picoVertexCombinationHash_t *PicoAddVertexCombinationToHashTable (picoVertexCombinationHash_t **hashTable,
		picoVec3_t xyz, picoVec3_t normal, picoVec3_t st, picoColor_t color, picoIndex_t index)
	unsigned int hash;
	picoVertexCombinationHash_t *vertexCombinationHash;

	/* dumy check */
	if (hashTable == NULL || xyz == NULL || normal == NULL || st == NULL || color == NULL)
		return NULL;

	vertexCombinationHash = _pico_alloc(sizeof(picoVertexCombinationHash_t));

	if (!vertexCombinationHash)
		return NULL;

	hash = PicoVertexCoordGenerateHash(xyz);

	_pico_copy_vec(xyz, vertexCombinationHash->vcd.xyz);
	_pico_copy_vec(normal, vertexCombinationHash->vcd.normal);
	_pico_copy_vec2(st, vertexCombinationHash->vcd.st);
	_pico_copy_color(color, vertexCombinationHash->vcd.color);
	vertexCombinationHash->index = index;
	vertexCombinationHash->data = NULL;
	vertexCombinationHash->next = hashTable[hash];
	hashTable[hash] = vertexCombinationHash;

	return vertexCombinationHash;
static picoModel_t *_terrain_load( PM_PARAMS_LOAD ){
	int i, j, v, pw[ 5 ], r;
	picoParser_t    *p;

	char            *shader, *heightmapFile, *colormapFile;
	picoVec3_t scale, origin;

	unsigned char   *imageBuffer;
	int imageBufSize, w, h, cw, ch;
	unsigned char   *heightmap, *colormap, *heightPixel, *colorPixel;

	picoModel_t     *picoModel;
	picoSurface_t   *picoSurface;
	picoShader_t    *picoShader;
	picoVec3_t xyz, normal;
	picoVec2_t st;
	picoColor_t color;

	/* create pico parser */
	p = _pico_new_parser( (const picoByte_t*) buffer, bufSize );
	if ( p == NULL ) {
		return NULL;

	/* get first token */
	if ( _pico_parse_first( p ) == NULL ) {
		return NULL;

	/* check first token */
	if ( _pico_stricmp( p->token, "picoterrain" ) ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR, "Invalid PicoTerrain model" );
		_pico_free_parser( p );
		return NULL;

	/* setup */
	shader = heightmapFile = colormapFile = NULL;
	_pico_set_vec( scale, 512, 512, 32 );

	/* parse ase model file */
	while ( 1 )
		/* get first token on line */
		if ( !_pico_parse_first( p ) ) {

		/* skip empty lines */
		if ( !p->token || !p->token[ 0 ] ) {

		/* shader */
		if ( !_pico_stricmp( p->token, "shader" ) ) {
			if ( _pico_parse( p, 0 ) && p->token[ 0 ] ) {
				if ( shader != NULL ) {
					_pico_free( shader );
				shader = _pico_clone_alloc( p->token );

		/* heightmap */
		else if ( !_pico_stricmp( p->token, "heightmap" ) ) {
			if ( _pico_parse( p, 0 ) && p->token[ 0 ] ) {
				if ( heightmapFile != NULL ) {
					_pico_free( heightmapFile );
				heightmapFile = _pico_clone_alloc( p->token );

		/* colormap */
		else if ( !_pico_stricmp( p->token, "colormap" ) ) {
			if ( _pico_parse( p, 0 ) && p->token[ 0 ] ) {
				if ( colormapFile != NULL ) {
					_pico_free( colormapFile );
				colormapFile = _pico_clone_alloc( p->token );

		/* scale */
		else if ( !_pico_stricmp( p->token, "scale" ) ) {
			_pico_parse_vec( p, scale );

		/* skip unparsed rest of line and continue */
		_pico_parse_skip_rest( p );

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

	/* load heightmap */
	heightmap = imageBuffer = NULL;
	_pico_load_file( heightmapFile, &imageBuffer, &imageBufSize );
	_terrain_load_tga_buffer( imageBuffer, &heightmap, &w, &h );
	_pico_free( heightmapFile );
	_pico_free_file( imageBuffer );

	if ( heightmap == NULL || w < 2 || h < 2 ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR, "PicoTerrain model with invalid heightmap" );
		if ( shader != NULL ) {
			_pico_free( shader );
		if ( colormapFile != NULL ) {
			_pico_free( colormapFile );
		_pico_free_parser( p );
		return NULL;

	/* set origin (bottom lowest corner of terrain mesh) */
	_pico_set_vec( origin, ( w / -2 ) * scale[ 0 ], ( h / -2 ) * scale[ 1 ], -128 * scale[ 2 ] );

	/* load colormap */
	colormap = imageBuffer = NULL;
	_pico_load_file( colormapFile, &imageBuffer, &imageBufSize );
	_terrain_load_tga_buffer( imageBuffer, &colormap, &cw, &ch );
	_pico_free( colormapFile );
	_pico_free_file( imageBuffer );

	if ( cw != w || ch != h ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_WARNING, "PicoTerrain colormap/heightmap size mismatch" );
		_pico_free( colormap );
		colormap = NULL;

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

	/* create new pico model */
	picoModel = PicoNewModel();
	if ( picoModel == NULL ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR, "Unable to allocate a new model" );
		return NULL;

	/* do model setup */
	PicoSetModelFrameNum( picoModel, frameNum );
	PicoSetModelNumFrames( picoModel, 1 ); /* sea */
	PicoSetModelName( picoModel, fileName );
	PicoSetModelFileName( picoModel, fileName );

	/* allocate new pico surface */
	picoSurface = PicoNewSurface( picoModel );
	if ( picoSurface == NULL ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR, "Unable to allocate a new model surface" );
		PicoFreeModel( picoModel ); /* sea */
		return NULL;

	/* terrain surfaces are triangle meshes */
	PicoSetSurfaceType( picoSurface, PICO_TRIANGLES );

	/* set surface name */
	PicoSetSurfaceName( picoSurface, "picoterrain" );

	/* create new pico shader */
	picoShader = PicoNewShader( picoModel );
	if ( picoShader == NULL ) {
		_pico_printf( PICO_ERROR, "Unable to allocate a new model shader" );
		PicoFreeModel( picoModel );
		_pico_free( shader );
		return NULL;

	/* detox and set shader name */
	_pico_setfext( shader, NULL );
	_pico_unixify( shader );
	PicoSetShaderName( picoShader, shader );
	_pico_free( shader );

	/* associate current surface with newly created shader */
	PicoSetSurfaceShader( picoSurface, picoShader );

	/* make bogus normal */
	_pico_set_vec( normal, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );

	/* create mesh */
	for ( j = 0; j < h; j++ )
		for ( i = 0; i < w; i++ )
			/* get pointers */
			v = i + ( j * w );
			heightPixel = heightmap + v * 4;
			colorPixel = colormap
						 ? colormap + v * 4
						 : NULL;

			/* set xyz */
			_pico_set_vec( xyz, origin[ 0 ] + scale[ 0 ] * i,
						   origin[ 1 ] + scale[ 1 ] * j,
						   origin[ 2 ] + scale[ 2 ] * heightPixel[ 0 ] );
			PicoSetSurfaceXYZ( picoSurface, v, xyz );

			/* set normal */
			PicoSetSurfaceNormal( picoSurface, v, normal );

			/* set st */
			st[ 0 ] = (float) i;
			st[ 1 ] = (float) j;
			PicoSetSurfaceST( picoSurface, 0, v, st );

			/* set color */
			if ( colorPixel != NULL ) {
				_pico_set_color( color, colorPixel[ 0 ], colorPixel[ 1 ], colorPixel[ 2 ], colorPixel[ 3 ] );
				_pico_copy_color( picoColor_white, color );
			PicoSetSurfaceColor( picoSurface, 0, v, color );

			/* set triangles (zero alpha in heightmap suppresses this quad) */
			if ( i < ( w - 1 ) && j < ( h - 1 ) && heightPixel[ 3 ] >= 128 ) {
				/* set indexes */
				pw[ 0 ] = i + ( j * w );
				pw[ 1 ] = i + ( ( j + 1 ) * w );
				pw[ 2 ] = i + 1 + ( ( j + 1 ) * w );
				pw[ 3 ] = i + 1 + ( j * w );
				pw[ 4 ] = i + ( j * w );  /* same as pw[ 0 ] */

				/* set radix */
				r = ( i + j ) & 1;

				/* make first triangle */
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 0 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 0 ] );
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 1 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 1 ] );
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 2 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 2 ] );

				/* make second triangle */
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 3 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 0 ] );
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 4 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 2 ] );
				PicoSetSurfaceIndex( picoSurface, ( v * 6 + 5 ), (picoIndex_t) pw[ r + 3 ] );

	/* free stuff */
	_pico_free_parser( p );
	_pico_free( heightmap );
	_pico_free( colormap );

	/* return the new pico model */
	return picoModel;