void batteryInit(void)
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t voltage = 0;

    // average up some voltage readings
    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
        voltage += adcGetBattery();

    voltage = batteryAdcToVoltage((uint16_t)(voltage / 32));

    // autodetect cell count, going from 2S..6S
    for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
        if (voltage < i * cfg.vbatmaxcellvoltage)
    batteryCellCount = i;
    batteryWarningVoltage = i * cfg.vbatmincellvoltage; // 3.3V per cell minimum, configurable in CLI
文件: mw.c 项目: trigrass2/tmr
// this code is executed at each loop and won't interfere with control loop if it lasts less than 650 microseconds
void annexCode(void)
    static uint32_t calibratedAccTime;
    uint16_t tmp, tmp2;
    static uint8_t buzzerFreq;  //delay between buzzer ring
    static uint8_t vbatTimer = 0;
    uint8_t axis, prop1, prop2;
    static uint8_t ind = 0;
    uint16_t vbatRaw = 0;
    static uint16_t vbatRawArray[8];
    uint8_t i;

    // PITCH & ROLL only dynamic PID adjustemnt,  depending on throttle value
    if (rcData[THROTTLE] < BREAKPOINT) {
        prop2 = 100;
    } else {
        if (rcData[THROTTLE] < 2000) {
            prop2 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.dynThrPID * (rcData[THROTTLE] - BREAKPOINT) / (2000 - BREAKPOINT);
        } else {
            prop2 = 100 - cfg.dynThrPID;

    for (axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
        tmp = min(abs(rcData[axis] - cfg.midrc), 500);
        if (axis != 2) {        // ROLL & PITCH
            if (cfg.deadband) {
                if (tmp > cfg.deadband) {
                    tmp -= cfg.deadband;
                } else {
                    tmp = 0;

            tmp2 = tmp / 100;
            rcCommand[axis] = lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupPitchRollRC[tmp2]) / 100;
            prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.rollPitchRate * tmp / 500;
            prop1 = (uint16_t) prop1 *prop2 / 100;
        } else {                // YAW
            if (cfg.yawdeadband) {
                if (tmp > cfg.yawdeadband) {
                    tmp -= cfg.yawdeadband;
                } else {
                    tmp = 0;
            rcCommand[axis] = tmp;
            prop1 = 100 - (uint16_t) cfg.yawRate * tmp / 500;
        dynP8[axis] = (uint16_t) cfg.P8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
        dynD8[axis] = (uint16_t) cfg.D8[axis] * prop1 / 100;
        if (rcData[axis] < cfg.midrc)
            rcCommand[axis] = -rcCommand[axis];

    tmp = constrain(rcData[THROTTLE], cfg.mincheck, 2000);
    tmp = (uint32_t) (tmp - cfg.mincheck) * 1000 / (2000 - cfg.mincheck);       // [MINCHECK;2000] -> [0;1000]
    tmp2 = tmp / 100;
    rcCommand[THROTTLE] = lookupThrottleRC[tmp2] + (tmp - tmp2 * 100) * (lookupThrottleRC[tmp2 + 1] - lookupThrottleRC[tmp2]) / 100;    // [0;1000] -> expo -> [MINTHROTTLE;MAXTHROTTLE]

    if(f.HEADFREE_MODE) {
        float radDiff = (heading - headFreeModeHold) * M_PI / 180.0f;
        float cosDiff = cosf(radDiff);
        float sinDiff = sinf(radDiff);
        int16_t rcCommand_PITCH = rcCommand[PITCH] * cosDiff + rcCommand[ROLL] * sinDiff;
        rcCommand[ROLL] = rcCommand[ROLL] * cosDiff - rcCommand[PITCH] * sinDiff;
        rcCommand[PITCH] = rcCommand_PITCH;

    if (feature(FEATURE_VBAT)) {
        if (!(++vbatTimer % VBATFREQ)) {
            vbatRawArray[(ind++) % 8] = adcGetBattery();
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                vbatRaw += vbatRawArray[i];
            vbat = batteryAdcToVoltage(vbatRaw / 8);
        if ((vbat > batteryWarningVoltage) || (vbat < cfg.vbatmincellvoltage)) { // VBAT ok, buzzer off
            buzzerFreq = 0;
        } else
            buzzerFreq = 4;     // low battery

    buzzer(buzzerFreq);         // external buzzer routine that handles buzzer events globally now

    if ((calibratingA > 0 && sensors(SENSOR_ACC)) || (calibratingG > 0)) {      // Calibration phasis
    } else {
        if (f.ACC_CALIBRATED)
        if (f.ARMED)
        // This will switch to/from 9600 or 115200 baud depending on state. Of course, it should only do it on changes.
        if (feature(FEATURE_TELEMETRY))

#ifdef LEDRING
    if (feature(FEATURE_LED_RING)) {
        static uint32_t LEDTime;
        if ((int32_t)(currentTime - LEDTime) >= 0) {
            LEDTime = currentTime + 50000;

    if ((int32_t)(currentTime - calibratedAccTime) >= 0) {
        if (!f.SMALL_ANGLES_25) {
            f.ACC_CALIBRATED = 0; // the multi uses ACC and is not calibrated or is too much inclinated
            calibratedAccTime = currentTime + 500000;
        } else {
            f.ACC_CALIBRATED = 1;


    if (sensors(SENSOR_GPS)) {
        static uint32_t GPSLEDTime;
        if ((int32_t)(currentTime - GPSLEDTime) >= 0 && (GPS_numSat >= 5)) {
            GPSLEDTime = currentTime + 150000;

    // Read out gyro temperature. can use it for something somewhere. maybe get MCU temperature instead? lots of fun possibilities.
    if (gyro.temperature)
    else {
        // TODO MCU temp