 * Bonuses
static void _calc_bonuses(void)
    int r = _rank();
    p_ptr->to_a += 2*r;
    p_ptr->dis_to_a += 2*r;

    p_ptr->skill_dig += 50;
    p_ptr->pspeed += _rank();
	size_t _rank(Node* node, const Key& key) const
		if (! node || node == _end) return 0;
		if (key < node->key) return _rank(node->left, key);
		size_t size = 1;
		if (node->left) size += node->left->size;
		if (key > node->key) size += _rank(node->right, key);
		return size;
bool sword_disenchant(void)
    bool result = FALSE;
    int  r = _rank();
    int  i;

    for (i = 0; i < _MAX_ESSENCE; i++)
        int n = _essences[i];
        if (!n) continue;
        if (i == TR_SPEED) continue;
        if (res_save(RES_DISEN, 70)) continue;
        _essences[i] -= MAX(1, _essences[i] * randint1(r) / 20);
        if (_essences[i] < n)
            result = TRUE;
    if (result)
        p_ptr->update |= PU_BONUS;
        msg_print("You feel power draining from your body!");
    return result;
inline void erase(node *root) {
	int pos = _rank(root);
	splay(pos - 1, pos + 1);
	head->ch[0]->ch[1] = null;
 * Attacks
static void _calc_innate_attacks(void)
    int r = _rank();

    /* Bite */
        innate_attack_t a = {0};

        a.dd = 1;
        a.ds = 3 + r;
        a.to_h = p_ptr->lev/3;
        a.to_d = 2*r;
        a.weight = 70;
        a.effect[0] = GF_MISSILE;
        a.blows = 100;
        a.msg = "You bite.";
        a.name = "Bite";

        p_ptr->innate_attacks[p_ptr->innate_attack_ct++] = a;

    /* Sting */
        innate_attack_t a = {0};

        a.dd = 1;
        a.ds = 2 + r;
        a.to_h = p_ptr->lev/3;
        a.to_d = 2*r;
        a.weight = 70;
        a.effect[0] = GF_MISSILE;
        if (r >= 5)
            a.effect[1] = GF_POIS;
        a.blows = 100;
        a.msg = "You sting.";
        a.name = "Sting";

        p_ptr->innate_attacks[p_ptr->innate_attack_ct++] = a;

    /* Crawl */
        innate_attack_t a = {0};

        a.dd = 1;
        a.ds = 3 + r;
        if (r >= 5)
            a.ds += 7;
        a.to_h = p_ptr->lev/3;
        a.to_d = 2*r;
        a.weight = 70;
        a.effect[0] = GF_MISSILE;
        calc_innate_blows(&a, 100 + 50*r);
        a.msg = "You crawl.";
        a.name = "Crawl";

        p_ptr->innate_attacks[p_ptr->innate_attack_ct++] = a;
static int _rank_decay(int p)
    int r = _rank();
    for (; r < 4; r++)
        p /= 2;

    return MAX(1, p);
 * Public
race_t *mon_sword_get_race_t(void)
    static race_t me = {0};
    static bool   init = FALSE;
    static cptr   titles[5] =  {"Broken Death Sword", "Death Sword", "Poleaxe of Animated Attack", 
                                "Hellblade", "Death Scythe"};    
    int           rank = _rank();

    if (!init)
    {           /* dis, dev, sav, stl, srh, fos, thn, thb */
    skills_t bs = { 25,  37,  40,   4,  14,   5,  56,  20};
    skills_t xs = { 12,  12,  12,   0,   0,   0,  20,   7};

        me.skills = bs;
        me.extra_skills = xs;

        me.name = "Death-Sword";
        me.desc = "Death Swords are mighty weapons animated by magical means. As such, "
                    "they are unable to use equipment the way other players can. Instead, "
                    "they simply are a weapon of their current form. But never fear, Death "
                    "Swords have the power to absorb magical essences from the weapons they "
                    "find, gaining power in the process.";

        me.infra = 3;
        me.exp = 150;
        me.base_hp = 30;

        me.calc_bonuses = _calc_bonuses;
        me.calc_weapon_bonuses = _calc_weapon_bonuses;
        me.character_dump = _character_dump;
        me.get_flags = _get_flags;
        me.get_immunities = _get_immunities;
        me.gain_level = _gain_level;
        me.get_powers = _get_powers;
        me.birth = _birth;

        me.load_player = _load;
        me.save_player = _save;

        me.pseudo_class_idx = CLASS_WARRIOR;

        init = TRUE;

    me.subname = titles[rank];
    me.stats[A_STR] =  1 + rank;
    me.stats[A_INT] = -5;
    me.stats[A_WIS] = -5;
    me.stats[A_DEX] =  0 + rank/2;
    me.stats[A_CON] =  1 + rank;
    me.stats[A_CHR] =  0;
    me.life = 85 + 5*rank;
    me.boss_r_idx = MON_STORMBRINGER;

    me.equip_template = mon_get_equip_template();
    return &me;
文件: BitBases.cpp 项目: Kikirrus/DON
inline Result KPKPosition::classify (const vector<KPKPosition>& db)

    // White to Move:
    // If one move leads to a position classified as WIN, the result of the current position is WIN.
    // If all moves lead to positions classified as DRAW, the result of the current position is DRAW
    // otherwise the current position is classified as UNKNOWN.
    // Black to Move:
    // If one move leads to a position classified as DRAW, the result of the current position is DRAW.
    // If all moves lead to positions classified as WIN, the result of the current position is WIN
    // otherwise the current position is classified as UNKNOWN.

    const Color C_ = ((WHITE == C) ? BLACK : WHITE);

    Result r = INVALID;

    Bitboard b = attacks_bb<KING> ((WHITE == C) ? wk_sq : bk_sq);
    while (b)
        r |= (WHITE == C) ?
             db[index(C_, bk_sq, pop_lsq (b), p_sq)] :
             db[index(C_, pop_lsq (b), wk_sq, p_sq)];

    if ((WHITE == C) && (_rank (p_sq) < R_7))
        Square s = p_sq + DEL_N;

        r |= db[index(BLACK, bk_sq, wk_sq, s)]; // Single push

        if (_rank (p_sq) == R_2 && s != wk_sq && s != bk_sq)
            r |= db[index(BLACK, bk_sq, wk_sq, s + DEL_N)]; // Double push

    return result = (WHITE == C)
                    ? (r & WIN  ? WIN  : r & UNKNOWN ? UNKNOWN : DRAW)
                    : (r & DRAW ? DRAW : r & UNKNOWN ? UNKNOWN : WIN);
 * Public Methods
race_t *mon_centipede_get_race(void)
    static race_t me = {0};
    static bool   init = FALSE;
    int           r = _rank();
    static cptr   titles[6] =  {"Giant white centipede", "Metallic green centipede",
                                "Metallic blue centipede", "Metallic red centipede",
                                "Giant clear centipede", "The Multi-hued Centipede"};

    if (!init)
    {           /* dis, dev, sav, stl, srh, fos, thn, thb */
    skills_t bs = { 25,  21,  35,   5,  10,   7,  50,  10};
    skills_t xs = { 12,  10,  10,   0,   0,   0,  15,   2};

        me.skills = bs;
        me.extra_skills = xs;

        me.name = "Centipede";
        me.desc = _desc;

        me.infra = 5;
        me.exp = 100;
        me.base_hp = 15;
        me.shop_adjust = 120;

        me.calc_innate_attacks = _calc_innate_attacks;
        me.calc_bonuses = _calc_bonuses;
        me.get_flags = _get_flags;
        me.gain_level = _gain_level;
        me.birth = _birth;

        me.flags = RACE_IS_MONSTER;
        me.boss_r_idx = MON_CENTIPEDE_MULTIHUED;
        me.pseudo_class_idx = CLASS_WARRIOR;

        init = TRUE;

    if (!birth_hack && !spoiler_hack)
        me.subname = titles[r];
        me.subname = NULL;
    me.stats[A_STR] = (r + 1)/3;
    me.stats[A_INT] = -3;
    me.stats[A_WIS] = -3;
    me.stats[A_DEX] = r;
    me.stats[A_CON] = (r + 1)/2;
    me.stats[A_CHR] = -3;
    me.life = 90 + 2*r;
    me.equip_template = mon_get_equip_template();

    return &me;
static int _blows_mult(void)
    switch (_rank())
    case 0: return 100;
    case 1: return 100;
    case 2: return 75;
    case 3: return 50;
    case 4:
    default: return 20;
文件: polynomial.cpp 项目: enolte/fe
  static double _evaluate(T&& t, V&& x)
    if(_rank(t) == 0)
      return 0.;

    double acc = 1.;
    for(auto&& m : t.m)
      const std::size_t i = m.first;
      const std::size_t exponent_i = m.second;
      acc *= std::pow(x[i], exponent_i);

    return acc;
文件: Pawns.cpp 项目: Kikirrus/DON
    // Entry::shelter_storm() calculates shelter and storm penalties for the file
    // the king is on, as well as the two adjacent files.
    Value Entry::shelter_storm (const Position &pos, Square k_sq)
        const Color C_ = ((WHITE == C) ? BLACK : WHITE);

        Value safety = MaxSafetyBonus;

        Bitboard front_pawns = pos.pieces (PAWN) & (front_ranks_bb (C, _rank (k_sq)) | rank_bb (k_sq));
        Bitboard pawns[CLR_NO] =
            front_pawns & pos.pieces (C ),
            front_pawns & pos.pieces (C_),

        File kf = max (F_B, min (F_G, _file (k_sq)));
        for (File f = kf - 1; f <= kf + 1; ++f)
            Bitboard mid_pawns;

            mid_pawns  = pawns[1] & file_bb (f);
            Rank b_rk = mid_pawns ? rel_rank (C, scan_rel_frntmost_sq (C_, mid_pawns)) : R_1;

            if ((MID_EDGE_bb & (f | b_rk)) &&
                _file (k_sq) == f &&
                rel_rank (C, k_sq) == b_rk - 1)
                safety += Value (200);
                mid_pawns = pawns[0] & file_bb (f);
                Rank w_rk = mid_pawns ? rel_rank (C, scan_rel_backmost_sq (C , mid_pawns)) : R_1;
                int8_t danger = (w_rk != R_1) ? ((b_rk == w_rk + 1) ? 2 : 1) : 0;
                safety -= ShelterWeakness[w_rk]
                +         StormDanger[danger][b_rk];

        return safety;
 * Public
race_t *mon_golem_get_race(int psubrace)
    static race_t me = {0};
    static bool   init = FALSE;
    int           rank = _rank();

    if (!init)
    {           /* dis, dev, sav, stl, srh, fos, thn, thb */
    skills_t bs = { 25,  18,  40,   0,  10,   7,  70,  30};
    skills_t xs = { 10,   7,  15,   0,   0,   0,  30,  10};

        me.skills = bs;
        me.extra_skills = xs;

        me.infra = 5;
        me.shop_adjust = 130;

        me.name = "Golem";
        me.desc = _desc;
        me.calc_innate_attacks = _calc_innate_attacks;
        me.birth = _birth;
        me.gain_level = _gain_level;
        me.calc_bonuses = _calc_bonuses;
        me.get_powers = _get_powers;
        me.get_flags = _get_flags;
        me.base_hp = 50;
        me.boss_r_idx = MON_DESTROYER;
        me.pseudo_class_idx = CLASS_MAULER;

        init = TRUE;


    me.subname = _mon_name(p_ptr->current_r_idx);

    me.stats[A_STR] =  1 + rank;
    me.stats[A_INT] = -2 - (rank+1)/2;
    me.stats[A_WIS] = -2 - (rank+1)/2;
    me.stats[A_DEX] = -1 - (rank+1)/2;
    me.stats[A_CON] =  1 + rank;
    me.stats[A_CHR] =  0 + (rank+1)/2;

    switch (psubrace)
    case GOLEM_SKY:
        if (!p_ptr->current_r_idx)
            me.subname = "Sky Golem";
        me.life = 100 + 2*rank;
        me.exp = 250;

        if (!p_ptr->current_r_idx)
            me.subname = "Spellwarp Automaton";
        me.life = 100 + 3*rank;
        me.exp = 350;

        if (!p_ptr->current_r_idx)
            me.subname = "Colossus";
        if (p_ptr->current_r_idx == MON_COLOSSUS)
            me.stats[A_STR] += 3;
            me.stats[A_DEX] -= 2;
            me.stats[A_CON] += 3;
        me.life = 100 + 5*rank;
        me.exp = 200;

    return &me;
文件: polynomial.cpp 项目: enolte/fe
  * `polynomial::rank`
 std::size_t polynomial::rank() const
   return _rank(*this);
static void _get_flags(u32b flgs[OF_ARRAY_SIZE])
    if (_rank())
        add_flag(flgs, OF_SPEED);
文件: polynomial.cpp 项目: enolte/fe
  static void _add_term(polynomial& p, double coefficient, T&& t)
#ifdef EXDEBUG
    using multiindex = typename polynomial::multiindex;
    if(t.m.size() > 0)
      const std::size_t testing__term_max_var_index = std::max_element(std::cbegin(t.m), std::cend(t.m), [](const auto& m0, const auto& m1) { return m0.first < m1.first; })->first;
      const std::size_t testing__term_max_nvars = testing__term_max_var_index + 1;
      const std::size_t testing__polynomial_max_nvars = p.ni;
      std::cout << __func__ << "   multiindex = " << multiindex(t, std::max(testing__polynomial_max_nvars, testing__term_max_nvars)) << std::endl;
      const std::size_t testing__polynomial_max_nvars = p.ni;
      std::cout << __func__ << "   multiindex = " << multiindex(t, testing__polynomial_max_nvars) << std::endl;

    if(_rank(t) == 0)
      p.constant += coefficient;

    // Get new number of terms to store
    const std::size_t cur_max_nterms = _max_nterms(p);
    const std::size_t cur_max_nvars  = _max_nvars(p);

    const std::size_t new_term_index = _get_term_index(p, t);

    std::size_t new_max_nterms = cur_max_nterms;
    if(new_term_index >= cur_max_nterms)
      new_max_nterms = cur_max_nterms + 1;
      new_max_nterms = cur_max_nterms;

    // Get new number of variables to store.
    const std::size_t term_max_var_index = std::max_element(std::cbegin(t.m), std::cend(t.m), [](const auto& m0, const auto& m1) { return m0.first < m1.first; })->first;
    const std::size_t term_max_nvars = term_max_var_index + 1;

    std::size_t new_max_nvars = cur_max_nvars;
    if(term_max_nvars > cur_max_nvars)
      new_max_nvars = term_max_nvars;
      new_max_nvars = cur_max_nvars;

    // Grow
    _resize(p, new_max_nvars, new_max_nterms);

    // Insert new term data
    if(new_max_nterms == cur_max_nterms + 1)
      p.c.insert(std::cbegin(p.c) + new_term_index, coefficient);
      p.c[new_term_index] += coefficient;

    for(auto&& m : t.m)
      auto term_var_index = m.first;
      auto term_var_exponent = m.second;

      _get_exponent(p, term_var_index, new_term_index) = term_var_exponent;

	size_t rank(const Key& key) const
		return _rank(_root, key);