void asdktest5 () {
    //----- Select the entities
    ads_name ss, en ;
    if ( acedSSGet (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ss) != RTNORM )
        return ;

    //----- Append entity IDs to the collector
    long n ;
    AcDbObjectId id ;
    AsdkHlrCollector collector ;
    acedSSLength (ss, &n) ;
    for ( int i =0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
        acedSSName (ss, i, en) ;
        acdbGetObjectId (id, en) ;
        collector.addEntity (id) ;
    acedSSFree (ss) ;

    //----- Display a dialog box to select HLR controls, the user wants to apply to the HLR engine
    AfxSetResourceHandle (_hdllInstance) ;
    CControlsDlg dlg ;
    dlg.mnControls =kProject | kEntity | kBlock | kHonorInternals ;
    if ( dlg.DoModal () != IDOK ) {
        AfxSetResourceHandle (acedGetAcadResourceInstance ()) ;
        return ;
    AfxSetResourceHandle (acedGetAcadResourceInstance ()) ;

    int control =dlg.mnControls ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nAbout to call hidden Line calculation")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nCalling with %d Entities"), collector.getInputEntityIds ().logicalLength ()) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkProject %s "), control & kProject ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkShowAll %s "), control & kShowAll ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkEntity %s "), control & kEntity  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkBlock %s "), control & kBlock  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkSubentity %s "), control & kSubentity  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkHideTangents %s "), control & kHideTangents  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkCleanup %s "), control & kCleanup  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkIsolines %s "), control & kIsolines  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkUnite %s "), control & kUnite  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkReuse %s "), control & kReuse  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkProgress %s "), control & kProgress  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkHandlePoints %s "), control & kHandlePoints  ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkHonorInternals %s "), control & kHonorInternals ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nkMeshSilhouettes %s "), control & kMeshSilhouettes ? ACRX_T("On") : ACRX_T("Off")) ;
    //----- Ask for virtual viewport settings
    AcDbViewport *pVp =NULL ;
    if ( !pickViewport (pVp) )
        return ;

    //----- Process hidden line removal
    AsdkHlrEngine hlr (pVp, control) ;
    hlr.run (collector) ;
    delete pVp ;

    //----- The following code will collect the color of the originator entity of an edge
    //----- and will assign it to the resulting entity.
    actrTransactionManager->startTransaction () ;

    int nOutput =collector.mOutputData.logicalLength () ;
    acutPrintf (ACRX_T("\nHlr returned %d curves"), nOutput) ;
    for ( int j =0 ; j < nOutput ; j++ ) {
        AsdkHlrData *pResult =collector.mOutputData [j] ;

        AcDbEntity *pResultEntity =pResult->getResultEntity () ;
        AcDbObjectId id ;
        if ( postToDatabase (NULL, pResultEntity, id) != Acad::eOk ) {
            acutPrintf (_T("Failed to add entity to current space.\n")) ;
            break ;

        actrTransactionManager->getObject ((AcDbObject *&)pResultEntity, id, AcDb::kForWrite) ;

        AcDbObjectIdArray ids =pResult->getObjectIds () ;
        int last =ids.logicalLength () - 1 ;
        AcCmColor color ;
        AcDbObjectId layerId ;
        color.setColorIndex (0) ;
        while ( last >= 0 && color.colorIndex () == 0 ) {
            AcDbObjectId innerId =ids.at (last) ;
            AcDbObject *pObj ;
            actrTransactionManager->getObject (pObj, innerId, AcDb::kForRead) ;
            AcDbEntity *pEnt =AcDbEntity::cast (pObj) ;

            color =pEnt->color () ;
            layerId =pEnt->layerId () ;
            last-- ;
        if ( layerId != AcDbObjectId::kNull ) {
            pResultEntity->setColor (color) ;
            pResultEntity->setLayer (layerId) ;
        } else {
            AcDbEntity *pEnt =pResult->getEntity () ;
            if ( pEnt != NULL ) {
                pResultEntity->setColor (pEnt->color ()) ;
                pResultEntity->setLayer (pEnt->layer ()) ;
        pResultEntity->close () ;

	m_pMenu = new CMenu;
	m_pMenu = new CMenu;
	uniqueEntity = false;