void PxCloth::onRemove()
   SAFE_DELETE( mMatInst );

   if ( isClientObject() )

      PhysicsPlugin::getPhysicsResetSignal().remove( this, &PxCloth::onPhysicsReset );


void PxCloth::_initClothMesh()
   // Make sure we can change the world.


   // Must have at least 2 verts.
   mPatchVerts.x = getMax( 2, mPatchVerts.x );
   mPatchVerts.y = getMax( 2, mPatchVerts.y );

   // Generate a uniform cloth patch, 
   // w and h are the width and height, 
   // d is the distance between vertices.  
   mNumVertices = mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y;
   mNumIndices = (mPatchVerts.x-1) * (mPatchVerts.y-1) * 2;

   NxClothMeshDesc desc;
   desc.numVertices = mNumVertices;    
   desc.numTriangles = mNumIndices;   
   desc.pointStrideBytes = sizeof(NxVec3);    
   desc.triangleStrideBytes = 3*sizeof(NxU32);    
   desc.points = (NxVec3*)dMalloc(sizeof(NxVec3)*desc.numVertices);    
   desc.triangles = (NxU32*)dMalloc(sizeof(NxU32)*desc.numTriangles*3);    
   desc.flags = 0;    

   U32 i,j;    
   NxVec3 *p = (NxVec3*)desc.points;    
   F32 patchWidth = mPatchSize.x / (F32)( mPatchVerts.x - 1 );
   F32 patchHeight = mPatchSize.y / (F32)( mPatchVerts.y - 1 );

   for (i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.y; i++) 
      for (j = 0; j < mPatchVerts.x; j++) 
         p->set( patchWidth * j, 0.0f, patchHeight * i );     

   NxU32 *id = (NxU32*)desc.triangles;    
   for (i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.y-1; i++) 
      for (j = 0; j < mPatchVerts.x-1; j++) 
         NxU32 i0 = i * mPatchVerts.x + j;            
         NxU32 i1 = i0 + 1;            
         NxU32 i2 = i0 + mPatchVerts.x;            
         NxU32 i3 = i2 + 1;            
         if ( (j+i) % 2 ) 
            *id++ = i0; 
            *id++ = i2; 
            *id++ = i1;                
            *id++ = i1; 
            *id++ = i2; 
            *id++ = i3;            
            *id++ = i0; 
            *id++ = i2; 
            *id++ = i3;                
            *id++ = i0; 
            *id++ = i3; 
            *id++ = i1;            
   NxCookingInterface *cooker = PxWorld::getCooking();

   // Ok... cook the mesh!
   NxCookingParams params;
   params.targetPlatform = PLATFORM_PC;
   params.skinWidth = 0.01f;
   params.hintCollisionSpeed = false;

   cooker->NxSetCookingParams( params );
   PxMemStream cooked;	
   if ( cooker->NxCookClothMesh( desc, cooked ) )
      mClothMesh = gPhysicsSDK->createClothMesh( cooked );
   NxVec3 *ppoints = (NxVec3*)desc.points;
   NxU32 *triangs = (NxU32*)desc.triangles;

   dFree( ppoints );
   dFree( triangs );

   if ( mClothMesh )
void PxCloth::unpackUpdate( NetConnection *conn, BitStream *stream )
   Parent::unpackUpdate( conn, stream );

   // TransformMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      MatrixF mat;
      mathRead( *stream, &mat );
      setTransform( mat );

   // MaterialMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      stream->read( &mMaterialName );
      SAFE_DELETE( mMatInst );

   // ClothMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      Point2I patchVerts;
      Point2F patchSize;
      mathRead( *stream, &patchVerts );
      mathRead( *stream, &patchSize );

      if (  patchVerts != mPatchVerts ||
            !patchSize.equal( mPatchSize ) )
         mPatchVerts = patchVerts;
         mPatchSize = patchSize;

      U32 attachMask;
      stream->read( &attachMask );
      if ( attachMask != mAttachmentMask )
         mAttachmentMask = attachMask;

      mBendingEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mDampingEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mTriangleCollisionEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mSelfCollisionEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      stream->read( &mThickness );
      stream->read( &mFriction );
      stream->read( &mBendingStiffness );
      stream->read( &mDampingCoefficient );

      F32 density;
      stream->read( &density );
      if ( density != mDensity )
         mDensity = density;

      if (  isClientObject() && 
            isProperlyAdded() &&
            mWorld &&
            !mCloth )

void PxCloth::unpackUpdate( NetConnection *conn, BitStream *stream )
   Parent::unpackUpdate( conn, stream );

   // TransformMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      MatrixF mat;
      mathRead( *stream, &mat );
   // start jc
         NxVec3 delta(mat.getPosition() - getTransform().getPosition());


         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 0 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( 0, mCloth->getPosition( 0 ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 1 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x-1, mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x-1 ) + delta );   
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 2 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x, mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 3 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - 1, mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - 1 ) + delta );   
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 4 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - (mPatchVerts.x/2), mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - (mPatchVerts.x/2) ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 5 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( (mPatchVerts.x/2), mCloth->getPosition( (mPatchVerts.x/2) ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 6 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2), mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 7 ) )
            mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) + (mPatchVerts.x-1), mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) + (mPatchVerts.x-1) ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 8 ) )
            for ( U32 i = mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i++ )
               mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, mCloth->getPosition( i ) + delta );
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 9 ) )
            for ( U32 i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.x; i++ )
               mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, mCloth->getPosition( i ) + delta );

         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 10 ) )
            for ( U32 i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i+=mPatchVerts.x )
               mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, mCloth->getPosition( i ) + delta );

         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 11 ) )
            for ( U32 i = mPatchVerts.x-1; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i+=mPatchVerts.x )
               mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, mCloth->getPosition( i ) + delta );
   // end jc

      setTransform( mat );

// start jc
   // ScaleAttachmentPointsMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      Point3F attachmentPointScale;
      mathRead( *stream, &attachmentPointScale );

         Point3F scale(Point3F::One);
         NxVec3 delta(scale);


         static NxVec3 delta2;
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 0 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( 0 ),delta);                                                       mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( 0, delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 1 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x-1 ), delta);                                        mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x-1, delta2); } 
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 2 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x ), delta);          mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x, delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 3 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - 1 ), delta);                      mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - 1, delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 4 ) )
         {   delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - (mPatchVerts.x/2) ), delta);     mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - (mPatchVerts.x/2), delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 5 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( (mPatchVerts.x/2) ), delta);                                      mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( (mPatchVerts.x/2), delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 6 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) ), delta);                      mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2), delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 7 ) )
         {  delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) + (mPatchVerts.x-1) ), delta);  mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( mPatchVerts.x * (mPatchVerts.y/2) + (mPatchVerts.x-1), delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 8 ) )
            for ( U32 i = mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y - mPatchVerts.x; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i++ )
               {   delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( i ), delta);     mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, delta2); }
         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 9 ) )
            for ( U32 i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.x; i++ )
               {   delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( i ), delta);     mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, delta2); }

         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 10 ) )
            for ( U32 i = 0; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i+=mPatchVerts.x )
               {   delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( i ), delta);     mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, delta2); }

         if ( mAttachmentMask & BIT( 11 ) )
            for ( U32 i = mPatchVerts.x-1; i < mPatchVerts.x * mPatchVerts.y; i+=mPatchVerts.x )
               {   delta2.arrayMultiply(mCloth->getPosition( i ), delta);     mCloth->attachVertexToGlobalPosition( i, delta2); }

      mAttachmentPointScale = attachmentPointScale;
// end jc

   // MaterialMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      stream->read( &mMaterialName );
      SAFE_DELETE( mMatInst );

   // ClothMask
   if ( stream->readFlag() )
      Point2I patchVerts;
      Point2F patchSize;
      mathRead( *stream, &patchVerts );
      mathRead( *stream, &patchSize );

      if (  patchVerts != mPatchVerts ||
            !patchSize.equal( mPatchSize ) )
         mPatchVerts = patchVerts;
         mPatchSize = patchSize;

      U32 attachMask;
      stream->read( &attachMask );
      if ( attachMask != mAttachmentMask )
         mAttachmentMask = attachMask;

      mBendingEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mDampingEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mTriangleCollisionEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      mSelfCollisionEnabled = stream->readFlag();
      stream->read( &mThickness );
      stream->read( &mFriction );
      stream->read( &mBendingStiffness );
      stream->read( &mDampingCoefficient );

      F32 density;
      stream->read( &density );
      if ( density != mDensity )
         mDensity = density;

      if (  isClientObject() && 
            isProperlyAdded() &&
            mWorld &&
            !mCloth )
