step1[9] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[8], step2[9]);
  step1[14] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[15], step2[14]);
  step1[15] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[15], step2[14]);
  step1[10] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[10], step2[11]);  // step1[10] = -step1[10]
  step1[11] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[10], step2[11]);
  step1[12] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[13], step2[12]);
  step1[13] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[13], step2[12]);  // step1[13] = -step1[13]

  highbd_idct32_4x32_quarter_2_stage_4_to_6(step1, out);
static INLINE void highbd_idct32_4x32_quarter_2_stage_4_to_6(
    __m128i *const step1 /*step1[16]*/, __m128i *const out /*out[16]*/) {
  __m128i step2[32];

  // stage 4
  step2[8] = step1[8];
  step2[15] = step1[15];
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(step1[14], step1[9], cospi_24_64, cospi_8_64, &step2[9],
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(step1[10], step1[13], cospi_8_64, cospi_24_64,
                        &step2[13], &step2[10]);
  step2[11] = step1[11];
  step2[12] = step1[12];

  // stage 5
  step1[8] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[8], step2[11]);
  step1[9] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[9], step2[10]);
  step1[10] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[9], step2[10]);
  step1[11] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[8], step2[11]);
  step1[12] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[15], step2[12]);
  step1[13] = _mm_sub_epi32(step2[14], step2[13]);
  step1[14] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[14], step2[13]);
  step1[15] = _mm_add_epi32(step2[15], step2[12]);

  // stage 6
  out[8] = step1[8];
  out[9] = step1[9];
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(step1[13], step1[10], cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64,
                        &out[10], &out[13]);
  highbd_butterfly_sse2(step1[12], step1[11], cospi_16_64, cospi_16_64,
                        &out[11], &out[12]);
  out[14] = step1[14];
  out[15] = step1[15];
static void FTransformWHT(const int16_t* in, int16_t* out) {
  int32_t tmp[16];
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, in += 64) {
    const int a0 = (in[0 * 16] + in[2 * 16]);
    const int a1 = (in[1 * 16] + in[3 * 16]);
    const int a2 = (in[1 * 16] - in[3 * 16]);
    const int a3 = (in[0 * 16] - in[2 * 16]);
    tmp[0 + i * 4] = a0 + a1;
    tmp[1 + i * 4] = a3 + a2;
    tmp[2 + i * 4] = a3 - a2;
    tmp[3 + i * 4] = a0 - a1;
    const __m128i src0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&tmp[0]);
    const __m128i src1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&tmp[4]);
    const __m128i src2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&tmp[8]);
    const __m128i src3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)&tmp[12]);
    const __m128i a0 = _mm_add_epi32(src0, src2);
    const __m128i a1 = _mm_add_epi32(src1, src3);
    const __m128i a2 = _mm_sub_epi32(src1, src3);
    const __m128i a3 = _mm_sub_epi32(src0, src2);
    const __m128i b0 = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(a0, a1), 1);
    const __m128i b1 = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(a3, a2), 1);
    const __m128i b2 = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(a3, a2), 1);
    const __m128i b3 = _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(a0, a1), 1);
    const __m128i out0 = _mm_packs_epi32(b0, b1);
    const __m128i out1 = _mm_packs_epi32(b2, b3);
    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[0], out0);
    _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)&out[8], out1);
 SIMD_INLINE __m128i Sum32ip(uint32_t * const ptr[4], size_t offset)
     __m128i s0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(ptr[0] + offset));
     __m128i s1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(ptr[1] + offset));
     __m128i s2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(ptr[2] + offset));
     __m128i s3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(ptr[3] + offset));
     return _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(s0, s1), _mm_sub_epi32(s2, s3));
int32_t sse_sadbw_unrolled4_sumsignedbytes(int8_t* array, size_t size) {

    const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
    __m128i positive = zero;
    __m128i negative = zero;

    for (size_t i=0; i < size; i += 16*4) {
        const __m128i v0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(array + i + 0*16));
        const __m128i v1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(array + i + 1*16));
        const __m128i v2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(array + i + 2*16));
        const __m128i v3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(array + i + 3*16));

            const __m128i v   = v0;
            const __m128i m   = _mm_cmplt_epi8(v, zero);
            const __m128i t0  = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_andnot_si128(m, v), zero);
            const __m128i va = _mm_abs_epi8(v);
            const __m128i t1 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(m, va), zero);
            positive = _mm_add_epi32(positive, t0);
            negative = _mm_sub_epi32(negative, t1);

            const __m128i v   = v1;
            const __m128i m   = _mm_cmplt_epi8(v, zero);
            const __m128i t0  = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_andnot_si128(m, v), zero);
            const __m128i va = _mm_abs_epi8(v);
            const __m128i t1 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(m, va), zero);
            positive = _mm_add_epi32(positive, t0);
            negative = _mm_sub_epi32(negative, t1);

            const __m128i v   = v2;
            const __m128i m   = _mm_cmplt_epi8(v, zero);
            const __m128i t0  = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_andnot_si128(m, v), zero);
            const __m128i va = _mm_abs_epi8(v);
            const __m128i t1 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(m, va), zero);
            positive = _mm_add_epi32(positive, t0);
            negative = _mm_sub_epi32(negative, t1);

            const __m128i v   = v3;
            const __m128i m   = _mm_cmplt_epi8(v, zero);
            const __m128i t0  = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_andnot_si128(m, v), zero);
            const __m128i va = _mm_abs_epi8(v);
            const __m128i t1 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(m, va), zero);
            positive = _mm_add_epi32(positive, t0);
            negative = _mm_sub_epi32(negative, t1);

    const __m128i accumulator = _mm_add_epi32(positive, negative);

    return int32_t(_mm_extract_epi32(accumulator, 0)) +
           int32_t(_mm_extract_epi32(accumulator, 2));
 SIMD_INLINE __m128 WeightedSum32f(const WeightedRect & rect, size_t offset)
     __m128i s0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(rect.p0 + offset));
     __m128i s1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(rect.p1 + offset));
     __m128i s2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(rect.p2 + offset));
     __m128i s3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(rect.p3 + offset));
     __m128i sum = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_sub_epi32(s0, s1), _mm_sub_epi32(s2, s3));
     return _mm_mul_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(sum), _mm_set1_ps(rect.weight));
文件: SimdSse2Hog.cpp 项目: 4144/Simd
 template <bool align> SIMD_INLINE void HogDirectionHistograms(const __m128i & t, const __m128i & l, const __m128i & r, const __m128i & b, Buffer & buffer, size_t col)
         _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(r, K_ZERO), _mm_unpacklo_epi16(l, K_ZERO))), 
         _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_unpacklo_epi16(b, K_ZERO), _mm_unpacklo_epi16(t, K_ZERO))), 
         buffer, col + 0);
         _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(r, K_ZERO), _mm_unpackhi_epi16(l, K_ZERO))), 
         _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_unpackhi_epi16(b, K_ZERO), _mm_unpackhi_epi16(t, K_ZERO))), 
         buffer, col + 4);
static inline __m128i darken_byte_SSE2(const __m128i& sc, const __m128i& dc,
                                       const __m128i& sa, const __m128i& da) {
    __m128i sd = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, da);
    __m128i ds = _mm_mullo_epi16(dc, sa);

    __m128i cmp = _mm_cmplt_epi32(sd, ds);

    __m128i tmp = _mm_add_epi32(sc, dc);
    __m128i ret1 = _mm_sub_epi32(tmp, SkDiv255Round_SSE2(ds));
    __m128i ret2 = _mm_sub_epi32(tmp, SkDiv255Round_SSE2(sd));
    __m128i ret = _mm_or_si128(_mm_and_si128(cmp, ret1),
                               _mm_andnot_si128(cmp, ret2));
    return ret;
static INLINE unsigned int hbd_obmc_sad_w8n(const uint8_t *pre8,
                                            const int pre_stride,
                                            const int32_t *wsrc,
                                            const int32_t *mask,
                                            const int width, const int height) {
  const uint16_t *pre = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(pre8);
  const int pre_step = pre_stride - width;
  int n = 0;
  __m128i v_sad_d = _mm_setzero_si128();

  assert(width >= 8);

  do {
    const __m128i v_p1_w = xx_loadl_64(pre + n + 4);
    const __m128i v_m1_d = xx_load_128(mask + n + 4);
    const __m128i v_w1_d = xx_load_128(wsrc + n + 4);
    const __m128i v_p0_w = xx_loadl_64(pre + n);
    const __m128i v_m0_d = xx_load_128(mask + n);
    const __m128i v_w0_d = xx_load_128(wsrc + n);

    const __m128i v_p0_d = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(v_p0_w);
    const __m128i v_p1_d = _mm_cvtepu16_epi32(v_p1_w);

    // Values in both pre and mask fit in 15 bits, and are packed at 32 bit
    // boundaries. We use pmaddwd, as it has lower latency on Haswell
    // than pmulld but produces the same result with these inputs.
    const __m128i v_pm0_d = _mm_madd_epi16(v_p0_d, v_m0_d);
    const __m128i v_pm1_d = _mm_madd_epi16(v_p1_d, v_m1_d);

    const __m128i v_diff0_d = _mm_sub_epi32(v_w0_d, v_pm0_d);
    const __m128i v_diff1_d = _mm_sub_epi32(v_w1_d, v_pm1_d);
    const __m128i v_absdiff0_d = _mm_abs_epi32(v_diff0_d);
    const __m128i v_absdiff1_d = _mm_abs_epi32(v_diff1_d);

    // Rounded absolute difference
    const __m128i v_rad0_d = xx_roundn_epu32(v_absdiff0_d, 12);
    const __m128i v_rad1_d = xx_roundn_epu32(v_absdiff1_d, 12);

    v_sad_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_sad_d, v_rad0_d);
    v_sad_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_sad_d, v_rad1_d);

    n += 8;

    if (n % width == 0) pre += pre_step;
  } while (n < width * height);

  return xx_hsum_epi32_si32(v_sad_d);
int32_t sse_sadbw_sumsignedbytes(int8_t* array, size_t size) {

    const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
    __m128i positive = zero;
    __m128i negative = zero;

    for (size_t i=0; i < size; i += 16) {
        const __m128i v  = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(array + i));
        const __m128i m  = _mm_cmplt_epi8(v, zero);
        const __m128i va = _mm_abs_epi8(v);

        // sum just positive numbers
        const __m128i t0 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_andnot_si128(m, v), zero);

        // sum just negative numbers
        const __m128i t1 = _mm_sad_epu8(_mm_and_si128(m, va), zero);
        positive = _mm_add_epi32(positive, t0);
        negative = _mm_sub_epi32(negative, t1);

    const __m128i accumulator = _mm_add_epi32(positive, negative);

    return int32_t(_mm_extract_epi32(accumulator, 0)) +
           int32_t(_mm_extract_epi32(accumulator, 2));
	EvalSum& operator -= (const EvalSum& rhs) {
#if defined USE_AVX2_EVAL
		mm = _mm256_sub_epi32(mm, rhs.mm);
#elif defined USE_SSE_EVAL
		m[0] = _mm_sub_epi32(m[0], rhs.m[0]);
		m[1] = _mm_sub_epi32(m[1], rhs.m[1]);
		m_p[0][0] -= rhs.m_p[0][0];
		m_p[0][1] -= rhs.m_p[0][1];
		m_p[1][0] -= rhs.m_p[1][0];
		m_p[1][1] -= rhs.m_p[1][1];
		m_p[2][0] -= rhs.m_p[2][0];
		m_p[2][1] -= rhs.m_p[2][1];
		return *this;
static inline __m128 
log2f4(__m128 x)
	__m128i exp = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)_exp_mask);
	__m128i mant = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)_mantissa_mask);
	__m128 one = _mm_load_ps(_ones_ps);
	__m128i i = _mm_castps_si128(x);
	__m128 e = _mm_cvtepi32_ps(_mm_sub_epi32(_mm_srli_epi32(_mm_and_si128(i, exp), 23), _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)_one27)));
	__m128 m = _mm_or_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_and_si128(i, mant)), one);
	__m128 p;

	/* Minimax polynomial fit of log2(x)/(x - 1), for x in range [1, 2[ */
	p = POLY5( m, log_p5_0, log_p5_1, log_p5_2, log_p5_3, log_p5_4, log_p5_5);
#elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 5
	p = POLY4(m, log_p4_0, log_p4_1, log_p4_2, log_p4_3, log_p4_4);
#elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 4
	p = POLY3(m, log_p3_0, log_p3_1, log_p3_2, log_p3_3);
#elif LOG_POLY_DEGREE == 3
	p = POLY2(m, log_p2_0, log_p2_1, log_p2_2);

	/* This effectively increases the polynomial degree by one, but ensures that log2(1) == 0*/
	p = _mm_mul_ps(p, _mm_sub_ps(m, one));

	return _mm_add_ps(p, e);
    // Unary Ops
    SIMDValue SIMDInt32x4Operation::OpAbs(const SIMDValue& value)
        SIMDValue result;

        X86SIMDValue x86Result;
        X86SIMDValue v = X86SIMDValue::ToX86SIMDValue(value);
        if (AutoSystemInfo::Data.SSE3Available())
            x86Result.m128i_value = _mm_abs_epi32(v.m128i_value); // only available after SSE3
            result = X86SIMDValue::ToSIMDValue(x86Result);
        else if (AutoSystemInfo::Data.SSE2Available())
            X86SIMDValue  temp, SIGNMASK;
            SIGNMASK.m128i_value = _mm_srai_epi32(v.m128i_value, 31);                // mask = value >> 31
            temp.m128i_value = _mm_xor_si128(v.m128i_value, SIGNMASK.m128i_value);   // temp = value ^ mask
            x86Result.m128i_value = _mm_sub_epi32(temp.m128i_value, SIGNMASK.m128i_value);  // temp - mask
            result = X86SIMDValue::ToSIMDValue(x86Result);
            result.i32[SIMD_X] = (value.i32[SIMD_X] < 0) ? -1 * value.i32[SIMD_X] : value.i32[SIMD_X];
            result.i32[SIMD_Y] = (value.i32[SIMD_Y] < 0) ? -1 * value.i32[SIMD_Y] : value.i32[SIMD_Y];
            result.i32[SIMD_Z] = (value.i32[SIMD_Z] < 0) ? -1 * value.i32[SIMD_Z] : value.i32[SIMD_Z];
            result.i32[SIMD_W] = (value.i32[SIMD_W] < 0) ? -1 * value.i32[SIMD_W] : value.i32[SIMD_W];

        return result;
void ColorModelView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QPainter p(this);

    auto mainBounds = mainAreaBounds();
    auto sideBounds = sideAreaBounds();

    if (mainImage_.isNull()) {
        // FIXME: support other color model?
        QImage img(256, 256, QImage::Format_RGB32);
        auto *pixels = reinterpret_cast<quint32 *>(img.bits());
        auto basecolor = QColor::fromHsv(value_.hsvHue(), 255, 255);
        auto basecolorMM = _mm_setr_epi32(basecolor.blue(), basecolor.green(), basecolor.red(), 0);
        basecolorMM = _mm_add_epi32(basecolorMM, _mm_srli_epi32(basecolorMM, 7)); // map [0, 255] to [0, 256]
        auto white = _mm_set1_epi32(256 * 255);
        auto dX = _mm_sub_epi32(basecolorMM, _mm_set1_epi32(256));
        for (int y = 0; y < 256; ++y) {
            auto brightness = _mm_set1_epi32(256 - y - (y >> 7));
            auto col = white; // [0, 256 * 255]
            for (int x = 0; x < 256; ++x) {
                auto c = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_srli_epi32(col, 8), brightness);
                c = _mm_srli_epi16(c, 8); // [0, 255]
                c = _mm_packs_epi32(c, c);
                c = _mm_packus_epi16(c, c);

                _mm_store_ss(reinterpret_cast<float *>(&pixels[x + y * 256]),

                col = _mm_add_epi32(col, dX);
        mainImage_ = QPixmap::fromImage(img);
static INLINE unsigned int obmc_sad_w4(const uint8_t *pre, const int pre_stride,
                                       const int32_t *wsrc, const int32_t *mask,
                                       const int height) {
  const int pre_step = pre_stride - 4;
  int n = 0;
  __m128i v_sad_d = _mm_setzero_si128();

  do {
    const __m128i v_p_b = xx_loadl_32(pre + n);
    const __m128i v_m_d = xx_load_128(mask + n);
    const __m128i v_w_d = xx_load_128(wsrc + n);

    const __m128i v_p_d = _mm_cvtepu8_epi32(v_p_b);

    // Values in both pre and mask fit in 15 bits, and are packed at 32 bit
    // boundaries. We use pmaddwd, as it has lower latency on Haswell
    // than pmulld but produces the same result with these inputs.
    const __m128i v_pm_d = _mm_madd_epi16(v_p_d, v_m_d);

    const __m128i v_diff_d = _mm_sub_epi32(v_w_d, v_pm_d);
    const __m128i v_absdiff_d = _mm_abs_epi32(v_diff_d);

    // Rounded absolute difference
    const __m128i v_rad_d = xx_roundn_epu32(v_absdiff_d, 12);

    v_sad_d = _mm_add_epi32(v_sad_d, v_rad_d);

    n += 4;

    if (n % 4 == 0) pre += pre_step;
  } while (n < 4 * height);

  return xx_hsum_epi32_si32(v_sad_d);
static inline __m128i
v4_ialpha_sse2(__m128i c)
   __m128i a = _mm_srli_epi32(c, 24);

   return _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(0xff), a);
inline __m128i Convert8DigitsSSE2(uint32_t value) {
	assert(value <= 99999999);

	// abcd, efgh = abcdefgh divmod 10000 
	const __m128i abcdefgh = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(value);
	const __m128i abcd = _mm_srli_epi64(_mm_mul_epu32(abcdefgh, reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(kDiv10000Vector)[0]), 45);
	const __m128i efgh = _mm_sub_epi32(abcdefgh, _mm_mul_epu32(abcd, reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(k10000Vector)[0]));

	// v1 = [ abcd, efgh, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
	const __m128i v1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(abcd, efgh);

	// v1a = v1 * 4 = [ abcd * 4, efgh * 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
	const __m128i v1a = _mm_slli_epi64(v1, 2);

	// v2 = [ abcd * 4, abcd * 4, abcd * 4, abcd * 4, efgh * 4, efgh * 4, efgh * 4, efgh * 4 ]
	const __m128i v2a = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(v1a, v1a);
	const __m128i v2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(v2a, v2a);

	// v4 = v2 div 10^3, 10^2, 10^1, 10^0 = [ a, ab, abc, abcd, e, ef, efg, efgh ]
	const __m128i v3 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(v2, reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(kDivPowersVector)[0]);
	const __m128i v4 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(v3, reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(kShiftPowersVector)[0]);

	// v5 = v4 * 10 = [ a0, ab0, abc0, abcd0, e0, ef0, efg0, efgh0 ]
	const __m128i v5 = _mm_mullo_epi16(v4, reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(k10Vector)[0]);

	// v6 = v5 << 16 = [ 0, a0, ab0, abc0, 0, e0, ef0, efg0 ]
	const __m128i v6 = _mm_slli_epi64(v5, 16);

	// v7 = v4 - v6 = { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h }
	const __m128i v7 = _mm_sub_epi16(v4, v6);

	return v7;
JL_DLLEXPORT __m128i test_m128i(__m128i a, __m128i b, __m128i c, __m128i d)
    // 64-bit x86 has only level 2 SSE, which does not have a <4 x int32> multiplication,
    // so we use floating-point instead, and assume caller knows about the hack.
    return _mm_add_epi32(a,
__m128i test_mm_sub_epi32(__m128i A, __m128i B) {
  // DAG-LABEL: test_mm_sub_epi32
  // DAG: sub <4 x i32>
  // ASM-LABEL: test_mm_sub_epi32
  // ASM: psubd
  return _mm_sub_epi32(A, B);
static inline __m128i blendfunc_multiply_byte_SSE2(const __m128i& sc, const __m128i& dc,
        const __m128i& sa, const __m128i& da) {
    // sc * (255 - da)
    __m128i ret1 = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), da);
    ret1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, ret1);

    // dc * (255 - sa)
    __m128i ret2 = _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_set1_epi32(255), sa);
    ret2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(dc, ret2);

    // sc * dc
    __m128i ret3 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, dc);

    __m128i ret = _mm_add_epi32(ret1, ret2);
    ret = _mm_add_epi32(ret, ret3);

    return clamp_div255round_SSE2(ret);
__SIMDi _SIMD_sub_epi32(__SIMDi a, __SIMDi b)
#ifdef  USE_SSE
  return _mm_sub_epi32(a,b);
#elif defined USE_AVX
  return _m256_sub_ps(a,b);
#elif defined USE_IBM
  return vec_sub(a,b);
    SIMDValue SIMDInt32x4Operation::OpSub(const SIMDValue& aValue, const SIMDValue& bValue)
        X86SIMDValue x86Result;
        X86SIMDValue tmpaValue = X86SIMDValue::ToX86SIMDValue(aValue);
        X86SIMDValue tmpbValue = X86SIMDValue::ToX86SIMDValue(bValue);

        x86Result.m128i_value = _mm_sub_epi32(tmpaValue.m128i_value, tmpbValue.m128i_value); // a - b

        return X86SIMDValue::ToSIMDValue(x86Result);
template<int shift, int active_bits> void Haar_invtransform_H_final_1_sse4_2_int32_t(void *_idata,
																			   const int istride,
																			   const char *odata,
																			   const int ostride,
																			   const int iwidth,
																			   const int iheight,
																			   const int ooffset_x,
																			   const int ooffset_y,
																			   const int owidth,
																			   const int oheight) {
  int32_t *idata = (int32_t *)_idata;
  const int skip = 1;
  const __m128i ONE = _mm_set1_epi32(1);
  const __m128i OFFSET = _mm_set1_epi32(1 << (active_bits - 1));


  for (int y = ooffset_y; y < ooffset_y + oheight; y+=skip) {
    for (int x = ooffset_x; x < ooffset_x + owidth; x += 8) {
      __m128i D0 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&idata[y*istride + x + 0]);
      __m128i D4 = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)&idata[y*istride + x + 4]);

      __m128i A0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(D0, D4);
      __m128i A2 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(D0, D4);

      __m128i E0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(A0, A2);
      __m128i O1 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(A0, A2);

      __m128i X0 = _mm_sub_epi32(E0, _mm_srai_epi32(_mm_add_epi32(O1, ONE), 1));
      __m128i X1 = _mm_add_epi32(O1, X0);

      __m128i Z0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(X0, X1);
      __m128i Z4 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(X0, X1);

      if (shift != 0) {
        Z0 = _mm_add_epi32(Z0, ONE);
        Z4 = _mm_add_epi32(Z4, ONE);
        Z0 = _mm_srai_epi32(Z0, shift);
        Z4 = _mm_srai_epi32(Z4, shift);

      Z0 = _mm_add_epi32(Z0, OFFSET);
      Z4 = _mm_add_epi32(Z4, OFFSET);

      Z0 = _mm_slli_epi32(Z0, (16 - active_bits));
      Z4 = _mm_slli_epi32(Z4, (16 - active_bits));

      __m128i R = _mm_packus_epi32(Z0, Z4);

      R = _mm_srli_epi16(R, (16 - active_bits));
      _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)&odata[2*((y - ooffset_y)*ostride + x - ooffset_x)], R);
static inline __m128i exclusion_byte_SSE2(const __m128i& sc, const __m128i& dc,
        const __m128i&, __m128i&) {
    __m128i tmp1 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_set1_epi32(255), sc); // 255 * sc
    __m128i tmp2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(_mm_set1_epi32(255), dc); // 255 * dc
    tmp1 = _mm_add_epi32(tmp1, tmp2);
    tmp2 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sc, dc);                          // sc * dc
    tmp2 = _mm_slli_epi32(tmp2, 1);                          // 2 * sc * dc

    __m128i r = _mm_sub_epi32(tmp1, tmp2);
    return clamp_div255round_SSE2(r);
static void RescalerImportRowShrink_SSE2(WebPRescaler* const wrk,
                                         const uint8_t* src) {
  const int x_sub = wrk->x_sub;
  int accum = 0;
  const __m128i zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
  const __m128i mult0 = _mm_set1_epi16(x_sub);
  const __m128i mult1 = _mm_set1_epi32(wrk->fx_scale);
  const __m128i rounder = _mm_set_epi32(0, ROUNDER, 0, ROUNDER);
  __m128i sum = zero;
  rescaler_t* frow = wrk->frow;
  const rescaler_t* const frow_end = wrk->frow + 4 * wrk->dst_width;

  if (wrk->num_channels != 4 || wrk->x_add > (x_sub << 7)) {
    WebPRescalerImportRowShrink_C(wrk, src);

  for (; frow < frow_end; frow += 4) {
    __m128i base = zero;
    accum += wrk->x_add;
    while (accum > 0) {
      const __m128i A = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(WebPMemToUint32(src));
      src += 4;
      base = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(A, zero);
      // To avoid overflow, we need: base * x_add / x_sub < 32768
      // => x_add < x_sub << 7. That's a 1/128 reduction ratio limit.
      sum = _mm_add_epi16(sum, base);
      accum -= x_sub;
    {    // Emit next horizontal pixel.
      const __m128i mult = _mm_set1_epi16(-accum);
      const __m128i frac0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(base, mult);  // 16b x 16b -> 32b
      const __m128i frac1 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(base, mult);
      const __m128i frac = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(frac0, frac1);  // frac is 32b
      const __m128i A0 = _mm_mullo_epi16(sum, mult0);
      const __m128i A1 = _mm_mulhi_epu16(sum, mult0);
      const __m128i B0 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(A0, A1);      // sum * x_sub
      const __m128i frow_out = _mm_sub_epi32(B0, frac);   // sum * x_sub - frac
      const __m128i D0 = _mm_srli_epi64(frac, 32);
      const __m128i D1 = _mm_mul_epu32(frac, mult1);      // 32b x 16b -> 64b
      const __m128i D2 = _mm_mul_epu32(D0, mult1);
      const __m128i E1 = _mm_add_epi64(D1, rounder);
      const __m128i E2 = _mm_add_epi64(D2, rounder);
      const __m128i F1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(E1, 1 | (3 << 2));
      const __m128i F2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(E2, 1 | (3 << 2));
      const __m128i G = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(F1, F2);
      sum = _mm_packs_epi32(G, zero);
      _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)frow, frow_out);
  assert(accum == 0);