static void server_socket_thread(void* arg) {
    int serverfd, fd;
    int port = (int) (uintptr_t) arg;

    adb_thread_setname("server socket");
    D("transport: server_socket_thread() starting");
    serverfd = -1;
    for(;;) {
        if(serverfd == -1) {
            std::string error;
            serverfd = network_inaddr_any_server(port, SOCK_STREAM, &error);
            if(serverfd < 0) {
                D("server: cannot bind socket yet: %s", error.c_str());

        D("server: trying to get new connection from %d", port);
        fd = adb_socket_accept(serverfd, nullptr, nullptr);
        if(fd >= 0) {
            D("server: new connection on fd %d", fd);
            std::string serial = android::base::StringPrintf("host-%d", fd);
            if (register_socket_transport(fd, serial.c_str(), port, 1) != 0) {
    D("transport: server_socket_thread() exiting");
static void server_socket_thread(void* arg) {
    int serverfd, fd;
    sockaddr_storage ss;
    sockaddr *addrp = reinterpret_cast<sockaddr*>(&ss);
    socklen_t alen;
    int port = (int) (uintptr_t) arg;

    adb_thread_setname("server socket");
    D("transport: server_socket_thread() starting");
    serverfd = -1;
    for(;;) {
        if(serverfd == -1) {
            std::string error;
            serverfd = network_inaddr_any_server(port, SOCK_STREAM, &error);
            if(serverfd < 0) {
                D("server: cannot bind socket yet: %s", error.c_str());

        alen = sizeof(ss);
        D("server: trying to get new connection from %d", port);
        fd = adb_socket_accept(serverfd, addrp, &alen);
        if(fd >= 0) {
            D("server: new connection on fd %d", fd);
            register_socket_transport(fd, "host", port, 1);
    D("transport: server_socket_thread() exiting");
void *service_bootstrap_func(void *x)
    stinfo* sti = reinterpret_cast<stinfo*>(x);
    adb_thread_setname(android::base::StringPrintf("service %d", sti->fd));
    sti->func(sti->fd, sti->cookie);
    return 0;
void device_poll_thread() {
    adb_thread_setname("Device Poll");
    D("Created device thread");

    while (true) {
// The transport is opened by transport_register_func before
// the read_transport and write_transport threads are started.
// The read_transport thread issues a SYNC(1, token) message to let
// the write_transport thread know to start things up.  In the event
// of transport IO failure, the read_transport thread will post a
// SYNC(0,0) message to ensure shutdown.
// The transport will not actually be closed until both threads exit, but the threads
// will kick the transport on their way out to disconnect the underlying device.
// read_transport thread reads data from a transport (representing a usb/tcp connection),
// and makes the main thread call handle_packet().
static void *read_transport_thread(void *_t)
    atransport *t = reinterpret_cast<atransport*>(_t);
    apacket *p;

                                                   (t->serial != nullptr ? t->serial : "transport")));
    D("%s: starting read_transport thread on fd %d, SYNC online (%d)",
       t->serial, t->fd, t->sync_token + 1);
    p = get_apacket();
    p->msg.command = A_SYNC;
    p->msg.arg0 = 1;
    p->msg.arg1 = ++(t->sync_token);
    p->msg.magic = A_SYNC ^ 0xffffffff;
    if(write_packet(t->fd, t->serial, &p)) {
        D("%s: failed to write SYNC packet", t->serial);
        goto oops;

    D("%s: data pump started", t->serial);
    for(;;) {
        p = get_apacket();

        if(t->read_from_remote(p, t) == 0){
            D("%s: received remote packet, sending to transport",
            if(write_packet(t->fd, t->serial, &p)){
                D("%s: failed to write apacket to transport", t->serial);
                goto oops;
        } else {
            D("%s: remote read failed for transport", t->serial);

    D("%s: SYNC offline for transport", t->serial);
    p = get_apacket();
    p->msg.command = A_SYNC;
    p->msg.arg0 = 0;
    p->msg.arg1 = 0;
    p->msg.magic = A_SYNC ^ 0xffffffff;
    if(write_packet(t->fd, t->serial, &p)) {
        D("%s: failed to write SYNC apacket to transport", t->serial);

    D("%s: read_transport thread is exiting", t->serial);
    return 0;
static void _power_notification_thread() {
    // This uses a thread with its own window message pump to get power
    // notifications. If adb runs from a non-interactive service account, this
    // might not work (not sure). If that happens to not work, we could use
    // heavyweight WMI APIs to get power notifications. But for the common case
    // of a developer's interactive session, a window message pump is more
    // appropriate.
    D("Created power notification thread");
    adb_thread_setname("Power Notifier");

    // Window class names are process specific.
    static const WCHAR kPowerNotificationWindowClassName[] = L"PowerNotificationWindow";

    // Get the HINSTANCE corresponding to the module that _power_window_proc
    // is in (the main module).
    const HINSTANCE instance = GetModuleHandleW(nullptr);
    if (!instance) {
        // This is such a common API call that this should never fail.
        LOG(FATAL) << "GetModuleHandleW failed: "
                   << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(GetLastError());

    WNDCLASSEXW wndclass;
    memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass));
    wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass);
    wndclass.lpfnWndProc = _power_window_proc;
    wndclass.hInstance = instance;
    wndclass.lpszClassName = kPowerNotificationWindowClassName;
    if (!RegisterClassExW(&wndclass)) {
        LOG(FATAL) << "RegisterClassExW failed: "
                   << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(GetLastError());

    if (!CreateWindowExW(WS_EX_NOACTIVATE, kPowerNotificationWindowClassName,
                         L"ADB Power Notification Window", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr, nullptr,
                         instance, nullptr)) {
        LOG(FATAL) << "CreateWindowExW failed: "
                   << android::base::SystemErrorCodeToString(GetLastError());

    MSG msg;
    while (GetMessageW(&msg, nullptr, 0, 0)) {

    // GetMessageW() will return false if a quit message is posted. We don't
    // do that, but it might be possible for that to occur when logging off or
    // shutting down. Not a big deal since the whole process will be going away
    // soon anyway.
    D("Power notification thread exiting");
static void client_socket_thread(void* x) {
    D("transport: client_socket_thread() starting");
    while (true) {
        int count = ADB_LOCAL_TRANSPORT_MAX;

        // Try to connect to any number of running emulator instances.
        for ( ; count > 0; count--, port += 2 ) {
// write_transport thread gets packets sent by the main thread (through send_packet()),
// and writes to a transport (representing a usb/tcp connection).
static void *write_transport_thread(void *_t)
    atransport *t = reinterpret_cast<atransport*>(_t);
    apacket *p;
    int active = 0;

                                                   (t->serial != nullptr ? t->serial : "transport")));
    D("%s: starting write_transport thread, reading from fd %d",
       t->serial, t->fd);

        if(read_packet(t->fd, t->serial, &p)) {
            D("%s: failed to read apacket from transport on fd %d",
               t->serial, t->fd );
        if(p->msg.command == A_SYNC){
            if(p->msg.arg0 == 0) {
                D("%s: transport SYNC offline", t->serial);
            } else {
                if(p->msg.arg1 == t->sync_token) {
                    D("%s: transport SYNC online", t->serial);
                    active = 1;
                } else {
                    D("%s: transport ignoring SYNC %d != %d",
                      t->serial, p->msg.arg1, t->sync_token);
        } else {
            if(active) {
                D("%s: transport got packet, sending to remote", t->serial);
                t->write_to_remote(p, t);
            } else {
                D("%s: transport ignoring packet while offline", t->serial);


    D("%s: write_transport thread is exiting, fd %d", t->serial, t->fd);
    return 0;
static void client_socket_thread(void* x) {
    D("transport: client_socket_thread() starting");
    while (true) {
        std::vector<RetryPort> ports;
        // Collect retry ports.
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(retry_ports_lock);
            while (retry_ports.empty()) {
        // Sleep here instead of the end of loop, because if we immediately try to reconnect
        // the emulator just kicked, the adbd on the emulator may not have time to remove the
        // just kicked transport.

        // Try connecting retry ports.
        std::vector<RetryPort> next_ports;
        for (auto& port : ports) {
            VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "retry port " << port.port << ", last retry_count "
                << port.retry_count;
            if (local_connect(port.port)) {
                VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "retry port " << port.port << " successfully";
            if (--port.retry_count > 0) {
            } else {
                VLOG(TRANSPORT) << "stop retrying port " << port.port;

        // Copy back left retry ports.
            std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(retry_ports_lock);
            retry_ports.insert(retry_ports.end(), next_ports.begin(), next_ports.end());
/* A worker thread that monitors host connections, and registers a transport for
 * every new host connection. This thread replaces server_socket_thread on
 * condition that adbd daemon runs inside the emulator, and emulator uses QEMUD
 * pipe to communicate with adbd daemon inside the guest. This is done in order
 * to provide more robust communication channel between ADB host and guest. The
 * main issue with server_socket_thread approach is that it runs on top of TCP,
 * and thus is sensitive to network disruptions. For instance, the
 * ConnectionManager may decide to reset all network connections, in which case
 * the connection between ADB host and guest will be lost. To make ADB traffic
 * independent from the network, we use here 'adb' QEMUD service to transfer data
 * between the host, and the guest. See external/qemu/android/adb-*.* that
 * implements the emulator's side of the protocol. Another advantage of using
 * QEMUD approach is that ADB will be up much sooner, since it doesn't depend
 * anymore on network being set up.
 * The guest side of the protocol contains the following phases:
 * - Connect with adb QEMUD service. In this phase a handle to 'adb' QEMUD service
 *   is opened, and it becomes clear whether or not emulator supports that
 *   protocol.
 * - Wait for the ADB host to create connection with the guest. This is done by
 *   sending an 'accept' request to the adb QEMUD service, and waiting on
 *   response.
 * - When new ADB host connection is accepted, the connection with adb QEMUD
 *   service is registered as the transport, and a 'start' request is sent to the
 *   adb QEMUD service, indicating that the guest is ready to receive messages.
 *   Note that the guest will ignore messages sent down from the emulator before
 *   the transport registration is completed. That's why we need to send the
 *   'start' request after the transport is registered.
static void qemu_socket_thread(void* arg) {
    /* 'accept' request to the adb QEMUD service. */
    static const char _accept_req[] = "accept";
    /* 'start' request to the adb QEMUD service. */
    static const char _start_req[] = "start";
    /* 'ok' reply from the adb QEMUD service. */
    static const char _ok_resp[] = "ok";

    const int port = (int) (uintptr_t) arg;
    int fd;
    char tmp[256];
    char con_name[32];

    adb_thread_setname("qemu socket");
    D("transport: qemu_socket_thread() starting");

    /* adb QEMUD service connection request. */
    snprintf(con_name, sizeof(con_name), "qemud:adb:%d", port);

    /* Connect to the adb QEMUD service. */
    fd = qemu_pipe_open(con_name);
    if (fd < 0) {
        /* This could be an older version of the emulator, that doesn't
         * implement adb QEMUD service. Fall back to the old TCP way. */
        D("adb service is not available. Falling back to TCP socket.");
        adb_thread_create(server_socket_thread, arg);

    for(;;) {
         * Wait till the host creates a new connection.

        /* Send the 'accept' request. */
        if (WriteFdExactly(fd, _accept_req, strlen(_accept_req))) {
            /* Wait for the response. In the response we expect 'ok' on success,
             * or 'ko' on failure. */
            if (!ReadFdExactly(fd, tmp, 2) || memcmp(tmp, _ok_resp, 2)) {
                D("Accepting ADB host connection has failed.");
            } else {
                /* Host is connected. Register the transport, and start the
                 * exchange. */
                std::string serial = android::base::StringPrintf("host-%d", fd);
                register_socket_transport(fd, serial.c_str(), port, 1);
                if (!WriteFdExactly(fd, _start_req, strlen(_start_req))) {

            /* Prepare for accepting of the next ADB host connection. */
            fd = qemu_pipe_open(con_name);
            if (fd < 0) {
                D("adb service become unavailable.");
        } else {
            D("Unable to send the '%s' request to ADB service.", _accept_req);
    D("transport: qemu_socket_thread() exiting");
static unsigned __stdcall _redirect_stderr_thread(HANDLE h) {
    adb_thread_setname("stderr redirect");
    return _redirect_pipe_thread(h, STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
static unsigned __stdcall _redirect_stdout_thread(HANDLE h) {
    adb_thread_setname("stdout redirect");
    return _redirect_pipe_thread(h, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
static void service_bootstrap_func(void* x) {
    stinfo* sti = reinterpret_cast<stinfo*>(x);
    adb_thread_setname(android::base::StringPrintf("%s svc %d", sti->service_name, sti->fd));
    sti->func(sti->fd, sti->cookie);