文件: main.cpp 项目: silky/codecrypt
int main (int argc, char**argv)
	//option variables
	bool do_help = false,
	     do_version = false,
	     do_test = false,
	     has_opt = false,
	     opt_armor = false,
	     opt_yes = false,
	     opt_fingerprint = false,
	     opt_clearsign = false,
	     opt_import_no_action = false;

	std::string recipient, user,
	    input, output,
	    name, filter,

	char action = 0;

	int c, option_index;
	for (;;) {
		static struct option long_opts[] = {
			{"help",	0,	0,	'h' },
			{"version",	0,	0,	'V' },
			{"test",	0,	0,	'T' },

			//global options
			{"armor",	0,	0,	'a' },
			{"yes",		0,	0,	'y' },
			{"recipient",	1,	0,	'r' },
			{"user",	1,	0,	'u' },

			//I/O redirection from default stdin/out
			{"in",		1,	0,	'R' },
			{"out",		1,	0,	'o' },

			//keyring management
			{"list",	0,	0,	'k' },
			{"import",	0,	0,	'i' },
			{"export",	0,	0,	'p' },
			{"delete",	1,	0,	'x' },
			{"rename", 	1,	0,	'm' },

			{"list-secret",	0,	0,	'K' },
			{"import-secret", 0,	0,	'I' },
			{"export-secret", 0,	0,	'P' },
			{"delete-secret", 1,	0,	'X' },
			{"rename-secret", 1,	0,	'M' },

			{"gen-key",	1,	0,	'g' },

			{"name", 	1,	0,	'N' },
			{"filter", 	1,	0,	'F' },

			{"fingerprint",	0,	0,	'f' },
			{"no-action",	0,	0,	'n' },

			{"sign",	0,	0,	's' },
			{"verify",	0,	0,	'v' },
			{"encrypt",	0,	0,	'e' },
			{"decrypt",	0,	0,	'd' },

			//action options
			{"clearsign",	0,	0,	'C' },
			{"detach-sign",	1,	0,	'b' },
			{"symmetric",	1,	0,	'S' },

			{0,		0,	0,	0 }

		option_index = -1;
		c = getopt_long
		    (argc, argv,
		     long_opts, &option_index);
		if (c == -1) break;

		has_opt = true;
		switch (c) {
		case '?':
		case ':':
		case 'h':
			do_help = true;

#define read_flag(ch,var) case ch: var=true; break;

#define read_single_opt(ch,var,errmsg) \
	case ch: if(var.length()) {progerr(errmsg); do_help=true;}\
	else var=optarg; break;

#define read_action(ch) read_action_comb(ch,0,0)

#define read_action_comb(ch, hit, comb) \
	case ch: \
	if(hit && action==hit) { \
		action=comb; \
		if(optarg) action_param=optarg; \
	} else if(action) { \
		progerr("please specify a single action"); \
		do_help=true; \
	} else { \
		action=ch; \
		if(optarg) action_param=optarg; \
	} break;

			read_flag ('V', do_version)
			read_flag ('T', do_test)
			read_flag ('a', opt_armor)
			read_flag ('y', opt_yes)

			read_single_opt ('r', recipient,
			                 "specify only one recipient")
			read_single_opt ('u', user,
			                 "specify only one local user")
			read_single_opt ('R', input,
			                 "cannot accept multiple inputs")
			read_single_opt ('o', output,
			                 "cannot accept multiple outputs")

			read_action ('k')
			read_action ('i')
			read_action ('p')
			read_action ('x')
			read_action ('m')

			read_action ('K')
			read_action ('I')
			read_action ('P')
			read_action ('X')
			read_action ('M')

			read_action ('g')

			read_single_opt ('N', name,
			                 "please specify single name")
			read_single_opt ('F', filter,
			                 "please specify single filter string")

			read_flag ('f', opt_fingerprint)
			read_flag ('n', opt_import_no_action)

			 * combinations of s+e and d+v are possible. result is
			 * 'E' = "big encrypt with sig" and 'D' "big decrypt
			 * with verify".
			read_action_comb ('s', 'e', 'E')
			read_action_comb ('v', 'd', 'D')
			read_action_comb ('e', 's', 'E')
			read_action_comb ('d', 'v', 'D')

			read_flag ('C', opt_clearsign)
			read_single_opt ('b', detach_sign,
			                 "specify only one detach-sign file")
			read_single_opt ('S', symmetric,
			                 "specify only one symmetric parameter")

#undef read_flag
#undef read_single_opt
#undef read_action

		default: //which doesn't just happen.
			do_help = true;

	if (optind != argc) {
		progerr ("unmatched non-option parameters");
		do_help = true;

	if ( (!has_opt) || do_help) {
		print_help (argv[0]);
		return 0;

	if (do_version) {
		return 0;

	 * something will be happening, therefore init everything

	keyring KR;
	algorithm_suite AS;

	//register all available algorithms
	fill_algorithm_suite (AS);

	 * cin/cout redirection

	int exitval = 0;

	if (input.length() && !redirect_cin (input) ) {
		progerr ("could not open input file");
		exitval = 1;
		goto exit;

	if (output.length() && !redirect_cout (output) ) {
		progerr ("could not redirect to output file");
		exitval = 1;
		goto exit;

	 * check the option flags and do whatever was requested

	if (do_test) {
		goto exit;

	if (symmetric.length() ) switch (action) {
		case 's':
		case 'v':
			progerr ("specified action doesn't support symmetric operation");
			exitval = 1;
			goto exit;

	switch (action) {
	case 'g':
		exitval = action_gen_key (action_param, name, KR, AS);

	case 'e':
		exitval = action_encrypt (recipient, opt_armor, KR, AS);

	case 'd':
		exitval = action_decrypt (opt_armor, KR, AS);

	case 's':
		exitval = action_sign (user, opt_armor, detach_sign,
		                       opt_clearsign, symmetric, KR, AS);

	case 'v':
		exitval = action_verify (opt_armor, detach_sign, opt_clearsign,
		                         opt_yes, symmetric, KR, AS);

	case 'E':
		exitval = action_sign_encrypt (user, recipient, opt_armor,
		                               KR, AS);

	case 'D':
		exitval = action_decrypt_verify (opt_armor, opt_yes,
		                                 KR, AS);

	case 'k':
		exitval = action_list (opt_fingerprint, filter, KR);

	case 'i':
		exitval = action_import (opt_armor, opt_import_no_action,
		                         opt_yes, opt_fingerprint,
		                         filter, name, KR);

	case 'p':
		exitval = action_export (opt_armor, filter, name, KR);

	case 'x':
		exitval = action_delete (opt_yes, action_param, KR);

	case 'm':
		exitval = action_rename (opt_yes, action_param, name, KR);

	case 'K':
		exitval = action_list_sec (opt_fingerprint, filter, KR);

	case 'I':
		exitval = action_import_sec (opt_armor, opt_import_no_action,
		                             opt_yes, opt_fingerprint,
		                             filter, name, KR);

	case 'P':
		exitval = action_export_sec (opt_armor, opt_yes,
		                             filter, name, KR);

	case 'X':
		exitval = action_delete_sec (opt_yes, action_param, KR);

	case 'M':
		exitval = action_rename_sec (opt_yes, action_param, name, KR);

		progerr ("no action specified, use `--help'");
		exitval = 1;


	 * all done.
	 * keyring is _not_ automatically saved here to prevent frequent
	 * rewriting and due the fact that everything that modifies it _must_
	 * also ensure and verify that it was written back correctly.

	if (!KR.close() ) {
		progerr ("could not close keyring, "
		         "something weird is going to happen.");

	return exitval;
	 * passes the problem to the Planner; the plan to post-processing.
	bool RDDLSIMPlannerInterface::runPlanner() {

		// save problem to file for planner
		if(use_problem_topic && problem_instance_received) {
			ROS_INFO("KCL: (%s) (%s) Writing problem to file.", ros::this_node::getName().c_str(), problem_name.c_str());
			std::ofstream dest;
			dest << problem_instance;

		// prepare the planner command line
		std::string str = planner_command;
		std::size_t dit = str.find("DOMAIN");
		if(dit!=std::string::npos) str.replace(dit,6,domain_path);
		std::size_t pit = str.find("PROBLEM");
		if(pit!=std::string::npos) str.replace(pit,7,problem_path);
		std::string commandString = str + " > " + data_path + "plan.pddl";

		// call the planer
		ROS_INFO("KCL: (%s) (%s) Running: %s", ros::this_node::getName().c_str(), problem_name.c_str(),  commandString.c_str());
		std::string plan = runCommand(commandString.c_str());
		ROS_INFO("KCL: (%s) (%s) Planning complete", ros::this_node::getName().c_str(), problem_name.c_str());

        // Planner output example:
        //          ** Actions received: [move-current-dir(e1, e3);, open-door-going-down(e0);]
        //          ** Actions received: [close-door(e1);]
		// check the planner solved the problem
		std::ifstream planfile;
		planfile.open((data_path + "plan.pddl").c_str());
		std::string line;

        std::regex actionline_rgx("\\*\\* Actions received: \\[(.*)\\]"); // Action received line filter
        // Action name and parameters extraction: if more than one action, it my have a comma and a space.
        // Then we group the action name and the parameters, ignoring the parenthesis. if no parameters the second part is matched
        std::regex action_name_params_rgx(",?\\s?(.+)\\((.*)\\)|,?\\s?(.+)");
        std::smatch match;
        int action_idx = 0;
		while (std::getline(planfile, line)) {
            // Check any action was found
            if (std::regex_search(line, match, actionline_rgx)) {
                std::istringstream action_list(match[1].str()); // Get all the actions in a sstream
                std::string action;
                while (getline(action_list, action, ';')) { // Get each action separately
                    if (std::regex_search(action, match, action_name_params_rgx)) { // Separate action name and parameters
                        // output_format:  0.000: (undock kenny wp1)  [10.000]\n
                        std::string action_name = (match[1].str().empty())? match[3].str(): match[1].str();
                        planner_output +=  std::to_string(action_idx) + ": (" + action_name; // Action name
                        std::istringstream p(match[2].str()); // parameters
                        std::string param;
                        while (getline(p, param, ',')) {
                            planner_output += " "+ param;
                        planner_output += ")  [0.001]\n"; // Close parenthesis and add duration
        bool solved = !planner_output.empty();
		if(!solved) ROS_INFO("KCL: (%s) (%s) Plan was unsolvable.", ros::this_node::getName().c_str(), problem_name.c_str());
		else ROS_INFO("KCL: (%s) (%s) Plan was solved.", ros::this_node::getName().c_str(), problem_name.c_str());

		return solved;