static void StringsDownOrderUpdate (int xLeft, int yTop, int nScaling)
    STRING *p;
    int nString;

    struct textsettings ts;
    int x, y;
    char szTextBuffer [128];

    LT_GraphicsClearScreen ();

    _gettextsettings (&ts);
    _setcharsize (ts.height / 2, ts.width / 2);
    _settextalign (_CENTER, _HALF);

    for (nString = 1, p = pStringsDownList; p != NULL; p = p -> pUp, nString++)
        _setcolor (p -> uFlags & SF_NEED_DELETE ? 15 : NUMBER_TO_COLOR (nString));
        _rectangle (_GBORDER,
                    (p -> xLeft   - xLeft) / nScaling,
                    (p -> yTop    - yTop)  / nScaling,
                    (p -> xRight  - xLeft) / nScaling,
                    (p -> yBottom - yTop)  / nScaling);

        x = ((p -> xLeft + p -> xRight)  / 2 - xLeft) / nScaling;
        y = ((p -> yTop  + p -> yBottom) / 2 - yTop)  / nScaling;

        _setcolor (15);
        sprintf (szTextBuffer, "%d", nString);
        _grtext (x, y, szTextBuffer);

    _setcharsize (ts.height, ts.width);
static void DrawText( short width, short y )

    This routine displays the text strings. */

    int                 xc;

    xc = VC.numxpixels / 2;
    _setcharsize( width, width );
    _settextalign( _CENTER, _BOTTOM );
    _grtext( xc, y, "Graph Library" );
    _setcharsize( width, width );
    _settextalign( _CENTER, _TOP );
    _grtext( xc, VC.numypixels - y, "TEST" );
static void Title( void )

    Draw main title and graph boxes. */

    _setcolor( TitleColour );
    _settextalign( _CENTER, _TOP );
    _setcharsize_w( 0.08, 1.0 / strlen( Main_Title ) );
    _grtext_w( 0.5, 1.0, Main_Title );
    _rectangle_w( _GBORDER, 0.00, 0.00, 0.49, 0.90 );     // left half
    _rectangle_w( _GBORDER, 0.51, 0.00, 1.00, 0.90 );     // right half
static void DoAxes( float xleft, float ybottom, float xlen, float ylen )

    Draw axes of bar graph. */

    float               xright, ytop;
    float               y, yinc;

    xright  = xleft + xlen;
    ytop = ybottom + ylen;

/*  Draw the axes */

    _moveto_w( xleft,  ytop );
    _lineto_w( xleft,  ybottom );
    _lineto_w( xright, ybottom );

/*  Draw the tick marks on the y-axis */

    yinc = ylen / 10;
    for( y = ybottom; y < ytop; y += yinc ) {
        _moveto_w( xleft, y );
        _lineto_w( xleft - 0.01, y );

/*  Draw the x-axis and y-axis titles */

    _settextalign( _CENTER, _HALF );
    _settextorient( 0, 1 );
    _setcharsize_w( 0.06, ylen / strlen( Y_Axis_Title ) *
                        ( (float) VC.numypixels / VC.numxpixels ) );
    _grtext_w( xleft - 0.05, ybottom + ylen / 2, Y_Axis_Title );
    _setcharsize_w( 0.06, xlen / strlen( X_Axis_Title ) );
    _settextorient( 1, 0 );
    _grtext_w( xleft + xlen / 2, ybottom - 0.05, X_Axis_Title );
void LT_GraphicsTitle (const char *pTitle)
    _setcolor (15);
    _settextalign (_CENTER, _HALF);
    _grtext (320, 450, pTitle);
static void HystogramUpdate (int xLeft, int yTop, int nScaling)
    char szBuffer [32];
    int i;
    int nMaxValue;
    int iMaxColumn;
    struct textsettings ts;
    int nCharHeight;
	ROOT *pRoot;//Rom

    LT_GraphicsClearScreen ();

    nMaxValue  = 0;
    iMaxColumn = 0;

    for (pRoot = cf::Roots::first(); pRoot < pAfterRoots; pRoot++)
		if(pRoot->nBlock == pDebugBlock->nNumber)
			int nColor = 8;

			if (pRoot -> bType & ROOT_LETTER)       nColor |= 1;
			if (pRoot -> bType & ROOT_RECOGNIZED)   nColor |= 2;
                        if (pRoot->isLayoutDust())              nColor |= 4;

			if (pRoot -> bType & ROOT_DEBUG)        nColor = 14;

			_setcolor (nColor);

			_rectangle (_GFILLINTERIOR,
				(pRoot -> xColumn - xLeft) / nScaling,
				(pRoot -> yRow    - yTop)  / nScaling,
				(pRoot -> xColumn + pRoot ->nWidth  - 1 - xLeft) / nScaling,
				(pRoot -> yRow    + pRoot ->nHeight - 1 - yTop)  / nScaling);

    for (i = 0; i < nHystColumns; i++)
        if (nMaxValue < pHystogram [i])
            nMaxValue  = pHystogram [i];
            iMaxColumn = i;

    if (nMaxValue < 10)
        nMaxValue = 10;

    _gettextsettings (&ts);

    for (i = 0; i < nHystColumns; i++)
        if (pHystogram [i] == 0)

            _setcolor (9);

            _rectangle (_GFILLINTERIOR,
                (i * VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns + VIEW_LEFT
                                                     - xLeft) / nScaling,
                (VIEW_BOTTOM - pHystogram [i] * VIEW_HEIGHT / nMaxValue
                                                     - yTop)  / nScaling,
                ((i + 1) * VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns + VIEW_LEFT
                                                     - xLeft) / nScaling,
                                                     - yTop)  / nScaling);

    _setcolor (12);

    _moveto (((xDebugVertLine - pDebugBlock -> Rect.xLeft)
                  * VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns
                        + VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns / 2
                        + VIEW_LEFT
                        - xLeft) / nScaling, 0);
    _lineto (((xDebugVertLine - pDebugBlock -> Rect.xLeft)
                  * VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns
                        + VIEW_WIDTH / nHystColumns / 2
                        + VIEW_LEFT
                        - xLeft) / nScaling, SCREEN_HEIGHT);

    _setcolor (15);
    _settextalign (_RIGHT, _TOP);
    nCharHeight = VIEW_HEIGHT / 10 / nScaling / 2;
    _setcharsize (nCharHeight, nCharHeight / 2);

    for (i = 0; i < nMaxValue - nMaxValue / 20; i += MAX (nMaxValue / 10, 1))
        _moveto ((VIEW_LEFT                                 - xLeft)/ nScaling,
                 (VIEW_BOTTOM - i * VIEW_HEIGHT / nMaxValue - yTop) / nScaling);
        _lineto ((VIEW_RIGHT                                - xLeft)/ nScaling,
                 (VIEW_BOTTOM - i * VIEW_HEIGHT / nMaxValue - yTop) / nScaling);

        if (i != 0)
            sprintf (szBuffer, "%d\n", i);
            _grtext ((VIEW_LEFT - xLeft) / nScaling,
                (VIEW_BOTTOM - i * VIEW_HEIGHT / nMaxValue - yTop) / nScaling,

    sprintf (szBuffer, "%d\n", nMaxValue);
    _grtext ((VIEW_LEFT - xLeft) / nScaling,
             (VIEW_TOP  - yTop)  / nScaling,

    _rectangle (_GBORDER,
                (VIEW_LEFT   - xLeft) / nScaling,
                (VIEW_TOP    - yTop)  / nScaling,
                (VIEW_RIGHT  - xLeft) / nScaling,
                (VIEW_BOTTOM - yTop)  / nScaling);

    _setcharsize (ts.height, ts.width);