文件: p3.c 项目: mtzguido/epoll
void handle_event(int epfd, struct epoll_event ev) {
	struct fdinfo *fdinfo = ev.data.ptr;

	switch (fdinfo->type) {
	case LSOCK:
		accept_one(epfd, fdinfo->fd);
	case CLIENT:
		print_event(fdinfo->fd, ev);
		if (ev.events & EPOLLHUP) {
			kill_cli(epfd, fdinfo);

		if (ev.events & EPOLLIN) {

		if (ev.events & EPOLLRDHUP)  {
			kill_cli(epfd, fdinfo);

文件: lwan.c 项目: lpereira/lwan
static int
accept_connection_coro(struct coro *coro, void *data)
    struct lwan *l = data;
    uint64_t cores = 0;

    while (coro_yield(coro, 1) & ~(EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLERR)) {
        enum herd_accept ha;

        do {
            ha = accept_one(l, &cores);
        } while (ha == HERD_MORE);

        if (UNLIKELY(ha > HERD_MORE))

        if (LIKELY(cores)) {
            for (unsigned short t = 0; t < l->thread.count; t++) {
                if (cores & UINT64_C(1)<<t)

            cores = 0;

    return 0;
文件: config.c 项目: jhunt/pgrouter
static int accept_all(LEXER *l, const char *valid)
	int n = 0;
	while (accept_one(l, valid))
	return n;
文件: config.c 项目: jhunt/pgrouter
static TOKEN lex_wildcard(LEXER *l)
	l->f = lex_any;

	if (accept_one(l, ":") && accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC)) {
		return token(T_TYPE_ADDRESS, l);
	return token(T_ERROR, NULL);
文件: lwan.c 项目: dreamsxin/lwan
static inline enum herd_accept
accept_herd(struct lwan *l, uint64_t *cores)
    enum herd_accept ha;

    if (!wait_herd())
        return HERD_GONE;

    do {
        ha = accept_one(l, cores);
    } while (ha == HERD_MORE);

    return ha;
void wait_for_players(fd_t server, fd_t * clients)
    int client_count = 0;

    // Marking everyone as disconnected
    memset(clients, DISCONNECTED, sizeof(fd_t) * PLAYER_COUNT);
    // Waiting for everyone
    while (client_count < PLAYER_COUNT)
        // Trying to accept a new client
        fd_t new_client = accept_one(server);
        if (new_client != DISCONNECTED)
            add_client(clients, new_client);
        // Checking for clients who left or got disconnected
        client_count -= dead_client_count(clients);
文件: config.c 项目: jhunt/pgrouter
static TOKEN lex_numeric(LEXER *l)
	   supported numeric formats:

	   \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+:\d+  is an ip:port (a BAREWORD)
	   \d+.\d+.\d+.\d+      is an ip (another BAREWORD)
	   \d+[kKmMgG]?b        is a size
	   \d+[smh]             is a time
	   \d+.\d+              is a decimal
	   \d+                  is an integer

	char c;
	unsigned int ival = 0;

	l->f = lex_any;

	/* first let's see if this is in fact an IP address */
	if (accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC) && accept_one(l, ".")
	 && accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC) && accept_one(l, ".")
	 && accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC) && accept_one(l, ".")
	 && accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC)) {
		if (accept_one(l, ":") && !accept_all(l, C_NUMERIC)) {
			return token(T_ERROR, NULL);
		return token(T_TYPE_ADDRESS, l);

	for (;;) {
		c = next(l);
		if (c == 0) {
		if (strchr(C_NUMERIC, c) == NULL) {
		ival = ival * 10 + (c - '0');
	c = next(l);

	if (c == '.') {
		double factor = 10;
		double fval = ival;
		for (;;) {
			c = next(l);
			if (c == 0) {
			if (strchr(C_NUMERIC, c) == NULL) {
			fval = fval + ((c - '0') / factor);
			factor *= 10;
		t = token(T_TYPE_DECIMAL, l);
		t.semval.f = fval;
		return t;

	if (strchr("kKmMgGbB", c) != NULL) {
		int factor = 1;
		switch (c) {
		case 'g': case 'G': factor *= 1024;
		case 'm': case 'M': factor *= 1024;
		case 'k': case 'K': factor *= 1024;
		if (c != 'b' && c != 'B') {
			c = next(l);
		if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {
			t = token(T_TYPE_SIZE, l);
			t.semval.i = ival * factor;
			return t;

	if (strchr("sSmMhH", c) != NULL) {
		int factor = 1;
		switch (c) {
		case 'h': case 'H': factor *= 60;
		case 'm': case 'M': factor *= 60;
		t = token(T_TYPE_TIME, l);
		t.semval.i = ival * factor;
		return t;

	t = token(T_TYPE_INTEGER, l);
	t.semval.i = ival;
	return t;
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int sd, ci, backlog = MAX_BACKLOG;
    short port = PORTNUM;

    if (argc > 1)
        ncons = atoi (argv[1]);

    /* decrease stack size, non-privilged operation */
    /*    shrink_stack (STACK_SIZE); not needed for parent */

    /* increase maximum number of file descriptors, must be root! */
    /* a few extra, for 0, 1, 2 etc. */
    check_and_set_max_fd (ncons + 8);

    cd = malloc (ncons * sizeof (int));
    isopen = malloc (ncons * sizeof (int));
    pid = malloc (ncons * sizeof (pid_t));
    gethostname (hostname, 128);

    signal (SIGCHLD, cleanupkids);

    /* open an internet tcp stream socket */
    /* socket, setsockopt for reuse, bind, listen; */

    sd = get_socket (port, backlog);

    for (ci = 0; ci < ncons; ci++)
        isopen[ci] = 0;

    for (;;) {

        /* accept new connection only if less than
           the maximum is there */
        while (nopen == ncons) {
            /* reap any children; there may be a
               race condition or signal pileup! */
            cleanupkids (SIGCHLD);

        /*  find the first open one */

        ci = accept_one (sd, isopen, cd, ncons);
        isopen[ci] = 1;
        printf ("connection accepted (cd[%2d] = %2d), nopen = %2d\n",
                ci, cd[ci], nopen);
        fflush (stdout);

        /* fork off a child to handle the connection */

        pid[ci] = fork ();
        if (pid[ci] < 0)
            DEATH ("Forking");

        if (pid[ci] == 0) {     /* child */

            /* decrease stack size, non-privilged operation */
            shrink_stack (STACK_SIZE);
            /* can set back for kids */
            set_max_fd (16);

            while (!handle_client (cd[ci])) ;
            terminate_client (ci);
        } else {                /* parent */
            printf (" I forked for ci=%d, pid=%d\n", ci, pid[ci]);
            fflush (stdout);

    close (sd);
    free (isopen);
    free (cd);
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int sd, ci, n, backlog = MAX_BACKLOG, timeout = -1, nfds, nconsp1;
    short port = PORTNUM;
    struct pollfd *pfd, *pfd0;

    if (argc > 1)
        ncons = atoi (argv[1]);
    nconsp1 = ncons + 1;

    cd = malloc ((nconsp1 + 8) * sizeof (int));
    isopen = malloc ((nconsp1 + 8) * sizeof (int));
    ufds = malloc ((nconsp1 + 8) * sizeof (struct pollfd));
    memset (ufds, 0, (nconsp1 + 8) * sizeof (struct pollfd));

    /* increase maximum number of file descriptors, must be root! */

    /* a few extra, for 0, 1, 2 etc. */
    check_and_set_max_fd (nconsp1 + 8);

    gethostname (hostname, 128);

    /* open an internet tcp stream socket */
    /* socket, setsockopt for reuse, bind, listen; */
    sd = get_socket (port, backlog);

    /* for the listening socket */

    pfd0 = &ufds[0];
    pfd0->fd = sd;
    pfd0->events = POLLIN;

    isopen[0] = 0;

    for (ci = 1; ci < nconsp1 + 8; ci++) {
        pfd = &ufds[ci];
        pfd->fd = -1;
        pfd->events = 0;
        isopen[ci] = 0;

    for (;;) {

        /* wait for something to happen on one of the descriptors */

        nfds = 1 + nopen;
        if (sd > fdmax)
            fdmax = sd;         /* to begin with */

        /*        n = poll (ufds, nconsp1, timeout);  */
        n = poll (&ufds[0], fdmax + 1, timeout);

        if (n < 0)
            DEATH ("poll");

        /* if you do a time out you have to deal with n = 0 */

        /* accept new connection only if less than the maximum is there */

        if ((pfd0->revents && POLLIN) && (nopen < ncons)) {
            isopen[0] = 1;

            /*  find the first open one */

            ci = accept_one (sd, isopen, cd, ncons);
            isopen[ci] = 1;
            pfd = &ufds[ci];
            pfd->fd = cd[ci];
            pfd->events = POLLIN;
            if (cd[ci] > fdmax)
                fdmax = cd[ci];
            ("connection accepted (cd[%2d] = %2d), nopen = %2d\n",
             ci, cd[ci], nopen);

        /* service existing connections */

        for (ci = 1; ci < nconsp1; ci++) {
            pfd = &ufds[ci];
            if (isopen[ci] && (pfd->revents && POLLIN)) {
                if (handle_client (cd[ci]))
                    terminate_client (ci);
            fflush (stdout);
    close (sd);
    free (cd);
    free (isopen);
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    int sd, ci, n, backlog = MAX_BACKLOG;
    short port = PORTNUM;

    if (argc > 1)
        ncons = atoi (argv[1]);
    if (ncons > FD_SETSIZE)
        DEATH ("Can't have more than 1024 for select(), and ulimit -s"
               "  must be a bit larger")

            cd = malloc (ncons * sizeof (int));
    isopen = malloc (ncons * sizeof (int));
    gethostname (hostname, 128);

    /* open an internet tcp stream socket */
    /* socket, setsockopt for reuse, bind, listen; */

    sd = get_socket (port, backlog);

    for (ci = 0; ci < ncons; ci++)
        isopen[ci] = 0;

    FD_ZERO (&fdset);
    FD_SET (sd, &fdset);

    for (;;) {

        /* wait for something to happen on one of the descriptors */

        testset = fdset;
        if (sd > fdmax)
            fdmax = sd;         /* to begin with */
        n = select (fdmax + 1, &testset, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if (n < 0)
            DEATH ("select");

        /* if you do a time out you have to deal with n = 0 */

        /* accept new connection only if less than the maximum is there */

        if (FD_ISSET (sd, &testset) && (nopen < ncons)) {

            /*  find the first open one */

            ci = accept_one (sd, isopen, cd, ncons);
            isopen[ci] = 1;
            FD_SET (cd[ci], &fdset);
            if (cd[ci] > fdmax)
                fdmax = cd[ci];
                ("connection accepted (cd[%2d] = %2d), nopen = %2d\n",
                 ci, cd[ci], nopen);

        /* service existing connections */

        for (ci = 0; ci < ncons; ci++) {
            if (isopen[ci] && FD_ISSET (cd[ci], &testset))
                if (handle_client (cd[ci]))
                    terminate_client (ci);

    close (sd);
    free (cd);
    free (isopen);
    exit (EXIT_SUCCESS);